Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (2024)

Why It Works

  • Slow, precise cooking followed by high heat gives you perfectly even results with a nice dark crust.
  • Basting with butter and aromatics during searing adds flavor to the lamb.

Rack of lamb isn't cheap, so it's understandable that cooking it can be even more nerve-wracking than cooking apricey steak. What's more, lamb tends to be leaner and smaller than a steak, which means that it's even more susceptible to accidental overcooking. All of this makes it an ideal candidate for cooking sous vide, which makes overcooking nearly impossible and perfectly edge-to-edge medium-rare results the norm.

Because rack of lamb is a fast-cooking cut, the good news is that you don't even need a dedicated sous vide immersion circulator, though you canread about our favorites here. Aplain old beer coolerwill help you achieve better-than-restaurant-quality results.

How to Shop for Lamb Rack

A rack of lamb is a bone-in cut that typically includes around eight rib bones, along with a single small eye of meat. If you're familiar with aprime rib of beef, rack of lamb is the equivalent cut on the lamb. If you're buying your lamb in the U.S., your main choices come down to the origin of the lamb (American versus New Zealand or Australian) and the way it is butchered.

American lamb tends to be larger, fattier, and more strongly flavored than lamb imported from New Zealand or Australia, though that doesn't necessarily mean better or worse. It largely comes down to personal taste. If you typically find lamb to be a little too gamey for your palate, stick to imported lamb. If you like a fuller flavor, pick American. The basic cooking process is identical for both.

Most lamb racks come already frenched, which means that the meat and connective tissue have been pulled away from the ends of the rib bones to expose them. Occasionally you'll find an untrimmed rack of lamb; whether you want your butcher to french it for you or not is, again, entirely personal. Some people like the clean appearance of frenched bones. Others like the bits of crispy fat and connective tissue that you find on untrimmed bones.

How to Select the Right Temperature

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (1)

The doneness of a lamb rack is by and large determined by the maximum internal temperature it reaches during cooking. For instance, so long as the interior does not rise above 130°F (54°C), it will never cook beyond medium-rare. With traditional cooking methods, there is a very short window of time during which your meat is perfectly cooked. A minute too long will mean overcooked meat. With sous vide cooking, on the other hand, that window of time is stretched into hours, which means your lamb will be hot and ready to go whenever you're ready to sear and serve it.

As with a steak, the muscle structure of a lamb rack resembles a series of long tubes that are filled with juices. The higher the temperature you cook them to, the more juices they squeeze out, and the firmer and drier your lamb will be.

Here's a rough breakdown of how lamb feels at different degrees of doneness.

Rare (115 to 124°F/46 to 51°C)

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (2)

Your meat is still nearly raw. Muscle proteins have not started to contract much and have a slippery, wet texture. Fat has not yet started to render, so it can be a little tough or waxy. If you enjoy the texture of lamb that's barely been touched by heat, you'll enjoy this.

Medium-Rare (125 to 134°F/52 to 57°C)

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (3)

Your lamb is still nice and red, but muscle proteins have begun to tighten and firm up. You lose a bit of juice due to this tightening, but what you lose in juice, you gain in tenderness. Medium-rare lamb has a cleaner bite to it: Instead of muscle fibrils mushing and slipping past each other, as they do in very rare lamb, they're cut more easily between your teeth. This is my favorite temperature range for lamb.

Medium (135 to 144°F/57 to 62°C)

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (4)

Your lamb is a rosy pink throughout and has lost about four times more juices than a very rare lamb rack. If you have a very fatty piece of American lamb, I would recommend the lower end of this temperature range; it will help the fat render more fully, which should keep your lamb nice and juicy.

Medium-Well (145 to 154°F/63 to 68°C)

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (5)

Your lamb is well on its way to dryness. At this point, it's lost nearly six times as much juice as a rare lamb rack, and the meat has a distinctly cottony, grainy texture that no amount of extra lubricating fat can disguise. If you must have your meat cooked medium-well, make sure to look for a really well-marbled piece of American lamb to ensure juiciness.

Well-Done (155°F/68°C+)

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (6)

I get it: Some people like their meat well-done. However, there's no real reason to use a sous vide precision technique if you like your lamb cooked this way. Justgrill your lambor pan-roast it until it's as done as you like it.

Does Timing Matter?

I've seen some folks say that with sous vide cooking, once you set your temperature and add your meat, you can let it sit there indefinitely and see no change in quality. I even believed that myself a few years back. Since then, I've come to realize that's not quite the case. Even at low temperatures, things are going on. Enzymes are breaking down proteins. Chemical reactions are slowly taking place.

I cooked identical lamb racks at 130°F (54°C) for intervals ranging from one hour all the way up to 48 hours. As I had experienced withcooking sous vide steakin the past, I found that the most important differences typically appeared between the four- and 24-hour marks.

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (7)

As you can see, the lamb cooked for four hours stretches and pulls when you tear it. This gives it a pleasant amount of chew even as it's still quite tender. Double that time to eight hours and you have a completely different texture: Rather than pulling and tearing, the meat shreds easily, with a much softer texture that offers little resistance. Increase that time to 24 hours and you have meat that is downright mushy.

For the best results, I strongly suggest cooking for no more than four hours total.

Temperature and Timing Chart for Sous Vide Lamb Rack

Smaller New Zealand or Australian lamb needs only around 45 minutes to cook, at a minimum. Larger American lamb should be cooked for a minimum of one hour. Lamb rack cooked under 130°F (54°C) should not be cooked for longer than two and a half hours at a time, for food-safety reasons.

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Temperatures and Timing
DonenessTemperatureRangeTiming Range
Very rare to rare115°F (46°C) to 124°F (51°C)1 to 2 1/2 hours
Medium-rare125°F (52°C) to 134°F (57°C)1 to 4 hours (2 1/2 hours max if under 130°F/54°C)
Medium135°F (57°C) to 144°F (62°C)1 to 4 hours
Medium-well145°F (63°C) to 154°F (67°C)1 to 4 hours
Well-done155°F (68°C) and up1 to 4 hours

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (8)

Frequently Asked Sous Vide Lamb Questions

Q: What are the downsides to cooking lamb sous vide versus using a more traditional method?

None! Just kidding. Sous vide–style precision cooking is a technique, another tool in your arsenal, and just as with all techniques, there's a tradeoff. Here are a few of the most immediate:

  • It takes longer.A traditionally cooked rack of lamb goes from fridge to plate in about 30 minutes. A sous vide rack of lamb will take an hour or more, though, with sous vide cooking, this time is almost 100% hands-off.
  • You will not achieve the exact same sear.Flag-waving sous vide zealots may claim otherwise, but the rapid sear you achieve after cooking sous vide will not be as thick or crusty as the sear you get from a traditional cooking method. Some folks prefer a heavier sear; others prefer the thin sear achieved after sous vide cooking.
  • It requires more equipment.Cooking lamb sous vide requires a precision cooker or beer cooler and a plastic bag or vacuum sealer, in addition to all the tools required for more traditional methods. Chances are, if you're reading this article, you already have those extra tools.

Remember this: Sous vide is not a silver bullet or a panacea meant to solve all of your cooking problems, or to replace more traditional methods. It's a tool meant to expand your options.

Q: When should I season my lamb?

Seasoning a rack of lamb prior to vacuum-sealing it and then letting it rest in the bag can result in meat with a firm texture, similar to that of a mildly cured ham. Some folks find this texture off-putting, though I personally don't mind it. To avoid this texture, it's best to season and bag lamb immediately before cooking, or season after cooking sous vide and before searing.

In either case, only the exterior of the lamb will be seasoned, so it's always a good idea to serve it with some coarse sea salt, such as Maldon, for sprinkling at the table.

Q: What happens if I leave a rack of lamb cooking sous vide for longer than the maximum time recommended? Is it dangerous?

So long as you're cooking at above 130°F, there are no real health risks associated with prolonged sous vide cooking. You will, however, eventually notice a difference in texture. For best results, I don't advise cooking any longer than the maximum recommended time for each cut and temperature range. See thesection on timing abovefor more details.

Q: Should I put olive oil or butter in the bag?

I've seen recipes that recommend adding fat to the bag, though none that offer plausible reasons for doing so. Intuitively, you may think that adding a flavorful fat like butter or olive oil will in turn lead to a more flavorful cook. In fact, it achieves the opposite result: It dilutes flavor. Fat-soluble flavor compounds dissolve in the melted butter or oil and end up going down the drain later. Flavors extracted from aromatics end up diluted, too. For best results, place your seasoned lamb rack in a bag with no added fats.

Q: Can I add aromatics, like herbs or alliums, to the sous vide bag?

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (9)

Yes, you can. I like to add thyme or rosemary sprigs, along with sliced shallots or garlic cloves, to the bags with my lamb during cooking. Adding the same aromatics to the pan as you sear will bolster that flavor.

Q: Can I add a spice rub to my lamb?

Yes, you can, but spice rubs behave quite differently under sous vide conditions compared to standard cooking conditions. Normally, aromatic compounds will dissipate into the air in the kitchen or over your grill as a spice-rubbed cut of meat cooks. At the same time, moisture dissipates, which means that what's left of your spices sticks firmly to your meat. With sous vide cooking, there's no way for that flavor to escape the bag. Meanwhile, spices rubbed on the surface of the meat have a tendency to get rinsed off by any juices that are expressed.

The short answer is that it's very tough to predict exactly how spices are going to react in a sous vide bag. I've found that for foods with a cook time of under four hours, like lamb, if I want spice flavor, it's better to rub the spices onto the meat after the sous vide cooking phase and before the final searing phase.

Q: Should I pre-sear my lamb?

Through repeated testing and blind taste tests, I've found that pre-searing meat—that is, browning it before it goes into the sous vide bag, in addition to browning it just before serving—plays at most a very minimal role in improving flavor or texture. In most cases, the difference is imperceptible. On the other hand, with a small rack of lamb, there's a very real risk of overcooking the meat by searing it twice. I do not recommend pre-searing.

Q: Can I chill and reheat my lamb after cooking it sous vide if I haven't opened the bag?

It's true that given a high enough temperature (130°F or higher) and a long enough time period (several hours), the contents of a sealed sous vide bag should be close to sterile, which means that rapid chilling via an ice bath, followed by rapid reheating, should pose no health risks. But bags are not perfectly airtight, and chilling is never quite as fast as you'd like it to be, so I still strongly recommend against it whenever avoidable. Repeatedly chilling and reheating also doesn't do any favors for the quality of your meat.

Word of warning: Never chill and reheat any food that has been cooked or held at a temperature lower than 130°F. These temperatures are not hot enough to destroy dangerous bacteria.

Q: Can I cook a rack of lamb straight from the freezer?

Yes! Sealed, seasoned, ready-to-cook lamb racks in sous vide bags in the freezer make for a great easy meal. Allow an extra hour for cooking if starting from frozen lamb.

Q: Does sous vide lamb need to rest?

Traditionally cooked meat needs to rest; that is, it needs to be placed aside for five to 10 minutes before it's cut and served. This resting period allows time for the temperature gradient within the meat to even out. The cooler center is gently heated by the hotter outer edges, while those edges, in turn, lose some of their heat to the outside world. Even temperature is important: It's what prevents meat from leaking its juices everywhere the moment it's sliced open.

Because sous vide techniques cook from edge to edge with more or less perfect evenness, there is no temperature gradient inside. A medium-rare rack of lamb should be 130°F from the very center to the outer edge, with only the outer surfaces hotter after searing. Thus, sous vide lamb can be served immediately after searing. The very minimal resting it needs will happen on the way from the kitchen to the table.

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (10)

That said, sometimes you want a little bit of breathing room between cooking and serving, in which case it won't harm your lamb to let it rest for a few minutes while you set the table. To re-crisp the exterior, reheat the pan drippings until smoking-hot, then pour them over the resting lamb racks just before carving and serving.

This guide was produced for Serious Eats and licensed to Anova Culinary, makers of theAnova Precision Cooker, for use on their app.

October 2016

Recipe Details

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe

Prep10 mins

Cook70 mins

Active30 mins

Total80 mins

Serves3to 4 servings


  • 2 (8-bone) racks of lamb, about 2 pounds (900g) total

  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper

  • Aromatics, such as fresh thyme or rosemary sprigs, sliced shallots, and sliced garlic (optional)

  • 2 tablespoons (30ml) vegetable, canola, or rice bran oil

  • 2 tablespoons (30g) unsalted butter


  1. Preheat a sous vide immersion circulator to desired final temperature according to chart above and in notes section. Season lamb generously with salt and pepper. Place racks in two individual sous vide bags, along with herbs, garlic, and shallots (if using), and distribute evenly. Seal bags using a vacuum sealer, or seal plastic zipper-lock bags using the water displacement method. Place bags in preheated water bath for desired time according to chart above.

    Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (11)

  2. Remove lamb from bags and carefully pat dry with paper towels.

    Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (12)

  3. Turn on your vents and open your windows. Add vegetable, canola, or rice bran oil to a heavy cast iron or stainless steel skillet set over the hottest burner you have. Preheat skillet until it starts to smoke. Gently place lamb, meaty side down, in skillet, using your fingers or a set of tongs. (Work in batches if pan is not large enough to accommodate both racks.) Add 1 tablespoon butter per rack, along with fresh aromatics. Sear first side, moving rack around pan and basting it with hot melted butter and herbs, until well browned, 30 to 45 seconds. Flip and brown second side, about 30 seconds longer. Transfer to a wire rack set in a rimmed baking sheet to rest, then repeat with second rack if necessary, using fresh butter and aromatics.

    Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (13)

  4. Lamb can be immediately carved and served as directed in step 5. Alternatively, allow it to rest for up to 10 minutes while you set the table. To re-crisp, reheat pan drippings until smoking-hot, then pour them over resting lamb racks just before carving and serving.

  5. Transfer cooked lamb to a cutting board. Carve it by holding rack upright (the bones make a good handle) and slicing down after every two rib bones with a sharp knife. You'll have to work your knife around a little bit to find the joint between the vertebrae as you reach the bottom. (Don't force your knife through a bone, or you may chip or dull it.) Serve immediately.

    Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (14)

Special Equipment

Sous vide immersion circulator; wire rack and rimmed baking sheet


Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Temperatures and Timing
DonenessTemperature RangeTiming Range
Very rare to rare115°F (46°C) to 124°F (51°C)1 to 2 1/2 hours
Medium-rare125°F (52°C) to 134°F (57°C)1 to 4 hours (2 1/2 hours max if under 130°F/54°C)
Medium135°F (57°C) to 144°F (62°C)1 to 4 hours
Medium-well145°F (63°C) to 154°F (67°C)1 to 4 hours
Well-done155°F (68°C) and up1 to 4 hours
  • Sous Vide
  • Rack of Lamb
  • Lamb Mains
  • Easter
  • Spring Mains
Nutrition Facts (per serving)
59g Fat
0g Carbs
62g Protein


Nutrition Facts
Servings: 3to 4
Amount per serving
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 59g76%
Saturated Fat 27g137%
Cholesterol 213mg71%
Sodium 800mg35%
Total Carbohydrate 0g0%
Dietary Fiber 0g0%
Total Sugars 0g
Protein 62g
Vitamin C 0mg0%
Calcium 27mg2%
Iron 5mg27%
Potassium 635mg14%
*The % Daily Value (DV) tells you how much a nutrient in a food serving contributes to a daily diet. 2,000 calories a day is used for general nutrition advice.

(Nutrition information is calculated using an ingredient database and should be considered an estimate.)

Sous Vide Rack of Lamb Recipe (2024)


How long does it take to sous vide a rack of lamb? ›

Temperature and Timing Chart for Sous Vide Lamb Rack

Larger American lamb should be cooked for a minimum of one hour. Lamb rack cooked under 130°F (54°C) should not be cooked for longer than two and a half hours at a time, for food-safety reasons.

What temperature should I sous vide lamb ribs? ›

What is the Best Sous Vide Ribs Temperatures and Times? Lamb ribs benefit from longer cooking times of 1 to 2 days before they have a tender steak texture. If you like lamb ribs medium-rare a 131°F (55°C) temperature will do the trick.

Can you overcook lamb in sous vide? ›

While many will tell you that it's impossible to overcook with sous vide (and this isn't far from the truth), do bear in mind though that if you leave the food in the water bath for an extended period of time it won't 'overcook', but it could start to take on a mushy texture, so don't forget about it!

How do you sear lamb after sous vide? ›

After cooking for 3 hours in the sous vide circulator, we recommend finishing the lamb loin chops in a cast-iron skillet with butter, oregano, and more garlic. You'll also need a sous vide circulator and a vacuum seal bag (or a Ziplock bag if using the water displacement method – more on this below!).

Is lamb good to sous vide? ›

Searing and Finishing the Lamb

One of the benefits of sous vide cooking is that it gives you great flexibility when it comes to serving time. Once your lamb is in the water bath, you can serve it anywhere between two and six hours later, with no real loss in quality.

Does meat get more tender the longer you sous vide? ›

Turning Tough Cuts Tender: Collagen proteins unwind into moisture-holding gelatin at temperatures as low as 122°F/50°C. Sous vide cooking allows us to hold tough, collagen-heavy cuts of meat at lower temperatures for longer periods of time and get the same tenderizing effect as braising.

What temperature and time for lamb sous vide? ›

Sous Vide Lamb Rack

Rack of lamb is tender already so for a steak-like texture the temperatures range from 125°F to 140°F (151.7°C to 60°C) depending on your doneness preference. It usually takes 2 to 4 hours.

Can you sous vide lamb for 24 hours? ›

Glistening fat bastes the flesh and the aromatic herbs, and a slight kick of acidity and heat from the mustard round out the flavors. Here, I have cooked the lamb in a much less traditional fashion. Using a sous vide method and a Polyscience Immersion Circulator to regulate temperature, the lamb is cooked for 24 hours.

What is the best cut of lamb for sous vide? ›

Lamb rump becomes soft and tender when cooking sous vide; try Richard Davies' Sous vide lamb rump with cauliflower couscous and chocolate jelly for something different. Rosana McPhee's Sous vide Sicilian lemon and mint lamb shanks are another great way to slow-cook lamb until it's falling off the bone.

What temperature is rack of lamb done? ›

A meat thermometer takes all the guesswork out of cooking the rack of lamb. Insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the meat to test the doneness. It should read 125°F for rare or 135°F for medium rare. Remember: the temperature still will rise a bit after you take it out of the oven to rest.

What temp does lamb fall apart? ›

Whether boneless or bone-in, the perfect leg of lamb should be either oven-roasted until blushing pink on the inside (with an internal temp around 130°F) or roasted long and slow for several hours until the meat is very tender and falls apart to internal temp around 175°F (I often use the slow cooker for that).

Is rack of lamb the same as lamb chops? ›

The main rib section of the lamb, the rack is made up 16 ribs, also called chops. Although it's made up of two sections, each of 8 ribs, it is mostly sold halved. When sold whole, it's called a double rack of lamb.

Do I need to sear immediately after sous vide? ›

Searing usually improves the appearance of sous vide food, creating a greater contrast between the edges and center of precision cooked foodstuffs. Along similar lines, searing after sous vide generates a difference in the texture and flavor of the inside versus outside, which is MUCH more tantalizing to the tastebuds.

What part of lamb is rack of lamb? ›

Information. The rack is the unsplit primal rib (sometimes called the hotel rack) of the carcass which includes ribs 6 through 12. The rack is split to make two primal lamb rib roasts. A lamb crown roast is made by sewing two rib roasts together to form a circle or crown.

Is it better to sear before or after sous vide? ›

When to Sear After Sous Vide. If you want good flavor and crust on your food, you will always want to sear it when it is done cooking. Even if you do a pre-sear, the crust itself will go away and can only be established by searing it after the sous vide process is over.

What temperature is lamb rack done? ›

A meat thermometer takes all the guesswork out of cooking the rack of lamb. Insert the meat thermometer into the thickest part of the meat to test the doneness. It should read 125°F for rare or 135°F for medium rare. Remember: the temperature still will rise a bit after you take it out of the oven to rest.

Is an hour long enough in sous vide? ›

That really depends on how thick the steak is. A 1/2 inch steak for example only needs 30 minutes to an hour tops to cook it sous vide, while a 2 inch steak would take 2 1/2 hours to 3 hours. As a rule of thumb, I follow a 2x rule. I would not sous vide anything more than twice the amount of time necessary.

Can you sous vide a roast in 4 hours? ›

Heat the water to 56 °C. When the temperature is reached, place the bag in and cook the roast beef sous-vide for 4 hours. At the end of the cooking process, remove the bag from the water bath and take out the meat.


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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.