District Census Handbook, 8-Agra, Uttar Pradesh (2024)


.....,;",;;;;.--~------__ .oiiiiiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiOiiIIiOii______...... ~~· ___.. ___. -- --__~I DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK 1951 A GRA DISTRICT

Several States, including Uttar Pradesh, have been publishing village statistics by districts at each census. In 1941 they were published in U. P. under the title "District Census Statistics" with a separate volume for each district. In the 1951 census, when the tabulation has been more elaborate than e~er. in view of the require, ments of the country, the district... wise volume has been expanded into a "District Census Handbook", which now contains the District Census Tables (furnishing data with break ... up for census tracts within the district), the District Index of Non'

agricultural Occupations. agricultural statistics from 190V02 [0 19$°"'51 and other miscellaneous statistics in addition to the usual village population statistics. The village population statistics also are given in an elaborate form giving the division of the population among eight livelihood classes and other details.

2. It may be added here that a separate set of district ...wise volumes giving only population figures of rural areas by villages and of urban areas by wards and moha11as and entitled "District Population Statistics" has already been published. This separate series was necessitated by the urgent requirements of the U. P. Government for elections to local bodies. 3. The number of Distnct Census Handbooks printed so far is thirty seven. Special arrangements for speeding up the printing have now been made and it is hoped that the remaining Handbooks will be printed before the end of 1955.

RA}ESHW ARI PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Operations, ~ September 30 , 195 S. Uttar Pradesh.

INTRODUCTION- Page8 A-The District i-iii B-Analysis of the Statistics iii-x C--Explanatory Note on the Statistics x-xii

A-GENERAL POPULATION TABLES-- A-I Area Houses and Population 3 A-II Variation in Population during Fifty Years 3 A-III Towns and Villages Classified by Population 4-S A-IV Towns Classified by Population with Variations since 1901 6-7 A-V Towns arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood Classes 8-9 E Area and Population of District and Tehsils by Livelihood Classes 10--13

B -ECONOMIC TABLES-- B-1 Livelihood Classes and Sub-classes 14-19 B-II Secondary Means of Livelihood .. 20--41 B-III Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions .' 42-86 B-IV Unemployment by Livelihood Classes 87-88 Index of Non-agricultural Occupations 89-93

C-HOUSEHOLD AND AGE (SAMPLE) TABLES­ C-I Household (Size and Composition) 94-95 C-II Livelihood Classes by Age-groups 96--105 CollI Age and Civil Condition 106-111 C-IV Age and Literacy 112-117 C-V Single Year Age Returns 118-129

D-SOCIAL AND CULTURAL TABLf:S- D-l Languages (i) Mother Tongue 130--133 (ii) Bilingualism_. 134-)37 D-H Religion .. 138-139 D-m Scheduled Castes 139-141 D-IV Migrants •• 142-147 D-V (i) Displaced persons by year of arrival in India 148-149 (ii) Displaced persons by Livelihood Classes 150--151 D-Vl Non-Indian Nationals 150--151 D-VlI Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards 152-161

Primary Q:nsus Abstract 164-215 2 Pargana and Thana-wise Population 216-217 PART III-MISCELLANEOUS STATISnCS Vital Statistics 220-223 2 Agricultural Statistics-(i) Rainfall .• - 224-225 (ii) Area as classified with details of area under cultivation .. 226-229 (iii) Cropped Area 230-245 (iv) Irrigated Area 246-249 3 Live-Stock, Agricultural Macbil,lery and Implements 250-253 4 List of Primary Schools •• 254-261

INTRODUCTION A-THE DISTRICT 1. The district of Agra occupies the south-west corner of Uttar Pradesh. Two of its teh­ sils, Etmadpur and Firozabad lie north of the Yamuna and the remaining five, Agra, Fatehabad, Bah, Kheragarh and Kiraoli, south of it. To the north lie the districts of Mathura and Etah , on the east Mainpuri and Etawah, on the south Gwalior, Dholpur and Bharatpur and on the west Bharat­ pur and Mathura. In 1951 it had a total area of 1,860 sqaure miles which is less than that of the average district area of the State. Its population was 15.01Iakhs. It has 7 parganas and 26 thanas. 2. The various rivers divide the distriCt into natural divisions. Tehsils Etmadpur and Firoza- Topojraph,. bad lie in the Ganga-Yamuna Doab; Bah in the Yamuna-Chambal Doab; Fatehabad, Agra and north-east Kiracrli in Yamuna-Khari Nadi Doab and northern Kheragarh in the Khari Nadi: Gambhir-Banganga Doab. The latter two form the central tract. To these must be added south­ ern Kheragarh which is the valley of Kawar Nadi, and south-western Kiraoli, the area in which the Khari Nadi rises. The Ganga-Yamuna Doab is a level expanse of upland. Here and there may be seen narrow ridges of sandy hillocks, but the soil is for the most part a light yellow loam or piliya. Towards the Yamuna there are extensive ravines. Tbe central tract comprises a uniform upland country, only broken by the Khari nadi and an ill-defined drainage channel known as the Dahar or Nahra and generally termed the western depression. The latter lies between the Khari Nadi and Yamuna and is the old course of the Son Nadi. A few ranges oflow rocky hills crop up out of the level alluvium in the west from Kiraoli to Fatehpur Sikri. As in the Ganga­ Yamuna Doab, the edges of this tract are marked by ravines. Along the banks of Yamuna and Utangan there is the usual strip or Khadir or Kachhar. In the Dahar there is a good deal of kans growing sand and some kankar. In northern Kheragarh the soil is more bitter and there are large areas of sand (kansreta) which grows kans. In the north-west corner of Kheragarh drainage is poor, the soil is infertile and mixed with kankar. The tract comprising of the Bah tehsil is a long and narrow strip in the south-east between the Yamuna and Chambal. Half the areas is occupied by the deep and far-spreading ravines of these two rivers and the uplands which form the watershed are a mere ridge. The chambal lowlands are enriched with silt and are productive. In southern Kheragarh the country is affected by hills and isolated eminences scattered over the whole area, as well as the several water Courses by which the tract is traversed. Most of it consists of a heavy, generally bitter, soil known locally as khorili. South-west Kiraoli is also slightly undulating. Like Southern Kheragarh, the chief feature of landscape in this tract is a succession of parallel ridges of red sandstone hills rising two or three hundred feet above the plain. These hills in Southern Kheragarh and south-west Kiraoli are in many places worked for stone, best being obtained from the quarries of Tantpur in Kheragarh. Both of these tracts are extremly precarious. The bulk of the district does not suffer in any way from defective drainage, and the only portion at all liable to drainage from floods is the upper valley of the Khari Nadi, where the spills of Banganga are apt to cause considerable injury to the kharifcrop. But they enable a large area to be sown in rabi. Jhils are extremely rare and the only true JMlin the district is at Sarendha in Kheragarh. 3. The most prevalent soil of the district is the ordinary dumat or loam. The soil in Solis the Ganga-Yamuna Doab consists of a light loam known as piliya from its colour which is reddish yellow. In the north, however, there is a good deal of high bhur with clay or chiknot in the intervening depressions. In Agra-Fatehabad there is hardly any clay and the soil generally resem- bles that of the Doab. In the Dahar there is sand and kankar. In the south-west of Agra and in the north-east of Kiraoli the soil is in some places whitish in colour and slightly bitter. In northern Kheragarh the soil resembles that in Agra but is lighter in colour and more bitter. There are large areas of sand (kansreta). In th~ north-west corner the soil degenerates due to poor drainage and consists of bitter whitish clay or potni which is often mixed with kankars and is infertile. In tehsil Bah the soil in the north is similar to piliya, but in the east it degenerates into a redder and less fertile soil, lalmeta. South of the loam (piliya) is a belt of clay or chokta or chiknot which is sticky when wet and which splits into large holes when dry. This is overlaid in places with sand or kansreta, presumably wind borne from the Yamuna sand hills. It grows kans and is very infertile. The south-west .Of Bah consists almost entirely of a black, generally sticky, soil known as mar or karmata. This grows wheat, juar and gram. It required strong bullocks and its cultivation depends on timeliness of rains. Southern Kheragarh comprises of a heavy bitter soil known as khorib. Near the hills there is red soil. The higher ground in south-west Kiraoli is composed of kansreta and the depressions of chiknot. The intermediate soil is inferior loam of the khorili type. Black soil is also occasionally found. 4. The figures of the classification of area for the last fifty years are given in Table 2 of CIa.,Wcation of Part III of this volume. The proportion of area under the various categories works out as area follows for 1950-51: Actual Particulars figurec Percentage (in acres)

Cultivated area . . . . .-~ -- 863,133 Culturab1e waste (excluding current fallow) 89,721 Current fallow .• 28,084 Forest ...... 12,452 Area not available for cultivation of whicb- 196,836 (a) Covered with water •. 28,432 (b) Under sites, roads and buildings 38,341 (c) Barren •• 130,063 The figure in the above table regarding culturable waste taken from the Season and Crop Report is, however, misleading. The State Agriculture Department coaducted in 1949-50 a detailed enquiry through the District Officers regarding the nature of this area in each district. The following analysis of the area resulted from this enquiry :

Total cuIturable waste (A I B -+ C) 99,032 100 A-Area under culturable waste land not avilable for immediate cultivation .. 17,238 11'41 (i) Forest under any legal enactment 4,453 4-50 (ii) Groves 4,952 5-00 (iii) Forest of timber trees 28 0'03 (iv) Thatching grasses, shrubs and bushes 7,774 7'85 (v) Land kept for grazing 31 0'03 B-Arca under culturable waste land available for immediate cultivation but which could not be cultivated 75,427 76'16 Of which due to-

(v) Lack of drains 234 0-24 (vi) Lack of water 9,543 9'63 (vii) Distance from abadi 340 0-34 (viii) Damage from wild animals 860 0'87 (ix) Other causes 63,579 64'20 C-Area under culturable waste land that can be brought under immediate cultivation after some improvements besides the area given against 'B' 6,367 6'43

From the above it will appear that of the total area recorded as cultivable waste, only 6-4 percent was really capable of being brought under immediate cultivation after some improvements. Thus the land area cultivated and cultivable including current fallow per capita works out to 65-3 cents of which 59.4· cents have already been brought under cultivation and only about 0'4 cents can be further brought under the plough after some improvements. It is obvious that the saturation point for cultivation has already been reached in the district_

Climate and S- The climate is reported to be healthy. It is drier and hotter than that of any neighbour­ rainfall ing district. The hot weather lasts longer than in the north of the- State and the rainfall is decidedly less. Agra may claim to be the warmest station in the State. In January frosts are common. The district receives a scanty and capricious rainfall. The average annual rainfall for the last quinquennium was 32 inches_ For the last fortyfive years the average rainfall has been 26-37 inches. Variations in rainfall from year to year have been very striking. The wettest years since 1901 are 1917-18 (41-1 inch:es), 1933-34 (39'5 inches), 1936-37 (39-0 inches) and 1949-50 (~0-6 inch~_ The rainfall was the lowest in 1913-14 (9-1 inches)_ In about half the number of years there is no rain in October or November. The average winter rainfall is very low_ If the monsoon is light, the rabi area contracts heavily; the rabi outtum depends on the rabi rains and these fail in one year out of five. The small rainfall would suffice for the district if it came when it was wanted, but the distribution is as faulty as the volume.

IrrlKstion 6_ In the better portions of the district the dificiency in rain can be supplemented to some extent by irrigation. Out of the upland loam more than half is irrigated regularly or can be irri­ gated at need; but over the whole area of holdings in 1950-51,620,779 acres or 71·9 per cent. are classed as unirrigated and 242,354 acres or 28-1 per cent_ as irrigated_ The chief source of irrigation is by canals~ weHs_ Of the wet area in 1950-51, 59'7 per cent. was irrigated by ca­ nals, 39'1 per cent. by wells and 1·2 per cent. by other sources. Wells are poor and easily fail. In Bah water level is very low; in south-west Kiraoli and Southern Kheragarh water is close to the surface, but the sub-soil is peculiar. It consists of sand. The district does not get sufficient water from tne canals also_ It comes iit the tail end of the canal irrigation system.

7. More acreage is soWn under kharif crops than in rabi crops. The area under kharif Crops in 1950-51 was 488,151 acres, that under rabi 475,270 acres; and that under zaid crops 3,857 acres. The chief khal if staples are the millets, baj ra and j uar and cotton. The important rabi crops are wheat, gram or mixed crops. Oil seeds are also important. The area under sugar-cane in the I ast quinquennium (average) was 13,601 acres and that under cotton 3,121 acres. The latter is on the decline.

1. The table below shows the two basic figures-land area and population-and the derive ~~~~r~\ion: distri- figures of land area per capita: bution and density

Density Land area PopulatIOn (number per (m lakhs Land area Tehsil (m lakhs) square mlle) of acres) per capita

~--~-- Agra 5'12 2,339 1'40 0'27 Bah 1'52 449 2-16 1'42 Etmadpur 2'05 738 1'78 0'87 Falehabad ., 1'39 579 1'54 Hi

Agra district .. 15'01 807 11'90 0-79

This district though twenty-eighth in order of area stands thirteenth in the State in respect of population. It is one of the thirteen districts with a density of over 800 persons per square mile while the average density of the State is 557 only. The density of the district is to a great ex­ tent inflated by the presence of large towns as the rural density of the district is only 554 persons per square mile, the density of the rural parts of the tehsils being: Agra 697, Bah 433, Etmadpur 679, Fatehabad 538, Flfozabad 666, Kheragarh 465 and Kirao11499. It is, however, clear from the above table that, the people in the district are not distributed among the different tehsils in any kind of orderly proportion to the land area. Tehsils Bah and Kheragarh belong to the trans-Yamuna tract. Kheragarh is one of the lcast fertile tehsils and has got hilly tract. Bah is in many parts very similar to the Hills and Plateau diVIsion of the State, It has numerous ravines. Tehsil Kiraoli is one of the fertile tehsils but iu its south-western portiou some low hills crop up. These factors account for the low densities in Bah, Kheragarh and Kiraoli. (vide Tables A-I and E),

2. The population of the district in 1951 was 41-7 per cent. higher than what it was fifty Growth of years ago. Compared to thIS the Increase In the population of the State during the corresponding populatlon period has been only 30 per cent. The table below exhibits the variation in the total, rural and ,uban population for the last five decades :

1921 923,264 682,665 240,599 -97,615 -108,664 +1l,049 (-9'6) (-13'7) (+4'8) 1931 1,047,389 756,797 290,592 + 124,125 +74,132 +49,993 . (+13 4) (+10 9) (+20'8)

1941 1,288,478 911,846 376,632 +241,O~i): +155,049 +86,040 (+21'0) (+20 5) (+29'6) 1951 1,501,391 1,003,529 497,862 +212,913 +91,683 +121,230 (+16'5) (+ 10'1) (+32 2)

Between 1901 and 1921 the population of the district r'i~orded a decrease Q'f 12'9 per cent. when that of the State decreased by 4'0 per cent, During 1901-1,911 the district suffered considerably from plague and epidemip malaria" The decre~se for the~decade 1911-21 is d1.!e to the heavy ~rtality from influenza epidemic of 1918-19. Abnormal deaths did not occur or were prevented from occuring in the post-192l perio~ and the population of the district recorded a plwnomena l\'

increase of 62'6 per cent. since 1921 against an increase of 35'5 per cent. in the population of the State during the same period. The variation in the population of tehsils during 1941-51 is shown in the marginal table, Percentage variation In the Agra and Firozabad tehsils the larger Tehsil 1941.51 increase is due chiefly to the growth of Agra and Firozabad cities. These tehsils are also Agra district +16'5 comparatively healthier than others and com­ Agra +-21 '6 prise of a level and well-cultivated plains. Bah + 11 '8 Etmadpur +13'3 Fatehabad + 8'9 Firozabad +276 Kheragarh + 8'2 Kiraoli +12'4

The Vital ,3. Births and deaths m~inly account for the trends in population growth, Migration Statistics also IS ~ factor though of lesser Importance. The following table gives the mean decennial regis­ tered birth and death-rates and t!J.e ~alculated natural increase rates and population growth-rates of the last three decades for the dIstrIct as a whole'and for its rural and urban areas: Total Rural Urban Mean decennial birth.rate 1941-50 31 '6 26'4 43'2 1931-40 39'9 37'5 45 '7 1921-30 39'9 39'3 41 '7 Mean decennial death-rate 1941-50 18'6 15'6 25'2 1931-40 21'8 19'0 28'8 1921-30 26'4 25'1 29'8 Mean decennial rate of natural increase 1941-50 13'0 10'8 18'0 1931-40 18'1 18'5 16'9 1921-30 13'5 14'2 11 '9 Mean decenn;al growth-rate 1941-50 15'3 9'6 21'7 1931-40 20'7 18'6 25 '8 1921-30 12'6 10'3 18'8 There are ommissions in the registration of births as well as deaths and so the above rates do not represent th!l true picture. They may, however, be taken to be roughly indicative of trends. They indicate that both birth and death-rates have fallen during the last decade, The figures of natural increase and growth-rate suggest loss of population by migration dur­ ing 1921-30 and gain during 1931-40 and 1941-50. The average yearly mortality from various causes in the district during 1941-50 was as follows: Percentage of total Causes Number of deaths deaths

Fever 15,149 58'4 Dysentery and diarrhoea 1,177 4'5 Respiratory diseases 4,453 17'2 Plague, cholera and small-pox 384 1 '5 Others 4,758 18'4

As in the rest of the State 'f~ver' is responsible for a majority of deaths. But fever covers a number of ailments which the reporters are unable to identify. Deaths from respiratory diseases are also high. (Vide Table I, Part m of this Volume), 4. About 84'1 per cent.-of the people enumerated in the district at the census of 1951 were Mlatation born there, 7'8 per cent.. were born in the other districts of the State, 5'1 per cent. were born in other parts of India and only 3'0 per cent. came from other countries. Of the immigrants from the districts of the State as many as 104.244 (males 33,672, females 70,572) are from the other dis­ tricts of the same natural division and amy 12,627 (males 8,025, females 4,602) are from other parts of the State, Most of the migration from neighbouring districts is marriage migration. Of 72,093 immigrants from adjacent States 48,119 (males 11,297, females 36,822) are from v

Rajasthan; 11,355 (males 2,374, females 8,981) are from Madhya Bharat; 6,979 (males 2,926, Miaration-(confli.) females 4,053) are from Punjab and .2,335 (males 1,558, females 777) are from Delhi. The movement to the city of Agra from Rajasthan 7,998 (males 4,086, females 3,912) and Madhya Bharat 2,166 (males 1,205, females 961) al?pea~ to be of se~-permanent type, usually by families and sometimes by males alone. Th~ mlgrabon from Punjab 5,747 (males 2,325, females 3,422) is also mostly labour migration and IS of semi-permanent type. The remainder of the migration is mostly marriage migration. Of the immigrants who have come from territories beyond India 44,791 (males 25,351, females 19,440) were born in Pakistan and 488. (males 305, females 183) had their birth place in other terri­ tories. The Pakistan-born are the displaced persons who number 44,695. Of the immigrants born in other territories 339 (males 189, females 150) are Nepal-born. Of the 26 non-Indian nationals 16 are British and 7 are Italian. Unfortunately the figures of emigration from Agra are not available. According to the vital statistics there was a loss of about 9,500 during 1901-tO and a gain of about 30,000 during 1931-40 and of about 31,000 during 1941-50. (Vide Tables D-IV and D~VI).

5. We may now analyse the growth of population in the district during the last thirty Decline of years in relation to the growth of cultivation during the same period. (Figures of area sown eulthatlon per under census years are quinquennial averages capita Area of Net area cultivation for the- five years ending with the crop year sown per capita immediately preceding the census year). It is Census year Population * (in acres) (in cents) obvious that cultivation has failed to keep pace with the population. The cultivated area per capita has gone down to 55'9 cents in 1951 1921 924,155 743,144 80'4 from 80'4 cents in 1921. The magnitude of this 1931 1,048,316 750.255 71'6 drop is about one-third of the 1921 leve1. It means that (other things being equal) every 1941 .. 1,289,774 779,459 60'5 man, woman and child must expect to get less _1_9_51__ ._. _1,_50_1_,39_1 __ 8_39_,52~ __ ~5_5'9__ f~ot9~~d t~~:\~g~~~::ural produce from the land

6. Ii may be examined whe~her this shortage has been compensated by an increase in yield Double cropped per acre. Increase in yield can be brought about by more double cropping, more irrigation, bet­ area per capita ter fertilisation and better culture. The average (quinquennial) area sown more than once was 105,170 acres in 1921. It slightly decreased to 102,291 acres in 1931. It had further fallen down to 92,392 acres in 1941 but there was a substantial increase to 113,459 acres in 1951. The figures of double crop area per capita in cents are as below:

--~--_~------QuinquenDial average for the year preceding Particulars 1951 1941 1931 1921

Double crop cultivation per capita in cents 7'6 Unirrigated double crop cultivation per capita in cents 6'4 Irrigated double crop cultivation per capita in cents ... 1'2

It is evident that double cropped area has not kept pace with the rate of growth of population though it has slightly increased from 7'2 in 1941 to 7'6 in 1951. 7. The average area irrigated was 215,445 acres in 1921. The figures were 218,630 acres Irrigated ar.. in 1931,238,288 acres in 19~1 and 226,498 acres in 1951. The average area irrigated more than pu capita once was 16,095 acres in 1921, 15,508 acres in 1931, 24,645 acres in 1941 and 17,534 acres in 1951. The figures of irrigation per capita are shown in the table below:

Irrigated single crop cultivation per capita in cents 19'4 Irrigated double crop cultivation per capita in cents 1'5

The trend is distinctly towards a decline.

8. There has been an increase in the ar~ unoer food crops. During the quinquennium 1916-21 84'3 per cent. of the cropped area was under food crops and only 15'7 per cent. under Cropped area non-food crops. Thirty years after daring 1946-5L the cropped area under food crops was 89'3 per cent. and that under non-food crops 10'7 per cent.

* The figures of population of the various censuses relate to the then lay-out of the district. vi The proportionate area under different crops between 1911-16 and 1946-51 was as below:

Percentage of cropped area under Total Qumquenmal cropped average of area Wheat Barley Maize Gram Juar Bajra Others

1911-16 850,616 10'5 13'1 0'7 18-3 '!I'2 20'9 27-3 1916-21 823,028 9'3 11'5 0-9 16-0 9'7 23-7 28·9

1921-26 861,225 11'2 10-3 0'5 25'1 10-3 18'" 23-7 1926-31 864,154 11'3 10-4 0'8 22-1 10-0 21-5 23-9

1931-36 871,432 10'7 9'7 0-7 22-2 9-6 22-9 2~'2 1936-41 874,982 i3'0 9'8 0-5 19-7 7-5 25'7 23'8 1941-46 897,898 11'6 8-4 0-8 19'5 6-2 30'7 22'8 1946--51 957,697 12'6 10'4 0'4 22-7 5'8 26-4 21-7

In 1901-02 th.e area under cotton was 103,897 acres while in 1950-51 it was only 2,154 acres. Indigo has gone out of cultivation. The area under it was 1,832 acres in 1901-02 while in 1950-51 there was no cultivation of Indigo at all. The area under sugarcane has increased from 3,872 acres in 1901-02 to 15,630 acres in 1950-5l.

Life-stock, 9_ Live-stock in this country live for a large part of the year on by-products of agriculture Ploughs and carts supplemented by green fodder crops. They have, therefore, to be co-related not only with the grazing available but also with the total area under cultivation which carries a major portion of the burden of supporting the cattle population.

As will appear from Table 3 of Part III the total number of cattle and buffaloes which had decreased from 1935 to 1944 has during 1944-51 increased from about 4'78 lakhs to 5'27 lakhs_ The number of working cattle and buffaloes was 1'42 lakhs iIf 1935, 1·40 lakhs in 1944 and 1'48 lakhs in 1951. The number of working cattle appears to be governed by the number of ploughs and carts. The number of ploughs have gone up from 78'3 thousands in 1944 to 97'2 thousands in 1951 due apparently to progressive fractionalization of holdings. The number of carts also started rising since 1935. They were 8'4 thousands in 1935 and the figure now stands at 10'_ thousands. The average net cultivated area per plough works out to 8'9 acres in 1951 as against 11'8 acres in 1920, and the average net cultIvated area per pair of working cattle works out to 11'6 acres in 1951 as compared with about 10'7 acres in 1935.

Breeding cows and. she-buffaloes which fell from 1'88 lakhs to l'80lakhs during 1935-44 have gone up to 2'07 lakhs in 1951. The cows and female buffaloes in milk per 1,000 of human population were 23 and 40 respectively. Owing to the poor milk yield the share of milk per head is only a few ounces per day_ The number of sheep which was nearly stationary at about 60,000 for 1920-44 has suddenly gone down to 27,000 due apparently to shortage of pasture. Goats have been going down in number since 1935 when they were about 1·93 lakhs. Their number in 195} was about 70,000, the reduction during 1944-51 alone being about 56 per cent.

Horses and ponies also are declining in number. During 1944-51 their number has been almost stationary_ The number of donkeys had also been stationary during 1944-51 at about 12,000. Poultry decreased from about 23 thousands in 1944 to about 19 thousands in 1951. Distributed on 1,000 of human population the figures of the main categories of live-stock in 1951 are as follows:

10. To sum up, the population of the district is growing up at the biological natural rate since 1931. But on the Qther hand, the land area per capita and the irrigated area per capita are steadily declining. The double crop area per capita has slightly increased between 1941-51 but as compared to quinquennial averages for 1921 or 1931 it has declined. There is at the same time no evidence that crop yield per acre has increased. The cultivated area per capita in the district is small and conditions in large portions of the district make it precarious_ Thete is also a liability to repeated crop failures wlren the rainfall is irregular. A slig!Jt disturbance by drought is likely to cause serious scarcity conditions. Besides, the marching desert is a great menace to the stability of cultivation in the district. vii

11. The district has 1,188 villages and 13 towns. Out of about 15.0 lakhs people who were Villages and towns counted at the census of 1951, 10.0 lakhs were found in villages and 5.0 lakhs in towns, i.e., there are as many as 668 people per 1,000 of the population who live in the rural areas and 332 of them live in ~fte towns. The corresponding figures for the State as a whole are: rural 864, urban 136.

The rural population per inhabited village works out to 845. In most parts of the distr~ct the villages resemble those to be seen throughout the west of the State; they generally conSIst of a single compact site. But all of them do not necessarily comprise of a single .population agglo­ meration, There are 3,152 hamlets in the district. The population per hamlet IS only 318. The medium-sized village-with inhabitants numbering between 500-2,OOO-is the dominant type in the district. Of the rural population 56·3 per cent. live in such villages; 14'2 per cent. live in small villages of population under 500; 27'0 per cent. live in larger villages of population between 2,000-5,000; and only 2'5 per cent. live in villages of population over 5,000.

Towns vary in number of inhabitants even more widely than villages. Agra city has a popu­ lation of 375,665, i.e., 75'5 per cent. of the urban population. Only 2'5 per cent. of the urban popula­ tion lives in towns of population under 5,000 (viz., Bah, Pinhat, Jagner); 8'9 per cent. of the urban popUlation lives in towns of population between 5,000-10,000 (viz., Tundla Railway Colony, Fatehabad, Shamsabad, Tundla, Etmadpur, Achnera, Fatehpur Sikri); and 13.1 per cent. of the population lies in Firozabad city which had a population of 65,438 in 1951.

It is significant to note that Firozabad CIty and Agra city have recorded an increase of 61.3 per cent. and 32'2 per cent. in population respectively since 1941. Fatehpur Sikri, Etmadpur, Shamsabad, Fatehabad and Jagner have also recorded increases in population since 1941. But Achnera, Bah and Pinhat appear to be declining towns. Since 1941 their population have decreas­ ed by (i 9 per cent., 4·1 per cent. and 11'7 per cent. respectively. (Vide Tables A-III and A-IV).

12. Out of the total population of 1,501,391 (1,003,529 rural, 4')7,862 urban) 807,805 Occupations: Livelihood (786,772 rural, 21,033 urban) or 53'8 per cent. depend on agriculture for their means of livelihood pattern and 693,586 (216,757 rural, 476.829 urban) or 46'2 per cent. depend on the non-agricultural sources. The following table gives the ditsribution of 100 persons of the total, rural and urban population of the district and also of Agra city and Firozabad city under the different livelihood classes:

Total S3'S 43'7 3'6 5'7 O'S 46'2 15'7 10'S 3'6 16'1 Rural 78'4 64'0 5'2 8'3 0'9 21'6 9'0 4'1 I'S 6-7

A&ra city .. 2'1 1'1 0'3 0'2 0'5 97'9 26'5 24'5 6'9 40'0

It is gratifying to note that this district has relatively a large population engaged in non­ agricultural pursuits as compared to most of the districts of the State. Here as many as 46.2 per cent. of the people depend on non-agricultural occupations as against 25'8 per cent. in the whole State.

Of the total population of the district 1,006,044 persons' (350,334 males, 655,710 females) or 67'0 per cent. have been classified as non-earning dep~ndants. The percentage of non-earning dependants in agriculture works out to 65'7 per cent .. and that among non-agricUltural classes 68'6 per cent. It will be observed that in the main they consist of women. The male non-earning dependants are mostly children. 46,517 persons (32,975 males, 13,542 females) ot 3'1 per cent. of the population are earning dependants. Among the agriculturists thier proportion is 2'8 per cent. and among non-agriculturists they form 3'4 per cent. The remaining 448,830 persons (430,980 males, 17,850 females) or 29.9 per cent. of the population consists of self-supporting per­ sons. Their proportion among agriculturists is 31'5 per cent. and among non-agriculturists 2&:6 per cent. Of the self-supporting persons 194,304 (183,619 males, 10,685 females) belong to the non-agricultural classes and 254,526 (247,361 males, 7,165 females) to the agricultural daases. On an' average a self-supporting person maintains m:>re than two non-earning dependants.

Of the 194,304 self-supporting persons belonging to the non-agricultural classes 4,847 persons (1,707 rural, 3,140 urban) earn their livelihood frQJJ1 non-productive sources. Of the remaining, 189,457 self-supporting persons (69,838 rural, 119,619 urban), 5,947 (774 rural, 5,173 urban) or 3'1 l* cent. are employers, 62,613 (11,898 rural, 50,715 urban) or 33.1 per cent. are employees and 120,897 (57,166 rural, 63,731 urban) or 63'8 per cent. are independent workers. viii

The distribution of 10,000 self-supporting persons of non-agricultural occupations classified according to the Economic Divisions is as follows: '

Self-supporting Name of division persons by divisions AU Iudustries and Services 10,000 O-Prirnary iodustries oot elsewhere specified 203 I-Mining and quarrying 85 2-Processing and manufacture-foodstuffs, textile., leather and producu thereof 1,621 3-Processing and manufacture-metals, chemicals and products thereof 250 4-Processing and manufacture-not elsewhere specified 1,-418 5--Construction and utilities " 623 6-Cotnmerce 2,001 7-Transport, storage and communications 906 8-Health, education and public administration 1,388 9-Services not elsewhere specified 1,500 Among the large scale industries the principal are-cotton mills, leather tanning, leather work- . ing, oil mills, glass ceramics and pottery, engineering, distilleries and cold storage. Among the cottage industries the principal are woolen carpets, durries (of Fatehpur Sikri), hosiery, lether tannig, leather working (boots, sho.es, harness and saddlery, suit and attache cases), iron utensils, agricultural implements, iron-castings, weights, balances and cane crushers - steel trunks, iron safes, cycle parts, glass bangles (Firozabad), decorated bangles (Firozabad), block glass (Firoza­ bad), scientific glassware, phials, bottles, soap, gUt, wooden lacquered articles, unlacquered wooden articles, e.g" dholak, bed post, wooden troughs etc., basket, chick, ropes, and ban of moonj, sport. goods, ivory work, gold thread, /achka, gota and embroidery, brush making, marble and stone carving, biri making, water colour, pastles and ink tablets and scientific balances. ••ri.Cion in the liYe)ihood pattern 13, The proportion of population depend on agriculture for their livelihood was 53'7* per cent. in 1951. In 1901 the proportion was 47'6 per cenl., in 1911 60'4 per cent. and in 1921 5S'6 per cent. The actual number of persons who depend on agriculture has increased to 806, 180 in 1951 from 513,317 in 1921 or by 56'9 per cent. while the cultivated land has remained almost unchanged. This has resulted in progressive fragmentation and sub-division of holdings and pres­ sure on impoverished soil of the district. There also appears to have been a gradual decline in village arts and handicrafts. The cumulative effect is a fall in the proportion of workers and a corresponding rise in the dependency. The proportion of workers in the total population in 1951 was only 33'0 per cent., (agricultural 18'4 per cent. non-agriCultural 14'6 per cent.) against 44.6 per cent. (agricultural 24'8 per cent., non-agricultural 19' 8 per cent.) in ]921. The proportion of non-earning dependants has consequently increased from 55'4 per cent., (agricultural 30'8 per cent., non-agricultural 24'6 per cent,) in 1921 to 67'0 per cent. (awicultural 35'3 per cent., non­ agricultural 31'7 per cent.) in 1951. All this is an index of the Increasing unemployment and under employment. It is only to a greater diversion of the population to cottage and other industries and by providing secondary occupations to agriculturists that the present economy of the district can be improved. (Vide Tables B-1, B-U and B-III).

HODSed and ho Ute­ 14. There were 203,023 occupied houses in the district--147,133 in villages and 55,890 in lIolds towns. That gives an average of 6,821 persons per 1,000 houses or 6'8 persons per house in the rural areas and 8,908 persons per 1,000 houses or 8'9 persons per house in the urban areas. There were 282,283 households in the distr:i.ct-188,552 in villages and 93,731 in towns. That gives an average of5.3[2 persons per 1,000 households or 5'3 persons per household in rural areas and 5,193 persons per 1,000 households or 5'2 persons per household in the urban are~s. The marginal table shows the developments in the siz.e of the households since 1921. Neither the Persons per 1 000 r rnral nor the urban households are stationary households ;r in size. Rural household has shown a marked Census year ------1 increase since 1941. It is now bigger than the Rural Urban average State rural household (5'07), The .------..,-41-5---- 1 urban household has registered a marked ~~i~ ., 5,076 ~:~ decrease since 1941 apparently due to a large ]941 " 4,950 7,028 number of immigrants who may be without ------1951 .. 5,312 5,193 families. Out of 5,312 persons in every 1,000 rural households, 2,356 are males and 2,456 are females. There is a male excess numbering 400 in every 1,000 households. Out?f5,193 persons Jll every 1,000 urban households 2,838 are males and 2,355 are females, Th~re ,IS a male excess of 483 tn every 1,000 households. Tl11'1 type of migration will account for this difference.

-The figure includes earning dependants according to their secondary means of . livelihood while the figure 53'S in paragraph 12 includes eamini dependants according to their principal means of Iivcllhood and hence th~ differeD'" It

Information regarding types of household and household relationships was also collected at this census with the help of a sample of about 4 per cent. According to this in every 1,000 sample households there are 5,038 persons (males 2,726, females 2,312) in the district. The corres- ponding figure for the total account is 5,272. • The table below shows the distribution by size of 1,000 sample households:

Small with Very large 3 members Medium with Large with with 10 mem- Description or less 4-6 members 7-9 members bers or more

Medium households are tbe dominant type both in villages and the towns. In towns the number of small households is comparat.ively larger than in the villages -as quite a large number or migrants live in the towns without families. Family composition of 1,000 sample households is as follows: Number in 1,000 households rHeads of households (Males (married) 613 . i males (widowers) 305 A i lFemales 82 LWives of heads of households .. 613 1,613

(Sons of heads of households 1,117 B l Daughters of heads of households 709 1,826

Male relations of heads of households (other than sons) 559 c ( Female relationsof heads of households (other than daughters) 793

1,352 132 D Persons unrelated to the heads of the households [~~es ll5 247 Grant Total 5,038

Sons outnumber the daughters of the heads of households. The latter leave the homes of their parents after marriage. Female relations (others than daughters) outnumber the male rela- • tions (other than sons). Such females are generally those who become members of these house­ holds by marriage. (Vide Tables A-I and Col).

15. In the district as a whole the sex-ratio was 844. i.e., there were 844 females to every Sex-ratio 1,000 males. It varies among the tehsils. The lowest value was 824 in Firozabad tehsil. 'the highest value was 865 in Bah tehsil. The wide difference in the former is caused by Firozabad city where males largely exceed the females. The difference in the latter is the result of male migra­ tion. The ratio was 832 in Agra, 8-55 in Etmadpur, &52 in Fatehabad, 848 in Kheragarh and 863 in Kiraoli. This sex-ratio is smaller in towns than in villages. For the district as a whole the sex-ratio in villages is 859 while that in towns is 814. The sex-ratio for Agra city was 820 and that for Firozabad city 762. The corresponding figure of this sex-ratio for the district was 818 in 1921, 830 in 1931 and 848 in 1941 against 844 in 1951.

16. The number in each age-group in the district is shown below as a percentage of Age-structure total number of all ages in the total, rural and urban population separately:

Total population Rural population Urban- population -~---- Age-group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Infants and young children 0-4 14'7 7'5 7-2 N n 7-8 7'3

Boys and girls S-14 25'~ 13'4 11-6 13-6 11-7 13'0 11'3 Young men and women 15-34 33'5 18'3 15'2 17'S 14-9 20'2 15'9 Middle-aged men and women 35-54 19'7 11"4 8'3 11'6 g'7 10'9 N Elderly persons 55 and over._ 'N 4'2 2-9 4'5 2-9 3-5 2'7 x It will be seen that the population is progressive. 39'7 per cent. of the population is of age under 15 and only 7'1 per cent. of it consists of elderly persons. Again, it may be noted that pro­ portionately larger numbers in the working ages (15-54) are found in the uran areas. This is the effect of migration of workers to the towns from the villages, many of whom are unaccompanied by their families. (Vide Table C-III).

Marital status 17. Out of every 10,000 persons in the district there are 5,480 males and 4,520 females. * Among them 2,723 males and 1,919 females are unmarried. If we reckon males and females toge­ ther, the unmarried people are 46.4 per cent. of the population. Of the males 49.7 per cent. were unmarried, 42.7 per cent. were married and 7·6 per cent. were widowed or divorced. Among the females 42.5 per cent. were unmarried, 47'1 per cent. were married and 10'4 per cent. were widowed or divorced. Of the married males 1'2 per cent. were of ages below 15, 52'9 per cent. were of ages 15-34. 36'6 per cent. were of ages 35-54 and 9'3 per cent. were of ages 55 and over. Among the mar­ ried females 4'0 per cent. were of ages below 15, 63'1 per cent. were of ages 15-34, 28'8 per cent. were of ages 35-54 and 4'1 per cent. were of ages 55 and over.

Marriage is universal. Among males and females aged 35 years and over only 8.4 per cent. of males and 0'5 per cent. of females were found unmarried. Most of the females are married before they attain the age of 25. Child marriage is not very common. Only 1'4 per cent. of the males of ages 0-14 and 4'5 per cent. of the females of ages 0-14 were returned as married. (Vide Table C-IU). Languages 18. Over 96'9 per cent. of the people of the district returned Hindi, Hindustani or Urdu as their mother-tongue. Among the other mother-tongues spoken die main are Punjabi (1'60 per cent.), Sindhi (0'97 per cent.), Bengali (0'21 per cent.), English (0'09 per cent.), Rajasthani-cum­ Marwari (0'07 per cent.) and Gujarati (0'06 per cent.) Of the 15'01 lakhs of people In the district only 31,934 or 2'1 per cent. were bilingual (in an Indian language). Those wh9se mother-tongue is other than Hindi, Hindustani or Urdu are generally the migrants who are able to speak allY of these as a subsidiary language. Persons returning Hindi, Hindustani or Urdu as secondary lan­ guage were 28,724 or 89'9 per cent. of those who were bilingual in some Indian language. (Vide Table D-I).

Religion and spe­ 19. Out of 10,000 population pf the district the number of people belonging to different re­ cial groups, ligions is: Hindus 8,862, Muslims 918, Sikhs 76, Jains109 and Christians 35; of 10,000 population in villages the numbers are Hindus 9,500, Muslims 424, Sikhs 14, Jains 51 and Christiam 11; and of 10,000 population in towns the numbers are: Hindus 7,575, Muslims 1,915, Sikhs 200, Jains 227, Christians 81 and others 2. Muslims, Sikhs, Jains and Christians are generally concen­ trated in the urban areas of the district as is the case in the other units of the State. There are 282,198 Scheduled Castes in the district. Their number per 10,000 of population works out to 1,880. In villages they are 1,978 for every 10,000 and in the towns their number per 10,000 is only 1,682. In the district there are 507 Anglo-Indians. (Vide Tables D-II and D-I1I).

Displaced persons 20. The number of displaced persons in the district at the census was 44,695 (males 24,041, females 20,654) or 9'3 per cent. of the total displaced persons in the State. Of them 43,617 or 97'6 per cent. are concentrated in the urban areas of the district, mainly in Agra city. 93·0 per cent. of the displaced persons in the district have come from West Pakistan, 1'3 per cent. from East Pakistan and 5.7 per cent. from districts which could not be traced. Of them 54'6 per cent. came in 1947 alone. 99.5 per cent. of them follow non-agricultural occupations and only 0'5 per cent. have taken to agricultural pursuits. (Vide Table D.V). ,

Literacy 21. The percentage of male literacy was 23.4 in the district while that of female literacy was 6.4 only, The percentage of literates among males in 1951 wss 23'4 as against 12'2 in 1931; among females tbe petcentage ofhterates in 19.H was 23.4 as against 2.2t in 1931. On January 1 1951 there were 637 primary schools in the district with enrolment of 64,602 pupils. (Vide Table D-VII). -

C-EXPLANATORY NOTE ON THE STATISTICS The statistics in this volume have been presented in three parts : I-District Census Tables II-Village, Town, Pargana and Thana Statistics III-Miscellaneous Statistics

-The corresponding figures Ior_the total count are 5,424 and 4,576. tThe number per mille (of the 10 percent. sample population) of each sex, aged 5 years and over who were return­ ed as literates are as below : Males Females 1951 1931 1951---- 1931 264 143 70 26 xi Parts I and II contain census data. A brief account of the system of sorting of census slips and preparation of tables and abstract therefrom is given below. Part III contains statistics throwing light on special aspects of population and its growth. These have been derived from miscellaneous sources. Table I, "Vital Statistics", has been prepared from the published and unpublished records of t'le Director of Medical and Health Services, Table 2, "Agricultural Statistics", from the Annual Season and Crop Reports, Table 3, "Live-Stock. Agricultural Machinery and Implements", from the published figures of Live-Stock Census and Table 4, "List of Primary Schools", from information specially supplied by District Inspector of Schools. 2. The census data presented here has been derived from the census slips by a process of Processing of sorting, compilation and tabulation. In previous censuses the slips were first sorted by religion and census data this division was maintained throughout so that all data was cross-tabulated by religion. This pro- cedure has been abandoned at this census and substituted by a division based on economic charac- teristics of the population. The whole population has been divided into eight livelihood classes, four of which are of the agricultural category and four of non-agricultural category' as follows : Agricultual Classes - I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned; and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned ; and their dependants III-Cultivating labourers ; and their dependants IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers; and their dependants Non-agricultural Classes - V-Production (other than cutivation) VI-Commerce VU-Transport VIII-Other services and miscellaneous sources.

Another ~pecial feature of the sorting of this census was the separation, from the very start, of slips of displaced persons and of a 10 per cent. random sample from the remainder. This has enabled the data of displaced persons to be presented separately while the 10 per cent. sample has been utilized for the preparation of Age Tables. The slips of this census have been copied by households into a National Regiskr of Citizens, which has been prepared village-wise for rural areas and mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas. Taoles C-I is based on a 4 per cent. sample extracted from this register.

3. The slips were first sorted by villages for the preparation of the Primary Census Abstract: Tracts F:)f the purpose of further sorting the State was divided into tracts consisting of (a) rural tracts, comprising the rural population of each tehsil, (b) urban city tracts, co,nprising the.population of areas which had been declared as cities, (c) urban non-city tracts, comprising the population of urban areas of a district excluding areas declared as cities. Each tract was treated as a unit for sorting of· slips. All data were compiled first by tracts and then by districts. 'Ibis volume presents the tract-wise data for one district (with the exception of A and E tables, which have been presented tehsil-wise) while the district-wise data for the whole State is contained in the following State vo- lumes : . Part I-B-Subsidiary Tables Part I1-A-General Population Tables Part I1.B-Economic Tables Part II-C-Age and Social Tables

4. Detailed explanatory notes are appended to each State table in the printed volumes Eli2JIlanatory of State tables. They apply to the tables in this volume also and shOUld be referred to when neces­ notes sary. A few notes of some of the tables are reproduced below: Table A-I-Column 5 relating to "hamlets" has -beell_introduced for the first time. Any distinctive cluster or agglomeration of houses has been treated as a "hamlet". A clear distinction has been made in this census between a "House" and a "Household". A house is any human dwelling having a separate main entrance while a household is any commen­ sal unit living in a census house. In previous censuses the figures under "Occupied Houses" used to be that of households, while the figures under columns 7-9 of the present tables refer to occupied census houses as distinct from households. ' The Economic Tables-The Indian Censys Economic Classification ScheIlle, 1951, together with the occupational division and sub-division adopted for this census are given in Pak II-B of b~~ - Table E-I-Each of the eight livelihood classes Dlentioned above has been divided into three lub-classes, with reference to the economic status, as follows: (i) Self-supporting persons; (ii) Non-earning dependants; and (iii) Earning dependants. xii

These were defined in the Instructions to Enumerators as follo liS : "A 'Self-supporting person' is one who is in receipt of an income and that income is sufficient at least for bis own maintenance. To be 'self-supporting' a person need not be able to support his family. All that is necessary is that he should be earning sufficient for his personal needs. For purposes of this question the person enumerated is the unit and not the family or household. Anyone who is not a 'self-supporting" person in this sense is a 'dependant'. A 'dependant' may be either an 'earning dejJendant' or a 'non-earning depen­ dant'. The test is whether he secures a regular (and not casual) income, even though it may be small. Such income may be in cash or kind; it may be continuous or season].l employ­ ment. When the income which he secures is not sufficient to support him that pemon is an 'earning dependant'. A person who does not earn any income either in cash or kind is a 'non-earning dependant'. Where two or more members of a family household jointly cultivate land and secure an income therefrom, each of them should be regarded as earning part of the income. None of them is, theret1>re, a non-earning dependant. Each of them should be classed either a 'self-supporting person' or an 'earning dependant' according to the share of income attributable to each. The same applies to any other business carried on jointly. The share of the income is what the head of household deems it to be. This does not mean that everyone who works is' necessarily a self-supporting person or an earn­ ing dependant. Thus, for instance, a housewife who cooks for the family, brings up the children or manages the household is doing very valuable work. Nevertheless, her Economic Status is that of a non-earning dependant, if she does not also earn an income, and should be recorded as such." Economically active, Semi-active and Passive persons-All non-earning dependants are econo­ mically passive. They include persons performing house-work or other domestic or personal ser­ vices for other members of the same family household. But they do not include "unpaid family workers" or persons who take part along with the members of the family household in carrying on cultivation or a home industry as a family enterprise. All earning dependats are economically semi-active only. Though they contribute to the carrying of economic activities, the magnitude of their individual contribution is deemed to be too small to justify their description as economically active. (Their contribution to economic activity is, however, taken into account in the tabulation of data based on secondary means of livelihood.) All self-supporing persons are, ordinarily economically active with the exception of the fol­ lowing classes and groups: (a) All self-supporting persons of agricultural Class IV. (b) -The following groups of self-supporting persons who are included in non-agricultural Class VIII and derive their principal means of livelihood from miscellaneous sources (otherwise than through economic activity): (i) Persons living principally on income from non-agricultural property ; (ii) rersons living principally on pensions, remittances, scholarships and funds, (iii) inmates of alms-houses and recipients of doles; (iv) beggars and vagrants; and (v) all other persons living principally on income derived from non-productive activities. Table B-II-For a self-supporting person who has more than one means of livelihood the secondary means of livelihood is the livelihood next in importance to his prinCipal means of livelihood. For an earning dependant it is the source from which he secures his own income, where there are more than one subsidiary occupations only the one providing the largest income has been taken into account. Table B-IlI-" Employers" , "Employees" and "Independent Workers" have been defined as follows in the Instructions to Enumerators : An "employer" is only that person who has necessarily to employ other person in order to carryon the business from which he secure~ his livelihood. Thus if a person employes a cook or any other person for domestic services, he should not be recordej as an "empluyer" merely for that reason. An "employee" is a person who ordinarily works under some other person for a salary or a wage in cash or kind a~ihe means of earning his livelihood. There may be persons who are employed as manager, superintendents, agents, etc., and in that capacity control other workers. Such persons are also employees only and should not be regarded as employers. An "independent worker" means a person who is no-t employed by anyone else and who also does not employ anybody else in order to earn his livelihood. (Sweepers, dhobies, kahars, etc., who work for several masters are independent workers. If, however, any of them accepts whole-time employment under one master he becomes "employee". Daily wage-earners who work for different masters are likewise independent workers. Bjlt if the¥. accept employment under oUl' master, e.g., under a factory, they become Yemployees"). . Tables C-II, C-III, C-IV and C-V:;-The figures presented in these tables are based on single yeat age-returns and have- not oeen smoothed. Tables D-V (i) and (ii)-For the purpose of this table a "displaced person" has been defined. as follows: "A displaced person means any person who has entered India having left or being com­ pelled to leave his home in Western Pakistan on or after the 1st March, 1947; or his home in Eastern Pakistan on or after the 15th October, 1946, on account of civil disturbances or on account of the setting up of the two Dominions of India and Pakistan." PART I DISTRICT CENSUS TABLES

District Total .. 1,860 1,188 3,152 13 203,023 147,133 55,890 Agra 219 136 359 2 60,252 22,107 38,145 2 Bah 338 205 533 2 22,239 20,939 1,300 3 Etmadpur 278 179 597 3 28,810 26,109 2,701 4 Fatehabad 241 162 554 2 19,508 17,957 1,551 5 Firozabad 203 185 411 27,002 18,061 8,941 6 Kheragarh 308 153 393 22,169 21,617 552 7 Kiraoli 273 168 305 2 23,043 20,343 2,700

DIStrict Total .. 1,501,391 1,003,529 497,862 814,289 539,842 274,<147 687,102 463,687 223,415 Agra 511,609 135,944 375,665 279,280 72,821 206,459 232,329 63,123 169,206 2 Bah 151,863 143,398 8,465 81,413 76,746 4,667 70,450 66,652 3,798 3 Etmadpur 205,156 188,158 16,998 110,596 101,145 9,451 94,560 87,013 7,547 4 Fatehabad 139,566 128,639 10,927 75,364 69,586 5,778 64,202 59,053 5,149 Firozabad 199,211 133,773 65,438 109,195 72,050 37,145 90,016 61,723 28,293 6 Kheragarh 144,677 140,776 3,901 78,292 76,173 2,119 66,385 64,603 1,782 7 Kiraoli 149,309 132,841 16,468 80,149 71,321 8,828 69,160 61,520 7,640

NOTS-The ar~a fi!lUr!5 given in column 3 are based 0'1 the district r~cords of teh,il areas. The area of the district as com nuni_ated by the Surveyor General ofIndia is 1,860 square miles. A-II-Variation in population during Fifty Years

Net Variation Years Persons Variation 1901-1951 Males Variation Females Variation

USI 1.501,391 +212,913 +441,737 814,289 +117.016 687.102 +95,897 TABLE A-IV 6 Towns Classified by Population with Variations since 1901

Net Variation Towns TehsiI, etc. Persons Variation 1901-1951 Males Variation Females Variation

1901 188,022 99,903 88,119 1911 185,449 -2,573 101,335 +1,432 84,114 --4,005 1921 185,532 +83 104,051 +2,716 81,481 -2,633 1931 229,764 +44,232 127,736 +23,685 102,028 + 20,547 1941 284,149 -1-54,385 156,302 -128,566 127,847 +25,819 1951 . . City Total .. 375,665 + 91,516 + 187,643 206,459 +50,157 169,206 +41,359 Municipality .. 333,530 181,393 152,137 Cantonment 42,135 25,066 17,069

1901 16,849 8,775 8,074 1911 13,571 -3,278 7,184 -1,591 6,387 -1,687 1921 20,183 +6,612 11,240 +4,056 8,943 +2,556 1931 23,154 +2,971 13,053 + 1,813 10,101 +1,158 1941 40,572 +17,418 21,039 +7,986 19,533 +9,432 1951 City Municip~iity 65,438 +24,866 +48,589 37,145 + 16,106 28,293 +8,760

1901 7,147 3,715 3,432 1911 6,132 -1,015 3,262 -453 2,870 -562 1921 5,173 -959 2,760 -502 2,413 -457 1931 6,998 +1,825 3,795 +1,035 3,203 +790 1941 8,1% +1,198 4,371 +576 3,825 +622 1951 .. Municipality 8,959 +763 + 1,812 4,775 +404 4,184 +359

1901 5,375 2,899 2,476 1911 4,884 -491 2,675 -224 2,209 -267 1921 5,121 +237 2,802 +127 2,319 +110 1931 5,670 +549 3,116 +314 2,554 +235 1941 8,069 -1-2,399 4,242 +1,126 3,827 + 1,273 1951 .. TownArea .. 7,509 -560 +2,134 4,053 --189 3,456 -371

1901 5,322 2,787 2,535 1911 3,758 -1,564 1,988 -799 1,770 -765 1921 4,352 +594 2,328 +340 2,024 +254 1931 4,900 +548 2,718 +390 2,182 +158 1941 5,383 +483 2,669 -49 2,714 +532 1951 " TownArea .• 6,098 +715 +776 3,280 +611 2,818 +104

6 SHAMSHABAD FATEHABAD 1901 1911 1921 3,380 l,7ii 1,668 1931 3,057 -323 1,595 -117 1,462 -206 1941 5,077 +2,020 2,658 +1,063 2,419 -t 957 1951 TownArea .. 5,653 +576 2,961 +303 2,692 +273

7 TuNoLA ETMADPUIl 1901 1911 3,ll63 2,100 1,763 1921 3,352 -5ii 2,046 -54 1,306 -457 1931 2,716 -636 1,521 -525 1,195 -111 1941 7,318 +4,602 4,138 +2,617 3,180 +1,985 1951 Town Area 5,651 -1,667 3,132 -1,006 2,519 -661 8 FATEHABAD PATEHABAD

1901 4,673 2,461 2,212 1911 3,611 -1,062 1,971 -490 1,640 -572 1921 3,857 +246 2,091 +120 1,766 +126 1931 3,967 +110 2,170 +79 1,797 + 31 1941 5,101 +1,134 2,779 +609 2,322 +525 1951 TownArca 5,274 +173 +601 2,817 +38 2,457 +135 7 TABLE A-IV Towns Classified by Population with Variations since 1901

b .c § 1:1 Net

9 TUNDLA RAILWAY ETMADPUR COLONY 1901 1911 1921 1931 1941 19.51 Town 5,249 3,039 2,210

Class VI (under S,ooO}

10 BAH BAH 1901 3,867 1,966 1,901 1911 4,005 +138 2,20! +235 1,804 -97 1921 3,049 -956 1,661 -540 1,388 -416 1931 3,713 +664 2,010 +349 1,703 +315 1941 4,738 +1,025 2,814 +804 1,924 +221 1951 .. Town Area .. 4,543 -195 +676 2,536 -278 2,007 + 83 11 PINHAT BAH 1901 1911 1921 3,501 1,879 1,622 1931 3,760 +259 2,055 +176 1,705 +83 1941 4,441 +681 2,398 +343 2,043 +338 1951 Town Area 3,922 -519 2,131 -267 1,791 -252


1901 4,051 2,150 1,901 1911 4,277 +226 2,296 +146 1,981 +80 1921 3,099 -1,178 1,674 -622 1,425 -556 1931 2,893 -206 1,599 - 75 1,294 -131 1941 3,648 +755 1,956 +357 1,692 +398 19.51 Town Area 3,901 +253 -150 2,119 +163 1,782 +90 TABLE A-V 8 Towns 8fJ'anged TerritoriaJly with



Persons (including their dependants) who

!> .0 '''v- Production other VI- ~ than cultivation Commerce t; ~ Name of Town Persons Males Femlles Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 65,454 56,602 District Total 497,862 274,447 223,415 79,480 65,204 42,684 AgraCity 375,665 206,459 169,206 53,840 45,734 49,365 151,137 50,225 42,586 45,423 39,515 Agra(M. B.) 333,530 181,393 3,169 Agra (Cantt ) .. 42,135 15,066 17,069 3,615 3,148 3,942 13,765 9,127 7,776 2 FiroLabad City (M. B.) 65,438 37,145 28,293 Ig,907 42;135 25,066 17,069 3,615 3,148 3,942 3,169 3 Agra (Cantt.) 1,730 811 782 4 Fatehpur Sikri (M. B.) 8,959 4,775 4,184 2,107 3,456 770 669 655 578 5 Achnera (T. A.) 7,509 4,053 731 6,098 3,280 2,818 723 640 840 6 Etmadpur (T. A.) 511 1,268 1,173 7 Shamshabad (T. A.) 5,653 2,961 2,692 551 5,651 3,132 2,519 513 454 1,083 800 8 Tundla (T. A.) 889 808 9 Fatehabad (T. A.) 5,274 2,817 2,457 429 398 5,249 3,039 2,210 192 Hill 25 16 10 TUNDLA RLY. COLONY 416 655 572 11 Bah(T.A.) 4,543 2,536 2,007 622 3,922 2,131 1,791 431 383 378 342 12 Pinhat (T. A.) 338 358 340 13 Jagner (T. A.) 3,901 2,119 1,782 395 9 TABLE A-V Population by Livelihood Classes


Classes Agricultural Classes derive their principal means of livelihood from-

IV- VIII·~ Non-culti vating owners of land; I-III -Cultivators, vu­ Other services and agricultural rent receivers; cultivating labourers Transport miscellaneous sources and their dependants and their dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

20,735 15,402 97,133 76,819 1,868 1,239 9,777 8,149

14,914 10,997 83,879 66,468 1,248 711 3,213 2,612 12,403 9,650 69,069 57,240 1,171 633 3,102 2,513 2,511 1,347 14,810 9,228 77 78 111 99 1,369 904 6,556 4,840 273 240 913 768 2,511 1,347 14,810 9,228 77 78 111 99 209 171 882 752 30 26 736 723 670 546 897 780 23 16 1,038 867 252 198 947 781 30 32 488 436 98 87 626 582 17 11 401 328 675 569 797 649 48 32 16 15 104 75 780 670 64 59 551 447 2,234 1,680 579 347 7 2 1 95 71 443 331 46 36 615 581 45 41 320 247 42 36 915 742 70 63 427 372 40 40 829 629 TABLE E 10 Area and Population of' District and

Population Percentage

1951 1941 1a " oa= Area in square 'H District and tebsil miles Persons Males Females Persons 1941-51

District Total 1,860 1,501,391 814,289" 687,102 1,288,478 +16'5 Rural Total 1,812 1,003,529 539,842 463,687 911,846 +10'] Urban Total 48 497,862 274,447 223,415 376,632 +32'2 Agra- . Total 219 511,609 279,280 232,329 420,816 +21'6 Rural 195 135,944 72,821 63,123 136,667 -'5 Urban 24 375,665 206,459 169,206 284,149 +32'2 2 Bah- Total 338 151,863 81,413 70,450 135,809 +11'8 Rural 331 143,398 76,746 66,652 126,690 +13'2 Urban 7 8,465 4,667 3,798 9,119 -7'2

3 Etmadpur- Total 278 205,156 110,596 94,560 181,017 +13'3 Rural 277 188,158 101,145 87;013 168,3-16 +11'8 Urban 1 16,998 9,451 7,547 12,701 +33'8 .. Fatehabad- Total 241 139,566 75,364 64,202 128,101 +8'9 Rural 239 128,639 69,586 59,053 117,923 +9'1 Urban 2 10,927 5,778 5,149 10,178 +7'4 5 Firozabad- Total 203 199,211 109,195 90,016 156,159 +27'6 Rural 201 133,773 72,050 61,723 115,587 +15'7 Urban 2 65,438 37,145 28,293 40,572 +61'3 6 Kheragarh- Total 308 144,677 78,292 66,385 133,692 +8'2 Rural 303 140,776 76,173 64,603 130,044 +8'3 Urban 5 3,901 2,119 1,782 3,648 +6'9

7 Kiraoli- Total 273 149,309 80,149 69,160 132,884 +11'4 Rural 266 132,841 71,321 61,520 619 +13'9 Urban 7 16,468 8,828 7,640 llt1 265 +1'3 - NOTE-The area figures given in column 3 are based on the district records of tehsil areas, 11 TABLE E TeIisils by Livelibood Classes


Variation Demity Agricultural Classes

I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and the,r dependants and their dependants

1931-41 1951 1941 Males Females Males Females

9 10 11 12 13 14 IS

+23'0 807 693 352,733 303,761 29,815 24,1D1 +20'5 554 503 345,003 297,371 28,535 23,705 +29'6 10,437 7,996 7,730 6,390 1,280 1,099

+24'8 2,339 1,924 38,312 33,225 4,196 3,593 +27'1 697 701 36,044 31,457 3,617 3,078 +23'7 15,851 11,989 2,268 1,768 579 515

+18'8 449 402 64,315 55,711 3,531 2,716 +18'6 433 383 62,888 54,560 3,373 2,610 .j. 22'0 1,209 1.,303 1,427 1,211 158 106

+20'0 738 651 58,188 50,155 3,535 2,868 +17'5 679 606 57,733 49,741 3,502 2,842 +66'8 16,998 31,753 455 414 33 26

+21'6 579 532 49,916 42,024 2,622 2,328 +19'9 538 493 49,057 41,341 2,558 2,261 +44'9 5,464 5,089 859 68~ 64 67

+31'1 981 769 42,517 37,314 3,090 2,539 +20'4 666 575 41,786 36,627 2,987 2.468 +75'2 32,719 20,286 791 687 103 71

+19'2 470 434 51,080 43,245 7,397 6,016 +19'0 465 429 50,402 42,773 7,282 5,902 +2~'1 780 730 678 472 115 114

+22'8 547 487 48,345 42,027 5,444 4.744 +22'0 499 438 47,093 40,872 5,216 4,544 +IN 2,353 2,324 1,252 1,155 228 200 TABLE E 12 Area and Population of District and


Agricultural Classes-(colltd.) Non-agricultural

Persons (including

IV-Non-cultivating owners .8 ofland ; agricultural rent S III-Cultivating labourers receivers; and their V-Production other ::I and their dependants dependants than cultivation C1 d ~ District and tehsil Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 16 17 18 19 20 21

District Total 46,678 37,988 5,874 6,152 128,109 107,266 Rural Total 45,911 37,328 4,006 4,913 48,629 42,062 Urban Total 767 660 1,868 1,239 79,480 65,204

Agra- Total 10,202 8,665 1,893 1,305 62,222 53,084 Rural 9,836 8,336 645 594 8,382 7,350 Urban 366 329 1,248 711 53,840 45,734 2 Bah- Total 1,495 1,036 1,010 1,363 3,898 3,398 Rural 1,490 1,030 922 1,291 2,845 2,599 Urban 5 6 88 n 1,053 799 :3 Etmadpur-

Total 12,013 9,530 809 1,035 12,~79 10,674 Rural 11,995 9,518 724 971 10,651 9,414 Urban 18 12 85 64 1,428 1,260 4 Fatehabad- Total 7,565 6,333 355 368 4,923 4,544 Rrual .. 7,536 6,308 274 298 3,943 3,635 Urban 29 25 81 70 980 909 5 Firozabad- Total 5,916 4,519 914 1,110 31,218 23,512 Rural 5,897 4,509 641 870 12,311 9,747 Urban 19 10 273 240 18,907 13,765 6 Kheragarh- Total 4,557 3,866 537 578 5,458 4,918 Rural 4,521 3,823 497 538 5,063 4,580 Urban 36 43 40 40 395 338 7 Kiraoli- Total 4,930 3,989 356 393 8,311 7,136 Rural 4,636 3,754 303 351 5,434 4,737 Urban 294 235 53 42 2,877 2,399 13 TABLE E

Tehsils by Livelihood Classes--( conc!d.)


Classes their dependants) who derive their principal means oflivelihood from~

VIII-Other services and VI~Commerce VII-Transport miSGellaneous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females

22 23 24 25 26 ' 2'1

87,359 75,266 30,554 23,788 133,167 108.077 21,905 18,664 9,819 8,386 36,034 , 31,258 65,454 56,602 20,735 15,402 97,133 76,819

52,769 45,797 17,200 12,999 92,486 73,661 3,404 3,113 2,286 2,002 8,607 7,193 49,365 42,684 14,914 10,997 83,879 . 66,468

2,763 2,427 3.5 273 4,056 3,416 1,730 1,513 J05 161 3,293 2,838 1,033 914 140 112 763 578

7,470 6,167 6,921 ~,611 9,581 8,520 5,522 4,620 3,760 3,164 7,258 6,743 1,948 1,547 3,161 2,447 2,323 1.777

4,200 3,753 9~0 787 4,853 4,1:65 2,043 1,772 728 625 3,447 2,813 2,157 1,981 202 162 1,406 1,252

11,975 10,267 2,434 1,839 11,071 8,916 2,848 2,491 1,065 935 4,515 4,076 9,127 7,776 1,369 904 6,556 4,840

3,671 3,001 815 672 4,777 4,C89 3,313 2,661 745 609 4,350 3,717 358 340 70 63 427 372

4,511 3,854 1,909 1,607 6,343 5,410 3,045 ' 2,494 1,030 890 4,564 3,878 1,466 1,360 879 717 1,779 1,532 , TABLEJJ-I 14 B-ECONOMIC Livelihood Classes



Total Population Total

Tract Persons Males Females Persons Males Females.

2 3 5 6 7 8

pistrld Total 1,501,391 814,289 687,102 807,805 435,100 372,705- Rural Total 1,003,529 539,842


I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants

S. C. (i) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning Total persons dependants dependants

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

District Total 352,733 303,761 200,683 4,338 141,111 292,152 10,939 7,271 Rural Total 315,003 19~,371 196,9/7 4,136 137,580 286,132 10,476 7,103 Tehsi I Agra (Rural) 36,044 31,457 22,952 519 11,935 30,448 1,157 490 2 Tebsil Bah (Rural) 62,888 54,560 36,653 1,152 24,947 51,906 1,288 1,502 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 57,733 49,741 32,242 596 23,996 48,818 1,495 327 4 TehsilFatehabad (Rural) ., 49,057 41,341 27,957 458 19,344 40,163 1,756 720 5 TehsilFirozabad (Rural) •• 41,786 36,627 23,654 349 17,481 35,906 651 372 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) ., 50,402 42,773 29,209 487 19,530 40,405 1,663 1,881 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 47,093 ~0,872 2~,280 575 20,347 38,486 2,466 1,811 Urban Total 7,730 6,390 3,736 202 3,531 • 6,020


s. C. (i) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning persons dependants dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Female.

9 10 11 12 13 14 247,361 7,1(15 174,089 356,348 13,650 9,19Z 242,'14 6,189 168,293 347,541 12,948 8,987 30,869 951 17,478 41,888 1,795 626 40,211 1,759 27,048 56,087 1,414 1,69S 41,869 1,059 30,291 61,598 1,794 41S 33,939 561 23,366 48,753 2,120 894 29,324 608 21,130 43,442 857 424 35,995 929 24,589 49,497 2,118 4610 30,007 922 24,391 46,276 2,850 2,32) 5,147 376 5,796 8,807 702 30S 3,189 122 2,569 4,798 240 137 1,454 226 2,612 3,038 395 S~ 504 28 615 971 67 90


II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants

S. C. (i) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning Total persons dependants dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

29,815 24,804 16,630 328 r 11,998 23,219 1,187 1,257 28,535 23,705 16,044 308 11,407 22,155 1,084 1.241 3,617 3m8 2,073 31 1,379 2,989 165 59 3,373 2,610 2,051 71 1,224 2,366 98 F) 3,502 2,842 2,048 22 1,405 2,806 49 14 2,558 2,261 1,446 22 1,015 2,183 91 56 2,987 2,468 1,746 11 1,155 2,439 86 IS 7,282 5,902 3,797 94 3,150 5,243 335 S6S 5,216 4,544 2,883 57 2,079 4,129 254 35& 1,280 1,099 586 ' .zo- 591 1,064 103 15 598 513 311 7 259 496 28 10 579 515 23& 13 281 499 60 3 103 11 31 51 69 15 2 TABLE B-1 16 Livelihood Classes


Ill-Cuitivating labourers

S.C. (i) Self-supporting s.c. (ii) Non-earning Total persons dependants

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 31 32 33 '34 35 36

District Total 46,678 37,988 27,315 1,065 17,989 36,:J21 Rural Total 45,911 37,328 27,034 1,044 17,574 35,699 ", Tehsil Agra (Rural) ',836 8,33Ci 5,507 317 3,892 7,,952 .2 T~hsil Bah (Rural) 1,49i.J 1.080 976 102 491 965 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 11,995 9,518 7,182 160 4,574 9,296 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 7,536 6,308 4,370 28 2.906 6,]65 S Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 5,897 4,509 3,658 53 2,127 4,424 .6- Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) .• 4,521 3,823 2,671 163 ],74] 3,506 1 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 4,636 3,754 2,670 221 ],843 3,391 Urban Total 767 660 281 21 415 622 1 Urban Non-city 382 321 180 7 188 301

2 Agra City 366 32, 86 14 223 311 3 Firozabad City 19 10 15 4 10


IV -Non-cultivating owners ofland; agricultural , rent receivers; and theirdependants-(concld.) All

S. C. (ii) Non-earning S.c. (iii) Earning dependants dependants Total

Tract Males Females Males Females Persons Males Females

2 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

District Total 2,991 4,656 150 62 693,586 379,189 314,397 'Rural Total 1,732 3,555 85 57 216,757 116.387 100,370 1 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 272 499 36 11 42,337 22,679 19,658

;Z TehsiI Bah (Rural) 386 850 5 7 15,184 8,073 7,111 . 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 316 678 11 12 51,132 27,191 23,941 .. Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 101 242 7 3 19,006 10,161 8,845 !i Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 367 673 8 2 37,988 20,739 17,249

o(i 'Fehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 168 343 11 10 25,038 13,471 11,567 '.7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 122 '270 7 12 26,072 14,073 11,999 Urban Total .. 1,259 1,101 65 5 176.829 262,802 214,027 '1 Urban Non-city 190 251 3 45,704 24,845 ZO,859 2 Agra City 913 621 ·~o 4 367,881 201.998 165,883 1 Firozabad City 156 229 12 (;3,244 35,959 27,285 17 TABLE B-1 and Sub-classes-(contd.)

CLASS.ES-(contd. )

IV-Non-cu[tivating owners ofland; agricultural and their dependants rent receivers; and their dependants

S. C. (iii) Earning S.C. (i) Self-supporting dependants Total persons

Males Females Males Females Males Females

37 38 39 40 41 42

1.374 602 5,874 6,152 2,733 1,434 1,303 585 4.006 4,913 2,189 1,301 437 67 645 594 337 84 23 13 922 1,291 531 434 239 62 724 971 397 281 260 115 274 298 166 53 112 32 641 870 266 19.5 109 154 497 538 318 185 123 142 303 351 174 69 71 17 1,868 1,239 544 133 14 13 347 288 154 37 57 4 1,248 711 285 86 273 240 105 10



S. C. (i) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Barning persons dependants dependants

, Males Females Males Females ~ales Females

, 50 51 52 53 .54 55

183,619 10,685 176,245 299,362 19,325 4,350 65,056 6,489 48,613 90,534 2,718 3,347 12.445 1,014 9,678 18,069 556 .575

4,707 1.051 3,~07 .5,771 159 289 14,942 1.632 11,794 21,839 455 470 5,841 502 3,928 7,556 392 787 11,972 673 8,411 16,181 3.56 39.5 7,631 881 5,576 10,348 264 338 7,s18 736 6,019 10,170 .536 493 118,563 4,196 127.632 208.828 16,607 1,003 13,073 673 11,163 19,829 609 357 85.232 2,883 102,167 162,579 14,599 421 20,258 640 14,302 26,420 1.399 225 TABLE lJ-l 18 Livelihood Classes


V-Production other than cultivation

s. C. (i) Self-supporting S.C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning Total persons dependants dependants

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63

District Total 12.8,109 107,266 64,933 2,842 55,989 102,668 7,187 1,756

Rural Total 48,629 42,062 27,754 2,008 19,684 38,652 1,191 1,402 TehsiI Agra (Rural) 11,382 7,350 4,648 257 3,525 6,858 209 235 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 2,845 2,599 1,613 285 1,154 2,131 78 183 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 10,651 9,414 5,957 424 4,503 8,803 191 187 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 3,943 3,635 2,353 207 1,443 3,139 147 289 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 12,311 9,747 7,408 314 4,694 9,233 209 200 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 5,063 4,580 2,812 270 2,119 4,167 132 143 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) .. 5,434 4,737 2,963 251 2,246 4,321 225 165 Urban lola I 79,480 65,204 37,179 834 36,305 64,016 5,996 354 Urban Non-city 6,733 5,705 3,774 150 2,766 5,396 193 159 2 Agra City 53,840 45,734 22,275 444 26,622 45,236 4,943 54 3 Firozabad City 18,907 13,765 11,130 240 6,917 13,384 860 141



S.C. (i) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earning S.C. (iii) Earning Total persons dependants dependants

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79

District Total 39,554 23,788 15,752 153 13,516 23,349 1,286 286 Rural Total 9,819 8,386 5,277 71 4,300 8,069 242 246 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 2,286 2,002 1,223 23 1,007 1,908 S6 71 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) l05 161 129 2 75 159 3 Te:lsil Etmadpur (Rural) 3,760 3,164 1,959 20 1,740 3,109 61 3S 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 728 625 401 7 288 553 39 65 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 1,065 935 557 5 493 924 15 6 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 745 609 432- 5 302 571) 11 34 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 1,030 890 576 9 395 846 S9 35 Urban Total 20,735 15,402 10,475 82 9,216 15,280 1,044 40 Urban Non-city 4,45Z 3,501 2,199 41 2,200 3,440 53 20 2 Agra City, 14,914 10,997 7,401 38 6,558 10,945 9SS 14

3 Firozabad City 1,369 904 875 3 458 895 36 6 19 TABLE B-1 aod Sub-classes (coneld.)



S. C. (i) Self-supporting S.C. (ii) Non.earning S. C. (iii) Earning Total perSOns dependants dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71

87,359 75,266 37,037 875 45,282 74048 5,040 343 21,905 18,664 12,003 583 9,455 17,817 447 264 3,404 3,113 1,845 118 1,456 2,948 103 47 1,730 1,513 967 65 736 1,427 27 21 5,522 4,620 3,089 127 2,376 4,457 57 36 2,043 1,772. 1,161 56 822 1,682 60 34 2,848 2,491 1,546 66 1,249 2,397 53 28 3,313 2,661 1,840 69 1,414 2,573 59 19 3,045 .2,494 1,555 82 1,402 2,333 88 79 65,454 56,602 25,034 292 35,827 56,231 4,593 79 6,962 6,142 3,358 67 3,397 6,046 207 29 49,365 42,684 17,094 183 28,182 42,468 4,089 33 9,127 7.776 4,582 42 4,248 7,717 297 17


VIU-Qther services and miscellaneous sources

S. C. (I) Self-supporting s. C. (11) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning Total. persons dependants dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

133,167 101Jj077 65,897 6,815 61,458 99,297 5,812 1,965 36,034 31,258 20,022 3,827 15.174 25,996 838 1,435 8,607 7,193 4,729 616 3,690 6,355 188 222 3,293 2,838 1,998 699 1,242 2,054 53 85 7,258 6,743 3,937 1,061 3,175 5,470 146 212 3,447 2,813 1,926 232 1,375 2,182 146 399 4,515 4,076 2,461 288 1,975 3,627 79 161 4,350 3,717 2,547 537 1,741 3,038 62 142 4,564 3,878 2,424 394 1,976 3,270 164 214 97,133 76,819 45,875 2,988 46,284 73,301 4,974 530 6,698 5,511 3,742 415 2,800 4,947 156 149 83,879 66,468 38,462 2,218 40,805 63,930 4,612 320 6,556 4,840 3,671 355 2,679 4,424 206 61 TABLE B-I1 20 Secondary Means

Number of persons deriving their

Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

District All Agricultural Classes 11,297 5,823 1,590 51 9,707 5,774 2,482 1,034 1,539 46 I-Cultivators of land 9,183 5,661 9,283 5,661 1,361 49 1,260 23 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 623 54 518 5 105 49 751 942 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourors 1,085 66 796 20 289 46 358 42 269 22

IV_Non-cultivating own- 306 # 276 26 30 18 12 1 10 1 ers ofland; agricul- tural rent receivers

All Non-agricultural Classes 6,515 393 5,979 99 536 294 1,370 63 1,219 20 V -Production other than 2,544 168 2,345 51 199 117 573 31 539 11 cultivation

VI-Commerce 1,175 22 1,192 13 83 9 203 3 197 VII-Transport 366 11 343 1 23 10 110 2 70 2 VIll -Other services and 2,330 192 2,099 34 231 158 484 27 413 7 miscellaneous sounces

Tehall A,ra 0\11 Agricultural Classes 1,416 411 272 4 1,1# 407 562 30 349 :2 I-Cultivalors of land 974 396 974 396 349 336 wholly or mainly owned

I1-Cultivators of land 201 :3 187 14 3 119 28 wholly or mainly unowned Ill-Cuitivating labourers 204 10 50 4 154 6 91 11 IV-Non-cultivating own- 37 2 35 2 2 :3 1· 2 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers 0\11 Non-agricultural Classes 1,005 38 946 10 59 28 164 1 146 V -Production other than 284 19 263 6 21 13 50 45 cultivation VI-Commerce 210 5 202 3 8 2 33 29 VII-Transport 78 1 76 2 19 17 vtII-Other services and 433 13 405 28 12 62 1 55 miscellaneous sources 21 TABLE B·II of Livelihood

secondary means of livelihood from~

land Employment as cultivating labourers Rent on agricultural land

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

943 988 5,441 619 4,273 69 1,168 550 3,318 165 3,197 116 121 49 101 26 3,60,( 176 3,221 53 383 113 3,221 147 3,128 114 93 33

751 942 1,122 95 1,007 12 115 83 31 1 31 1

89 20 664 33,( 661 334 50 3 38 1 12 2

51 45 6 10 16 14 16

151 43 1,878 255 1,333 113 545 212 1,035 38 920 17 115 21 :U 20 878 124 730 35 148 89 170 7 163 5 7

6 3 211 6 164 1 47 5 324 13 299 5 25 8 .(0 189 4 71 1 118 3 29 1 29 1 71 20 600 121 368 6 232 115 512 17 429 7 83 10

(Rural) 213 28 435 61 331 6 104 55 332 9 322 8 10 1 13 172 11 225 5 47 6 325 8 320 8 S

119 28 106 11 97 9 10 2 2

80 44 44 34 5 1 5 13 9 4 5

18 1 413 35 314 4 99 31 129 3 128 1 3 5 170 15 131 3 39 12 25 25 4 44 4 32 12 4 28 27 2 7 1 7 2 8 8 7 192 14 151 41 13 68 3 68 3 TABLE B-II 22

Secondary ~eaos

N umber of persons deriving their

Production other than cultivation Com.

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons gependants Total porsons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Distriet All Agricultural Classes 8,159 997 7,285 192 874 805 3,669 188 3,440 56 I-Cultivators of land 6,165 789 5,930 /29 535 66() 3,fJ19 120 2,869 36 wholly or mainly owned U-Cultivators of land 939 84 810 ' 23 129 61 309 Jl 285 wholly or mainly unowned " III-Cuitivating labourers 649 93 464 14 185 79 159 U 118 4

[V-Non-cultivating own· 106 31 81 26 25 5 182 13 168 12 ers ofland; agricul- tural rent receivers All Non .agricultural Classes 8,565 1,430 1,836 93 6,729 1,337 5,402 354 1,238 21 V -Production other than 5,641 1,208 863 49 4,778 1,159 1,063 135 369 10 cultivation VI-Comrnerce 1,029 77 358 11 671 66 3,525 177 545 6 VII-Transport 487 49 230 3 257 46 155 22 37 1 VlII-Other services and 1,408 96 385 30 1,023 66 659 20 287 4 miscellaneous sources Tehail Agra All Agricultural Classes 631 51 508 12 123 39 399 27 353 12 I-Cultivators of land 461 31 422 8 39 23 280 16 269 7 wholly or mainly owned

H-eultivators of land 40 4 31 9 3 57 3 56 1 wholly or mainly unowned UI-Cultivating labourers 90 14 22 68 13 38 5 4 IV-Non-cultivating own· 40 2 33 2 7 24 3 24 3 ers ofland; agricul· t ural ren t receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 326 184 174 11 152 173 173 29 105 5 V -Production other than 161 148 64 3 97 145 48 10 36 cultivation VI-Commerce 62 12 47 15 11 81 IS 27 4 VH-Transport 53 10 40 2 13 8 4 4 VIII-Other services and 50 14 23 5 27 9 40 4 38 miscellaneous sources 23 TABLE B-II of U,elihood-(contd.) secondary means oflivelihood from-

merce Transport Other services and miseellaneous sources

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 Total-(concld.) 229 132 1,997 13 1,8n 5 125 8 6,790 1.130 6,307 244 483 886 150 84 1,788 9 1,692 3 96 6 5,61Z 872 5,314 194 198 678

27 162 3 150 1 12 2 547 109 496 16 51 93

41 10 41 27 14 373 109 193 8 80 101

1 6 1 3 1 3 258 40 104 26 54 14

4,164 333 1,443 45 715 20 728 25 8,846 2,339 2,489 254 6,357 2,085 694 125 320 11 235 10 85 1 1,895 264 653 2I 1,241 243 • 2,980 171 202 10 90 112 10 1,538 80 412 9 1,116 71 118 21 485 12 90 1 395 11 665 199 330 5 335 194 372 16 436 12 300 9 136 3 4,748 1.796 1,084 219 3,664 1,577 (Rural)-(concld.)

46 15 139 127 12 767 91 624 11 143 81 11 9 115 113 2 564 62 498 6 66 56

2 15 2 so 13 39 11 12

34 4 8 64 9 20 44 9 89 8 67 4 22 4

68 24 123 7 83 6 40 1 36Q 329 241 15 119 314 12 9 30 1 26 4 91 61 60 5 31 56 54 11 11 9 2 35 19 28 7 19 35 1 7 28 51 60 47 4 59 2 4 47 5 41 5 6 183 189 106 9 77 180 TABLE B-II 24 Secondary Means

Number of persons deriving their

Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned

S~lf-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II

TehsU Bah All Agricultural Classes 1,111 1,017 136 16 1,175 I,OJ[ 329 167 239 U I-Cultivators of land 1,160 1,024 1,160 1,024 227 27 218 12 wholly or mainly owned II-Cu1tivators of land 59 9 52 3 7 6 127 wholly or mainly unowned " lIl-Cultivating labourers 58 11 51 10 7 21 13 20 12

IV-Non-cultivating own- 34 3 33 3 ers of land; agricul!- tural rent receivers .\11 Non-agricultural ClaSlies 752 72 711 18

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 -~---- (Rural) 90 143 1,085 64 1,037 31 48 33 734 39 728 36 6 3 9 15 804 S3 772 24 32 29 723 38 719 35 4 3

79 127 268 5 264 4 4 8 1 8

2 12 3 12 3 1

1 3 3 2 2

3 47 18 46 10 1 8 103 11 99 7 33 10 32 7 3 9 3 9 2 " "1

3 3 36 3 33 3 3 5 5 3 11 8 II 3 5 53 5 52 2 3

(Rural) 17 6 836 23 599 3 237 20 580 36 562 21 18 15 9 6 579 7 517 2 62 5 563 35 547 20 16 15

8 92 2 75 17 5 5

158 14 158 14 10 1 10 7 7 2 2

3 332 20 273 17 59 3 108 5 106 2 2 3 167 18 149 15 18 3 20 2 20 2 46 1 39 7 34 3 34 3 30 1 13 17 10 10 ' 2 89 72 17 44 42 2 TABLE B-Il 26

Secondary ~eaDS

Number of persons deriving their

Production other than cultivation Com-

Self-supporting Earning Self-support i ng Total persons dependants Total petsons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

TeJJsi) Bah

All Agricultural Classes 1,483 306 1,438 65 45 UI 598 26 588 U I_Cultivators of land 1,291 264 1,254 46 37 218 510 16 502 9 wholly or mainly owned II -Cultivalors of land 162 24 157 8 5 16 53 5 52 wholly or mainly unowned {n--Cultivating labourers 27 13 2S 7 2 6 9 9

IV-Non-cultivating own- 3 5 2 4 26 5 25 5 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers All Non-agricultura I Classes 133 178 88 13 45 165 87 18 69 3 V -Production other than 8S 169 47 4 38 165 12 8 12 3 cultivation VI-Commerce 31 5 30 5 6S 10 48 VII-Transport VIII-Other services and 17 4 11 4 6 10 9 miscellaneous sources Tebsil Etmadpur

All Agricultural Classes 980 112 819 23 161 89 52il 27 487 10 I-Cultivators of land 752 80 641 19 III 61 441 13 415 6 wholly or mainly ow,led II-Cultivators of land 75 6 58 17 6 31 1 29 wholly or mainly unown"d III-Cultivating labourers 141 22 108 33 21 2S 9 22 IV-Non-<.:ultivating own- 12 4 12 3 24 4 21 3 ers of land; agriclll- tural rent reoei vers AU Non-agricultural Classes 487 190 297 22 190 168 229 19 192 3 V-ProductioDother than 286 158 140 12 146 146 S4 6 48 2 cultivation VI-Commerce 83 17 63 20 17 130 8 106 VII-Transport 29 3 20 9 3 12 2 11 VIII-Other services and 89 12 74 10 15 2 33 3 27 miscellaneous n lrCCS 27 TABLE B-ll of UveIihood-(contd.) socondary means of livelihood from- merce Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -Males Females Males Females

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4~ 4~ .. _-_-_-- (Rural)-(evncld.) 10 12 365 3 354 2 11 1 1,796 401 1,767 170 29 231 8 7 342 1 331 11 1,648 347 1,621 141 27 206

5 22 2 22 99 28 97 11 2 17

1 20 5 20 3 2

29 21 29 15 6

18 15 31 10 31 10 256 102 206 72 50 30 5 13 13 104 6 94 3 10 3

17 10 13 10 13 10 18 1 16 2 1 3 3 4 4 131 95 93 69 38 26

(Rural)-(cone/d.) 34 17 319 305 14 676 79 623 21 53 58 26 7 293 283 10 598 58 551 14 47 44

2 24 22 2 20 6 20 6

3 8 1 2 49 12 44 4 5 8 3 9 3 8 3

37 16 216 8 179 8 37 320 330 247 68 73 262 6 4 74 8 68 8 6 78 36 72 7 6 29

24 8 2~ 25 39 5 34 S S 2 30 6 24 70 30 63 7 30 6 2 87 80 7 133 259 78 61 55 198 'tABLE .8-11 28 Secondary Means

Number of persons deriving their

Cultivation of owned'land Cultivation of unowned

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Tehan Fatehabad All Agricultural Classes 1,70S 167 93 1 1,611 165 149 11 70 r-Cultivators of land 1,577 161 1,577 262 55 S5 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 11 1 10 2 78 10 wholly or mainly unowned 1I1-Cultivating labourers 110 90 20 16 1 15

IV-Non-cultivating own- 7 3 2 2 5 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers All NDn-agricllltural Classes 464 60 417 6 47 54 71 1 68 V-Production other than 147 21 131 16 21 35 34 cultivation VI-Commerce 95 3 90 2 5 11 11 VU-Transport 20 3 17 3 2 6 5 VIII-Other services and 202 33 179 3 23 30 19 IS miscellaneous sources

Tebsil-Fireabad <\ II Agricultural Classes 771 148 330 7 142 141 156 13 112 5 I -Cultivators of land 418 237 418 237 61 2 55 2 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 71 2 66 5 2 35 8 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers 234 3 218 3 16 511 3 56 3 IV-Non-cultivating own- 49 6 46 4 3 2 2 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers "-II Noo-agricultural Classes 1,282 90 1,261 II 21 79 89 7 86 1 V-Productionotherthan 835 55 824 5 11 50 49 4 46 cultivation VI-Commerce 179 3 176 3 3 14 14 VII-Transport 72 5 71 5 5 1 5 VIH-Other services and 196 27 190 3 6 24 21 1 21 miscellaneous sources 1~ tABLE B-tI of Livelihoo'd-(contd.)

• secondary means of livelihood from-

land Employment as cultivating labourers Rent on agricultural land

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dopendants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants ------

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

(Rural) 79 21 576 30 315 261 30 332 18 311 14 21 4 345 301 44 328 IS 308 14 20

78 20 15 2 13 2 2 2 2

215 27 215 27 2 1. t

1 2. 2

3 1 215 14 175 1 40 13 23 23 127 3 110 17 2

22 1 16 6 12 12 16 13 3 50 10 36 14 10 11 11

(RanI) 44 8 561 37 423 3 138 34 l81 22 369 15 12 7 6 388 14 325 55 13 357 22 349 15 8 7

35 8 , 120 2 90 2 30 4 4

2 53 21 53 21 20 16 4 8 8

3 6 286 4 115 3 71 1 112 2 110 2 2 3 4 214 4 164 3 50 60 58 2 , 23 18 5 29 29 16 15 2 33 18 15 23 2 23 2 tABLE D·It 30

Secondary ~eans

Number of persons deriving their

ProductioD other than cultivation Com-

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Tehail FateIIaINuJ All Agricultural Classes 935 256 876 11 59 US 513 38 491 2 I-Cultivators of land 743 236 696 10 47 226 443 2S 42S 2 wholly or mainly owned I1-CuItivators of land 57 3 S5 2 3 27 11 26 wholly or mainly unowned I1I-Cultivating labourers 133 16 123 10 16 16 1 25

IV-Non-cultivating own- 2 1 2 17 15 ers ofland; ~gricul- tural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 112 181 98 4 114 177 138 16 89 V-Production otherthan 160 173 S4 2 106 171 24 62 21 cultivation VI-Commerce 18 1 16 2 89 20 «

VII-Transport 11 5 10 5 2 14 VIII-Other services and 23 2 18 5 23 23 miscellaneous sour<:es Tebsll Flro:rabad All Agricultura I Classes 1,337. 66 1,169 11 168 55 341 5 323 4 I-Cultivators of land 1,119 52 ,990 6 129 46 271 4 260 3 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 80 2 71 9 2 17 12 wholly or mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers 131 7 101 30 7 29 28 IV-Non-cultivating own- 7 5 7 S 24 1 23 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 389 112 213 9 176 103 180 7 146 V-Productionotherthan 218 88 94 5 124 83 67 63 cultivation VI-Commerce 79 13 64 IS 13 93 7 65 VII-Transport 7 3 4 8 8 VIII-Qther services and 85 11 52 4 33 7 12 10 miscellaneous sources 31 TABLE B-II of Livelihood-(contd.)

~ndary means of livelihood from-

merce Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

(RuraIHconcfd.) 21 36 108 199 9 835 198 778 5 57 193 18 23 1711 173 6 671 211 627 4 44 207

II 9 8 63 18 60 3 18

2 20 18 2 98 69 88 lO ,68

2 3 3

19 96 106 '11 32 219 159 111 13 107 III 3 62 17 15 2 39 32 37 2 32

45 20 1l 12 13 12 11 2 12

14 28 21 42 45 39 3 44 49 46 3 155 370 55 12 100 358

( Rural).-(concfd.) 11 1 286 1 180 1 6 737 91 708 11 29 78 11 260 1 254 6 627 79 609 11 18 68

5 23 23 46 6 44 2 6

2 2 47 4 41 6 4 1 17 3 14 3 3

31 7 56 1 47 1 9 175 126 135 27 IIJ 199 4 20 1 18 2 78 63 65 13 62 28 7 9 9 32 10 30 2 2 8 6 .. 6 16 1 13 3 ·1 2 21 20 49 152 27 24 22 128 TABLE B..-I1 32 Secondary l\:feanB

Number of persons deriving their

Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Tehan Kheraaarh All Agricultural Classes 1,737 1,732 220 6 1,517 1,726 452 500 252 5 I-Cultivators of land 1,457 1,702 1,457 1,702 177 161 wholly or mainly owned Il-Cultivators of land 119 13 78 41 12 180 480 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cuitivating labourers 86 11 72 14 10 93 20 89 5

IV -Non-cultivating own- 75 6 70 4 5 2 2 2 ers ofland; agricul- tural rent receivers

All Non-agricultural Classes 667 45 611 15 56 30 391 20 373 4 V-Production other than 265 20 243 6 22 14 230 12 217 4 cultivation

VI-Commerce 177 4 158 3 19 64 63

VII-Transport 27 26 7 6 VlII-Other services and 198 21 184 6 14 15 90 8 87 miscellaneous sources

TeJasil~oli All Agricultural Classes •• 2,366 1,759 189 4 2,177 1,755 456 283 210 8 I-Cullivalors of land 2,155 . 1,724 2,155 1,724 210 8 170 7 wholly or mainly owned U-Cuitivators of land 96 2S 87 9 24 2Il6 271 wholly or mainly unowned

lll-Cuitivating labourers 92 8 79 13 7 40 4 40 Iv-Non-cultivating own- 23 2 23 2 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers

. A 11 Non-agricultural ClaSlies 761 33 (j05 11 156 22 187 15 174 5 V_Production other than 312 13 242 6 70 7 88 10 80 5 cultivation VI-Commerce 270 1 236 34 15 IS VII=-Transport 14 2 9 s 2 1 VIII-Other services and 165 17 118 5 47 12 83 S 78 , miscellaneous sources 33 TA.BLE B-I1 of Livelihood-(contd.) sooondary mesns of livelihood from- land Employment &5 cultivating labourers Rent on allficultural land

Earning Self-supportinll Earning Sclf-supportinll Earning dependants Total person! dcpendants Total persoDS dcpendants

Male8 Femalc& Male& Females Malcs Fcmalcs Males FcnWcs Males Pcmale& Male& Females Males Fcmales

12 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 "~-~" (Rural) 200 495 958 208 758 11 200 187 711 12 703 13 If 9 16 530 62 448 17 82 45 695 18 689 13 6 5

180 480 351 29 304 3 47 26 9 9

4 15 71 112 71 112 7 5 2

6 5 6 4 4 4

18 16 206 64 173 4 33 60 63 3 5S 2 8 1 13 8 107 44 90 4 17 40 9 8

52 47 5 27 1 27

4 1 3 3 8 43 19 35 8 19 27 1 20 7

(Rural) 246 275 930 187 788 5 141 181 194 18 161 8 33 10 40 666 21 623 4 43 17 184 10 155 8 29 2

206 271 166 44 160 6 43 1

3 92 121 92 121 5 5 6 1 5 4 8 4 8

13 10 Ul 91 120 4 21 90 55 49 6 8 5 48 30 48 2 28 6 6 8 8 20 20 32 28 A 1 5 5 53 64 36 2- 17 62 28 22 6 TABLE B-ll 34 Secondary Means

Number of persons deriving their

Production other than cultivation Com-

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

All Agricultural Classes 1,433 82 1,330 21 103 61 655 38 618 4 I-Cultivators of land 1,067 49 1,024 11 43 38 549 27 522 3 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 295 19 253 3 42 16 78 7 70 wholly or mainly unowned III_Cultivating labourers 62 8 47 15 7 15 4 14

IY-Non-cultivating own­ 9 6 6 6 J 13 12 ers of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers AU Nou-agricultural Classes 218 87 146 9 72 78 166 28 133 V-Production other than 146 77 86 7 60 70 25 10 22 cultivation VI-Commerce 25 1 19 117 15 89 VII-Transport 6 5 3 1 2' VIII-Other services and 41 9 36 2 5 7 21 2 20 miscellaneous sources Tebsll Klraoll All Agricultural Classes 1,068 108 933 47 135 61 530 21 487 9 I-Cultivators of land 825 63 732 27 93 36 464 16 423 6 wholly or mainly owned '

II-Cultivators of land 186 24 160 11 26 13 37 1 36 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers 53 13 37 4 16 9 15 4 15 2 IV-Non-cultivating own­ 4 8 4 5 3 14 13 ers of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers

All Non-agricultural Classes 339 164 17<1 11 165 153 151 85 95 6 V-Production other than 228 113 95 7 133 106 36 5 27 cultivation VI-Commerce 43 9 36 4 7 5 76 75 34 2 VII-Transport 25 26 10 15 26 10 2 7 VIII-Other services and 43 16 33 10 16 29 3 27 3 miscellaneous sources 35 TABLE B·ll of Livelihood-(contd.} secondary means of livelihood (rom-

merce Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

(Rural)-(concld.) 37 34 285 -I 271 14 4 899 103 860 9 39 94 27 24 249 4 237 12 -4 640 67 620 4 20 63

8 6 32 30 2 183 29 168 4 15 25

4 4 4 63 6 61 2 6

13 1 11 2

33 26 75 5 70 2 5 3 207 127 168 3 39 124 3 9 19 18 79 3 64 15 2

28 15 3 3. 19 2 151 2

2 2 2S 34 ~3 2 33 2 51 5 49 2 2 3 84 88 62 22 87

(Rural)-(concld.) 43 12 320 4 299 1 21 2 724 36 671 10 53 26 41 10 284 3 266 18 2 639 29 592 10 47 19

33 30 3 54 7 51 3 7

2 1 20 18 2 2 I :z 11 10

56 79 100 6 77 1 23 5 444 138 348 4 96 134 9 4 32 1 31 55 15 51 4 14 42 73 1. 2 36 31 S 3 2 28 4 8 20 4 32 3 20 2 12 2 38 1 36 2 321 120 246 75 119 TABLE B-II 36

Secondary ~eans

Number of persons derivini tbeir

Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned

Self-supportini Earning Self-supportina Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Femles Males Females Males Femalos

2 _ 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Urba. All Agricultural Classes 160 110 11 4 116 106 48 6 26 I-Cultivators of land 146 95 146 95 27 24 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 19 6 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers 3 11 3 11 2 2

IV_Non-cultivating own- 11 4 11 4 ers ofland; agricul- tural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Oasses 397 10 379 5 18 5 52 8 51 2 V- Production other than 101 04 96 3 S 21 2 21 cultivation

VI-COmmerce 1004 '2 96 8 9 3 9 VII-Transport 31 29 2 10 10 VlII-other services and 161 4 158 3 3 12 3 11 2 miscellaneous sources Aira AU Agricultural CJIsses 235 32 15 220 32 39 6 12 I-Cultivators of land 168 31 168 31 17 4 12 wholly or mainly owned Il-Cultivators -of land 17 16 22 2 wholly or mainly unowned

Ill-Cultivating labourers 39 12 27 IV-Non-cultivating own- 11 1 2 9 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers AU Non-agricultural Qasses 250 8 171 ., 79 ., 167 79 V-Production other than 18 1 4 14 cultivation VI-Commerce 1 2 VII-Transport 8 2 6 3S VIII-Other services and 223 7 165 3 58 4 130 78 miscellaneous sources 37 TABLE B-II of Livelihood-(contd.} aecoodary means oflivclihood from- land Employment as cultivating labourers Rent 00 agricultural land

Earning Self-supporting Earning Slef-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants •

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

Non-city 22 6 21 9 8 13 9 38 33 , S 7 5 7 38 33 5

19 6 3 3

, 13 2 13 2

1 6 11 6 6" 147 11 145 3 2 8 2 4 3 18 2 18

3 2 2 7S 6 75 5 1 4 1 4 5 2 3 50 2 48 2


27 6 29 9 20 14 1 6 1 8 S 4 13 13 6 1 6

22 2 1

6 6

9 8 8 8

88 164 6 6 158 6 239 2 152 87 2 6 2 4 36 17 19 35 80 80 1

52 84 6 6 78 6 196 2 132 64 2 TABLE B-I1 38

Secondary ~eans

Number of persons deriving their

Production other than cultivation Com-

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Urban All Agricultural Oasses 187 5 165 11 5 81 3 71 I-Cultivators of land 150 5 135 IS 5 53 1 46 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 14 20 4 4 2 2 wholly or mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers 2

IV_Non-cuitivating own- 11 9 2 23 22 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers Ail Non-agricultural Classes 3U 150 128 5 186 US 331 19 131 2 V-Production other than 203 138 58 5 145 133 96 10 77 2 cultivation VI-Commerce 62 3 39 23 3 201 8 3S VII-Transport 7 2 2 5 2 9 1 3 VIII-Dther services and 42 7 29 13 7 26 16 miscellaneous iources Agra All Agricultural Classes 38 4 10 1 18 2 14 3 10 I-Cultivators of land 4 4 2 2 2 2 6 2 S wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 10 4 6 3 wholly or mainly unowned II1-Cult!vating labourers 10 .. _ 10 1 IV- Non-cultivating own- 14 4 10 4 4 ers ofland; agricul· tural rent receivers All Noo-agricultural Classes 4,906 S7 374 3 4,531 54 3,774 18 141 V-Production other than 3,247 42 112 3,135 42 642 1 46 -cultivation VI-Commerce 423 4 22 401 4 2.576 19 81 VII-Transport 330 1 140 190 107 1 VIII-Other services and 906 10 100 3 .&06 7 449 7 113 miscellaneous sources 39 TABLE B-ll of Livelihood-(contd.)

IICCOndary means of livelihood from-

meree Transport Other services and miscelIaneouliources

Earning SeIC-lupportinll Earning Self-supportiIll Earninl dependants Total persom dependants Total persons depeDdantl

Males Females Males Females Mal~ Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 4S 46 47 48 49

NOQ-Clt,...... (concld.) 10 2 37 1 33 4 1 212 10 194 2 18 8 7 34 31 3 180 8 164 2 16 6

2 3 1 2 16 2 14 2 2


15 15

201 17 56

166 8 6 6 55 9 47 8 9 6 18 3 17 2 43 14 20 23 14 10 13 1 6 9 192 143 77 6 115 137

City-(concld.) I 3 38 4 3<1 107 17 53 1 54 16 2 32 4 28 33 10 22 11 9

2 1 14 13

2 2 11 4 11 4 3 3 49 3 30 19 3

3,533 28 654 4 130 524 4 6,205 354 607 31 5,598 313 596 94 36 58 1,232 14 96 3 1,136 11 2,49'3 19" 116 10 106 1,178 15 112 5 1,066 10 106 326 4 66 260 4 380 8 102 278 8 336 7 118 18 100 3,415 317 297 23 3,118 294 TABLE B-ll 40 Secondary Means

Number of persons de.:ivinS their

Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total person. dependants Total persons

Livelthood Classes lIlales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 ~ 6 7 8 9 10 11

Firozabad All Agricultural Claues 17 1 3 14 1 6 1 l-Cultivators of land 14 14 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 5 wholly or mainly unowned IIJ-Cultivating labourers 1

IV-Non-cultivating own- :: 2 1 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivera

All NQn-ll.:ricultural CI_ 77 1 71 1 5 6

Number of Persons deriving their

Production other than cultivation Com-

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Li velihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 3~

Firozabad All Agricultural Clalsel .. 67 7 37 30 7 17 12 I-Cultivators of land 53 5 34 19 5 2 2 wholly or mainly owned

II-Cultivators of land 10 2 9 2 .2 wholly or mainly unowned ill-CUltivating labourers

IV-Non-cultivating own- 4 2 2 13 9 ers of land; agricul- tural rent receivers

All Non-alilricultural Classes 1,2./1 117 111 6 1,097 121 171 25 37 V-Production other than 907 102 113 4 794 98 S9 23 17 cultivation VI-Commcrce 203 U 22 181 12 97 16 Vll-Transport 19 2 19 1 VllI-Other services and 112 11 9 103 10 16 1 4 miscellaneous sources 41 TABLE B-II of Livellhood-(concld.) secondary means of livelihood from land Employment as cultivating labourers Rent on agricultural land

Earning Self-support ing Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Male~ Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 I3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

City 5 10 5 5 2 2 10 5 5 2 2

62 5 57 56 1 53 1 3 8 3 5 17 17

11 10 27 25 2 3 3 40 39 12 1 11

secondary means of livelihood from- merce Transport Other services and misceUaneous sources

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 - 46 47 48 49 aty-(concld.) 5 37 1 29 1 8 1 12 [(l 2

2 2

4 23 1 17 6

135 25 26 21 282 91 205 15 77 79 42 23 4 81 20 68 13 20 81 S 4 113 7 94 2 19 5

11 11 3 4 3 t 4

12 Ci 6 85 63 43 13 42 50 TABLE B-1I1 42

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers jill

ALL INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

______~2~ ______~ ____~4 ______~5 ______6 ______~7 ____~8~ ____~9 ____~10~ ____~11~

District Total 189,457 179,458 9,999 5,873 74 60,846 1,767 112,739 8,llS8 RaralTotal 69,838 63,570 '6,268 747 27 11,181 116 51,311 5,825 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 13,410 12,422 988 254 11 4,185 223 7,983 754 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 5,524 4,551 973 21 2 988 39 3,542 932 3 TehsilEtmadpur (Rural) 16,271 14,673 1,598 125 2,768 83 11,780 1,515 4, Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 6,074 5,584 490 12 266 13 5,306 477 5 Tllhsil Firozabad (Rural) 12,417 11,769 648 158 1,246 12 10,365 635 6 Tehsil Khcragarh {Rural) 7,934 7,077 857 21 729 22 6,327 832 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 8,208 7,494 714 156 10 1,300 24 6,038 680 Urban Total 119,619 115,888 3,731 5,126 17 19,361 1,351 61,398 2,333 Urban Non-city 13,536 12,907 629 23 4 3,580 113 9,304 512 2 Agra City 85,485 82,960 2,525 3,816 28 41,138 1,040 38;006 1,457 3 Firozabad City 20,598 20,021 577 1,287 15 4,646 198 14,088 364

Sub-division 0'1 Stock raising Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 20 21 22 24 25 26 27

District Total 2,351 210 10 83 4 2,258 206 Rural Total 2,059 181 9 71 2 1,976 I" Tehsil Agra (Rural) 288 31 287 31 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 171 3 37 134 3 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 419 55 3 12 404 55 " Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 150 25 ISO 25 5 Tchsil Firozabad (Rural) 287 33 286 33 6 Tehsil Kherasarh (Rural) 593 22 12 2 581 20 7 Tehsi I Kiraoli (Rural) •. 151 15 S 12 134 15 Urban Total 292 26 1 9 2 282 21 Urban Non-city 61- 7 2 59 7 1 AgraCity 188 12 3 z 184 10 3 Firozabad City 43 7 4 39 7 43 TA.BLE ~IU

Industries and scnices by Divisions and Sub-divisions.

Division O-Primary Industries not elsewhere specified

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 11 18 19 3,533 316 173 2 255 5 3,10S 309 2,,555 244 171 1 82 3 2,302 2#0 516 54 142 373 S4 171 4 37 134 4 566 64 3 12 551 64 172 29 12 160 29 298 39 2 295 39 598 30 12 2 586 28 234 24 13 18 203 22 978 71 2 1 173 2 803 69 66 16 2 64 16 865 49 2 167 2 696 46 47 7 4 43 7

Sl1b-dlvisio.nO·2 Roaring of small animals and insects ------Independent Total ---_-Employers Employees Workers Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

28 29 30 3\ 32 33 34 35

9 9 5 5

5 s


4 4 TABLE B·ITI 44 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 0·3 Plantation industries .8 a Independent ..a Total Employers Employees Workers j Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43

Oi.tr~t :rotal 678 7 162 1 139 1 377 5 Rllrai Total 271 5 162 1 5 1 101 3 TehsiiAgra (Rural) 167 1 142 25 1 Tehsil Bah (Rural)

3 TehsilEtmadpur (Rural) 10 10 00" 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 20 12 g S Tchsil Firozabad (Rural) 11 2 9 6 Tehsil Khoragarh(Ru,(al) 2 2 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 62 2 8 3 51 Urban Total 107 2 134 273 J Urban Non-city 5 5 2 "ara City 399 2 134 265 2 3 Firozabad City 3 3

Sub-division O· 6 Fishing

I Independent a Total Employers Employees Workers I Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 52 S3 54 55 56 57 58 59

OJ.trkt Total 120 3 1 6 114 2 Rural Total 96 1 96 1 TehsiiAgra (Rural)

2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 1 3 'fohsil Etmadpur (Rural) 96 96 4 TehsilFntehabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Tlltal 24 2 1 6 18 1 Urban Non-city 2 Aara City 24 2 6 18 Firozlibad City 45 TABLE B-UI

Industries and Services by DivisiGIlS and -SalJ..diTisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 0'4 Forestry and wood-cutting Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

375 96 1 27 347 96 124 54 3 121 54 61 22 61 22

36 9 36 9 2 4 2 4 6 6 4 6 4 Ii 21 7 3 18 7 251 42 1 U 226 41 ., 9 250 33 24 225 33 1

Division I-Mining and Quarrying

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers'

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.

60 61 62 63 64 65 ~6 67

1,573 32 11 37 1,525 32 879 U 1 27 851 U ..

40 15 25 1

591 1 3 387 447 23 !l 438 23 694 8 16 10 674 8 643 I 2 640 8 11 6 11 13 2 8 23 TABLE B-III 46 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers In

.... Sub-division 1'0 Non-ml)tallic mining and quarrying not otherwise classified ,.0" 6 Independent " Total Employers Employees Workers

2 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 7S

District Total 615 615 Rural Total Tehsil Agra (Rural) 2 TehsilBah (Rural) TehsilEtmadpur (Rural) 4 TehsilFatehabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 615 615 Urban Non-city 615 615 2 Agra City 3 Firozabad City

;; Sub-divisIon 1 '3 Metal mining except iron ore mining -'" 8 :I Independent '" Total Employers Employees Workers 'i: '"0 00 Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 84 85 26 87 88 89 90 91

District Total 28 2 1 25 Rural Total Tehsil Agra (Rural) 2 TehsilBah (Rural) 3 TehsilEtmadpur (Rural) 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural)

6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 TehsilKiraoli (Rural)

Urban Total 28 2 J 25 Urban Non-city 28 2 25 2 AgraCity 3 Firozabad City 47 TABLE B-1I1

Industries and Services by Divisions a,nd Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 1'1 Coal mining Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83

7 7


7 7

7 7

---_--- Sub-division l' 5 Stone-quarrying, clay and sand-pits Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 913 ,32 9 36 878 32 879 U 1 27 851 24

15 25

- 391 1 3 387 447 23 9 438 23

44 8 8 9 27 8 8 8 18 6 J1 16 2 8 16 , TABLE B-II1 48 Employers, EJIt)tleyees, and Independent 'Werkers -in .

Division 2-Processing and Manufacturo~Foodstuffs. Toxtiles, Leather and Products thereof

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males 2 100 101 l02 103 104 105 106 107

DlIltrlct Total .. 29,005 1,706 850 13 6,525 36 11,630 1,657 Rural Total 11... 976 1,196 96 3 483 3 11,397 1,190 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 3,351 122 63 44 3,245 121 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 915 256 67 847 254 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) .. 3,023 273 10 269 2,744 273 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 785 156 785 156 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 1,339 160 8 26 1,305 160 6 Tohsil Kheragarh (Rural) 1,245 199 3 2 42 1,200 196 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 1,317 130 11 35 1,271 130 Urban Total 17,019 410 754 10 6,042 33 10,133 367 Urban Non-city 2,074 77 8 43 2,023 77 2 Agra City 14,156 294 671 9 5,859 32 7,626 253

3 Firozabad City 799 39 75 140 584 37

Sub-division 2'1 Grains and pulses Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123

District Total . , 1,658 809 123 4 396 , 1,139 799 Rural Total 603 695 40 1 98 165 693 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 49 33 22 11 16 33

2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 76 74 ~ 71 74 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) " 167 149 7 44 116 149 4 Tehsil Fatchabad (Rural) 6. 119 68 119 5 Tchsil Firozabad (Rural) " 81 104 8 22 51 104 6 Tehsil Khera&arh (Rural) " 78 147 2 2 14 62 145

7 TohsH Kiraoli (Rural) 84 69 3 31 69 Urban Total .• .. ,1,055 114 8) 198 674- l()(j Urban Non-city 4!.3 20 4 7 442 20 2 Aara City 0488 86 45 2 244 6 199 18 .... " Firozabad City 114 8 34 47 33 8 49 TABLE B-III lRllustries and Senfces by Divisions and S~di'Visions-(contd.)

Sub·dlVISlon 2·0 Food Ifldu,tJ leg otherwise unclassified Independent Tolal Employer' Employee, Workers


Males Female. Males Females Male~ Females Male, Females

108 109 110 111 -~ 113 -- --n4------m -_---"-_-_" - - _------~ --.-~------~~------2,019 32 77 1 273 4 1,"9 27 558 10 1 11 1 530 IJ 255 255 88 2 18 62 49 2 48 2 59 3 S9 3 58 2 56 32 3 29 25 2 4 21 2 1,461 22 77 145 3 1,139 19 140 11 S 134 11 1,145 11 66 230 3 849 II 176 10 10 156

Sub·dlVISlon 2·2 Vegetable Oil and dairy product~ ------_------_------~-- __ Independent Total Employers Employees Workers ------_----- Males Females Males Female, Male. Female. Males Females --- - 124 125 126 ---127- 128 129 - -WO------\3T ------_-~------_--- 2,924 156 101 870 1,953 156 1,550 145 4 59 1,187 U5 201 9 201 9 106 87 106 87 471 20 39 432 20 145 1 145 242 19 241 19 192 3 10 1112 3 193 6 4 9 180 6 1,371 11 97 811 466 11 18 3 2 2 14 3 1.311 5 88 78') 434 S 45 3 7 20 18 3

. ------_ ------TABLE B·lII 50 Employers, Employees and Independent 'Yorkers In

.8 Sub-division 2"3 Sugar industries e :::I Independent Total Employers Employees Workers OJ" ·c 0 '" Tract Male~ Female. Malcs Females Males Females Ma[es Femalos 2 132 133 134 135 136 [37 138 139 -~------.--.. Ilistrict Total .. 265 4 45 216 Rural Total 122 35 87 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 30 30 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Teh'il Etmadpur (Rma!) 32 31 4 Tehsil Fatehahad (Rural) 12 12 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 1 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 34 34 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (RLlra I) 13 4 9 Urban Total U3

Urban NOll-city 55 55

2 Agra City 77 2 ("" 8 67 3 Firozabad City 11 2 2 7

IS Sub-division 2-5 Tobacco .J:> 8 Independent c'" Total Employers Employees Workers ~ ----- ~ Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaleg 2 148 l49 150 151 152 153 154 155

District Total 92 33 59 RurQ/ TotQI Tehsil Agra (Rmal)

2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 TehsllKheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 92 33 59 Urban Non-city 2 Agra City 85 33 52 3 Firozabad City .. 7 7 51 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and SUb-divisions-(contd.)

Su b-division 2 '4 Beverages

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Fomales Males Females Males Female, Males Females

140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147

219 4 45 136 38 4 79 n 9 29 58 41 16

12 5 7 6 6

3 3 140 127 9

2 2 126 121 4 12 4 3 6 4

Sub-division 2' 6 Cotton toxtiles

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Male. Females Males Female, Males Females / 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163

4,173 320 17 2 165 7 3,991 311 2,970 250 1 38 2,931 250 468 19 468 19 344 79 344 79

820 59 ]9 801 59 57 13 57 13 370 16 r 369 16 383 34 11 312 34 528 30 7 520 30 1,203 70 16 2 127 7 1,060 61 579 30 579 30 60s 38 16 2 126 7 463 29 19 2 18 2 TABLE B-III 52 Employers, Emvloyees and Independent Workers in

~------Sub-dlvmon 2-7 W ..anng apparel (except footwear) and made-up textile goods "----- Independent Total Employer> Employee~ Workers

Tract Female, Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 164 165 166 167 168, 169 170 171 ----"------District Total 3,915 180 46 314 11 3,555 1(i8 Rural Total 1,784 72 5 84 2 1,695 70 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 378 18 2 376 17

2 Teh~il Bah (Rllral) 105 4 30 75 4 3 Tehsll Etmadpur (Rural) 471 J5 48 423 15 4 Tehsil Fatchabad (Rural) ]46 5 146 5 S Tehsll Firozabad (Rural) 163 9 163 9

6 Teh"j Kheragarh (Rural) 304 13 303' 12 7 Tehsil Klraoh (Rurdj) 217 8 5 209 8 Urban Total 2,131 JOB 41 1 230 9 1,860 98 Urban Non-City 460 8 8 451 8 2 AgraClty 1,326 79 22 171 8 1,133 70 3 Firozabad CIty 345 21 18 51 276 20

Sub-dIvIsIon 2-9 Leather, leather products and footwear

--~------Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

----" --"------~--- - - Tract MaTes Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 ----~ ------181 182 183 184 185 186 187 District Total 13,061 111 434 5 4,236 8 8,391 98

Rural Total 4,043 52 4 116 3,923 52 Tehsll Agra (Rural) 1,849 39 1,849 39 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 189 3 189 3

3 Tchsil Etmadpur (Rural) 932 4 3 112 817 4 4 Teh,i) Fatehabad (Rural) 214 214 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 424 4 424 4 6 TehsJ! Kheragarh (Rural) 203 2 3 199 2 7 Tchsil Kiraoli (Rural) 232 231 Urban Total 9,018 59 430 5 4,120 8 4,468 46 Urban Non-city 339 2 21 318 2 2 Agra City 8,624 56 429 4 4,096 8 4,099 44 3 Firozabad City 5S 1 3 51 53 TABLE B-III

Industries and Service~ by Divisions and SUb-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 2' 8 Textile industries otherwise unclas~ified Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Male~ Females Males Females

~~ 172 173 [74 175 [76 -177 178 179

679 94 3 57 619 94 267 72 1 16 250 72 64 3 64 3 15 7 15 7 69 24 69 24 78 15 78 15 8 8 19 19 22 15 20 IS 412 12 2 41 369 22 28 3 28 3 369 19 2 4[ 326 19 15 15

Division 3-Processing and Manufacture-Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof Independent Total Employers Emp[oyees Workers

Mdles Females Ma[es Females Males Fema[es Males Fema[es

[88 [9[ 192 193 194 195

4,621 121 145 1,638 6 2,838 115 986 71 13 214 1 749 70 259 3 6 135 [18 2 35 7 35 7 ta9 5 68 121 5 161 161 113 11 4 8 101 11 75 3 71 154 45 2 10 142 45 ],635 50 132 1,414 5 2,089 45 ·656 22 126 529 21

2,812 10 109 1 ~279 2 1,424 8 167 18 22 9 2 136 16 TABLE B-III 54 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

t Sub-division 3'0 Manufacture of metal products otherwise unclassified "'"E :::I Independent <1 Total Employers Em,Ployees Workers ·C., lin Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 District Total 3,155 105 100 869 1 2,186 104 Rural Total 609 67 5 21 583 67 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 123 2 11 112 2 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 33 7 33 7 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 49 2 4 45 2 4 Tehsi I Fatehabad (Rural) 157 157

~ Tehsil Firozabad (Rma!) 83 11 4 n 11 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rmal) 24 24 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 140 45 5 134 45 Urban Total 2,546 38 95 848 1 1,603 37 Urban Non-city 488 21 486 21 2 Agra City 1,976 7 79 842 1,055 6 3 Firozabad City 82 10 15 .5 62 10

.... Sub·division 3'3 Transport equipment ,0" S Independent g Total Employers Employees Workers co 'S Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females III 2 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 District Tota I 550 2 23 249 1 278 1 Rural Total 96 1 4 8 84 1 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 7 3 3 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 2 2 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 23 1 23 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 2 2 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 16 2 14 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 38 3 34 7 Tchsil Kiraoli (Rural) 8 • Urban Total 454 1 19 241 1 194 Urban Non.city 160 1 125 35 2 Agra City 263 17 11.5 131 3 Firozabad City 31 2 28 55 TABL_E ~m Industries and Services by Djvisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 3-1 Iron and steel (basic manufacture) Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 206 207 208 209 210 ---m- 4S 7 41 36 7 29

36 7 29


12 12

Sub-division 3'4 Electrical machinery, apparatus, appliances and supplies ------Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227

250 8 2 212 2 36 6 120 1 2 116 1 2 113 1 2 111

7 5 2

130 7 96 1 6

123 95 28 7 7 6 6 _ - _------TABLE B.. ITl Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-dIvision 3"5 Machinery (other than electrical machinery) including engineerinl workshops Independent Tota! Employers Employees Workers ------_ ------Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235

District Total" " 337 2 12 249 76 2 Rural Total 84 2 63 21 2

Tehsil Agra (Rural) 9 '} 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural)

1 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 60 2 54 6 2 '" Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) "" , Tchsil Firozabad (Rural) "" 3 3 6 Tohsil Kheragarh (Rural)" " 12 12 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 253 12 186 55 Urban Non-city 2 Agra City 24!! 11 185 49 3 Firozabad City II 1 6

------jJ Sub-division 3"7 __Medical ------and pharmaceutical preparations ~ ------Independent Total Employers Employees Workers "t

District Total 19 2 17 Rural Total 11 U Tehsil Agra (Rural) 5 5 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 7 7 4 'rehsil Fat~habad (Rllra!) 2 2 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsll Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil.Kiraoli (Rural)

Urban Total 5 2 3 Urban Non-city

2 Agra City 2 3 3 Firozabad City 57 TABLE ':0..'111 Industries and Services by Divisions

Sub-diVIsion 3'6 Basic industrial chemicals, fertilizers and powor alcohol Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243

33 1 I' 13 19 1 S 13



6 5 '- 14 4 10 8 8 4 2 2

Sub-division 3'8 Manufacture of chemical products otherwise unclassified

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259

229 4 7 41 :& 181 8 1 -I 3 2 1

5 3 2

211 6 37 178

196 3 2 36 158 2 2S 1 4 20 TABLE &In 58 Employers, Employees and Independellt Workers In b DiViSIOn 4-Processing and Mamifacture-not elsewhere specified oS> .------~--- B Independent II Total Employers Employees Workers ------..'t 0 Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267

District Total 26,201 667 634 8 4,357 44 21,210 615 Rural Total 11,358 373 131 994 14 10,132 359 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 521 78 8 145 4 368 74 2 Tohsil Bah (Rural) 492 18 23 469 18 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 2,139 82 299 10 1,839 72 • Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 1,234 22 1,234 22 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 5,658 104 117 518 5,023 104 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 503 40 S02 40 7 Tehsil KiraoH (Rural) 811 29 5 , 9 797 29 Urba,. Total 14,843 294 502 8 3,363 30 10,978 256 Urban Non-city 335 27 18 317 27 2 Agra City 4,424 91 128 1,212 17 3,084 73 3 Firozabad City 10,084 176 374 7 2,133 13 7,577 156

.. Sub-division 4'2 Bricks, tiles and other structural clay products -----_ ~ Independent ~ Total Employers Employees Workers ;; ~ Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalea 2 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 District Total .. 1,130 65 13 389 6 728 59 Rural Total 852 64 1 206 6 645 58 1 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 153 136 17 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 23 10 13 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 96 24 47 6 48 18 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 69 69 S Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 444 28 13 431 28 6 Tebsil .Kheragarh CRural) 42 12 42 12

7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 25 25 Urball Total 278 1 12 183 83 1 1 Urban Non-city 46 1 2 44 2 Agra City 227 9 180 38 3 Firozabad Ci ty 5 3 59 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 4'0 Manutacturing industries otherwise unclassified

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

---"-~-.-- Males Females Males Femlles Ml1ei Females Males Females 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275

2,536 91 28 394 5 1,114 86 765 69 :z 16 4 747 65 99 58 4 99 54 92 89 196 10 186 55 55 78 5 77 5 108 1 108 137 5 2 2 133 5 1,771 2:Z 26 378 1 1,367 :Z1 4 4 1,590 14 15 346 1,229 13 180 4 11 32 137 4

Sub-division 4'4 Non-metallic min@ral products Independent Total Employers Employees Workers ----- Males Females Males Femaks Malc~ Females Males Females

284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291

16,469 333 479 8 2,820 17 13,170 308 6,103 14:1 118 704 3 5,281 139 lOS 12 205 12 164 3 10 154 3 757 23 203 3 554 20 270 12 270 12 4,352 61 117 491 3,744 61 76 19 75 19 279 12 27-J 12 10,366 191 361 8 2,116 14 7,889 169 119 7 14 105 7 615 16 2 r 26 587 14 ',632 168 359 7 2,076 13 7,197 148 TABLE B-III 60 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

11 Sub-division 4·5 Rubber products 1- ;::I \ndependent Q Total Employers Employees Workers

u... Sub-division 4·7 Furniture and fixtures- ..c S :> Independent c Total Employers Employees Workers :3 ~ Tract Males Females Males Female~ Males Females Males Females 2 3C8 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 District Total .. 109 14 7 109 17

Rural Total /(J ·10 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rurl\l) 4 Tehsil Fatchabad (Ru~!) .. 10 10 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheiragarh (Rural) .. 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urba" Total .. 99 U 7 99 17 Urban Non-city 95 ~5 2 Agra City .. 24 7 4 17 3 Firozabad City 61 TABLE B-III

It1da~ries and Senices by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-divIsion 4'6 Wood and wood product~ other than furnitUf() and fixtures ----_.. _------_---_.------. --~ -~-_- -.-_---~------.------_------Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ---304------300 301 302 303 ______305 306 H ______307 5,390 147 78 427 5 4,885 142 3,552 97 3 37 1 3,512 96 47 • 47 8 213 15 213 15 1,064 34 17 1,047 33 829 10 829 10 784 10 13 771 10 249 8 249 8 366 12 3 7 356 12 1,838 50 75 390 4 1,373 46

74 15 2 72 15 1,504 31 75 369 4 ),060 27 260 4 19 241 4

Sub·divlslOn 4'8 Paper and paper products Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323

142 8 38 96 37 8 3 26 II 8 3


19 19 4 4 105 35 70

jus 35 70 TABLE B-III 62 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

.... Sub-division 4'9 Printing and allied industries ] E ::I Independent c:: Total Employers Employees Workers 3 i1 CIl Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331

District Total 394 7 14 181 4 89 3 Rural Total 39 1 28 11 1 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 6 6 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 13 1 22 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural)

5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 9 9 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 355 6 24 253 4 78 2 Urban Non-city 2 AgraCity 348 6 23 248 4 77 l 3 Firozabad City .. 7 5

... maintenance--buildings ] Sub-division 5 '1 Construction and 8 ::I Independent c Total Employers Employees Workers ~... CIl Jract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347

District Total 4,479 102 15 574 3,890 102 Rural Total 1,777 90 2 210 1,565 90 TehsiI Agra (Rural) 494 205 289 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 68 66 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 448 5 448 5 4 TehsiI Fatehabad (Rural) 180 84 180 84 5 TehSJI Firozabad (Rural) 203 • 203

6 Tehsil Kberagarh (Rural) 199 198 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 185 1 3 181 U,ban Total 2,702 12 13 .364 1,325 12 Urban Non-city 316 316 2 AgraCity 2,110 11 13 363 1,734 11

3 Firozabad City 176 1 275 63 TABLE B-III

In.dustries and Services by Divisions-and Sub-divisions-(COll td.)

Division 5-Construction and Utilities Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339

~,893 2,000 205 2.815 203 6,873 r;797 4,960 1.709 4 1,339 94 3,617 1,615 1.258 314 893 91 364 223 309 173 61 241 173 979 475 178 2 801 473 548 106 2 546 106 492 103 74 418 102 119 305 40 679 305 655 233 2 91 562 233 4.933 291 201 1.476 109 3.256 182 547 85 2 178 367 85 3,951 133 197 1.172 71 2,582 62 435 73 2 126 38 307 35

Sub-dIvisIOn 5·2 Construction and maintenance--roads, bridges and other transport works

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 1.093 10 32 772 6 289 4 541 5 1 420 3 120 2 224 1 199 2S 11 S 6 123 Z -.; 92 2 31 11 2 9 61 1 4S 16 4 4 101 1 73 33 552 S 31 352 3 169 1 91 89 447 5 28 258 3 161 2 )4 2 5 7 TABLE B-III 64 Employers, Employees and Independellt WorbniD

t Sub-division 5'4 Construction and maintenance operations-irrigation and other agricultural works .&J El Independent c" Total Employers Employees Workers '"'ii Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females tf.l 2 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363

DiStrict Total 116 1 111 3 Rural Total 70 1 66 3 Tebsil Agra (Rural) 1 2 TehsiI Bah (Rural) 3 Tebsil Btmadpur (Rural) 12 12 4 Tebsil Fatebabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 5 5 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 34 34 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 18 15 3 Urban Total 16 1 45 Urban Non-city 4 3 2 AgraCity 42 42 3 Firozabad City

Sub-dIvisIOn 5'6 Works and services-dome.stic and industrial water supply Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379

District Total 100 100 Rural Total 20 20 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) S Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 10 20 6 Tohsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 80 80 Urban Non-city :1 AgraCity 80 80 :3 Firozabad City 65 TABLE B-III /

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 5'5 Works and services-e~ectric powor and gas supp1l! Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Malea Females Males Females

364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371

294 1 293 217 217 141 141 2 2 73 73

77 1 76

77 76

SLlb-division 5"7 S~r1itary works and services-including ~cavengers Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

'--'---'" 380 381 382 3~3 384 385 386 387 3,811 1,888 155 965 197 2,691 1,691 2,335 1,614 406 91 1,929 1,523 398 313 348 90 50 223 228 173 53 175 173 323 468 322 468 357 22 357 22 203 102 4 199 101 481 305 481 305 345 231 345 231 1,476 274 155 559 106 762 168 136 85 86 50 85 1,195 117 155 353 68 687 49 145 n 120 38 25 34 TABLE B-III 66 Employers, Employee!!! and Independent Workers in

... Division 6- Commerce ~ ~ Independent c= Total Employers Employees Workers :! ;; Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femlliet ~ 2 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395

District Total " 37,037 1175 3,439 13 4,166 22 29,432 140 Rural Total 12,003 583 127 2 139 3 11,637 578 Tehsil Asra (Rural) 1,845 1111 12 11 1,822 117

2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 967 CiS 4 5 958 65 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 3,089 127 108 21 2 2,960 125

4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 1,161 56 1,161 56 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 1,546 66 18 61 1,467 65 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 1,840 69 8 18 1,814 68 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 1,555 82 77 23 1,455 82

Urba1l Total 25,034 2~2 3,212 11 4,027 19 17,795 262 Urban Non-city 3,358 67 6 2 72 3,280 64

2 AgraCity 17,094 183 2,499 5 3,259 13 11,336 165 3 Firozabad City 4,582 42 707 4 696 5 3,179 33

;:; Sub-division 6'1 Retail trade in foodstuffs (including beverages and narcotics) .n 6 Independent ..'"0: Total Employers Employees Workers 'C ~ Tract Males Females Males Females Male. Females Males Female. 2 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411

District Total 7,037 232 160 1 356 3 ',S21 22.

Rural Total 2,153 12~ 12 3" 1 2,8112 125 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 606 30 8 598 30 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 836 26 3 833 25 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 284 30 284 30 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 466 15 7 14 445 15 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 296 , 4 292 9 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 365 16 5 10 350 16 Urban TOlal 4,184 106 148 1 317 2 3,719 1'3 Urban. Non-city 561 25 15 546 24 2 Agra City 3,062 75 116 282 2,664 73 3 Firozabad City 561 6 32 20 509 6 67 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-diTisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 6'0 Retail trade otherwise unclassified Independent Total Employers Employees Workera

Males Females Male. Females Males Females Males Females

3.,6 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 1'.041 529 1,9" 7 1,434 11 15,621 511 7,207 394 117 1 57 1 6,963 3J1 1,002 82 1,001 81 518 S4 587 54 1,911 83 108 5 1,799 83 625 24 625 24 863 50 9 27 827 50 1,241 56 14 1,226 55 976 43 68 10 898 45 11,831 135 1,7J9 6 1,377 10 1,6.51 119 1,706 39 2 1,705 37 7,146 66 1,194 1,033 5 4,919 61 2,912 30 604 4 344 5 2,034 21

Sub-division 6'2 Retail trade in fuellincluding petrol) Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Malo. Femalea Males Females Males Females Males Females 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419

,.5 30 24 1 94 1 787 28 363 J5 3 1 3 357 Z4 59 4 59 4 7 7 72 2 71 l 71 71 27 2 24 36 1 36 91 17 2 89 17

~42 5 21 91 1 430 I

521 S 21 79 421 4 20 12 8 TABLE B-III 68 Employers, Employees and IDdependellt Workers ill

k Sub-division 6"3 Retail trade in textile and leather goods .0" S Independent "c Total Employer~ Employee~ Workers ~ ~ Tract Males Femaleil Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 420 421 422 42.1 424 425 426 427 District Total 5,785 32 919 864 4 4,002 28 Rural Total 780 10 12 7 1 761 9 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 83 1 83 2 Tehsil Bah (R ural) 111 3 108 Tch"il Etmadpur (Rural) 157 4 157 3 Tel"il Fatehabad (Rur.l) 71 1 71

5 Teh~iJ Firozabad (Rural) 85 6 79

6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 192 1 7 185 7 Tehsil KiraoH (Rural) 81 3 2 7S 3 Urban Total 5,005 22 907 857 3 3,241 I'J Urban Non-city 684 2 5 28 651 2 2 Agra City 3,882 16 860 784 3 2,238 13 3 Firozabad City 439 4 42 45 352 4

.. Sllb-dil'ision 6'5 Wholesale trade in commodities other than foodstuffs .0e ::I Independent c Total Employers Employees Workers 0; ".: .. Tract Males

Urban Total 351 1 35 1 48 268 Urban Non-city 82 .. 82 2 Agra City ]20 1 24 14 82

3 Firozabad City 149 11 34 104 - ---- ~- 69 TABLE B-III

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-diV1Sllln 6·4 Wholesale. trade in foodstuffs ------Independent Total Employers EmpJoyee5 Workers ------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435

1,560 8 28 167 1,365 8 490 8 I 8 481 8 74 1 74 113 113 61 6 60 6 106 1 106 93 5 87

42 2 40 1,070 27 159 884 324 29 295 651 16 108 527 95 11 22 62

Sub·divisioll. 6·6 Real estate

Indepcndellt Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males FemaJIIJ

444 445 446 441 448 449 450 451 15 5 10 15 5 10

15 5 10

-_ ------TABLE B-IlI 70 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers i.

_g Sub-division 6·7 Insurance 8 ::I Independent c:I Total Employers Employees Workers ;;; ~ Tract Mal~ Females Males Females Males Females Males Fem.ll~

2 4~2 453 454 455 456 457 458 4~9

Dilllrid Tilt_I 157 5 33 1 124 4 Rural To/al 122 4 122 4 Tehsil Agra (Rural)

2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 122 3 122 3 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural)

4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural)

7 Tehiil Kiraoli (Rural) 1 Urban _Total 35 1 33 1 2 • Urban Noo-city 2 Agra City 35 1 33 2 3 Firozabad City

... Division 7_Transport. Storage and Communications .t:J"e ::I Independent c:I Total Employers Pmploye~ Workers ------~ ..°fi lJl Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475

Oilltriet Tot,,) 16,910 !!IO 56 5 8,921 81 1,003 114 Rural To/al 5,568 75 31 3 1,7# 21 3,71J3 51 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 1,408 26 2 382 10 1,026 14 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 148 :: 3 40 105

3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 2,000 21 2 1,041 10 957 11 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 436 7 35 401 7 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 557 5 8 48 501 5 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 434 5 6 77 351 5 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 585 9 12 121 452 9 Urban Total 11,412 115 25 2 7,177 60 4,210 53 Urban Non-city 2,244 41 1,756 23 488 18

2 Agra City 8,269 70 3 2 5,290 36 2,967 32 3 Pirozabad City 908 4 22 131 755 3 71 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

S,.b-divi,ion 6·8 Moneylending, banking and other financial business

Independent Total Employers Fmployees Workers

Males Females Male. Females Males Females Males Femal@1

460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467

2,172 38 287 3 1,165 2 726 33 159 16 12 10 1]7 16 14 12 2 11 8 11 8 51 6 II 40 6 4 4

12 7 5 67 2 67 2

2,013 22 175 3 1,145 2 593 17

1,677 19 268 926 2 483 14 336 2 7 219 110 2 TABLE B-III 72

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

,g Sub-division 7·2 Transport by water Ei Independent e Total Employers Employees Workers .!!! ~ "" Tract Mal~ Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491

District Total 10 9

Rural Total 1 3 Tehsil Agra (Rural) " 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 1 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 3 3 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural)

6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 6 6 Urban Non-city

2 AgraCity 6 6 3 Firozabad City

~ Sub-division 7·4 Railway transport e Independent '"" Total Employers Employees Workers 1S...

District Total 6,070 48 5,993 45 77 3 Rural Total 1,302 U 1,225 11 77 3 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 141 2 141 2 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 1 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 956 9 956 9 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 2 2 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 78 11 67 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 36 36 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 90 1 80 10 Urban Total 4,768 31 1,768 31 Urbao Non-city 1,621 21 1,621 21 2 AgraCity 3,103 13 3,103 13 3 Firozabad City 44 44 ------_ .. 73 TABLE B-IIl

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd,)

Sub-division 7'3 Transport by air ------~------Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 SO 50 17 17

46 46


3 3

Sub-division 7 '5 Storage and warehousing Independent Total Employers Employees Workers --- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515

19 6 13 4 " .. 3 3

25 2 23

23 TABLE B-ill 74 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

!) Sub-division 7 °6 Postal services ,0 8 :I Independent Q Total Employers Employees Workers ';;! °t v.> Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523

District Total 679 679 Rural Total 166 166 TehsilAgra (Rural) 68 68 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 19 19 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 41 41 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 27 27 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 2 2 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 9 9 Urban Total 513 513 Urban Non-ci ty 45 45 2 AgraCity 435 435 3 Firozabad City 33 -33

Sub-division 7 oS Telephone services ~ Indepeod.mt ~ Total Employers Employees Workers ] ,J! Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females --I 2 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539-- District Total 153 153 Rural Total 2 2 Tehsil Agra. (Rural) 2. 2. 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 4 Tehsil Fatebabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 151 151 Urban Non-city 2 AgraCity 151 '51 3 Firozabad City 75 TABLE B-TII Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions--( contd.)

Sub-division 7'7 Telegraph services Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531

383 8 383 8

110 110 102 102


273 8 273 8

173 8 273 8

Sub-division 7'9 Wireless services Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 13 13 13 13 13 13 TABLEB.. III 76 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

... DIVISIon &-Health, Education and Public Administration ~ Ei ::0 Independent co Total Employers Employees Workers :; ~ Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555

, District Total 25,277 1,009 77 11 24,411 805 782 193 Rural Total 5,688 302 U 1 5,369 153 295 148 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 2,308 75 8 2,204 72 96 2 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 605 84 4 S68 22 33 62 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 654 60 635 19 19 41 4 TehsilFatehabad (Rural) 169 II 161 9 8 9 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 467 3S 394 3 73 32 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 517 12 494 Il 22 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 968 18 II 913 17 44 1 Urban Total 19,589 707 53 10 19,049 652 487 45 Urban Non-city 1,123 60 3 1,015 60 105 2 AgraCity 17,657 528 27 10 17,303 478 327 40 3 Firozabad Ci ty 809 119 23 731 114 SS S

] Sub-division &·2 Educational services and Research Independent ~ Total EmPloyers Employees Workers ~... ~ Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 District Total 2,551 450 8 2,321 423 222 27 Rural Total 1,176 94 8 1,062 75 106 19 TehsilAgra (Rural) 215 34 6 209 34 2 TehsilBah (Rural) 156 16 130 16 26 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 271 14 257 14 14 4 TehsilFatehabad (Rural) 39 3 39 3 S TchsilFirozabad (Rural) 211 3 176 3S l 6 Tchsil Kheralarh (Rural) 180 10 175 10 4 7 Tchsil Kiraoli (Rural) 104 14 76 14 27 U,ban Total 1,375 356 1,259 348 116 8 Urban Non-city 143 38 120 38 23 :2 AgraCity 998 287 90S 281 93 6 :I Firozabad City 234 31 234 29 2 77 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-d,v,SiOn 8 'I Medical and other Health ,ervlces

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females, Males Females

556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 1,538 301 69 11 909 124 560 166 281- 145 16 1 79 15 189 129 131 14 2 33 11 96 2 19 62 4 8 7 62 5 28 5 27 16 6 8 8 6 49 30 d 38 30 31 1 13 18 33 4 10 6 3 17 1,254 156 53 10 830 109 371 37 176 8 3 91 8 82 962 137 27 10 701 93 234 34 116 11 23 38 8 55 3

Sub-diVISIOn 8'4 Police (other than village watchmen)

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 3,003 3,003 589 589 228 228 70 70 70 70 49 49 79 79 71 71 22 22 2,414 2,414 279 279 1,970 1,970 165 165 TABLE B-III 78 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-dIvision 8'5 VIllage officers and servants includIng village watcbmep.

Independent Total Employers Employees Workelll

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 580 .581 582 583 584 585 586 587

Distdct Total 572 572 RuralT()tai 313 313 1 Tebsil Agra (Rural) 200 200 2 Tehsil Bdh (Rural) - :u 21. 3 TehsilBtmadpur (Rural) 50 50 4 Tehsil Fatebabad (Rural) " 6 6 5 Tehsll Firozabad (Rural) 13 13 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 1 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 22 22 Urball Total 259 259 1 Urban Non-city 19 19 2 AgraCity 240 240 3 Firozabad City ..

.. Sub-DivisIOn 8'7 Employees of State Governments ~ S Independent Q'" Total Employers Employees Workers ~ ----~---~- ~ Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 596 597 598 599 600 601 601. ~

District Total 9.517 188 9,517 188 Rural Total 2,741 56 2,741 56 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 1,290 27 1,290 27 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 131 6 131 6 3 TehsilEtmadpur (Rural) .. 215 11 21S 11 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) .. 53 9 53 9 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) .. 93 2 93 2 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) .. 213 213 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 746 746 Urban Total 6,776 151 6,776 131 Urban Non-city 481 6 481 6

1 Agra City 6,199 S6 6,199 56 3 Firozabad City 96 70 96 70 79 TABLE B-m Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 8 '6 Employees of Muruclpalities and Local Boards Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595

1,575 70 1,575 70 271 7 271 7 161 161

42 7 42 7

6 6 22 22 4 4

36 36 1,304 63 1,304 63

17 8 17 8 1,092 48 1,092 48

195 7 195 7

'Sub-division 8 'S Employees of Union Government Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

6M ______6_o_5 ______6o~6 ______~6_07 ______6_0_8 ______609 610 611

6,521 6,521 314 314 83 83 207 207

18 18 5 5 6,207 6,207 8 8 6,196 6,196 3 3

*Figures under this sub-division include the figures of sub-division S'3-Army, Navy and Air Force. TABLE B-III 80

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

!i Division 9-Services not elsewhere specified .r> S ::s c Independent Total Employers Employees Workers ..'6 Vl Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 District· Total 25,338 3,083 283 22 7,714 565 17,341 2,496 Rural Total .. 7,597 1,591 48 17 1,081 114 6,468 1,450 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 955 198 14 8 370 43 571 147 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 909 364 8 187 15 714 349 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 1,994 491 230 40 1,763 451 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 917 96 68 4 849 92 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 1,299 125 2 115 8 1,182 117 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 755 196 40 8 715 188 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 768 121 23 9 71 6 674 106 Urban Total 17,741 1,492 235 5 6,633 441 10,873 1,046 Urban Non-city 1,861 226 2 369 28 1,491 196 2 AgraCity 13,723 1,167 174 5,596 389 7,953 778 3 Firozabad City 2,157 99 60 3 668 24 1,429 72

;:; Sub-division 9'1 Domestic services .r> S :::J Independent " Total Employer:; Employees Workers .~ ., Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females '" 2 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635

District Total 3,872 477 3,872 477

Rural Total 831 95 831 95 Tehsil Agra (Rural), . 271 38 271 38 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 152 14 152 14 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 167 24 167 24 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 68 2 68 2 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 109 8 109 8 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 21 8 21 8 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 43 43 Urban Total 3,041 382 3,041 382 Urban Non-c;ty 282 24 282 24 2 AgraCity 2,442 341 2,442 341 3 flirozabad Ci ty 317 17 317 17 81 TABLE B-Ill Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 9 '0 Services otherwise unclassified Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627

9,246 821 54 1 1,978 53 7,214 767 937 9j 9 1 128 6 800 88 51 14 3 48 12 187 1 5 182 369 42 57 312 42 48 5 2 48 3 176 21 2 174 21 12 5 12 5 94 7 6 4 3 84 4 8,309 726

Sub-division 9'2 Barbers and beauty shops

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females'

636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643

3,571 336 7 9 113 16 3,451 311 2,475 194 7 9 8 16 2,460 261 251 27 4 247 27 206 124 205 124 703 106 16 702 90 266 17 266 17 445 5 444 S 307 1 307 297 14 9 8 289 5 1,096 42 105 991 42 194 4 194 4 689 30 93 596 30 213 8 12 201 8 TABLE B-IIT 82

Employers, Emplo~es and Independent Workers in

... Sub-division 9'3 Laundries and laundry services ,!:> § Independent .::: Total Employers Employees Workers

·2 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 -----m------~- District Total 3,389 1,157 4 43 1 3,342 1,156 Rural Total 2,123 992 3 16 1 2,104 991 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 176 100 -176 100 2 TehsiI Bah (Rural) 109 204 10 199 204 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 503 285 502 285 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 430 63 430 63 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 416 81 416 81 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) .. 231 172 231 172 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 158 87 3 5 150 86 Urban Total 1,266 165 1 27 1,238 IfS Urban Non-city 141 ~ 141 62 :l Agra City 994 78 27 966 78 3 Firozabad City •. 131 25 131 2S

Sub-division 9 .5 Recreation services .. ------ ,!:> 8 Independent :::> Tolal Employers Employees Workers R ~ "5 Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

Urban Total .. 1,124 150 37 3 487 7 600 110 Urban Non-city 115 56 2 115 54 2 AgraCity 853 82 30 467 356 82 3 Fi rozabad City 156 12 7 • 3 20 S 129 4 83 TABLE B-III Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-( contd.)

Sub-division 9 '4 Hotels, restaurants and eating houses Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ---_ 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659

795 6 103 1 365 327 5 10 1 3 7 1 3 3

7 1 7

785 5 103 1 362 320 4 5 1 2 2 713 96 322 295 67 4 6 38 23

Sub-division 9 '6 Legal and business services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males F!!males Males Females 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675

1.180 10 45 521 1 613 9 59 Z 1 13 45 2 20 2. 9 11 2

29 1 28

6 5

4 3

1,121 8 44 509 1 568 7 4 4 1,090 7 42 494 554 7 27 1 2 15 10 TABLE B.ill 84 Employers, Employees and Independent Workers id ..... Sub-division 9 '1 Arts, letters, and journalism ,rJ Independent ~ Total Employers Employees Workers

District Total " 172 1 8 S2 112 1 Rural Total .. 19 7 6 6 Tehsil A&m (Rural) 7 7 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 11 S 6 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 1 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total " 153 1 1 46 106 1 Urban Non-city

2 AgraCity 149 46 ]02 3 Firozabad City 4 4 85 TABLE B-m

Ind~tries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(concld.)

Sub-division 9 '8 Religious, charitable and welfare services Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691

1,488 76 12 7 264 6 1,212 63 641 63 8 6 58 2 576 55 111 12 6 32 79 6 75 1 7 13 55 138 34 137 34 23 5 23 5 85 5 85 5 83 5 5 78 5 U7 1 1 7 119 846 13 l- I 206 4 636 8 114 4 8 106 3 673 9 192 4 481 5 S9 4 6 49 86 .. NOT.E-Seif-supporting persons who are not economically active have been excluded from the table. Their number for the distrtct is as follows:

Non-productive sources of livelihood Persons Males Females

2 3 4

I -Persons living princil?ally on income from non-agricul· Total 991 770 221 tural property Rural 58 47 11

Urban 933 723 210

II-Persons living principally on pensions,remittances, Tota! 546 507 39 scholarships and funds Rural 71 43 28

Urban 475 464 11

I II-Inmates of almshouses and recipients of doles Total 87 54 33

Rural 4. 33 15

Urban 39 21 18

IV -Beggars and vagrants Total 3,029 2,830 199

Rural 1,482 1,363 119

Urban 1,547 1,467 80

V -All other persons living principally on income derived Total 194 194 from non-productive activities Rural 48 48

Urban 146 146

Total Total 4,847 4,161 686

Rural 1,707 1,486 221

Urban 3,140 2,675 465 87 TABLE B·IV Unemployment by Livelihood Classes

Number of pflrsons out­ Number of persons Total Population side the labour force gainfully employed

Livelihood Classes Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

______-_-_---2------3-- 4 s 6 8 District Total ALL CLASSES 1,501,391 814,289 687,102 358,843 656,962 454,835 30,121 All Agricultural Classes 807,805 435,100 372,705 179,961 357,191 255,114 15,506 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 656,494 352,733 303,761 146,698 292,409 206,021 11,345 mainly owned and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or 54,619 29,815 24,804 11,705 23,287 18,106 1,516 mainly unowned and their dependants I([-Culti,,:a~ing labourers and 81-,666 46,678 37,988 18,241 36,345 28,433 1,643 theIr dependants IV-Non-cultivating owners of 12,026 5,874 6,152 3,317 5,150 2,554 1,002 land; agricultural rent recei­ vers; and their dependants All Non-agrlc:ultural Classes 693,586 379,189 314,397 178,882 299,771 199,721 14,615 V-Production other than culti­ 235,375 128,109 107,266 56,235 102,768 71,824 4,496 Vi-tion VI-Commerce 162,625 87,359 75,266 45,453 74,040 41,770 1,223 VII-Transport 51-,31-2 30,551- 23,788 13,505 23,326 16,983 462 VIII-Other services and miscella­ 241,241 133,167 108,077 63,689 99,637 69,144 8,434 neous sources Rural Total ALL CLASSES 1,003,529 539,812 463,687 224,354 439,298 315,423 24,379 All Agricultural Classes 786,772 423.455 363,317 174,174 348,385 249,264 14,925 (-Cultivators of land wholly or 642,374 345,003 297,371 143,180 286,390 201,815 10,975 mainly owned and tbeir dependants [I-Cultivators of land wholly or 52,240 28,535 23,705 11,114 22,223 17,417 1,481 mainly unowned and their dependants III-Cultivating labourers and 83,239 45,911 37,328 17,816 35,723 28,091 1,605 their dependants IV-Non-cultivatin8 owners of 8,919 4,006 4,913 2,064 4,049 1,941 864 land; agricultural rent recei­ vers; and their dependants All Non-agricultural Classes 216,757 116,387 100,170 50,180 90,913 66,159 9,454 V_Production other than culti­ 90,691 48,629 4Z,062 19,992 38,758 28,626 3,302 vation VI-Commerce 4~69 21,905 18,664 9,567 17,799 12,335 864 VII-Transport 18,1.05 9,819 8,386 4,348 8,049 5,464 337 VIII-Other services and miscella­ 67,1.92 36.034 31,258 16,273 26,307 19,734 4,951 neous sources Urban Total ALL CLASSES <197,862 274,147 223,415 134,489 217,664 139,412 5,742 All Agricultural Classes 21,033 11,645 9,388 5,787 8,806 5,850 581 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 14,120 7,730 6,390 3,518 6,019 4,206 370 mainly owned and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or 2,379 1,280 1,099 591 1,064 689 35 mainly unowned and their dependants III-Cuitivating labourers and 1,427 767 660 425 622 342 38 their dependants IV_Non-Cultivating owners of 3,107 1,868 1,239 1,253 1,101 613 138 land; agricultural rent recei­ vers and their dependants All Non-agricultural Classes <176,829 262.802 214,027 128,702 208,858 133,562 5,161 V_ptoduction other than culti­ 144,684 79,480 65,204 36,243 64,010 43,198 1,194 vation VI-Commerce 122,056 65,454 56,602 35,886 56,241 29,435 359 VII-Transport 3li,137 20,735 15,402 9,157 15,277 11,519 ns VlU-Other services and miscella­ 173,952 97,133 76,819 47,416 73,330 49,410 3,483 neous sources TABLE B-IV 88 Unemployment by Livelihood Classes-(concld.)

Number of persons unemployed

Between Between Under six months and one year and Over Total six months one year two years two years

Livelihood Classes Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

9 10 __~1~1 ____~12: ___~1~3~ ___~14~ __~15~ __~1~6~ __ 17 18 19 District Total- (concld.) ALL CLASSES 630 611 19 142 10 122 5 243 3 104 1 All Agricultural Classes 33 25 8 7 6 2 1 9 1 7 l-Cultivators of land wholly or 21 14 7 2 5 1 1 5 mainly owned and their 1 6 dependants lI-Cultivators of land wholly or 5

~ll Non-agricuitnral Classes " 597 586 11 435 4 129 4 234 2 97 1 V~roduction other than culti­ 52 51J 2 30 1 6 1 vation 7 7 VI-Commerce 139 136 3 31 23 2 58 1 24 VII-Transport 66 66 22 29 9 6 VIII-Other services and miscella- 340 334 6 52 3 62 1 noous sources 160 1 60 1 Rural Total-(concld.) ALL CLASSES 75 65 10 22 7 9 1 18 2 16 ALL Agricultural Classes 24 17 7 7 6 1 3 1 6 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 14 8 6 2 5 mainly owned and their 5 dependants Il-CuItivators of land wholly or 5 4 1 3 mainly unowned and their dependants III-Cultivating labourers and 4 4 their dependants 2 IV-Non-eultivating owners of 1 1 land; agricultural rent recei­ vers; and their dependants

All Non-agricultoral Classes 51 48 3 15 1 8 1 15 1 10 V-Production other than culti­ 13 11 2 6 3 vation 2 VI-Commerce 4 3 1 2 VII-Transport 7 7 2 3 2 VIII-Other services and miscella­ 27 27 5 11 neous sources 10 Urban Total-(concld.) ALL CLASSES 555 546 9 120 3 113 4 225 1 88 1 All Agricllltural Classes II 8 1 1 1 6 1 I-Cuitivators of land wholly or 7 6 1 4 mainly owned and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned and their dependa.nts [lI--Cultivating labourers and their dependa.nts IV-Non-cultivating owners of 2 land; agricultural rent recei­ vers; and their dependants

.\11 Non.agricllltural Ciassell J46_ 538 8 120 3 112 3 219 1 87 1 V-Production other than culti­ 39 39 24 3 5 vation 7 ,. VI-Commerce 135, 133 2 29 22 2 58 24 VI~Transport 59 59 20 26 7 6 VIII--Other services and miscella- 313 307 6 47 3 61 149 50 n~eo~u~s~8=O~~~ce==s ______,- 89 Index of Non-agricultural Occupations

Code Code nO. Occupation Persons Males Females no. Occupation Persons Males Females

234 5 1 2 3 4 s

ALL INDUSTRIES AND Other food industries 59 56 3 SERVICES 189,457 179,458 9,999 2'1 Grains and pulses 2,467 1,658 809 Divi.,ion O-Prlmary Industries not els~",llere specified .. 3,849 3,533 316 2 '11 Persons engaged in manual dehusking and flour grind­ 0'1 Stock raising .. 2,561 2,351 210 ing 1,443 699 744 O' 11 Herdsmen and shepherds 325 298 27 2 '12 Millers of cereals and pulses 466 464 2 0'12 2,236 2,053 183 2'13 Grain parchers (bharbhvolI- 558 495 63 jus) BreeJers and keepers of cattle 1,918 1,761 • 1:7 and buffaloes 2 '2 Vegetable oil and dairy .. 3,080 2,924 156 products Village cattle grazing 318 292 26 2' 21 Vegetable oil pressers and 3,032 2,877 155 0' 2 Rearing of small animals and 9 9 refiners; oil kolltu drivers. insects 2 '23 Ghe., butter and cheese manu­ 48 47 O' 21 Rearing of hens 9 9 facture O· 3 Plalltatlon industries 685 678 7 2 '3 Sugar Industries 265 265 0'30 685 678 7 2' 31 Gur manufacture including 71 71 gur kolhu drivers Cultivation of vegetables 49 49 Gardening of fruits 636 629 7 2' 30 Other manufactures and re­ 194 194 fining of raw sugar, syrup 0'4 Forestry and wood-cutting .. 471 375 96 and granulated or clarified sugar from sugarcane or 0'42 452 370 from sugar beets Grass-cutters ?86 213 73 2' 4 Bel'erages 223 219 Other foiest produce collectors 166 1'57 9 2' 41 Brewers and distillers 16 16 0'44 Collectors of cow-dung and 19 5 J 4 2' 43 Ice manufacturers 197 197 preparation of dung-cakes 2' 40 Making of aerated water and 10 6 4 0'6 Fishillg 123 120 3 vinegar () '60 Catching and selling of fish .. 113 120 3 25 Tobacco 92 92 OIvlslon I -Mining ud 1,605 1,573 32 2 '51 Manufacture of bidis 86 86 Quarrying

1'0 Non-metallic milling and quarry. 615 615 2' 50 Manufacture of raw leaf 6 6 ing not otherwise classi_ to baeco and tobacco products fied-incurding mining and quarryillg of semiprecious 2' 6 Cuttoll textiles 4,493 4,173 320 Slones, and asbestos, etc. 2'61 Dhu/lia 256 248 8 1 •J Coal mining 7 7 2' 61\ Cotton ginnmg, cleaning and 4,237 3,925 312 1'3 Metal mining except iron ore 18 28 pres,ing mining 2' 62 Cotton spinning 42 14 28 Copper mining 28 28 Cotton weaving 4,153 3,873 280 1 . 5 Stolle-quarrying, clay and 955 923 32 sand-pits Workers in cotton mill 42 38 4

Stone-quarrying 618 596 22 2' 7 Wearing apparel (except 4,095 3,915 180 footwear) alld made-up Digging and selling of clay 84 75 9 textile goods and sand 2' 71 Tailors, milliners, dress- 3,278 3,130 148 DaJri extraction 253 252 makers and darners Di,ision 2-Processing and 30,711 29,005 1/106 2'72 123 118 5 Maqufacture-Foodstulfs, Tutiles, Leather and Pro­ Hosiery manufacture 56 52 4 duetJ tilereo! Embroiderers, makers of 67 66 2'0 Food industries otherwise un­ 2,051 32 crepe,lace and fringes classified 2' 73 Fur dressers and dyers 523 512 11 2 '03 SlaugHter, preparation and 355 35J 2 preservation of meat, in­ 2 '74 Hat makers and makers of 104 104 cluding sale other articles of wear form textiles 2'00 1,696 1,666 30 2 . 76 Tent makers 67 51 16 Halwais 1,422 1,395 27 2' 8 Textile industries otherwise 773 679 94' Bakories and biscuit factories 215 215 unclassified 90 rndex of Non-agricultural Occupations-(contd,)

Code Code (to. Occupation Persons Males Females nO. Occupation Persons Males Females 2 ______~~ ____~4 ______5~1-~------~2~~------~3------~4------~5- 2'81 Jute pressing, baling, spin­ 120 119 :>'4 Electrical machinery, apparatus, 258 250 IJ ning and weaving appliances and supplies 2'82 33 33 :> '41 Manufacture of electric lamps 2 2 Wool spinning 7 7 3 '40 Manufacture and repair of Weaving and manufacture of 26 26 electric household appli­ woollen goods ances 256 248 8 620 527 93 3'5 Machinery (other than electrical 339 337 2 mechinery) including engineering workshops M:tnufacture of rope, twine, 361 273 88 string and other related Engineering• workshops 56 56 goods from cocoanuts, aloes, straw linseed hair, 3 '51 Mechanics 283 281 2 and moonj products 3'6 Basic industrial chemicals, fertilizers and power alcohol 33 33 Manufacture of daris 259 254 5 3 '61 Manufacture of acids, alka­ lies and salts 8 8 2 '9 Leather, leather products 13,172 13,G61 111 3 '62 Manufacture of explosives and footwear and fireworks 25 25 2' 91 Tanners and a11 other workers 3'7 Medical and pharmaceutical in leather 424 399 25 preparations 19 19 3'8 Manu/acture of chemical 2' 92 All other makers and re­ 9,815 9,738 77 products otherwise unclassified 233 229 4 pairers of boots, shoes and sandals 3 '81 Manufacture of perfumes, cosmetics and other to- 2' 90 M~ers and repairers of all 2,933 2,924 ilet preparations 2 2 other leather products 3 '82 Manufacture of soaps 36 34 2

Division 3-Proc~ssing and 4,742 4,621 121 3 '83 Manufacture of paints and Manufacture-Metals, varnishes .. 191 191 Chemicals and Producls thereof 3 '86 Makers of candles 4 4 3'0 Manl,facture of metal pro­ 3,260 3,155 105 Div.sion 4--Processing and ducts otherwise unclassified Manufacture-not elsewhere spec fled 26,868 26,201 667 3'01 1,796 1,699 97 4'0 Manufacturing industries Horse-shoe makers 8 8 otherwise unclassified 2,627 2,536 91 Manufacture of agricultural 14 6 8 4 '02 Manu'acture of photogra­ imp letrulnts phic and optical goods 8 8 Blacksmiths and other 1,774 1,685 89 4'03 Repair and manu'acture workers in iron of watches and clocks 113 113 517 515 2 4'04 1,527 1,450 77 Workers in copper, brass and 504 502 2 Workers in preciolls stones belrmetal Makers of jewellery and Ka/aigars 13 13 ornaments (sarraf) 1,342 1,282 60 3'03 Workers in other metals 870 865 5 Makers and repairers of stone (chakkis) 27 23 4 3'05 Locksmiths 77 76 Makers of gold and, silver 3'1 Iron and steel (basic manu­ 48 48 leaves 157 144 13 facture) 4 '09 Toy makers " 304 295 9 Iron smelting refining and 48 48 alloying 4 '00 Lime kiln workers 675 670 S 3' 3 Transport equipment 552 550 2 4'2 Bricks, tiles and other structural clay products , , 1,195 1,130 65 3 '31 Building and repairing boats 17 17 sampans Brick kiln workers and brick makers 1,195 1,130 • 65 3'32 535 533 2 4 -4 Non-metallic mineral products 16,802 16,469 333 Manufacture, repair and as­ 304 302 2 semblage of bicycles 4 '41 Potters and makers of ear- thenware , , 2,461 2,322 139 Repair of motor vehicles 5 5 4 '42 Makers of porcelain and Repair of railway equipment 226 226 crockery 20 20 91 Index of Non-agricultural Occupations-(contd.)

Code Code no. Occupation Persons Males Females no. Occupation Persons Males Females ~~------~2~------~3------~4~----~5- ----__;_---;:_ --.------.2~------3~------4~-----S- 4,43 Makers of glass bangles, 5'6 Works and services-domestic beads and necklaces 14,249 14,075 174 and industrial water supply ]()() 100 4'44 Makers of 6(assware 72 72 5 ' 7 Sanitary works and services­ including scavangers 5,699 3,811 1,888 4' 5 Rubber products 31 31 Division 6-Commerce 37,911 37,037 875 Manufacture of baloons and other rubber products 31 31 6 '0 Retail trade otherwise unclassified 19,570 19,041 529 4'6 Wood and wood products other than furniture and fixtures, , 5,537 5,390 147 6'01 2,988 2,898 90 4 '61 Sawyers 199 194 5 Bangle sellers 2,704 2,618 86

4' 62 Carpenters, turners and Hawkers and street vendors joiners 1,196 1,190 6 otherwise unclassified " 284 280 4 4'64 Basket makers 744 700 44 6 '02 Chemists and druggists 158 138 20 4'60 3,398 3,306 92 6'03 307 305 2 Makers of leaf products (pattals Newspaper sellers 52 52 and donas) , , 776 736 40 Publishers and booksellers 138 136 2 Stationers 117 117 Makers of bamboo and cane products (fans 6'04 Dealers in cattle 2,011 1,994 17 and chattai, etc.) 282 272 10 14,106 13,706 400 Other wooden goods ma­ kers 2,340 2,298 42 General store keepers 1,343 1,328 15 4 '7 Furniture and fixtures 133 109 24 Kirana, purcMoni shops ," 9,273 8,994 279 Manufacture of all kinds of Unclassified contractors ", 75 75 furniture 133 109 24 Hardware merchants, paint 4'8 Paper and paper products, , 142 142 and. varnish sellers 551 549 2

Makcrs of paper and paper Toy shops 2 2 board products such as card. board boxes and kite, etc. 142 142 Opticians 18 18 4' 9 Printing and allied industries. , 401 394 7 Electric goods shops 37 37 4 '91 Workers in press (printers, Sale of glass goods 3 3 lithographers, etc.) 348 343 5 Kabari shops 35 35 ~'92 Bookbinders and stitchers " 53 51 2 Trunk sellers Division 5-Construction and Sale of earthenware utilities 11,893 9,893 1,000 32 29 3 5'1 Construction and maintenance- Sale of rope, sutli and moonj, buildings 4.581 4,479 102 etc. 34 34 Unclassified shopkeepers 2,263 2,164 99 5'11 Masons, Mazdoors 4,369 4,267 102 Watch sellers 5'12 Stonc-cutters and dressers 212 212 4 4 5'2 Construction and maintenance­ Cycle and motor dealers ," 3 3 roads, bridges and other Dealers in wooden articles 24 24 transport works 1,103 1,093 10 Typewriter and other Railway coolies or mazdoors machinery dealers 16 16 in construction and Arms and ammunition supply 874 865 9 dealers Sports goods dealers Road and building contractors 229 228 5 5 Lime, cement, sand and 30 29 5'4 Construction and maintenance , stone dealers operations-irrigation and other agricultural works 116 116 Rctail dealers in utensils •• 356 355 I Employees of irrigation 6 'I Retail dealers in food stuffs 7,269 7,037 232 department 116 116 (including beverages and narcotics 5'5 Works and services-electric power and gas supply 294 294 6"11 5,379 5,167 212 5 '51 Employees of electric sup· Retail dealers in grains and 531 527 4 ply company 294 294 pulses 92

Index of Non-agricult~ral Occupations-(contd.)

Code Code no. Occupation Persons Males Females no. Occupation Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5

Retail trade in sugar and Wholesale dealers in_ spices 241 240 All other articles other than 366 365 Egg sellers 43 33 10 foodstuffs Frui t shopkeepers 211 206 5 6 'Ii Real estate 15 15 Vegetable sellers 2,077 1,930 147 House and estate agents" IS 15 Ii '7 Insurance Sellers of fodder for animals 119 117 2 162 157 166 166 All peroorul connected with Grass sellers .. insurance business 162 157 s Biscuit and cake sellers 101 101 1i'8 Money lending, banking and 2,210 2,172 ,18 Dry fruit sellers 28 27 other financial business , , 660 631 29 Milk shops Money lending 596 563 33 1,090 1,081 9 Sweetmeat sellers Joint stock 'and co-opera­ 268 267 live bank employees Ghee shopkeepers and deal­ 111 107 4 ers in other dairy pro­ Munims of bankers 641 639 2' ducts Money br

Index of Non-agricultural Occupations-( concld.)

Code C~d~ no. Occupation Persons Males Females no. Occupation Males Females

2 2 3

7 '7 Telegraph services 391 383 8 Division 9-Services not else 28,421 25,338 3,083 wbere specified 7'8 Telephone services 153 153 9 '0 Services otherwiso! unclassified 10,067 9,246 821 7 '9 Wireless services 13 13 9'00 10,067 9,246 821 DiYision 8-Health, Edu­ 26,286 25,277 1,009 Palmists and astrologers .• 38 38 cation and Public Admi­ Independent labourers .. 8,661 7,898 763 nistration Unclassified workers 1,368 1,310 58 8 '1 Medical and other Health 1,839 1,538 301 services 9 'I Domestic services (but not 4,349 3,872 477 including services rendered 8 '11 Registered medical practi- 514 495 19 by members of family hou­ tioners seholds to one another) 8 '12 Voids, hakims 439 416 23 9'11 Private motor drivers and 386 376 10 8 '13 Dentists 1 cleaners 8 '14 Midwives, dais 88 88 9'12 Cooks 346 236 110 8 '16 Compounders 112 55 57 9 '13 Gardeners 70 70 8 '17 Nurses 61 61 9'10 3,547 3,190 357 Domestic servants 1,441 1,225 216 8 .j 0 All other persons employed 624 572 52 Watermen 29 29 in hospitals not including Domes ti e grass-eu t ters 21 3 18 . scavengers and sanitary Karinda zamindar .. 2,056 1,933 123 staff 9'2 Barbers and beauty shops 3,907 3,571 336 8'2 Educational services and 3,001 2,551 450 Barbers " 2,570 2,343 227 Research Lady hair dressers, etc. .. 82 82 8.21 Professors and lecturers in 2,467 2,107 360 Hair cutting saloons and 1,248 1,224 24 universi ties and colleges bcauty shops Massonr 7 4 3 8'22 212 210 2 9'3 Laundries and laundry 4,546 3,389 1,157 Teachers in schools 69 67 2 services Private tutors 143 143 Dhobies 1,673 1,271 402 8 '20 Clerks of educational and 322 234 88 Dry cleaning shops 949 846 103 Research institutions / / Laundries 1,924 1,272 652 8'4 Police (other than village 3,003 3,003 9 .4 Hotels restaurants and eating 801 795 6 watchmen) houses 8'5 Village officers and servants 572 572 Tea shop owners .. 38 35 3 including village watchmen Hotel owners and managers 249 247 2 Village officers and servants 210 210 Employees of hotels and 514 513 1 restaurants, Village watchmen 362 362 9'S Recreation services 1,824 1,625 199 8'6 Employees of Municipalities 1,645 1,575 70 Cinema employees 352 347 and local boards 5 Dancers and singers 360 219 141 Engineers, overseers and 25 18 7 Employees in theatre other technical employees 155 126 29 of munidpali ties and Theatre actors and actress- 62 50 12 boards es Wrestlers 17 17 Other Municipal Board 1,620 1,557 63 Musicians .. 878 866 12 and District Board em­ 9'6 Legal and business services 1,190 1,180 10 ployees 9'61 758 754 4 g . 7 Employees of State Govern­ 9,705 9,517 188 UiwY~rs 690 686 4 ments Mukhtars .• 68 68 9'62 Clerks of lawyers and peti- 329 328 Employees of supply depot 35 35 tion writers P. R. D. employees 467 467 9'64 103 98 5 Employees of rationing 623 616 7 Stenographers and typists' 45 40 5 department Auditors 58 58 Employees of co-operative 114 105 9 9'7 Arts, letters and journalism 173 172 1 service 9'71 47 46 1 Employees of agriculture 29 29 Arti~is 41 40 1 department Sculptors and image makers 6 6 Potwar is 376 375 9'73 Photographers 126 126 Employees of cane depart­ 80 80 9'8 Religious, charitable and .. 1,564 1,488 76 ment welfare services 9'SI 1,494 1,428 66 Jail employees 208 208 Priests, monks, nuns and Provincial p. W. D. em­ 258 258 sadhus 408 400 8 ployees panditai 1,086 1,028 58 Other State Government 7,515 7,344 171 employees 9 '82 Persons engaged in religi­ oos edifices 52 52 *8'8 Employees of the Union 6,521 6,521 Government 9 '83 Managers and employees-uf Other Union Government 6,521 6.521 charitable institutions employees and welfare services •. 18 8 10

.Figures under this sub-division include the figures of sub-division 8 '3-Army, Navy and Air Force. NOTE-This index gives the number of self-supporting persons, males and females, having as their principal means of livelihood, the productive occupations arranged according to divisions, sub-divisioDS and groups of Industries and Services according to the Indian Census Economic Classification Scheme. TABLE C-I 94 C-HOVSEHOLD AND AGE HousehoJd


Total Household Population Sample of Household Population

Total number Total'number of sample CLl.sses of households Persons Males Females hOLlseholds Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

All Classes- Total 282,283 1,488,283 804,517 683,766 10,622 53,517 28,956 24,561 Rural 188,552 1,001,528 538,479 463,049 6,996 36,496 19,735 16,161 Urban 93,731 486,755 266,038 220,717 .3,626 17,021 9,221 7,800 Agricultural Classes- Total 5,485 29,450 15,954 13,496 Rural 5,239 28,115 15,275 12,900

Urban 246 1,275 679 ~96 Non-agricultural Classes- Total 5,137 24,067 13,002 11,065 Rural 1,757 8,321 4,460 3,861 Urban 3,380 15,746 8,542 7,204


Composition of house-

Infants, non-adults and adults in

Infants (age less than Non-adults (agc I- I year) 20 years) Other male Other female Daughters relations relations Sons of heads of heads of of heads of of heads of Classes of households households households households Males Females Males Females

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

All Classes- Total 11,861 7,527 5,943 8,429 900 944 14,805 12,903 Rural 8,374 5,146 4,310 6,267 625 649 9,721 8,486 Urban 3,487 2,381 1,633 2,162 275 295 5,084 4,417 Agricultural Classes- Total 6,722 4,020 3,615 5,247 492 534 7,903 6,787 Rural 6,453 3,864 3,466 5,014 469 502 7,566 6,485 Urban 269 156 149 233 23 32 337 302 Non-agricultural Classes- Total 5,139 3,507 2,328 3,182 408 410 6,902 6,116 Rural 1,921 1,282 844 1,253 156 147 2,155 2,001 Urban 3,218 2,225 1,484 1,929 252 263 4,747 4,115 (SAMPLE) TABLES 95 TABLE C-I

(size and composition)


Composition oj Size of households households

Small Medium Large Very large

Heads of house- 3 members or less 4-6 members 7-9 members 10 members or above holds and their wives - .- ---.~~------_.. _------

Number Perwns Number Persons Number Persons Number Persons Males Females

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 ---~---

3,388 7,045 4,606 23,109 1,919 14,754 709 8,609 9,753 7,383 Z.lll 4,674 3,106 15,881 1,301 10,082 478 5,859 6,773 5,056 1.277 2,371 1,500 7,228 618 4,672 231 2,750 2,980 2,327

1,565 3,528 2,451 12,701 1,057 8,183 412 5,038 5,440 3,982 1,499 3,387 2,336 [2,138 1,010 7,810 39t 4,840 5,204 3,818 66 [41 115 563 47 373 18 198 236 164

[,823 3,517 2,155 10,408 862 6,571 297 3,571 4,313 3,401 612 1,287 770 3,743 291 2,272 84 1,019 1,569 1,238 1,211 2,230 1,385 6,665 571 4,299 213 2,552 2,744 2,163 ------


holds-(concld.) ------households Civil cortlition

Adult s (age 21 years and over) Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced ------_------

Male, Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

13,251 10,714 13,690 9.647 11,817 11,550 3,449 3,364 9,389 7,61.6 9,617 6,680 8,195 8,216 1,91.3 1,865 3,861 3,088 4,073 2,967 3,622 3,334 1,526 1,499

7,559 6,175 7,689 5,333 6,677 6,655 1,588 1,508 7,240 5,913 7,410 5,106 6,378 6,348 1,487 1,446 319 262 279 227 299 307 101 62

5,692 4,539 6,001 4,314 5,140 4,S95 1,861 1,856 2,149 1,713 2,207 1,514 1,817 1,868 436 419 3,543 2,826 3,794 2,740 3,323 3,027 1,425 1,437 TABLE C-II 96

Livelihood Classes


I-·Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land II1-.Cultivating wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned labourers and Sample Population and their dependants and their depf'ndants their dependants

Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Total 145,779 79,886 65,893 34,868 29,231 3,285 2,720 4,856 3,774

a 5,824 ~,793 3,031 1,223 1,379 113 119 147 128 1-4 15,573 8,104 7,169 3,484 3,236 316 369 476 477

5-14 36,436 19,511 16,924 8,970 7,858 768 638 1,16~ 869 15-24 27,165 1<1,109 12,756 5,781 5,309 612 536 956 728 25-34 21,735 12,288 9,147 1,960 1,102 527 370 733 r69

3:5-44 16,308 9,398 6,910 1,160 3,110 415 305 615 435 45-54 12,432 7,219 5,213 3,252 2,456 311 214 457 320 55-64 6,937 4,152 2,785 2,053 1,226 156 113 219 176 65-74 2,510 1,515 995 750 424 56 41 75 55 75 and over 852 490 362 235 131 11 15 ].I 17 Age not stated .. 7 6 1 Rural

Total 100,376 54,741 45,6J5 34,121 28,599 1,145 2,577 1,760 3,678 o 3,950 1,928 2,022 1,207 1,351 112 113 147 124 1-4 10.,619 5,/# 5,175 3,408 3,169 300 350 460 466 5-14 25,417 13,632 11,785 8,788 7,697 736 607 1,142 851 15-24 17,805 9,378 8,427 5,640 5,195 591 513 935 712 25-34 14,704 8,U7 6,557 4,850 4,012 499 348 717 551 35-44 11,462 6,509 1,953 4,083 3,045 397 285 605 423 45-54 8,931 5,145 3,789 3,173 2,397 298 202 449 310 55-64 5,086 3,072 2,014 2,008 1,191 151 109 216 169 65-74 1,836 1,147 689 737 416 51 35 75 55 75 and over 561 339 223 23f) 126 10 15 14 17 Age not stated .. 1 1 1'ehsil Agra

Total 13,524 7,310 6,184 3,622 3,079 396 323 1,029 798 a 504 244 260 112 171 15 5 28 18 1-4 1,413 738 675 326 339 32 40 125 96 5-14 3,178 1,728 '1,450 914 711 87 66 225 171 15-24 2,638 1,408 1,230 707 604 90 79 204 167 25-34 2,014 1,082 932 490 437 55 44 153 132 35-44 1,487 818 669 378 331 53 35 129 99 45-54 1,202 688 514 352 267 43 28 96 63 55-64 725 422 303 218 158 14 14 57 39 65-74 285 172 113 98 50 5 8 10 11 75 and over 78 40 38 27 11 2 4 2 2 Age not stated •• 97 TABLE C-II

by Age Groups


Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from~ IY.-... N on-cui ti vating owners of land; agrl­ :ultural rent receivers; V_Production other VlII~Other services and and their dependants than cultivation VI- Commerce VII~Transport miscellaneous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Total 527 662 12,543 10,687 7,917 6,415 2,978 2,225 12,912 10,179 15 15 480 438 194 262 125 106 396 584

5~ 44 1,291 1,166 941 783 297 2M 1,245 1,130 149 120 2,943 2,669 2,018 1,768 692 530 2,808 2,472 Jl2 88 1,610 2,415 1,313 1,181 549 468 2,476 2,031 41 86 1,080 1,608 1,132 905 559 349 2,256 1,458 33 106 1,394 988 879 645 376 24.9 1,526 1,072 33 89 975 782 716 452 253 138 1,222 762 52 76 520 419 422 249 90 80 640 446 26 32 171 152 162 103 18 29 247 159

12 6 78 49 39 67 9 12 92 65 1 1 1 4 Total 385 570 5,149 4,235 2,292 1,862 1,052 850 3,834 3,264

13 14 199 181 73 64 40 35 137 140 40 41 536 448 257 243 108 114 335 344 121 95 1,195 1,036 569 497 251 216 830 786 58 70 1,003 877 324 300 184 175 643 585 29 74 883 651 348 280 190 127 631 514 25 93 548 435 272 193 145 8P 434 390 21 81 416 328 231 145 86 55 471 271 43 68 248 193 151 92 35 23 220 169 25 28 88 61 60 36 10 10 101 48

10 6 33 24 7 12 3 6 32 17 1 (Rllral)

47 61 809 717 299 286 243 202 895 718 2 36 24 13 8 8 7 30 26 4 6 88 62 40 31 35 15 88 86 13 10 160 168 89 83 63 57 177 184 7 14 158 143 34 41 36 41 172 141 6 9 159 132 38 43 38 33 143 102 4 5 80 70 31 35 25 21 118 73 7 11 62 60 27 f8 15 13 86 54 2 45 32 19 15 17 11 50 33 2 2 18 17 8 7 5 3 26 15 ,2 3 9 5 5 4 TABLE C-II 98 Livelihood Classes


I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators ofland III-.Cultivatin8 wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned labourers and Sample Population and their dependants and their dependants their dependants

Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10.

Tehsil Bah

Total 1<1,380 7,797 6,583 6,298 :;,326 415 291 161 97 o 739 274 465 235 422 12 8 3 2 1-4 1,466 805 661 663 527 33 44 10 n 5-14 3,826 2,085 1,741 1,730 1,440 92 71 31 2() 15-24 1,931 1,037 894 785 694 84 54 31 11 25-34 1,956 1,016 940 786 757 59 45 33 17

35~44 2,078 1,252 826 1,067 657 58 30 21 14

45-54 1,254 648 606 498 495 42 25 23 U 55-64 807 461 346 362 269 28 9 4 1 65-74 253 177 76 139 51 7 3 3 75 and over 69 42 27 33 14 2 2 3 Age not stated 1 1 Tehsll EtlJllldpar

Total 18,841- 10,130 8,714 5,632 4,862 388 314 1,176 924 o 737 386 351 220 190 11 18 39 34 1-4 2,023 987 1,036 568 559 40 46 92 129 5-14 4,620 2,454 2,166 1,382 1,275 87 93 278 19{) 15-24 3,544 1,833 1,711 1,014 965 71 58 .261 18S 25-34 2,686 1,478 1,208 829 641 50 38 165 127 35--44 2,009 1,100 909 565 .511 48 25 153 100 45-54 1,776 1,037 739 556 394 51 19 115 89 55-64 979 575 404 340 212 21 12 46 48 65-74 351 216 135 116 79 9 4 23 15 75and over 119 64 55 42 36 4 4 Age not stated Tehsil Fatehabad

Total 12,874 7,206 5,668 4,938 3,884 253 214 862 64() o 439 247 192 169 120 11 14 31 25 1-4 1,328 682 646 460 425 27 28 97 SO 5-14 3,629 1,820 1,809 1,296 1,355 71 54 221 168 15-24 2,049 1,102 947 749 620 37 42 152 125 25-34 1,917 1,175 742 762 .510 45 25 132 78 35-44 1,311 793 518 554 300 35 22 100 79 45-54 1,259 757 502 482 370 14 19 76 44 55-64 611 418 193 316 99 g 8 37 26 65-74 266 155 111 113 80 4 2 14 13 75 and over 65 57 8 37 :; 2 2 Age not stated 99 TABLE C-H

by Age Groups-(contd.)

CLASSES CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means ofhvelihood from- IV-Non-cultivating owners ofland; agri­ cultural rent receivers; V-ProdllCtion other VIII-Other services and and their dependants than cultivation VI-Commerce V11-Transport mlscellaneous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19" 20

(Rural) 102 - 152 305 272 178 131 9 22 329 292 5 6 9 9 6 10 12 12 12 28 23 21 14 •37 ,27 35 26 83 63 40 35 3 7 71 79

6 10 61 59 27 2() 7 43 39 9 18 36 37 25 19 2 3 66 44 7 36 4() 33 1& 13 3 2 38 41

3 14 26 25 22 6 34 27 17 20 I3 18 20 11 17 16 6 6 7 4 5 t() 5 2 4 2 2 3 2

( Rural)

60 110 1.152 935 582 493 405 33-1 735 742 2 50 37 24 15 19 15 22 40 6 8 123 111 56 60 32 56 70 67 20 18 276 219 134 131 106 70 171 170 12 9 193 191 74 86 77 76 131 138 5 13 170 147 87 74 71 50 101 118

12 123 87 72 ~9 49 32 89 93 5 24 1t3 79 70 50 36 23 91 61 6 19 75 43 42 21 10 7 35 42

4 5 18 13 20 5 5 3 21 11

11 8 3 2 2 4 2


28 460 367 209 179 75 46 387 310 13 11 7 6 2 15 13 2 41 51 22 24 13 8 20 29 S 8 110 89 47 43 18 IS 52 77 4 6 83 65 38 30 12 5 27 54 82 48 29 24 12 9 113 47 4 55 51 24 23 14 2 10 37 2 43 26 24 13 4 3 112 26 4 4 22 22 12 11 18 23 2 8 4 5 5 2 10 3 3 3 10 TABLE C-II 100 Livelihood Classes


1-Cultivator, of land 1I-Cultivators of land III-Culti valing wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned labourers and Sample Population and their dependants and their dependants their dependants

Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 __7~ ______~8 ______~9~ ______lO

Tebsil Firozabad Total 13,375 7,311 6,061 4,168 3,596 313 260 605 475 o 549 294 255 162 141 12 5 25 23 ,1-4 1,383 672 711 372 414 28 30 50 56 5-14 3,318 1,784 1,534 1,067 937 67 61 154 117 15-24 2,544 1,336 1,208 714 720 46 62 104 96 25-34 1,986 1,117 869 601 496 61 30 85 69 35-44 1,531 858 673 491 415 41 28 82 47 45-54 1,146 674 472 409 280 32 27 63 38 55-64 603 380 223 231 124 17 14 29 18 65-74' 226 142 84 88 49 7 2 10 7 75and over 89 54 35 33 20 2 3 4 Age not stated .• Tebsil Kheragarb

Total 14,076 7,769 6,307 4,846 3,900 835 637 497 375- o 479 242 237 158 138 28 25 9 15 1-4 1,529 798 731 504 437 89 95 51 46 5-14 3,541 1,962 1,579 1,230 1,008 203 149 118 89 15-24 2,557 1,378 1,179 842 745 155 121 100 60 25.,..34 2,102 1,154 948 705 591 125 87 79 67 35-44 1,632 916 722 557 436 102 77 75 41 45-54 1,224 733 491 474 291 77 48 41 35 55-64 688 403 285 260 168 38 24 20 17 65-74 249 149 160 89 60 13 8 4 5 75 and over 75 40 35 27 26 5 3 Age not stated Tehsil Kirao Ii Total 13,303 7,188 6,115 4,620 3,952 545 538 430 369 o 503 241 262 151 169 23 38 12 7 1-4 1,477 762 715 515 468 51 67 35 46 5-14 3,305 1,799 1,566 1,169 971 129 113 lIS 96 15-24 2,542 1,284 1,258 829 847 108 97 83 65 25-34 2,043 1,125 918 677 580 104 79 70 61 35-44 1,414 778 636 471 395 60 68 45 43 45-54 1,073 608 465 402 300 39 36 35 28 55-64 673 413 260 281 161 25 28 23 18 65-74 206 136 70 94 47 6 8 11 3 75 and over 67 42 25 31 14 4 2 Age nol stated 101 TABLE C-II

b-y Age Groups-(contd.)

CLASSES CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means oflivelihood from- IV- Non..cuitivating owners of land; agri­ cultural rent receivers; V- Production other VIII- Other services and and their dependants than cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport miscellaneous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


62 99 1,236 926 315 245 JJ7 81 495 382

4 49 53 II 9 7 3 24 18 9 6 131 106 36 38 10 14 36 47 17 19 254 224 81 66 22 17 122 93 17 12 301 202 49 40 19 18 86 58 2 13 239 143 43 37 20 11 66 70 6 1~ 120 87 4S 23 20 12 53 4S 16 83 66 24 13 13 3 49 29 3 6 37 34 17 15 5 41 11 2 8 14 8 7 3 14 7 8 3 2 4 4


60 76 569 514 374 292 70 56 518 457 18 22 11 12 2 5 16 19 5 5 58 50 44 36 6 9 41 53 20 6 150 139 92 77 14 17 135 94

7 11 100 99 58 51 13 10 103 82 6 10 90 66 , 62 46 16 7 71 74 4 15 60 . 60 44 29 13 6 S5 58 12 47 40 37 19 5 2 52 44 8 13 28 25 19 13 30 25 7 3 16 11 7 8 13 5 3 2 2 2 1


32 44 618 504 335 236 133 109 475 363 24 25 7 8 3 5 20 12 2 3 67 45 38 40 11 11 43 35 11 8 162 134 86 62 25 33 102 89 5 8 107 118 44 32 27 18 81 73 10 107 78 64 37 31 14 71 59 2 5 70 47 38 21 21 14 71 43 .3 3 42 32 27 26 13 10 47 30 3 5 28 1


I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land III-Cultivating wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned labourers and Sample Population and their dependants and their dependants their dependants

Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Urbao Total 45,4fJ3 25,145 20,258 744 632 140 143 96 96 o 1,874 865 1,009 16 28 1 6 4 1--4 4,954 2,660 2,294 76 67 16 19 16 11 5-14 11,019 5,880 5,139 182 161 32 31 22 18 15-24 9,360 5,031 4,329 141 114 21 23 21 16 25-34 7,031 4,141 2,890 110 90 28 22 16 18 35--# 4,lJ46 2,889 1,957 77 65 18 20 10 12 45-54 3,498 2,074 1,424 79 59 13 12 8 10 55-64 1,851 1,080 771 45 35 5 4 3 7 65-74 674 368 306 13 8 .5 6 75 and oyer 290 151 139 5 .5 1 Age not stated ., 6 6 , Urban Total 5,474 2,963 2,511 457 425 51 41 38 o 181 72 109 19 1. 1-4 610 314 296 56 52 8 6 7 3 5-14 1,372 765 607 118 102 14 13 7 9 15-24 1,009 518 491 71 64 12 7 10 7

25-34 812 463 349 70 61 10 8 8 6

35-44 610 333 277 51 ' 51 11 7 4 5

45-54 494 294 200 52 44 6 4 3 4 55-64 262 140 121 26 23 2 2 65-74 84 44 40 9 5 4 75 and over 40 ZO 20 4 4 Age not stated

Agra 'Tota) 33,569 18,452 15,117 205 152 65 81 53 58 o 1,443 650 793 14 5 4 ;l

t-4 3,676 1,977 1,699 14 12 6 12 9 8 S--14 8,175 4,312 3,863 42 40 14 15 15 9 15-24 6,979 3,729 3,241 55 43 9 15 11 9 25-34 5,184 3,057 2,127 26 20 15 12 8 12 35-44 3,494 2,051 1,443 18 10 5 J3 4 7 45-54 2,512 1,465 1,047 15 7 7 7 5 6 55-64 1,387 809 578 17 11 3 2 4 65-74 563 182 211 3 3 4 75 and over 221 116 105 A$e not stated 4 4 1()3 TABLE C-II by Age Groups-(contd.)

CLASSES CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from- IY...... Non-cultivating , owners of land; agri­ cultural rent receivers; Y- Production other YIII-Other services and and their dependants than cultivation YI-Commerce YU-Transport . miscellaneous source!>

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

Total 142 92 7,394 6,452 5,625 4,551 1,926 1,375 9,078 6,915 2 281 257 221 198 85 71 259 444 14 3 755 718 684 540 189 150 910 786 28 25 1,748 1,633 J,449 1,271 441 314 1,978 1,686 54 18 1,607 1,538 989 881 365 293 1,833 1,446 12 12 1,197 957 784 615 369 222 1,625 944 8 J3 846 553 607 452 231 160 1,092 682 12 8 S59 454 485 307 167 83 751 491 9 8 272 226 271 157 5.5 5" 420 277 4 83 91 102 67 18 19 146 111

45 15 32 55 6 6 60 48

1 1 4

Non-dty 21 19 660 533 652 585 42.5 309 643 551 23 24 20 26 18 29 20 3 50 48 79 73 52 41 59 72 5 2 153 137 187 161 109 69 172 114 4 134 112 94 108 90 69 106 120 113 78 94 76 73 45 94 74

3 4 72 53 77 62 46 32 69 63 4 3 69 43 59 43 39 14 62 45 2 3 30 26 30 23 12 15 36 28 9 7 8 9 3 3 13 11

7 5 4 4 3 3 4

City 93 46 4,808 4,552 4,123 3,363 1,354 987 7,751 5,878 176 175 166 148 83 SO 209 408 S 528 508 509 391 129 103 774 664 12 16 1,194 1,172 1,060 928 306 228 1,669 1,455 50 7 972 1,059 762 673 252 202 1,618 1,233 9 g 756 665 548 468 258 165 1,437 777 4 7 533 393 428 332 155 120 904 561 4 3 361 - 330 341 220 115 65 617 409 4 2 198 166 2-02 117 37 39 347 237 2 62 66 80 44 14 12 119 93 28 18 27 42 5 3 53 41 4 TABLE C-II 104 Livelibood Classes


I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land IU-Cultivating wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned labourers and Sample Population and their dependants and their dependants their dependants

Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Firozabad Total 6,360 3,730 1,630 82 55 11 11 2 0 250 143 107 2 4 1-4 668 369 299 6 3 2 5-14 1,472 803 669 22 19 4 3 15-24 1,381 784 597 15 7 25-34 1,035 621 414 14 9 3 2 35-44 742 50S 237 8 4 2 2 45-54 492 315 177 12 g 55-64 202 131 71 2 65-74 87 42 45 75 and over 29 15 14 Age not stated 2 2 ------105 TABLE C-ll by Age Groops-( concld.)

CLASSES CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from- IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agri- oultural rent receivers; V-Production other VIII-Other services and and their dependants than cultivallon VI-Commerce VII-Transport miscellaneous SOUl ces

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

City 28 27 1,926 1,367 850 60S 147 79 684 486 82 58 3S 24 2 3 21 16 3 177 162 96 76 8 6- 77 50 11 7 401 324 202 182 26 17 137 111 3 7 501 367 133 100 23 22 109 93 2 3 328 214 142 81 38 12 94 93 2 241 107 102 58 30 8 119 58 4 2 129 81 85 44 13 4 72 37 3 3 44 34 39 17 6 3 37 12 - 1 12 18 14 14 4 14 7 10 2 9 4 TABLE C-III 106 Age and Chil

Sample Population Widowed or Total Unmarried Married divorced

Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaleos

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

District Total 145,779 79,886 65,893 39,693 27,978 34,088 31,054 6,l1J5 6,861 Rural Total 100,376 54,741 45,635 27,147 19,011 23,113 21,900 4,481 4,724 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 13,514 7,340 6,184 3,392 2,385 3,353 3,100 595 699 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 14,380 7,797 6,583 3,989 2,879 3,161 2,864 647 840 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 18,844 10,130 8,714 4,949 3,505 4,435 4,411 746 798 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 12,874 7,206 5,668 3,763 2,858 2,834 2,455 609 355 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 13,375 7,311 6,064 3,514 2,372 3,211 3,035 586 657 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 14,076 7,769 6,307 3,998 2,511 3,119 3,031 652 765 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 13,303 7,188 6,115 3,542 2,501 3,000 3,004 646 610 Urban Total 45,403 15,145 10,258 12,546 8,967 10,975 9,154 1,614 2,137 Urban Non-city 5,474 2,963 2,511 1,480 1,005 1,271 1,200 212 306 2 Agra City 33,569 18,452 15,117 9,275 6,898 7,981 6,641 1,196 1,578 3 Firozabad City 6,360 3,730 2,630 1,791 1,064 1,723 1,313 , 216 253

Age 15-24-(concld,) Widowed or Unmarried Married divorced Total Unmarried

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

District Total 6,319 1,617 7,845 10,801 145 338 12,288 9,447 1,479 86 Rural Total 3,854 886 5,371 7,386 151 155 8,147 6,557 1,061 25 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 555 94 833 1,117 20 19 1,082 932 83 • 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 510 218 498 634 29 42 1,016 940 177 3 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 780 103 1,028 1,590 25 18 1,478 1,208 169 4 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 437 232 643 708 22 7 1,175 742 208 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 484 49 839 1,137 13 22 1,117 869 126 5 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 577 91 773 1,062 28 26 1,154 948 188 4 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 511 99 758 1,138 15 21 1,125 918 111 4 Urban Total 1,465 731 1,473 3,415 93 183 4,Ul 2,890 417 61 Urban Non-city 244 45 265 437 9 9 463 349 45 2 AgraCity 1,850 641 1,808 2,456 71 144 3,057 2,127 314 54 3 Firozabad City 371 45 400 522 13 30 621 414 58 7 107 TABLE C-III CondltioD

Aze 0 A,ge 1-4 Age 5-14 Age 15-24 Widowed or Total Total Total Unmarried Married divorced Total

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

2,793 3,031 8,104 7,469 19,512 16,924 19,086 15,696 414 1,223 12 5 14,409 12,756 1,928 2,022 5,444 5,175 13,632 11,785 13,245 10,866 376 914 11 5 9,378 8,427 244 260 738 675 1,728 1,450 1,693 1,335 33 112 2 3 1,408 1,236 274 465 805 661 2,085 1,741 1,917 1,530 166 211 2 1,037 894 386 351 987 1,036 2,454 2,166 2,392 2,009 56 156 6 1,833 1,711 247 192 682 646 1,820 1,809 1,805 1,787 15 22 1,102 947 294 255 672 711 1,784 1,534 1,748 1,351 36 183 1,336 1,208 242 237 798 731 1,962 1,579 1,920 1,443 42 135 1,378 1,179 241 262 762 71S 1,799 1,506 1,770 1,411 28 95 1,284 1,258 865 1,009 2,660 2,29" 5,880 5,139 5,841 4,,830 38 309 1 5,031 4,329 72 109 314 296 765 607 751 552 14 55 518 491 650 793 1,977 1,699 4,312 3,863 4,294 3,674 17 189 3,729 3,241 143 107 369 299 803 669 796 604 7 65 784 597

25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Widowed or Widowed or Married divorced Total Unmarried divorced Total

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

10,191 8,801 618 560 9,398 6,910 811 30 7,526 5,632 1,061 1,248 7,219 5,213 6,688 6,135 397 397 6,509 4,953 660 11 5,098 4,041 751 901 5,145 3,789 949 856 50 71 818 669 39 2 • 687 561 92 106 688 514 779 890 60 47 1,252 826 151 980 672 121 154 648 606 1,246 1,140 63 64 1,100 909 77 904 787 119 121 1,037 739 903 722 64 20 793 518 120 569 402 104 116 757 S02 927 804 64 60 858 673 87 675 539 96 133 674 472 934 864 32 80 910 722 120 2 660 560 130 160 733 491 950 859 64 55 778 636 66 5 623 520 89 111 608 465 3,503 2,666 221 163 2,889 1,957 151 19 2,428 1,591 310 347 2,074 1,<124 394 325 24 24 333 277 25 2 276 225 32 50 294 200 2,572 1,949 171 124 2,051 1,443 92 17 1,732 1,162 227 264 1,465 1,047 537 392 26 15 50S 237 34 420 204 51 33 315 177 TABLE C-III 108 Age and ebB

Aile 45-S4-Cconc/d.) Age Widowed or Unmarried Married divorced Total

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Male!l Female.

2 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 District Total 666 26 4,947 3,323 1,606 1,864 4,152 2,785 Rural Total S8l 11 3,382 2,472 1,178 1,306 3,072 1,014 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 24 4 510 320 154 190 422 303 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 83 2 401 361 164 243 461 346 3 TehsilEtmadpur (Rural) 78 755 510 204 228 575 404 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 187 406 418 164 84 418 193 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 71 44S 279 158 193 380 223 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 9S 465 298 173 193 403 285 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 47 4 400 286 161 175 413 260 Urban Total 81 15 1,565 851 428 558 1,080 771 Urban Non-city .. 17 213 118 64 82 140 122 2 AgraCity 51 14 1,107 633 307 400 809 578 3 Firozabad City 13 245 100 57 76 131 71

Age 65-7+-(concld.) Ap 75 and

Wldowcdor divorced Total Unmarried Married

Tract Malea Females Males Femalet Males Femalea Mal" Femllc£

2 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77

District Total 720 789 490 362 35 1 137 32 Rural Total 569 SSO 339 223 24 1 88 19 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 89 9S 40 38 9 3 2 TehsilBah(Rural) 82 73 42 27 3 11 3 Tehsil Etrnadpur (Rural) 91 111 64 55 to 17 4 4 TehsilFatehabad (Rural) 81 52 57 8 2 20 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 72 75 54 35 14 3 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 79 83 40 35 4 7 6 7 Tehsil KiraoH (Rural) 75 61 42 25 3 10 Urban Total 151 239 151 139 11 49 13 Urban Non-city 20 35 20 20 9 3 2 AgraCity 114 166 116 105 10 34 9 3 Firozabad City 17 38 15 14 6 109 TABLE C-III ConditioD-(concld.)

55-64 Age 65-74 Widowed or Unmarried Married divorced Total Unmarried Married

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -.--58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 300 12 2,327 1,046 1,5Z5 1,727 1,515 995 97 10 698 196 258 8 1,618 800 1,196 1,206 I,U7 689 87 6 191 133 12 4 252 118 158 181 172 113 3 .5 80 13 48 252 92 161 254 177 76 21 74 3 52 322 200 201 204 216 135 18 107 24 57 222 124 139 69 155 III 18 56 58 22 214 81 144 142 142 84 9 61 9 43 3 179 89 181 193 149 100 11 .59 17 24 177 96 212 163 136 70 7 54 9 42 4 709 146 329 511 368 306 10 4 207 63 11 77 32 52 89 44 40 1 23 .5 29 3 547 191 233 384 282 221 5 3 163 52 2 85 23 44 48 42 4S 4 21 6

over Age not stated

Widowed or Widowed or divorced Total Unmarrie4 Married divorced

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87

318 329 6 1 3 3 1 227 203 1 1 30 34 28 26 37 51 35 7 39 32 29 29 29 24 91 126 6 3 3 11 17 72 96 4 3 8 13 2 2 110

NO'J1!-In the above table the figures for widowed and i All ages AgeS-14 Age 15-24 Age2S-34 :i ~ Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 10 11

District Total 65 37 28 5 6 13 5

Rural Total 34 26 8 2 1 8 1

Tehsil Agra (Rural) 3 3 2

2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 2 2

3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 8 5 3 3

4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 4 3 1

5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 7 7 2

6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 2 2

7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 8 6 2 Urban Total 31 11 20 3 • 5 3 Urban Non-city 6 6 3

2 Agra City 25 5 20 2 4 2 3

3 Pirolabad City 111 divorced have been combined. The figures for diYorced persons are as follows:

Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65-74 Age 75 and oyer Age not stated

Males Females Males • Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

9 11 7 4 1 2 1

7 :1 6 :1 :1 1



3 1

2 9 1

9 4 TABLE C-IV 112 Age and

.. Sample &> "8 g Total Literate '; 'ij

r 2 3 4 5 6

District Total 79,886 65,893 18,190 3,879 Rural Total 54,741 45,635 9,057 981 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 7,340 6,184 1,360 213 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 7,797 6,583 1,215 151 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 10,130 8,714 1,915 231 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 7,206 5,668 871 57 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 7,311 6,064 1,176 157 - 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7,769 6,307 1,287 90 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 7,188 6,115 1,233 82 Urban Total 25,145 20,258 9,133 2,898 Urban Non-city 2,963 2,511 1,028 350 2 AgraCity 18,452 15,117 6,699 2,133 3 Firozabad City 3,730 2,630 1,406 415

,g.. Age 5-9-(concld.) Aae 8 a Uliterate Total 01 .~

2 15 16 17 18

District Total 8,717 8,253 9,945 8,337 Rural Total 6,393 6,003 6,896 5,718 Tehsil Agra (Rural) •• 830 727 865 710 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 956 932 1,089 801 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 1,123 1,104 1,251 1,05) 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 868 850 916 950 S Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 857 777 870 743 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 912 792 1,002 779 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 847 821 903 683 Urban Total 2,324 2,250 1,049 1,619 Urban NOD-city 306 282 394 289 2 AgraCity 1,727 1,686 2,236 1,992 3 Firozabad City 291 282 419 338 113 TABLE C-IV Llteracr

Population Aile 0-4

Illiterate Total Total Literate

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

61,696 62,014 10,897 10,500 9,567 8,587 850 334

45,684 44,654 7,372 7,197 6,736 6,067 343 64

5,980 5,971 982 935 863 740 33 13

6,582 6,432 1,079 1,126 996 940 40 8 8,215 8,483 1,373 1,387 1,203 1,114 80 10 6,335 5,611 929 838 904 859 36 9 6,135 5,907 966 966 914 791 57 14 6,482 6,217 1,040 968 960 800 48 8 5,955 6,033 1,003 977 896 823 49 2 16,012 17,360 3,525 3,303 2,831 2,520 507 270 1,935 2,161 386 405 371 318 65 36 11,753 12,984 2,627 2,492 2,076 1,871 349 185 2,324 2,215 512 406 384 331 93 49

10-14 Age 15-24

Literate Illiterate Total Literate Illiterate

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

3,159 886 6,786 7,451 14,409 12,756 4,996 1,306 9,413. 11,450 1,691 217 5,205 5,501 9,378 8,427 2,386 342 6,992 8,085 233 29 632 681 1,408 1,230 468 67 940 1,163 219 42 870 759 1,037 894 314 44 723 850 375 48 876 1,004 1,833 1,711 466 88 1,367 1,623 167 8 749 942 1,102 947 184 21 918 926 269 35 601 708 1,336 1,208 307 63 1,029 1,145 203 33 799 746 1,378 1,179 346 26 1,032 1,153 225 22 678 661 1,284 1,258 301 33 983 1,225 1,468 669 1,581 1,950 5,031 4,329 2,610 964 2,421 3,365 173 80 221 209 518 491 271 112 247 379 1,073 496 1,163 1,496 3,729 3,241 1,968 728 1,761 2,513

222 93 197 245 784 597 371 124 413 473 TABLE C-IV 114 Age anG

.... AIIO .D "8 ::> Q Total Literate '"iii .~

District Total 12,288 9,447 3,913 672 Rural Total 8,147 6,557 1,909 169 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 1,082 932 256 38 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) •. 1,016 940 254 26 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 1,478 1,208 411 49 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 1,175 742 188 6 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 1,117 869 231 22 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 1,154 948 302 13 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 1,125 918 267 15 Urban Total 4,141 2,890 2,004 503 Urban Non-city 463 349 205 53 2 Agra City 3,057 2,127 1,516 368 3 Firozabad City 621 414 283 82

... Age 45-54--(concld.) .0" 8 ::> Literate Q Illiterate

.~ .... Tract Males Females Males Females ~ 2 43 44 45 46

District Total 1,660 200 5,559 5,013 Rural Total 877 47 4,268 3,742 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 115 18 573 496 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 120 7 528 599 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 206 7 831 732· 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 82 2 675 500 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 89 7 585 465 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 127 2 606 489 7 Tehsil Kira(}li (Rural) 138 4 470 461 Urban Total 783 153 1,291 1,271 Urban Non-city 120 30 174 170 2 Agm City 529 103 936 944 3 Firozabad City 134 20 181 157 115 TABLE C-IV


25-34 Age 35-44 Aile 45-54

Illiterate Total Literate TIliterate Total

Males Females Males Females Males Females Mates Females Males Females

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

8,375 8,775 9,398 6,910 2,400 352 6,998 6,558 7,219 5,213 6,238 6,388 6,509 1,953 1,211 102 5,287 1,851 5,U5 3,789 826 894 818 669 163 25 655 644 688 514 762 914 1,252 826 171 20 1,081 806 648 606 1,067 1,159 1,100 909 235 24 865 885 1,037 739 987 736 793 518 130 10 663 508 757 502 886 847 858 673 172 12 686 661 674 472 852 935 910 722 183 7 727 715 733 491 858 903 778 636 168 4 610 632 608 465 2,137 2,387 2,889 1,957 1,178 250 1,711 1,707 2,07'- 1,424 258 296 333 277 135 26 198 251 294 200 1,541 1,759 2,051 1,443 829 186 1,222 1,257 1,465 1,047 338 332 505 237 214 38 291 199 315 177

Age 55-64 Age 55-74

Total Literate Illiterate Total Literate

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ------47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 4,152 2,785 868 77 3,284 2,708 1,515 995 246 38 3,071 l,OU 453 30 2,619 1,981 I,U7 689 Ul 7 422 303 57 16 365 287 172 113 30 6 461 346 69 4 392 342 177 76 25 575 404 98 3 477 401 216 135 37 418 193 52 356 192 155 111 13 380 223 36 4 344 219 142 84 10 403 285 56 347 284 149 100 19 413 260 75 338 259 136 70 7 1,080 771 415 47 665 711 368 306 105 31 140 122 45 11 95 111 44 40 9 809 578 299 32 510 546 282 221 81 27 131 71 71 4 60 67 42 45 15 4 TABLE C-IV 116 Age and

AiC 65-74--{concld.) A,e 75

ntiterate Total Literate

Tract Males Females Males Female. Males Female.

2 57 58 59 60 61 62

District Total 1,269 957 490 362 94 14 Rural Total 1,{)(M 682 319 223 35 1 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 142 107 40 38 5 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 152 76 42 27 3 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 179 135 64 55 7 2 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 142 111 57 8 9 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 132 84 54 35 5 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 130 100 40 35 3 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 129 69 42 25 Urban Total 263 275 151 139 59 11 Urban Non-city 35 40 :zg 20 5 2 2 AgraCity 201 194 116 105 51 8 3 Firo:rabad City 27 41 15 14 3

NOTE- Persons who can read but cannot wri te were separately enumerated in the Census. In the table their

All Ages Age 5- 9 Age 10-14 Age 15-24

Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 4 __~5 ______6~ _____ 7 8 9 10 11

District Total 1,229 1,031 198 111 37 144 40 232 47 Rural Total 749 694 55 67 6 91 10 160 14 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 92 74 18 9 2 17 6 2 TehsiJ Bah (Rural) •. 131 125 6 8 2 20 25 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 73 69 4 2 13 28 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 158 155 3 35 8 13 5 Tehsi I Firozabad (Rural) 64 54 10 4 4 3 17 2 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 62 51 11 11 12 3

7 T~sil Kiraoli (Rural) 169 166 3 14 26 48 2 Urban Total 480 317 141 44 31 53 30 72 33 Urban Non-city 49 44 5 4 3 6 6 2 Agra City 315 218 97 29 20 40 24 51 26 3 Firozabad City 116 75 41 11 8 7 6 15 7 117 TABLE C-IV


and over Age not stattid

Illiterate Total Literate Illiterate

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

396 348 6 1 4 2 1 304 220 1 1 35 37 39 27 1 57 53 48 8 49 35 37 35 39 25 92 128 6 2 15 18 65 97 4 4 12 13 2 2 number has been included in the column for" illi terate". The number of such semi·literate persons is as follows:

Age 25- 34 Age 35- 44 Age 45- 54 Age 55- 64 Age 65-74 Age 75 and over Age not stated ------Males Females Males Females Males Females l\1a1es Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 226 30 113 19 116 16 45 4 34 3 10 2 146 9 74 6 82 6 37 J 28 9 1 18 4 12 2 7 2 3 4 30 13 14 10 5 14 2 9 21 17 31 11 11 8 13 10 3 2 2 16 2 6 3 34 14 17 8 5 80 21 39 13 34 10 8 1 6 J 1 1 12 3 4 4 4 50 12 25 7 20 6 2 2 18 9 11 5 10 4 2 TABLE C-V 118

Sample Population Aile 0 Agel

Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Femalct

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

District Total 145,779 79,886 65,893 2,793 3,031 1,975 1,934 Rural Total 100,376 54,741 45,635 1,928 2,022 1,330 1,438 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 13,524 7,340 ,6,184 244 260 165 IS3 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) •. 14,380 7,797 6,583 274 465 228 232 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 18,844 10,130 8,714 386 351 266 279 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 12,874 7,206 _5,668 247 192 170 223 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 13,375 7,311 6,064 294 255 165 188 6 Tehail Kheragarh (Rural) 14,076 7,769 6,307 242 237 165 190 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 13,303 7,188 6,115 241 262 171 173 Urban Total 15,403 25,145 20,258 865 1,009 645 496 Urban Non-city 5,474 2,963 2,511 72 109 112 69

2 AgraCity 33,569 1~,452 15,117 650 793 444 .,' 358 3 Firozabad City 6,360 3,730 2,630 143 107, 89 69

AgeS Age 9 Age 10 Age 11

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

District Total 2,049 1,822 1,517 1,401 2,515 2,152 1,632 1,388 Rural Total 1,443 1,281 1,087 938 1,739 1,515 1,186 952 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. IS5 139 141 106 225 187 105 117 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) " 188 217 136 110 250 279 329 50 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 259 212 210 194 301 230 210 182 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rur~) 188 159 167 128 191 295 173 241 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 211 175 154 150 246 173 130 143 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 224 193 148 121 281 200 118 131 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 188 186 131 129 245 151 121 88 Urban Total 606 541 430 463 776 637 446 136

Urban Non-city 96 82 61 45 107 80 46 53

2 AgraCity 429 382 300 365 554 486 341 331 3 Firozabad City 81 77 69 53 115 71 59 52 119 TABLE C-V Age Returns

Aie2 Age 3 Age 4 AgeS Age 6 A,e 7

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1,880 1,922 2,200 1,812 2,049 1,801 2,266 2,050 2,090 1,878 1,645 1,436 1,217 1,322 1,476 1,172 1,421 1,243 1,566 1,471 1,152 1,360 1,188 1,017 189 167 204 192 180 163 237 178 173 173 127 144 147 157 252 90 178 182 227 195 231 284 214 134 219 250 245 263 257 244 277 264 262 249 195 195 146 210 167 65 199 148 181 267 200 161 168 144 161 168 182 193 164 162 208 191 186 139 ISS 136 179 193 199 183 255 165 225 175 184 182 179 129 176 177 227 186 188 179 211 201 216 172 150 135 663 600 72<1 640 628 558 700 579 638 518 457 419 64 81 78 71 60 75 82 81 77 61 55 49 SOl 448 555 489 477 404 527 429 482 381 338 314 98 71 - 91 80 91 79 91 69 79 76 64 56

Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15 Age 16 Age 17

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

:!6--37,-----;;3;o8---~39n----4O"'----,4.. 1------30 31 32 33 34 35 2,715 1,815 1,240 1,061 1,843 1,921 1,694 1,515 1,719 1,690 1,003 824 1,880 1,230 820 670 1,271 1,351 1,107 879 1,159 1,147 711 573 273 171 95 81 167 154 176 121 165 172 82 6B 240 104 130 75 140 293 113 95 94 128 LOI 16 341 254 164 132 235 254 211 179 231 238 158 120 222 168 143 62 187 184 152 154 147 124 77 128 235 155 88 98 171 174 152 112 189 190 81 53 313 178 88 126 202 144 147 114 191 140 130 118 256 200 112 96 169 148 156 104 142 155 85 70 8J5 585 420 391 572 570 587 636 560 513 289 251 111 63 47 31 83 62 58 67 77 57 26 27 606 455 326 287 409 433 446 395 405 438 223 184 118 67 47 73 80 75 83 174 78 48 40 40 TABLE C-V 120 Sinp Year

Aile 18 Aile 19 Age 20 Aie21

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.

2 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

District Total 2,166 1,844 825 648 2,743 2,930 740 4')4 Rural Total 1,398 1,235 499 423 1,769 1,894 472 347 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 237 187 64 48 268 277 81 S3 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 125 160 113 19 131 181 54 30 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 280 265 87 67 361 432 77 64 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 174 106 42 93 206 215 45 13 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 204 202 58 45 256 283 45 50 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 167 117 57 89 301 208 113 94 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 211 198 78 62 246 298 57 43

Urban Total 768 609 326 225 974 1,036 268 147 Urban Non-city 75 64 33 24 91 119 15 25 2 AgraCity 559 483 240 161 718 830 216 95

3 Firozabad City 134 62 53 40 165 87 37 27

Age 26 Age27 Age28 Age 29

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

District Total 1,006 754 651 325 1,301 993 356 160

Rural Total 658 530 455 237 874- 695 273 115

Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 86 58 44 33 130 121 12 6 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 109 113 114 27 89 62 103 13 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 119 81 72 45 149 149 34 22

4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 81 54 54 15 117 65 31 6 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 86 59 57 22 123 90 27 9 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 89 91 74 66 169 86 34 48 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 88 74 40 29 97 122 32 11 Urban Total 348 224 196 88 427 298 83 45 Urban Non-city 48 41 16 14 51 41 14 6 2 AgraCity 259 147 160 57 323 208 62 37 3 Firozabad City 41 36 20 17 53 49 7 2 121 TABLE C-V Age Returns_(contd.)

Age 22 Age 23 A8e24 Age 25

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males remale~

55-- -~-- ---5"1" --- 1,911 1,486 698 529 910 796 3,339 2,541 1,219 1,053 151 347 589 529 1,158 1,611 199 180 67 57 69 67 323 255 88 136 89 20 129 109 141 143 255 208 79 59 94 79 411 371 ]29 64 61 15 69 35 340 49 212 158 59 46 80 69 285 281 158 127 46 91 68 81 308 217 178 180 51 59 80 89 350 295 691 433 116 182 321 267 1,181 930 91 41 20 36 32 31 127 101 484 353 192 113 246 139 855 696 117 39 34 33 43 47 199 133

------~------,------~ ----

Age 30 Age 31 Age 33 Age 34

Males Females Males Females Males Females Male, Females Males Females -, --'71 ____~6~6 ___ ~67 72 73

3,283 2,914 578 187 1,015 925 411 259 348 389 2,107 1,889 332 158 702 765 336 118 251 339

33ll 321 18 I~ 92 81 24 17 15 22 131 171 95 II 86 220 86 29 62 151

463 343 31 35 118 99 46 3~ 35 28 278 312 71 16 101 147 60 37 42 41

342 283 29 5 100 77 35 21 33 22 252 186 64 64 94 80 44 61 26 49 303 273 24 9 111 61 41 18 39 26 1.176 1,025 246 29 313 160 75 41 96 50 138 112 13 4 36 24 6 3 14 3 816 768 227 21 227 119 57 30 71 « 222 145 6 4 50 17 12 8 11 3

-~------~~------~------TABLE·C-V· 122 Single Year

Age 35 Age 36 Age 37 Age 38

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 ______7.:_6 ____7_7 ____ 7_8 _ __ ]J_ __ 80 81 82 83

District Total 2,909 1,985 635 463 305 151 546 523 Rural Total 1,893 1,280 496 392 249 114 -130 425 Tehsil Agra (Rural) " 280 189 41 34 25 16 46 61 :2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) " 189 IlO 117 lI8 109 8 129 127 3 TehsilEtmadpur (Rural) 356 278 61 57 22 24 67 S5 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rura.l) 233 138 76 38 19 II 56 43 5 Tehsil Firozabad (RuraJ) 262 221 97 42 22 9 40 51

6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 318 162 60 68 25 42 46 49

7 Tahsil Kiraoli (Rural) 255 182 44 35 27 14 46 39 Urban Total 1,016 705 H9 71 56 27 116 98 Urban Non-city 106 87 17 10 6 2 19 20 2 AgraCity 727 528 94 53 43 23 82 67 3 Firozabad City 183 90 28 8 7 2 15 11

Age 44 Age 45 Agc46 Age 47

Tract Males Female~ Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 ------94 95 96 97 98 99 -----100 101 District ToU!1 240 265 2,282 1,690 343 238 215 133 Rural Total 203 235 1,573 1,149 294 215 182 96 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 15 8 232 175 21 12 20 14 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 88 94 158 47 117 84 77 12 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 14 9 306 249 40 18 30 20

4 T~hsil Fatehabad (Rural) 23 52 198 149 33 58 20 22 S Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 15 11 224 172 26 20 11 7 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 16 42 242 187 25 11 15 13 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 32 19 213 170 32 12 9 8 Urban Total 37 30 709 541 49 23 33 37 Urban Non-city 5 8 88 51 13 2 16 24

:2 AgraCity 23 18 505 411 32 17 14 11 3 Firozabad City 9 4 116 79 4 4 3 2 ------I 123 TABLE C-V Age Returns-(contd.)

Age 39 Age 40 Age 41 Age 42 Aile 43

Males Females • Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

84 87 90 91 92 93

198 139 3,431 2,595 284 194 611 439 229 156 168 96 2,111 1,720 250 173 510 385 188 123 10 7 320 274 11 11 56 52 14 17 92 10 145 187 138 54 165 106 80 12 16 7 426 369 18 14 81 66 39 30 11 19 263 156 33 33 59 27 20 18 4 334 289 9 6 52 29 9 11 11 42 339 184 25 42 56 58 14 33 10 7 285 261 16 13 51 47 12 19

30 43 1,319 875 34 21 101 54 41 33 4 24 144 98 7 4 17 11 8 13 22 17 942 664 24 16 65 37 29 20 4 2 233 113 19 6 4

Age 48 Age 49 Age 50 AgeSl Age 52

------~ _------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111

401 356 119 76 2,807 2,028 223 89 468 255 327 319 102 66 1,807 1,337 183 61 399 235 24 44 3 286 222 20 7 54 27 60 113 35 23 55 151 50 15 52 44 49 50 16 10 421 289 30 15 83 58

67 31 23 7 261 74 32 5 60 37 39 31 7 271 200 18 8 50 22 46 27 9 15 287 200 22 7 57 22 42 23 9 7 226 201 11 4 43 25 71 37 17 10 1,000 691 40 18 69 20 13 7 3 119 92 9 19 IS 3 47 28 14 8 741 516 26 9 40 IS 14 2 2 140 83 5 14 2 TABLE C-V 124 Single Year

:1 Aile 53 Age 54 Age 55 Age 56

'E::> .: co Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ~ --1------2-- - - 112 113 _.:__------=------_- ~_1_14___ -=_-~5_=_ __ --1__-1_C--- _ ____:_1.:.:17:__ __~11'.::8 _____:1c!.19;:_ District Total 189 ]56 172 192 ],278 784 237 122

Rurt~l Total U3 135 135 176 950 511 182 105

Teh~i I Agra (Rural) 15 6 13 6 152 99 22 7 2 Tehsi) Bah (Rural) 27 9 17 108 88 47 50 40 3 Tebsj] Etmadpur (Rural) 37 19 25 11 189 133 30 12

4 Teh~il Fatehabad (Rural) 27 ao 36 39 145 25 19 9 5 Tohsil Firo7abad (Rural) 11 5 17 4 129 71 23 14

6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 16 7 14 :2 119 87 16 11 7 Tehsil Kiraoh (Rural) 10 9 13 6 128 79 22 ]2 Urban Total 16 21 37 16 328 243 55 17 Urban Non-city 9 9 37 39 4 2

2 Agra City 21 19 25 13 248 187 41 10 3 Firozabad City 16 3 2 43 17 10 5

Age 63 Age 64 Age 65 Age 66

Tract MaIes Females Male~ Females Males Females Males Femalos

District Total 75 41 67 92 568 364 67 37 RI/ral Total 60 38 53 88 111 122 51 16 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 4 4 6 7 70 « 8 :2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 21 14 22 56 34 13 19 7 :3 TehSllElmadpur (Rural) 11 4 2 88 49 6

4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 51 6 12 15 59 17 3 14 5 Tehsll Firozabad (Rural) 3 4 2 4 53 30 4 6 TehsIl Kheragarh (Rural) 7 3 4 50 45 5 2 7 Tehsil Kiraoll (Rural) 5 3 5 6 57 24 6 Urban Total 15 3 14 1/ 157 U1 16 11 Urban Non-city 2 18 7 4

2 AgraClty 13 3 11 4 124 113 IS 7 Firozabad City 15 22 TABLE C-V

Age Returns-(contd.)

Age 57 Age 58 Age 59 Age IiO Age 61 Age 62

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fornal.

120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131

164 57 312. 159 103 31 1,595 1,300 101 56 220 143 141 19 :118 131 94 29 1,077 867 80 48 187 118

9 8 19 16 9 2 181 141 5 4 15 15 5S 9 66 46 39 7 55 90 27 8 38 29 19 8 46 15 15 2 214 204 13 8 36 18

13 9 30 27 13 11 142 59 5 11 30 21 15 7 23 6 4 153 103 6 2- 22 12 10 6 26 13 11 4 180 138 12 12 18 11 20 2 38 8 3 3 152 132 12 3 28 12 13 8 (j4 28 9 :1 518 133 21 8 33 25 6 13 4 63 73 7 6 2 12 7 45 18 5 399 319 13 8 22 21 6 6 3 56 41 5 2

Age 67 Age 68 Age69 Age 70 Age 71 Age 72

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females M al~s Females

140 14'-- --142 143 ~1~4~4 ______1~45~·_· ___-~i4~6~--- __- ___1_4_7 _____ 148 149 ______1-'5_0 ____-=-:15..;;..1

56 34 84 46 28 29 550 387 34 18 67 SO s:z 23 69 42 24 28 404 264 31 12 56 45 2 6 10 6 3 3 70 47 4 4 25 4 20 9 11 5 26 18 16 3 12 8 8 8 10 86 59 2 11 7 6 7 11 13 2 14 52 17 7 5 10 1.5 J 4 2 5 63 38 2 5 .5 4 2 5 2 65 44 4 2 8 5 4 Il 3 3 42 41 6

11 15 4 4 1 146 123 3 6 11 " 4 19 19 4

4 6 1.5 4 3 105 84 10

22 20 2 TABLE C-V 126

Single Year .,... .0 Age 13 Age 14 Age 15 Age 16 § -;'" ~ Tract Males Female~ Males Females Males Female~ Males Females 2 152 153 154 155 156 151 158 159

District Total 36 5 25 25 134 83 11 7 Rural Total 31 5 111 21 108 50 9 6 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 2 3 12 9 2 Thhsil Bah (Rural) .. 9 5 9 12 1 2 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 2 2 5 21 1 2 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 4 8 18

5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 5 2 19 12 2 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rllral) 6 13 9 2 1 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 3 13 5 Urban Total 5 7 3 26 33 2 1 Urban Non-city 3 2 2 3 4

2 Agra City 2 3 23 26 2

3 Firozabad City 2 3

t> .Q Aae 83 Age 84 Age 85 Age 86 e::> c -; '5 Tract Males Femal~s Males Females Males Females Males Females rn 2 172 173 174 175 176 177 118 179

District Total 5 4 3 2 29 17 2 4 Rural Total -I 3 2 1 18 14 1 3 Tehsil Aara (Rural) 3 4 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 7 3 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 2 2 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 2 5 Tchsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 2 2 2 7 TehsiJ Kiraoli (Rural) 2 3 Urban Total 1 1 1 1 11 3 1 Urban Non-city 2 2 Agra City 7 3 Firozabad City 2 2 127 TABLE-C-V Age Retums-(contd.)

Age 77 Age 78 Age 79 Age 80 AgeSI AF 82

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171

8 2 25 18 7 161 164 22 1 12 10 7 1 19 10 5 93 100 21 10 7 3 2 16 13 2 2 3 3 6 5 3 2 2 3 7 34 17 2 2 4 21 4 2 3 17 14 2 2 13 16

2 13 14 I 1 6 8 2 68 61 1 1 2 3 6 9 5 5 2 50 53 2 2 9 6

Age 87 Age 88 Age 89 Age 90 Age91 Aile 92

---.~- .. ~~------

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191

2 1 2 3 3 1 28 28 3 1 6 1 1 1 3 2 1 17 18 1 1 5 2 2 3 2 2 4 3

5 4 2 4 5 2 1 1 11 10 2 1 2 8 7

3 TABLE' C;.V 128 Single Year

Age 94 Age 95 Age 96

Males Females Males Females Males Females

198 199

District Total :1. 4 10 6 2 1 Rural Total J 6 J 1 1 Tchsjl Agra (Rural) .. 2 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 2 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 3 1 Urban Non-city "2 2 AgraClty 2 2 3

.) Firozabad Ci ty 129 TABLE CV Age Returns-(concld.)

Age 97 Age 98 Age 99 Age 100 Age 101 Age not stated

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

--~200 201 202 203 ----204~--~2~0~5-----02~06~----~20w7~--~20ru8~----2ruO~9~----"2~10~----~2'"11' --~~.----~----~~ 276 261 2 2 1 1

5 5 6

5 4 2 4 2 TABLE D·l 130 D-SOCIAL AND Langu- (i) Mother

,J:> Hindi Urdu Hindustani -::Ia CI .~ .i Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 6 7 8

District Total 717,352 609,861 49,307 36,551 21,245 20,782 Rural Total 535,971 460,404 2,1# 1,820 1,051 1,008

Tehsil Agra (Rurai) " 71,113 61,735 694 636 573 539 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 76,731 66,648 10 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 100,882 86,735 219 249 5 4 Tchsil Fatehabad (Rural) 69,371 58,952 151 21 60 74 5 Tebsil Firozabad (Rural) 71,383 61,160 443 324 103 96 6 Tehsil KhQragarh (Rural) 75,693 64,208 445 348 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 70,798 60,966 182 242 310 298 Urban Total 181,381 149,457 <17,163 34,731 20,194 19,774- Urban Non-ci ty 24,790 20,398 4,351 4,034 525 462 2 Agra City 134,660 113,202 29,548 19,603 18,903 18,773 3 Firozabad City 21,931 15,857 13,264 11,094 766 539

Marwari Gujarati Marathi 1::t I:; .\11 t Tract Males Females Males Females MaI!:s Rernales ~ -1- 2 17 18 19 20 21 22

Dlstdct Total 699 416 713 ,154 148 259 Rural Total 82 88 38 29 9 10 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 31 25 2 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Tahsil Etmadpur (Rural) 16 13 4 4 4 Tahsil Fatehabad (Rural) S Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 52 70 2 7 7 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 14 4 Urban Tolal 617 328 675 125 139 249 1 Urban Non-city 63 60 23 13 20 99 2 AaraCity 348 209 642 103 119· ISO 3 Firozabad City 206 59 10 9 131 TABLE D-l CULTURAL TABLES ages Tongue

Punjabi Sindhi Bengali English

Males. Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

11,858 12,214 9,426 5,172 2,224 893 1,002 310 396 167 139 96 3 56 3 292 70 116 87 24 3 3 16 9 3 3 5 .. 49 32 4 3 29

31 47 4

7 8 9 11,462 12,647 9,287 5,076 2,221 837 1,002 307

585 665 335 60 67 53 67 51 10,416 10,996 8,474 4,682 2~1.37 772 935 256 461 386 478 334 17 12

Tamil Nepali Garhwali Italian

Males Females Males Female" Females Males Females

23 24 25 28 29 30 ---- 6.% 329 180 125 42 11 4 8 2

7 2

62 329 172 123 12 11 15 21 62 329 147 102 42 11 4 10 TABLE D-l 132 Langu- (I) Mother

.8 8 Kashmiri Kangri Telugu ::Ic:: ";; .~ Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females !:II 2 31 32 33 34 35 36

District Total 11 3 12 2 7 Rural Total 1 2 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 2 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) Urban Total 11 3 12 1 5 Urban Non-city 2 AgraCity 9 12 5 3 Firozabad City 2 3 133 TABLE D-I ages-(contd.) Tongue-{conc1d.)

French Oriya Pushto

Males Females Males Females Males Females

37 38 311 40 41 42

8 7 2 - 1 2

8 7

6 TABLE D-I 134 Langu- (if) Bilingu-

SUBSIDIARY Total persons returned as speaking a Total language sub- Mother Tongue Speakers sidiary to that Hindi Hindustani Punjabi Urdu shown in col. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ALL MOTHER TONGUES-- - Total 1,501,391 31,934 9,374 11,582 2,218 7,768 Rural 1,003.529 1,660 613 51 704 20 Urban 497,862 30,274 8,761 11,531 1,514 7,748

Hindi~ Total 1,327,213 2,292 1,471 Rural 996,375 968 697 Urban 330,838 1,324 774 Hindustani- Total 42,027 463 440 Rural 2,059 Urban 39,968 463 440

Urdu- Total 85,858 368 307 Rural 3,964 8 7 Urban 81,894 360 300 Garhwali- Total 42 10 8 2 Rural Urban 42 10 8 2 Panjabi-. Total 24,072 15,196 3,890 5,824 5,403 Rural 563 291 246 25 20 Urban 23,509 14,905 3,644 5,799 5,383 Bengali- Total 3,117 1,294 644 373 277 Rural 59 56 34 22 Urban 3,058 1,238, 610 351 277 Sindhi- Total 14,598 9,792 3,206 4,592 1,994 Rural 235 173 172 I Urban 14,363 9,619 3,03,4 4,591 1,994 Gujarati-- Total 867 420 322 82 16 Rural 67 45 44 1 Urban 800 375 278 81 16 Marathi- Total 407 178 99 64 15 Rural 19 7 7 Urban 388 171 92 64 15 Marwari- Total 1,115 922 813 86 17 Rural 170 98 98 Urban 945 824 715 86 17

Tamil- Total 391 , 319 104 200 15 Rural Urban 391 319 104 200 15 TeIugu- Total 9 9 7 Rural 3 3 3 Urban 6 6 4 Kashmin- Total 14 5 5 Rural Urban i4 5 5 Kangri- Total 12 1:3 3 9 Rural Urban 12 lZ 3 9 / 135 TABLE D-I ages l\lism


Bengali Sindhi Gujarati Marathi Marwari Nepali Kashmiri Telugu

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

554 214 71 39 71 27 5 11 59 59 36 25 69 10 3 11 495 155 35 14 2 17 2

550 63 56 38 71 27 5 11 58 59 36 25 69 10 3 11 492 4 20 13 2 17 2

1 lZ 9 1 1 12 9

60 60

79 79

6 '6

2 2 TABLE D-I 136 Lango- (iI) BiliDgU-

Total SUBSIDIARY persons returned as speaking a language sub- Total sidiary to tha t Mother Tongue Speakers shown in col. I Hindi Hindustani Punjabi Urdu

2 3 4 5 6 7

Oriya- Total .. 7 5 1 4 Rural Urban 7 5 I '4 Nopali- Total 305 227 III 93 23 Rural 10 9 9 .. / Urban .. 295 218 102 93 23 English- Total .. 1,312 416 161 247 8 Rural .. 3 Urban 1,309 416 161 247 ·s Pushto- Total 2 2 2 Rural 2 2 2 Urban Italian- Total 15 4 4 Rural ..- '4 Urban 15 4 French- Total 8 Rural Urban 8 137 TABLE D-I ages-(concld.) llliSlll-(concld.)


Bengali Sindhi Gujarati Marathi Marwari Nepali Kashroid Telugu

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1S TABLE D-II 138



Total Population Total Arya Others Sikh - _--_------Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalell ---2-----3------District Total 1,501,391 814,289 687,102 721,902 608,585 4,804 3,318 717,098 605,267 6,582 4,810 - Rural Total 1,003,529 539,842 463,687 511,875 440,479 3,371 2,285 509,504 438,194 835 607 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 135,944 72,821 63,123 69,796 60,323 2,165 1,073 67,631 59,250 93 58 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 143,398 76,746 66,652 74,893 65,059 138 63 74,755 64,996 216 216 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 188,158 101,145 87,013 93,879 80,811 78 86 93,801 80,725 130 88 4 Tehsi I Fatehllbad(Rural) 128,639 69,586 59,053 67,370 56,650 70 32 67,500 56,618 18 4 5 Tehsil Firozabad(Rural) 133,773 72,050 61,723 67,770 58,657 790 923 66,980 57,734 70 42 6 Tehsil Kheragarh(Rural) 140,776 76,173 64,603 72,449 61,275 76 54 72,373 61,221 57 6 7 Tehsil Kiraoli (Rural) 132,841 71,321 61,520 66,718 57,704 54 54 66,664 57,650 251 193 Urban Total 497,862 274,#7 213,415 209,017 168,106 J,4.13 1,033 207,594 167,07.1 .5,747 4,1.03 Urban Non-city 56,759 30,843 25,916 23,756 19,597 633 559 23,123 19,038 366 302 2 Agra City 375,665 206,459 169,206 163,593 133,093 642 298 162,951 132,795 5,285 3,809 3 Firozabad City 65,438 37,145 28,293 21,678 15,416 158 176 21,520 15,240 96 92 139 TABLE D- II gion

Other reilgion

Jam Buddhist ZoroastTlan Muslim ChTlst.an Jew Tribal Non-tribal

------~- - _------Males Females Males Females Males Females Mdles Female~ Males Fcmale~ M"l~, Females Male~ Females Males Females

14 IS 16 17--]8- - 19-- 20- 21 ~-23 - 24--25--26- 27 --28 29 -- ---~---- - 9,046 7,330 74 18 5 4 73,801 64,052 2,879 2,303 3,0# 2,031 4 1 .f 22,460 20,058 623 508

210 192 2,533 2,512 188 38 451 306 1,181 1,065 5 6

963 751 5,752 4,947 421 416

304 224 4 1,893 2,141 30

682 200 3,526. 2,812 2 12

205 162 4 3,457 3,158 2

229 196 4,118 3,423 5 4

6,002 5,299 70 18 4 51,341 43,994 2,256 1,795

607 534 5,943 5,348 171 135 4,057 3,667 69 IS 4 31,373 26,972 2,078 1,647 1,338 1,098 1 14,025 11,674 7 13

-- - -_ - - - ._-----__ _.. - .. ------TABLE n--III 140 D-IIl--ScbeduJed


I-Cultivator, of lI-Ctiltivalol> land wholly or of land wholly HI-Culti vatinl mainly O'Wned or mainly un­ labourers and t hei r de- owned and their and their fatal Population Total pendant~ dependant' dependants

Tract Persons Males Female, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 4----5----6 -1--- 2 3 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 --_.. _--_.. District Total 28.2.198 150,180 132,018 77,745 68,411 45,802 40,279 9,163 8,294 22,571 19,4()!l Rural Total 198,459 104,086 94373 76,314 66,922 45,039 39,472 8,928 8,073 22,154 19,145 Tehsil Agra (Rural) .. 31,887 15,480 16,407 11,035 9,.898 4,262 3,902 974 880 5,774 5,100 2 Tehsil Bah (Rural) .. 18,628 9,297 9,331 7,814 7,612 6,243 6,434 956 718 595 422 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 46,334 24,643 21,691 17,()!l8 14,778 9,236 8,236 949 828 6,884 5,670 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 15,991 8,724 7,267 6,209 5,101 5,692 3,493 70 470 447 1,134 5 Tehsi1 Firozabad (Rural) 28,838 16,074 12,764 10,204 8,120 6,315 5,443 935 650 2,890 1,96B 6 Tehsil Kheragarh (Rulal) 28,508 14.765 13,743 12,012 11,094 6,433 6.154 2,751 2,393 2,805 2,519 7 Tehsil Kirao)i (Rural) 28,273 15,103 13,170 11,942 llJ,319 6,858 5,810 2,293 2,134 2,759 2,332 Urban Total 83,739 46,094 37,645 1,431 1,489 763 807 235 221 417 264 Urban Non-city 7,886 4,291 3,595 877 649 495 4Il Il2 102 269 133 2 AgraCity 69,297 38,234 31,063 531 654 247 224 121 111 148 125 :) Firozabad City 6,556 3,569 2,987 23 186 21 172 2 8 6

--.~---- - ~----~------_------

NOTE I-A second count of th~ scheduled castes was c31ried out from the National Register of Citizens and the figures were figures arrived at from this ----__ ------

Tract Population

2 3

District Total 270,569 Rural Total 206,273 Tehsil Agra (Rural) 33,863

2 Tehsil Bah (R ura I) 16,190 3 Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) 45,795 4 Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) 24,286 5 Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) 29,144

According to an amendment to the State Table D-JII (in Vol.lI, Part H-C-Age and Social NOTE 2-The following statement shows the number of Persons 507 141 TABLE D-JII



Per1Dn, (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from~

----~------~.------IV -Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricultural rent V-Production Vlll-Other services receivers; and other than and miscella- their dependants Total cultivation VI-Commerce VTI-Twnsport neous sources ------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female~ Males Females Males Females,

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25

209 429 72,435 63,607 33,288 30,851 2,986 2,608 6,998 5,452 29,163 24,696 193 232 27,772 27,451 11,123 11,986 1,148 997 3,203 2,767 12,298 11,701 25 16 4,445 6,509 1,458 3,597 147 175 589 566 2,251 2,171 20 3g 1,483 1,719 412 591 46 41 29 34 996 1,053 29 44 7,545 6,913 3,043 2,711 442 401 1,430 1,163 2,630 2,638 4 2,515 2,166 588 517 117 89 230 232 1,580 1,328 64 59 5,870 4,644 3,652 2,682 183 120 289 239 1,746 1,603 23 28 2,753 2,649 905 918 87 73 283 246 1,478 1,412 32 43 3,161 2,851 1,065 970 126 9g 353 2g7 1,617 1,496 16 197 #,663 36,156 22,165 18,865 1,838 1,611 3,795 2,685 16,865 12,995 3 3,414 2,946 1,021 887 112 101 692 513 1,589 1,445 15 194 37,703 30,409 18,888 16,261 1,578 1,344 3,{)16 2,102 14,221 10,702 3,546 2,801 2,256 1,717 148 166 87 70 1,055 848

------~ !liven (i) mohalla/ward-wise for lIrban areas and (ii) village-wise for rural areas in the Dis!rict Population Statistics. The count are as below:

------~---- -_ - ----

Tract Population

2 3

6 Tehsil Kheragarh (RlIral) 29,028 7 Tahsil Kiraoli (Rural) ., 27,967 Urban Total 64,296 Urban Non-city 4,104 2 Agra City 53,849 3 Firozabad City 6,343

Tables) the original table has now been substituted by the table dorived from the second count, persons who returned themselves as Anglo-Indians. Males 338 Females 169 TABLE D-IV 142 Mig-

DISTRICT, TRACT ETC. ~ District Total Rural Total c District " State etc. or Country where born Person~ Males Persons Males Females

i 4 5 6 7 8

TOTAL POPULATION 1,501,391 814,289 687,102 1,003,529 539,842 463,687 A Born in India 1,456,112 788,633 667,479 1,002,187 539,076 463,111 I Within the State of enumeration 1,379,304 765,262 614,042 954,018 530,668 423 350 (i) District ofenumeration .. 1,161,433 713,565 538,868 885,666 519,125 366:JI1 (i i) Other districts 116,871 41,697 75,174 68,352 11,213 57,109 [[ States in India beyond the State of 76,808 23,371 53,437 48,169 8,408 39,761 enumeration (i) State adjacent to the state o{enrllnetation 72,093 20,200 51,893 17,422 8,086 39,336 I Punjab 6,979 2,926 4,053 843 469 374 2 Delhi 2.335 1,558 777 348 130 218 3 Madhya Bharat 11,355 2,374 8,981 8,650 1,084 7,566 4 Rajasthan .. 48,119 11,297 36,822 36,851 6,124 30,727 5 Vmdhya Pradesh 819 748 71 55 29 26 6 Bihar .. 917 601 316 291 155 136 7 Madhya Pradesh 1,558 689 869 379 94 285 8 Himachal Pradesh 11 7 4 5 1 4 Other States 1,711 $,171 1,541 7<15 322 ./23 I Assam 14 9 5 6 3 3 2 Bombay 1,307 896 411 213 83 131) 3 Madras 718 533 185 57 31 26 4 Orissa .. 16 13 3 5 4 1 5 Jammu and Kashmir 230 121 109 45 30 15 6 Hyderabad 29 15 14 4 2 2 7 Mysore .. 8 P.E.P.S.U•.. 19 7 12 19 7 12 9 Saurashtra 142 126 16 10 Travancore-Cochin 22 7 15 6 5 1 11 Ajmer 600 356 244 145 54 91 12 Bhopal 20 3 17 4 13 Bilaspur 14 Cutch " 15 Coorg 16 Manipur 17 Tripura .. 18 West Bengal .. 1,595 1,085 510 241 103 138 19 Andaman and Nicobar Island; (Iii) Elsewhere in India 3 3 2 2 1 Chandernagore 2 Sikkim .. 3 Foreign possessions 3 3 2 2 U Countries in Asia beyond India including 4'5,202 25,588 19,614 1,322 752 570 U.S.S.R. 1 Afghanistan .. 2 1 1 2 Burma 57 41 16 13 7 6 3 Ceylon 4 China 5 Nepal 339 189 150 68 56 12 6 Pakislan .. 44,791 25,351 19,440 1,240 689 551 7 StraIts Settlements and Malaya 1 1 8 U.S.S.R. .. " 9 ElsewhereinAsia 12 5 7 1 1 10 Unspecified C iConntries in Europe excluding U.S.S.R. .59 54 5 7 4 3 1 Uinted Kingdom and Northern Ireland 47 43 4 7 3 2 Eire .. " .. 3 Elsewhere 12 11 1 " 4 Unspecified D Counlrie!! in Africa 8 5 3 5 3 2 1 Kenya 2 Mauritius •. 3 Mozambique •• 4 Union of South Africa 8 3 5 3 2 5 Elsewhere 6 Unspecified I> Countries in America 9 8 1 7 6 1 Canada .. 1 1 . i 2 United States 7 6 1 6 5 3 Elsewhere •• 4 Unspecified 1 1 1 1 Countries in Australasia '- 1 Australia 2 New Zealand 3 Elsewhere •• 4 Unspecified •• G Born at Sea 1 1 1 1 143 TABLE D-IV rants

WHERE ENUMERATED ------~------~------Tehsil Agra (Rural) Tehsil Bah (Rural) --_----- Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

9 10 11 12 13 14

135,944 72,821 63,123 143,398 76,746 66,652

134,977 72,297 62,680 143,358 76,718 66,640 128,885 70,353 58,532 135,904 75,788 60,116 123,486 68,669 54,317 116,125 73,951 51,174 5,399 1,684 3,715 9,779 1,837 7,942 6,092 1,944 4,148 7,454 930 6,524

5.760 1,785 3,975 7,379 895 6,484 631 382 249 9 3 6 103 41 62 36 14 22 221 93 128 6,034 655 5,379 4,464 1,129 3,335 1,160 160 1,000 16 14 2 28 15 13 202 96 106 SO 4S S 118 29 89 62 3 59 5 1 4 '.m 159 173 75 3S 40 5 3 2 84 38 46 22 9 13 50 28 22 3 2 1 4 4 38 25 ij 5 4 1

10 1 9

3 3 33 12 21 4 1 3

10.5 4S 60 41 19 22

960 520 440 40 28 12 .i .. 4 2 'i

17 is 2 24 21 3 939 501 438 14 6 8

7 4 3 7 4 3 TABLE D·IV 144 Mig-


Tehsil Etmadpur (Rural) Tehsil Fatehabad (Rural) District State etc. or Country where born Persons Males Females Persons Males Females .,..------'----2------,1-;;5----' -16--- --1-7--- 18 19 --- 20 TOTAL P,opULATlON 188,158 101,145 87,013 128,639 69,586 59,053 A Born in India 188,081 101,101 86,980 128,618 69,578 59,040 I Witbin tbe State of enumeration 186,706 100,778 85,928 125,132 69,052 56,080 (i) District ofenumeration 165,395 97.863 67,532 113,350 68,783 54,567 (ii) Other districts 21,311 2,915 18,396 1,782 169 1,513 II States in India beyond tbe State of 1,375 323 1,052 3,486 526 2,960 enumeration (i) States ruliacenl to the flate ofenumeration 1,294 196 998 3,449 517 2,932 1 Punjab 62 21 41 23 7 16 2 Delhi .75 27 48 16 7 9 3 Madhya Bharat 206 30 176 524 79 445 4 Rajasthan .. 881 206 675 2,858 424 2,434 5 Vindhya Pradesh 1 1 2 2 6 Bihar 21 6 15 4' 4 7 Madhya Pradesh 48 6 42 22 22 8 Himachal Pradesh ,. (ii) Other Statef 81 27 54 37 9 28 1 Assam 1 1 2 Bombay 21 6 15 10 10 3 Madras 4 Orissa 1 5 Jammu and Kashmir 1 6 Hyderabad " 7 Mysore 8 P. E.P. S. U. 9 Saurashtra " 10 Travancore-Cochin 2 2 11 Ajmer 12 2 10 4 12 Bhopal 2 13 Bilaspur 14 Cutch IS Coorg 16 Manipur 17 Tripura 18 West Bengal .. 43 16 27 21 9 12 19 Andaman and Nicobar hlands (iii) Elsewhere in India 1 Chandernagore 2 Sikkirn 3 Foreign possessions B Countries in Asia beyond India includina 76 44 32 19 7 12 U.S.S.R. 1 Afghanistan 2 Burma 4 4 3 Ceylon 4 China 5 Nepal 7 4 3 6 Pakistan .. 69 oW 29 14 7 7 7 Staraits Settlements and Malaya 8 U.S.S.R... 9 Elsewhere in j ndia 1 10 Unspecified C Countries in EUrope excluding U.S.S.R. t United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 2 Eire 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified D Countries in Africa 1 1 1 1 1 Kenya 2 Mauritius .. 3 Mozambique 4 Union of South Africa 1 1 1 1 5 Elsewhere .. 6 Unspecified E Countries in America 1 1 Canada 'Z United States 1 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified F Countries in Australasia .• 1 Australia 2 New Zealand 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified G Born at Sea 145 TABLE D-IV rants-( contd.)


Tehsil Firozabad (Rural) Tehsil Khera&arh (Rural)

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

21 22 23 24 25 26

133,773 72,050 61,723 140,776 76,173 64,603 133,649 71,964 61,685 140,725 76,137 64,588 132,958 71,749 61,209 124,225 73,655 50,570 111,153 68,537

636 192

55 23 32 88 41 17

25 7 18 21 7 14 1 1

I 1 2 2 1

2 7 5 2

2 2 52 27 25

22 II 11 7 2 5

113 85 38 45 31 14 ., 2 2

16 14 2 107 71 36 43 29 14

1 5 4

5 4 1

, .. 1 tABLBD-IV 146



District Tebsil Kiraoll (Rural) Urban Total State etc. or Country where born ------Persons ------Males Females Persons Males Females 2 27 28 29 30 31 32 TOTAL POPULATION 132,841 71,321 61,520 497,862 A Born in India .. 132,779 274,441 223.,415 I 71,281 61,498 453,925 249,557 Within the State of enumeration 120,208 69,293 204,368 (i) District ofenumeration 511,915 425,286 234,594 190,692 113,807 68,JOI 45,506 376,767 (Ii) Olher districts .. 6,401 204,140 172,627 II 992 5,W9 48,519 3fJ,4sf' States in India beyond the State of 12,571 1,988 18,065 enumeration 10,583 28,G3!l 14,963 13,676 (i) States adjacent to the state o{ enumeration 11,491 J Punjab 1,960 10,532 24,671 12,114 51 25 12,557 2 Delhi 32 6.136 2,457 3,679 66 24 42 1,987 3 Madhya Bharat 109 1,428 559 4 Rajasthan .. 25 84 2,705 1,2.90 1,415 12,143 J,841 10,302 11,268 5 Vindhya Pradesh 1 5,173 6,095 6 Bihar 1 764 719 45 5 2 3 626 7 Madhya Pradesh III 446 180 8 Himachal Pradesh 43 68 1,179 595 584 (ii) Other States 77 6 6 l . Assam 28 49 3,967 2,8<19 1,118 2 Bombay 8 6 2 3lJ ii; i4 1,094 3 Madras 3 813 281 4 Orissa .. 1 2 661 502 159 5 Jammu and Kashmir 11 9 .2 6 Hyderabad .. 185 91 94 7 Mysore .. 2S 13 12 8 p.E.P.S. U. 9 Saurashtra .. 142 10 Travancore-Cochin 1 126 16 11 Ajrner 1 16 2 14 38 10 28 455 12 Bhopal 1. 302 153 13 Bilaspur 2 16 3 13 14 Cutch 15 Coorg 16 Manipur 17 TIipura 18 West Bengal .. 2 19 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1 1,354 982 372 (iii) Elsewhere in India 2 1 Cbandemagore 2 1 1 2 Sikkim 3 Foreign possessions . . . . 2 2 1 B COIIntries in Asia beyond. India including 59 I U.S.S.R. 37 22 43,880 24,836 19,044 1 Afghani~tan 2 2 Burma 1 1 1 3 Ceylon 44 34 10 4 China 5 Nepal 4 6 Pakistan 2 2 271 133 138 54 3S 7 Straits Settlements and Malaya 19 43.,551 24,662 18,889 8 U.S.S.R•. , 1 1 9 Elsewhere in Asia 10 Unspecified .. '. 11 S 6 c Countries in Europe excJuding U. S. S. R. 1 United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 52 50 2 2 Eire 40 39 1 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified 12 11 1 D Countries in Africa 3 3 1 Kenya 3 2 1 2 Mauritius 3 Mozambique 4 UnionQfSouthAfrica 3 3 j Elsewhere 3 2 1 6 Unspecified E Countries in America 1 Canada 2 2 2 United States I 1 3 Elsewhere 1 1 4 U nspocified .. F Countries in Australasia 1 AustI3lia 2 New Zealand 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified .• G Born at Sea

NOTIl~ The following table shows the number of Serial number State etc. or Country whenJ "om Persons Males Females ------~1~------O2------3 4 5 B(ix) ElsewhereinAsia 12 5 7 A~ 7 7 Japan .s 147 TABLED·IV rants-(concld.)


Urban Non-city Agra City Firozabad City

Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

56,759 30,843 25,916 375,665 206,459 169,206 65,438 37,145 28,293 54,541 29,585 24,956 335,957 183,920 152,037 63,427 36,052 27,375 50,128 28,068 22,060 312,887 171,202 141,685 62,271 35,324 26,947 44,618 25,705 18,913 281,711 153,414 128,307 50,428 "25,021 15,407 5,510 1,$63 3,117 31,166 17,788 13,378 lI,8"3 10,303 1,5

142 126 iii 16 2 14 26 12 14 425 ~88 137 4 2 '2 16 3 13

110 47 63 1,238 9:ii 306 '6 3 'j 'j 1

1 1 %,117 1,257 960 39,653 22,487 17,166 2,010 1,092 918 1 I I 1 2 2 42 32 10

31 20 11 240 113 127 2,177 1,234 943 39,365 22,337 17,028 2,009 l,O~J 918 1 1 6 6 5 5 52 SO 2 40 39 1 12 ii 1 3 2 1

3 2

1 1 1 1 1 1 1

persons born in foreign ]llaces in detail &rial number Stat" etc, or Country where born Persons Males Females 2 3 4 5 C (iii) Elsewhere in EUrope (excluding U, S. s, R,) 12 11 1 Italy 12 11 1 TABLE D-V 148 (i)-DispJaeed penODS by

DISPLACED P'ERSONS Total Population of Displaced Persons 1946 1947 1948

District Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Agra 44,695 24,041 20,654 639 858 13,461 9,548 6,623 6,130


1946 1947 1948 1949

District Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Agra s 263 50 80 120 24 24


1946 1947 1948 1949

District Males Females Males Females Males Females MaJes Females

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Agra 2 5 540 559 259 372 61 226 149 TABLE D-V year of arrint in India


Children born 1949 1950 1951 Date unstated in India

Males Females Males Females Males Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

1,251 1,625 249 663 22 65 434 17


Children born 1950 1951 Date unstated in India

Males Females Females Males Females Males Females 29 30 31 32 33~------~34'------'35------~------~------~~------~=-~----~ 8


Children born 1950 1951 Date unstated in India

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

13 374 82 12 28 TABLES !>-Y k D-VI 150 D-V (ii)-Displaced persons b,


I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or- mainly lII-Cultivating 'rotal Population of owned and Ehf'ir unowned and their labourers and their Displaced Persons dependanb dependants dependants

Di.trict Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ---T------6 - 8------9- 10 2 4 ----~----- District Total 44,695 24,041 20,654 50 23 18 6 31 22

Rural ToM 1,0711 589 489 24 15 6 2 22 17

Urban Total 43.617 23,452 20,165 26 8 12 4 9 5

NOTF-Vlil,lge-\\ ,. e and tehsil-wise figures of displacLd persons


Total Population British

District Persons Males Fernale~ Males Females ----1-- 2 3

26 16 10 9 7 151 TABLES D-V & D-VI Livelihood Classes


Per~on~ (lncludtng {hen dependJnts) who dertve thelT prmclpal rr~"m of ltvehhord frorn_

IV-Non - cultlVatlng owners of land, agricultural rent VlII-Otl,er sefVKes receIvers; and V-ProductlOn other alld mlsc~lla. their dependants than cultivation VJ-Commerce VTI-Transport nrous soureu

------~ Males Fernale, Male, Female. Males Females Male. Fernales Male. Females ---- II 12 13 14 ~15 16 17 -18- 19 20 ------~-~~ 30 36 3,276 3,007 10,871 9,442 1,953 1,475 7,812 6,643 14 17 53 52 155 137 57 35 258 214 16 19 3,223 2,955 10,716 9,305 1,896 1,440 7,554 6,429

Will be found m the Pn01ary (en'lls Ab,tract In Part U of thIS Volume


lIahan German Greek Afncan ------Male, Males l'crnales Females Males Females

7 9 10 11 12 14

5 2 TABLE D-VII 152 Livelihood Classes by


I-Cultivators of II-·Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or III-Cultivating mainly owned mainly unowned labourers and their and their and their All Classes dependants dependants dependants

Educational Standards Person, Males Femal~ Males Female, Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Literate 201,856 161,926 39,930 52,086 4,311 2,212 92 2,380 140 Middle School 10,283 8,928 1,355 2,585 48 63 5 63 2 Matriculate or S.L:C. 11,102 9,952 1,150 599 6 13 1 17 2 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts .1,049 2,688 361 202 6 4 3 1 or Science Degrees Or Diplomas 8,131 7,218 913 273 8 8 1 13 Graduates in Arts or 2,327 2,066 261 96 2 1 8 Science Post-Graduates in 665 602 63 13 2 2 Arts or Sci ence Teaching 1,421 1,341 80 51 2 Engineering 63 63 1 1 Agriculture 10 10 6 1 Veterinary 37 37 Commerce 29 29 Legal 395 394 1 6 1 Medical 319 309 10 :2 Others 2,865 2,367 498 98 6 2 1 1

Total 234,421 190,712 43,709 55,745 4,311) 2,300 99 2,476 145


Literate 88,018 79,099 8,919 50,423 4,036 2,041 76 2,279 130 Middle School 5,024 4,835 189 2,331 40 55 2 59 2 Matriculate or S.L·.C. 1,635 1,515 120 449 4 10 11 2 Higher Secondary Intennediate in Arts 355 303 52 108 2 or Science Dellrees Or Diplomas 852 762 90 191 3 4 8 Graduates in Arts or 323 279 44 47 5 Science Post-Graduates in 64 53 1l 3 1 1 Arts or Science Teaching 165 161 4 49 Engineering 6 6 Agriculture 2 2 1 Veterinary Commerce Legal 12 12 2 Medical 17 16 1 t Others 263 233 30 88 3 2 1

Total 95,884 86,5U 9,370 53,502 4,083 2,110 78 2,359 135

Tehsil Agra

Literate 12,805 10,991 1,814 5,807 402 326 14 444 25 Middle School 1,073 992 419 18 I 16 1 81 5 1 Matriculate or S.L~C 722 627 95 103 7 4 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 177 126 51 19 2 or Science Degrees Or Diplomas 310 242 68 19 5 Graduates in Arts or 235 192 43 5 4 Science Post-Graduates in 33 22 11 Arts or Science Teaching 3 3 2 Engineering 6 6 Agriculture 2 2 Veterinary Commerce Legal 5 5 2 Medical 4 3 1 Others 22 9 13

Total 15,087 12,978 2,109 6,367 407 351 15 471 27 153 TABLE D-VII Educational Standards


IV-Non-cultlvatmg owners of land; agricultural rent V-ProductlOlI VIII- Other services recelvers: and thelf other than and mlscella. dependants culttvatlOn VI-Commerce VII-Transport neous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 19 20


2,068 1,222 27,691 5,127 35,943 13,223 6,197 2,259 33,349 13,556 157 28 1,015 101 1,351 361 329 123 3,365 687 332 18 711 37 1,957 180 970 99 5,350 807 212 8 220 15 516 30 148 20 1,383 181

361 2Z 303 38 600 98 2,507 92 3,153 654 213 6 101 11 366 26 135 12 1,136 204 51 26 2 83 2 31 394 59 1 1 3 5 2 1,040 25 239 52 3 4 22 32 3 37 25 4 4 20 33 28 302 1 6 19 29 253 10 82 is- 144 25 65 68 1,185 55 790 318

3,130 1,298 29,943 5,318 4U,367 B,892 10,151 2,593 46,600 15,985

1,429 781 7,547 556 7,340 1,211 1,547 225 6,493 1,904 118 18 200 7 343 25 56 13 1,673 82 115 13 62 7 119 8 90 4 659 82 30 3 11 2 22 4 12 118 42 4S 6 22 S 26 11 11 2 455 63 29 1 II 3 14 6 4 1 169 33 9 3 4 1 4 28 10 1 1 110 2 5 1

1 1 8 1 14 1 6 4 6 2 7 4 3 120 17

1,737 821 7,842 7,850 1,259 1,716 2# 9,398 2,173


234 199 1,218 158 985 257 179 13 1,798 746 34 7 58 3 74 15 10 3 363 46 61 9 34 5 51 8 12 1 355 71 16 3 6 2 16 4 2 65 42 33 4 10 3 14 g 161 53 25 1 7 3 12 6 139 33

II 2 10 10

5 ... 1

3 3 1 3 9

378 222 1,326 171 1,140 292 203 17 2,742 95&

--~---_ -_------TABLE D-VII 154 Livelihood Classes by


I-Cultivators of II-Cultivators or land wholly or land wholly or III~Cultivating mainly owned and mainly unowned and labourers and All Classes their dependants their dependants their dependants

Educational Standards Persons Males Fem,des Males Females Males Females Males Females

--~--1~ ~---2 3 4 5 -~6=~_-_-~-::-_ ----=7======8=_-~~_:--9---I-O- Tehsil Bah

Literate 11,892 10,622 1,270 8,026 700 183 15 42 3 Middle School 499 484 15 223 5 5 1 10 Mat~iculate or S.L.C. 112 lOS 4 41 I Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 20 20 8 or Science Degrees or Diplomas 114 108 6 26 Graduates in Arts or 11 11 2 Science Post-Graduates in 7 7 Arts or Science Teaching 26 26 7 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical 5 5 Others 65 59 6 17

Total 11,637 11,342 1,295 8,326 705 190 16 52 3

Tchsil Etmadpur

Literate 19,546 17,458 2,088 10,229 951 308 12 781 30 Middle School 997 946 51 454 1'1 7 14 Matriculate or S.L.e. 298 290 8 100 2 1 3 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 82 82 49 or Science Degrees or Diplomas 118 109 9 38 2 Graduates in Arts or 28 28 16 Science Post-Graduates in Arts I) 9 or Science Teaching 28 26 2 8 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal .. Medical Others 53 46 7 13 2

Total 21,041 18,885 2,156 JU,870 974 316 12 799 30

Tebsil Fatehabad 43 Literate 6,854 6,373 481 4,322 236 171 6 248 1 I Middle School 271 267 4 139 1 Matriculate or S. L. C. 58 56 2 16 1 1 Hihger Secondary Intermediate in Arts 8 7 1 4 or Science Degrees Or Diplomas 45 44 1 21 Graduates in Arts or 10 10 6 Science Post-Graduates III Arts or Science Teaching 20 20 6 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 1 1 Medical 2 2 1 Others 12 11 'i 8

6 249 46 Total 7,236 6,747 489 4,502 237 18U ------155 TABLE D-Vn

Educational Standards-( cont d,)


IV -Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent V-Production VIn-Other services receivers ; and other than and miscella­ their dependants cultivation VI-Commerce V 11-Transport neous sources

Males Females Male. Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 '---- "------"----- (Rural) 307 154 477 31 817 118 50 14 720 235 13 2 10 18 4 1 201 6 11 2 6 5 1 41 2 2 10 2 2 2 75 5 2 I 6 7 19

1 4 '2 39 5'

333 159 495 31 844 118 55 15 1,047 248

- (RUral) 281 161 1,874 138 1,703 309 923 143 1,359 344 13 7 43 69 6 25 8 321 11 14 8 29 63 2 72 4

6 3 2 6 16 3 2 6 2 8 52 1 2 9 3 3 2 18

2 2 3 2 3 23

317 169 1,929 140 1,809 317 1,025 154 1,820 360

(RuraJ) 112 48 434 10 586 74 51 4 443 60 4 9 1 11 102 2 8 2 5 24 1


4 18 2 2


,i " 1 'j 2

129 48 445 11 602 74 51 4 589 63 TABLE D-VII 156

Livelihood Classes by


I- Cultivators of H-..Culti vators of land wholly or land wholly or III-Cultivating mainly owned mainly unowned . labourers and tht;lf and their and their All Classes dependants dependants dependants f!.ducational Standards Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Tebsll Firozabad Literate 12,249 10,825 1,424 6,283 658 192 7 302 21 Middle School 782 762 20 400 5 4 6 Matriculate or S. L .C. 138 136 2 57 3 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 28 28 16 or Science. Degrees or Diplomas 136 132 4 53 Graduates in Arts or 14 13 1 10 Science. Post-Graduates in 6 6 Arts or Science Teaching 40 38 2 14 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 4 4 Medical Others 72 71 1 28

Total 13,333 11,883 i,450 6,809 663 197 7 312 21

Tehsil Kherllllllrh Literate 12,423 11,424 999 7,553 609 451 6 237 4 Middle School 741 732 9 368 2 9 7 Matriculate or S.L.C. 131 126 5 60 1 1 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 19 19 5 or Science Degrees or Diplomas 49 f 49 16 Graduates in Art~ or 13 13 5 Science Post-Gmduates in 2 2 Arts or Science Teaching 23 23 6 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 1 1 Medical Others 10 10 5

Total 13,363 12,350 1,013 8,002 612 460 6 246 4

Tehsill(Jraoli Literate 12,249 11,406 843 8,203 480 404 16 225 4 Middle School 661 652 9 328 4 11 5 Matriculate or S.L.e. 176 172 4 70 1 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 21 21 7 or Science Degrees or Diplomas 80 78 2 18 Graduates in Arts or 12 12 3 science Post-Graduates in 7 7 Arts or Science Teaching 25 25 6 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 1 1 Medical 6 6 Others 29 27 2 9

Total 13,187 12,329 858 8,626 485 416 16 230 4 157 TABLE D-Vii Educational Standards-{contd.)


IV- Non-cultivating owners ofland: agricultural rent v- Production VIU-other services receivers: and their other than and miscella- dependants cultivation VJ- Commerce VII- Transport neous sources

Males Females Males Females Male<> Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

(R\ll'al) 206 115 2,091 149 873 224 148 27 730 223 18 2 45 2 58 4 6 1 225 6 12 .5 1 9 6 I 44 3 2 7

2 6 2 2 65 2 ) 1 1 2 24 2

4 S 2 1 34

241 117 2,147 152 942 229 164 30 1,071 231


171 60 7S~ 28 1,394 133 108 14 7.51 145 24 17 64 S 238 7 7 2 2 8 2 46 2 4 2 6 3 28 1 5


1 .5

207 61 783 28 1,467 133 116 U 1,069 154

(Rural) 118 # 694 42 982 96 88 10 692 151 12 IS 1 49 6 223 .. 2 S 1 12 6 77 2 12 2 56 2 7 6 .19

1 6 17 2

J:J1 44 717 44 1,046 96 102 10 1,060 159 TABL£D-VlI 158 Livelihood Classes by


I-Cultivators of II-Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or III-CultivatinJ mainly owned mainly unowned labourers and their and their and their All Classes dependants dependants dependants

Educational Standards Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Uterate 113,838 82,827 31,011 1,663 275 171 16 101 10 Middle School 5,259 4,093 1,166 254 8 8 3 4 Matriculate or S.L.C. 9,467 8,437 1,030 150 2 3 1 6 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 2,694 2,385 309 94 6 4 1 or Science Degrees or Diplomas 7,279 6,456 823 82 5 4 1 5 Graduates in Arts or 2,004 1,787 217 49 2 1 3 Science Post-Gra.duates in 601 549 52 10 1 1 Arts or Science 'teaching 1,256 1,180 76 2 1 Engineering 57 57 1

Agriculture 8 8 5 1

Veterinary 37 37 "- Commerce 29 29 Legal 383 382 4 1 Medical 302 293 9 1 Others 2,602 2,134 468 10 3

Total 138,537 104,198 34,339 2,243 296 190 21 117 10


Literate 12,928 9,336 3,592 979 130 48 5 36 2 Middle School 853 722 131 81 2 2 Matriculate or S.L.C. 788 731 57 14' 2 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 132 117 15 2 or Science Decrees or Dip/omas 296 259 37 10 Graduates in Arts or 125 123 2 Science Post-Graduates in 7 7 Arts or Science Teachina 39 38 1 • 2 Engineering Agriculture 1. 1. Veterinary Commerce

Legal 2 1

Medical 3 3

Others 118 84 34 6. Total 14,,97 11,1§5 . J,m 1,086 134 51 5 40 .2 159 TABLED-VII Educational Standards--( contd. )


IV- Non-cultivating owners ofJand : agricultural rent v- Production VIII- Other scrv ices receivers; and other than and miscella- their dependants cultivation V[- Commerce VU- Transport neous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

Total 639 441 20,144 4,571 28,603 12,012 4,650 2,034 26,856 11,652 39 10 815 94 1,008 336 273 110 1,692 60s 217 5 652 30 1,838 172 880 9S 4,691 725 182 5 209 13 494 26 136 20 1,265 239 316 16 281 33 574 87 2,496 90 2,698 591 194 5 90 8 352 20 131 11 967 171 42 23 2 79 1 27 366 49 1 2 5 2 1,040 24 129 50 3 .. 22 27 2

37 25 4 3 19 33 28 294 1 6 18 29 239 9 76 11 138 23 58 64 1,182 55 670 311

1,393 477 11,101 4,741 32,517 12,633 8,435 1,349 37,101 U,812

Non-city 170 100 1,760 424 3,238 1,369 1,455 825 1,650 731 20 .. 70 6 177 14 86 49 285 56 26 23 2 68 360 3S 237 19 4 9 6 69 11 27 3 5 3 7 11 2 109 25 116 5 3 4 8 57 2 51 2 3 36


., ..... 2 2 3 2 49 23 24 5

225 107 1,869 433 3,5~q 1,386 1,079 945 2,315 820 TABLED-VII 160 Livelihood Classes hy


1-Cultivators of II- Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or ill-Cultivating mainly owned mainly unowned labourers and their and their and.their All Classes dependants dependants dependants

EdLlClltional Standards Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


Uttrate 83,462 60,568 22,8'" -466 96 110 10 63 8 Middle School 3,414 2,477 937 32 5 3 3 2 Matriculate or S.L.C. 8,118 7,169 949 126 2 2 4 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Art s 2,469 2,181 288 92 S 3 or Science Degrees or Diploma! 6,700 5,977 723 69 4 4 4 Graduates in Arts 1,800 1,590 210 49 2 3 or Science Post-Graduates in 563 511 52 10 Arts or Science Teaching 1,180 1,113 67 Engineering 52 51 Agriculture 6 6 S Veterinary 37 37 Commerce 25 25

Lesal 360 359 1 3 Medical 283 274, 9 Others 2,394 1,010 384 2

Total 101,163 78,371 :JJ,791 785 112 122 15 74 8


• littrate 17,448 12,923 4,525 218 -49 13 2 Middle School 992 '''' 98 1-41 3 Matriculate or S.L.C. 561 537 24 10 Higher Secondary Intermediate in Arts 93 87 6 or Science Degrees O~ DiplomaJ 283 220 63 3 Graduates in Arts 79 74 5 or Science Post-Graduates in 31 31 Arts or Science Teaching 37 29 8 Engineerinl 5 5 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce 4 .. 'toga! 21 21 Medical 16 16 IQthers 90 040 50 3 Total 19,377 11,661_ 4,716-- 372 50 17 1 J

NOTE-The fiJlll'Cl shown a~nst 'Dear- or Piplomas' represent 161 TABLE D-VII Educational Standards-( concld.)


IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent V- Production VIII-Other services recei vers ; and other than and miscella- their dependants cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport neous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

City 323 233 12,436 2,769 20,785 8,521 2,977 1,160 23,408 10,1)97

14 5 529 74 500 289 181 58 1,216 503

177 3 523 24 1,575 161 501 59 4,261 699

174 5 184 11 '458 24 66 8 1,203 235 308 13 246 23 502 62 2,384 64 2,460 556 189 5 74 7 314 20 71 9 889 167 41 19 2 72 24 343 49 2 1,040 24 68 42 3 22 26

37 25 3 14 31 28 279 6 14 29 225 9 74 8 131 14 42 40 1,133 31 629 288

996 259 13,918 2,901 23,820 9,057 6,109 1,349 32,548 12,090


146 108 5,948 1,378 4,580 2,122 218 49 1,798 818 5 216 14 331 33 6 3 191 46 14 2 106 4 195 10 19 193 7 4 16 2 30 2 35 3 28 9 61 23 3 122 30 2 12 30 3 27 4 2 6 22 4 2S 8 3

4 5 2 14 4 12 6 8 14 23 17 18 172 111 6,314 1,407 5,197 2,190 247 55 2,339 902 tn. total of the educational standards given below it in the table.



Inmates of Total no. of persons j nstitutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates ofinstit1.llions houseless ci houses and houseless persons) persons <=: No. of the ... hamlets No. of ." 0 Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

TEHSIL AGRA 1 Abhaipura 2 Agra Malpura 555 73 95 529 298 231 2 Akbarpur 2 Do. Tajganj 609 73 93 489 256 233 3 Akola 7 Do. Malpura 3,285 561 656 3,827 2,041 1,786 4 Albatia Nagja 1 Do. Lohamandi 90 19 24 104 57 47 5 Anguthi 1 Do. Malpura 1,026 149 199 1,026 576 4SO 6 Artauni .. 3 Do. Hariparbat 1,493 163 222 1,147 594 553 7 Azizpur .. 2 Do. Malpura 332 144 160 761 429 332 8 Babarpur All Do. HariParbat 280 Unpopulated 9 Babarpur Pert I Do. Do. 577 20 26 137 70 67 10 Bad 1 Do. Malpura 789 182 226 1,030 552 478 11 Bagda 1 Do. Tajganj 425 122 161 962 523 439 12 Bahenta 1 Do. Do. 517 94 111 729 396 333 13 Bainkhera 1 Do. Malpura 582 81 87 388 218 170 14 Bainpur All Do. Hariparbat 652 Unpopulated 15 Bainpur Pert 4 Do. Do. 2,514 223 241 1,288 703 585 16 Bajhera :. 1 Do. Tajganj 344 71 89 438 239 199 17 Balehra .. 1 Do. Malpura 489 193 193 1,025 543 482 18 Bamrauli Ahir 5 Do. Do. 846 306 427 1,642 893 749 19 Bamrauli Katara 8 Do. Dowki 2,857 458 571 3,106 1,683 1,423 20 20 Barara 5 Do. Malpura 3,517 513 655 3,335 1,741 1,594 21 Barauli Ahir 1 Do. Tai!rdnj 1,098 195 236 1,247 694 553 22 Barauli Gujar 21 Do. Dowki 4,382 328 423 1,994 1,107 887 23 Basai All Do. Tajganj 24 Unpopulated 24 Basai Pert 4 Do. Do. 2,332 149 193 976 525 451 25 BasuaNagla 1 Do. Malpura 635 48 51 260 139 121 26 Bhabai .. 2 Do. Do. 414 83 107 592 288 304 27 Bhandai 3 Do. Do. 840 153 165 949 509 440 28 Bhogipura 9 Do. Lohamandi 1,657 246 281 1,545 814 731 29 BichQuri .. 2 Do. Malpura 419 204 254 1,100 593 507 30 Bijhamai 1 Do. Dowki 1,192 106 125 606 353 253 31 Bilahani ., 2 Do. Do. 482 70 83 408 214 194 32 Biramnagara 1 Do. Tajganj 188 20 25 157 77 80 33 Bisarna 6 Do. Dowki 1,172 111 140 618 349 269 34 Bisahara Kalan 2 Do. Tajganj 665 115 147 797 436 361 35 Bisahari Bhand 3 Do. Dowkt 419 38 46 287 145 142 36 Bodla 3 Do. Lohamandi 864 170 210 1,011 507 504 26 37 Budhana'All Do. Tajganj 388 UnpopLilated 38 Budhana Pert 5 Do. Do. 1,994 288 300 1,539 810 729 39 Budhera 3 Do. Do. 575 120 144 835 431 404 40 Chak III 2 Do. Do. 506 103 118 642 , 340 302 41 Chak V 3 Do. MaJpura 281 98 107 541 283 2S8 42 Chak VI 1 Do. Sadar Bazar 111 76 83 409 222 187 43 ChakVII 1 Do. Chhatta 798 77 78 308 159 149 44 Chamrauli 1 Do. Tajganj 499 92 103 682 356 326 45 Chaugan Khera I Do. Lohamandi 297 91 93 413 222 191 46 Chauhatna 3 Do. Malpura 429 101 132 652 359 293 47 Dahtora 1 Do. Hariparbat 844 353 384 2,051 1,044 1,007 48 Deoretha I Do. Lohamandi 277 98 99 SOl 256 245 49 Deori .. 3 Do. Tajganj 1,242 223 271 1,467 790 677 50 Dhamota 3 Do. Dowki 688 85 112 617 336 281 51 Dhandupura 2 Do. Tajganj 1,090 171 194 1,182 625 557 52 Dhanoli 11 Do. MaJpura 1,751 567 676 3,213 1,676 1,537 53 Dinger 2 Do. Tajganj 1,501 261 \ 346 1,581 854 727 54 ~Madra 6 Do. Dowki 1,968 138 216 1,101 58S 516 55 GailanaAil Do. Hariparbat 99 Unpopulated 56 Gailana Pert 1 Do. Do. 883 81 99 550 280 270 57 Gangraua 2 Do. Tajganj 572 145 182 882 479 . 403 58 Gamari 1 Do. Malpura 850 98 204 505- 276 229 59 Garhsani 1 Do. Do. 804 152 180 957 522 435 60 Ghatwasan All Do. HariParbat 293 Unpopulated 61 Ghatwasan Pert 8 Do. Do. 1,455 304 327 1,420 739 681 62 Gutla 3 Do. Tajllanj 939 182 213 1,058 590 468 63 Hingo! Kheria 2 Do. Dowki 762 90 110 555 307 248 64 lkthra 2 Do. Do. 589 85 116 594 333 261 65 Islampur I Do. Do. 498 81 99 293 169 124 66 ltaura .. 6 Do. MaIpura 1,158 290 320 1,714 938 776 67 Jaganpur All Do. Hariparbat 160 Unpopulated 68 Jaganpur Pert 4 Do. Do. 1,608 852 1,255 5,7'J6 3,143 2,593 20 69 Jakhoda .. 1 Do. Malpura 338 41 59 268 140 128 70 Jama 1 Do. Dowki 268 46 64 292 161 131 71 Jaupura .. 2 Do. HariParbal 823 140 178 996 533 463 72 Jama Katra 2 Do. Malpura 1,699 558 762 3,235 1,725 1,510 73 Jogipura 2 Do. Lohamandi 364 88 110 495 275 220 165 Abstract

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV- Non- I-Cultiva­ II-Cultiva- cultivating tors orland tors or land owners of wholly or wholly Dr land; agri- VlII..,...()ther mainly mainly III-Cuitiva- cultural rent V-Prodllc- scrv ices and owned unowned ting labour- receivers; tion other miscella- nisplaced and their and their ers and their and their than rul- VI-C.om- VII-Trans- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation merce port sources ~------_ ------o CI M F M F MFMF M F MFMF MF MF M P ~ 1"3 _1_4 __1_5_~16~_1_77_-_-1~8'-~1~9~'2ffiO',--2"1-'2M2--~2~3-'2~4-'2~5--'2~6-'2~7--'2>O8-'2~9--'3~0-'371--'3~2--'3'3--¥1


26 2 133 96 12 8 41 21 4 52 63 13 9 43 30 1 24 185 161 7 6 51 58 13 8 2 164 4 1,539 1,344 196 166 105 91 28 19 79 90 94 76 3 2 37 34 13 7 1 2 6 4 4 96 S 267 201 63 66 85 85 22 9 29 17 11 7 57 37 42 28 .5 3 155 8 361 341 20 27 71 68 1 31 29 16 13 17 17 77 58 6 19 3 203 149 10 11 175 136 12 10 7 4 3 3 19 19 7 8 3 48 43 5 6 10 10 7 7 I I} 243 27 273 238 36 30 62 58 10 ii 21 26 30 16 37 35 83' 64 10 81 6 200 163 26 21 27 19 I 3 165 144 31 24 17 18 56 47 11 74 250 223 37 29 20 7 3 4 33 24 11 :I 7 3 35 40 12 9 119 93 28 19 42 39 5 4 4 3 20 12 13 14 144 7 424 364 16 15 S4 44 4 5 75 '53 17 17 47 44 66 43 15 39 2 102 81 20 28 59 50 4 3 5 7 8 6 6 3 35 21 16 13 331 296 16 10 121 105 32 26 1 3 6 5 36 37 17 109 4 274 239 49 36 263 228 89 68 25 14 38 24 155 140 18 '9 7 313 19 909 791 119 77 102 94 24 16 139 102 158 129 53 60 179 154 19 242 7 980 909 27 29 286 245 3 3 187 154 109 105 5 5 144 144 20 1 130 3 397 335 17 10 81 56 4 4 28 20 17 9 16 14 134 105 21 79 4 649 567 236 173 61 32 37 22 53 38 34 30 3 3 34 22 22 23 66 2 203 189 II 7 65 49 185 157 10 10 4 5 47 34 24 7 2 83 73 1 2 40 3<) 3 12 7 2S 31 1 155 165 29 29 47 53 39 34 18 23 26 115 5 314 251 2 2 99 88 21 26 4 6 45 45 24 22 27 31 1 188 176 8 4 196 169 231 206 38 22 16 18 137 136 28 114 3 266 210 61 41 58 48 97 104 41 36 20 19 50 49 29 56 2 249 171 5 3 48 26 7 7 12 6 4 5 28 35 3D 12 1 173 168 7 4 20 14 11 6 3 2 31 32 52 50 13 13 5 11 7 6 32 43 2 280 217 22 15 14 16 9 5 23 15 33 58 3 233 178 60 47 52 52 49 49 7 5 I 34 30 34 19 80 84 5 7 34 30 16 10 10 11 35 23 I 141 160 64 59 89 87 85 100 46 33 81 65 36 37 20 2 634 587 19 9 56 47 45 41 13 8 6 5 37 32 38 48 2 238 228 39 32 51 42 34 30 27 28 20 16 22 28 39 59 46 42 55 53 4 2 180 162 9 6 3 1 43 36 40 66 '3 56 48 iii is 33 27 114 106 2 3 3 1 59 58 41 26 67 5S 25 20 48 40 31 35 5 2 2 1 44 34 42 7 29 34 24 24 7 10 73 61 11 10 15 10 43 78 '5 214 198 if; ii 14 12 20 16 2 20 19 70 60 44 30 19 27 23 42 41 5 6 9 112 99 45 40 '3 134 120 io 18 75 57 69 53 4 5 31 18 26 22 46 142 477 501 52 61 211 175 156 143 42 34 49 43 57 50 47 28 101 109 2 1 38 31 74 66 3 3 23 15 15 20 48 142 i3 435 398 85 70 109 78 40 30 41 30 29 2S 51 46 49 41 319 267 2 2 2 1 I 12 11 50 21 280 272 25 20 SO 38 180 IS2 i4 13 io 11 66 51 51 5 I 135 12 S92 534 52 37 375 369 is 17 349 320 46 38 60 56 187 166 52 197 9 400 318 102 97 95 75 2 4 98 75 77 84 24 22 56 52 53 n 489 459 14 6 28 14 5 5 8 8 8 5 30 16 4 3 54 55 54 91 104 106 20 17 31 24 74 70 5 8 6 9 40 36 56 87 8 254 210 60 48 93 80 6 11 23 - 12 20 10 23 32 57 40 5 165 132 16 17 26 26 7 3 19 19 4 I 9 9 30 22 58 68 1 370 308 34 17 36 41 59 48 7 7 16 14 59 60 73 74 375 207 197 201 29 23 69 41 87 81 66 46 50 56 7 10 234 223 61 144 16 261 200 10 7 93 79 4 72 65 64 58 16 10 70 49 62 56 12 216 175 1 36 27 1 3 34 27 4 4 8 .5 8 6 63 17 253 211 34 22 15 12 30 16 I 64 54 91 146 109 7 3 1 3 J 6 2 9 6 65 128 6 383 321 74 47 195 160 56 56 44 41 23 15 163 136 66 61 1I2 284 1,549 1,001 308 214 45 29 188 172 203 174 437 331 376 374 21 17 1.565 1.282 68 29 3 77 69 5 4 33 28 15 11 4 6 6 10 69 42 III 84 5 3 19 23 1 6 10 13 6 7 4 70 2 394 340 22 26 59 50 17 14 7 6 23 21 11 6 71 280 25 752 616 86 85 133 118 29 30 410 402 115 98 55 60 145 101 72 22 7 7 6 7 3.5 29 124 97 2 3 15 16 86 61 73 166 Prbnary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions' enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless persons 0 hOllses and houseless persons) No. of the '" hamlets No. of " Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house· 8 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 S 9 10 II 12 13 'IEHSIL AGRA

74 Kachlri pura 2 Agrll Lohamandi 270 24 25 112 62 50 75 Kahrai t Do. Tajganj 343 64 80 413 225 188 76 Kakrari ., :> Do. Do•. 1,052 131 210 1,156 638 518 77 Kakre t ha All Do. Hariparbat 198 Unpopulated 78 Kakretha Pert 4 DCI. Do. 1,062 124 133 1,051 S45 506 79 Kakuba ., 6 DD. Malpura 1,107 205 232 1,329 697 632 SO Kalal Kheria 1 Do. Tajganj 346 115 125 629 333 296 81 Kali Nagla 1 Do. Do. 187 123 132 38l lO2 180 82 Kalwari .. 3 Do. Lohamandi 649 226 273 1,267 672 595 83 Karbhana All Do. Tajganj 229 UnpopUlllted 34 Karbhana Pert 4 Do. Do. 1,435 201 241 1,254 655 5'>'} 85 Kaulakha 3 Do. Do. 467 94 119 627 319 308 86 Kha.1 1 Do. Malpura 241 59 59 292 141 lSI 87 Khallauwa 1 Do. Do. 504 173 183 1,033 486 547 88 Khaspur AI! Do. Hariparbat 525 Unpopulated 89 Khaspur Pert 2 Do. Do. 763 63 86 494 257 237 90 Khera Bhagor 1 Do. Ma,ipura 976 187 202 1,075 578 497 91 KuaD Khera 2 Do. Tajganj 562 181 254 1,221 670 SSl 92 Kundol 6 Do. Dowki 2,323 422 541 2,717 1,493 1,224 93 Kuthawali 2 Do. Malpura 643 88 105 538 298 240 94 Lakaoli .. 1 Do. Tajganj 541 181 217 1,308 697 611 95 Lakhanpur 3 . Do. Hariparbat 577 108 120 562 298 264 96 Lalau 2 Do. Malpura 832 77 SS 542 302 240 97 Laramadll 2 Do. Do. 1,048 113 138 757 395 362 98 Lashkarpur 1 Do. Hariparbat 750 45 48 267 140 127 99 Lodhai i Do. Tajganj 576 90 115 567 301 266 100 MahuaKhera I Do. Do. 936 151 189 899 494 405 101 Malpura 3 Do. Malpura 1,294 458 518 2,693 1,404 1,289 102 Mangtai 1 Do. Do. 632 67 92 506 274 232 103 Mankenda 4 Do. Do. 2,301 505 558 2,985 1,655 1,330 104 MauMl .. Do. Hariparbat 271 Unpopulated 105 MauPert '4 Do. Do. 1,045 229 248 1,2:53 656 597 106 Mayapur .. 1 Do. Tajganj 235 42 45 227 110 117 101 Mohra Naharganj 1 Do. Dowki 627 60 65 349 196 153 10& Midhakhur 7 Do. Malpura ],929 644 710 3,936 2,069 1,867 i8 14 109 Mohammadpur t Do. Hariparbat 670 122 128 60S 313 292 110 Mundhera J Do. Malpura 644 50 55 283 155 128 111 Nadauta 10 Do. Dowki 1,402 137 170 890 467 423 112 Nagla Nathu 1 Do. Do. 214 38 59 315 183 132 113 Nenana Brahmin 5 Do. Saclar Baza r 343 38 59 1,184 638 S46 114 NaiDana Sat 1 Do. Do. 498 124 132 709 372 337 ll~ Nanpur .. 1 Do. Malpura 330 46 82 366 206 160 Wi Naripura 2 Do. Lohamandi 228 152 163 872 457 415 117 Naubari J Do. Tajganj 580 104 120 550 297 253 118 Nauphari 1 Do. Do. 502 53 67 277 152 125 119 Pachgain Khera 1 Do. Do, 886 94 217 1,226 638 588 120 Patholi 3 Do. Malpura t,485 371 404 2,076 1,103 973 121 PaUl Pachgain 1 Do. Do. 279 269 284 411 216 195 122 Pawawali 3 Do. Dowki 574 25 61 420 227 193 123 Plnani Ram Nagar .. I Do. Malpura 1,088 124 133 723 408 JIS 124 Qabulpur 3 Do. Do. 947 20B 252 1,429 773 656 125 Rajrai 1 Do. Tajgarij 298 55 66 342 193 149 126 Rampura 1 Do. Malpura 210 4fi 53 307 167 140 127 Rohta 5 Do. Do. 1,650 399 454 2,373 1,288 1,085 128 Sadarban 1 Do. Do. 968 93 105 549 279 270 129 Sahara 2 Do. Do. 530 278 335 1,620 866 754 130 Salemabad 2 Do. Do. 757 106 152 801 428 373 131 Samegar All Do. Dowki S73 . Unpopulated 132 Samogari Pert 1 Do. Do. 1,190 102 147 683 376 307 133 Sargan Khera 1 Do. Do. 260 31 33 153 86 67 134 Semri 2 Do. Tajganj 637 17l 188 936 509 427 135 Seohla Jat 3 Do. ~adar Bazar 342 147 159 735 410 325 136 Sharbatpur 1 Do. Dowki 392 37 55 254 124 130 137 Shiamo ., 2 Do. Do. 1,470 400 451 2,385 1,246 1,139 138 Sikanderpur All Do. Hariparbat 276 Unpopulated

139 Sikaaderpur Pert 2 Do. ~ Do. 877 45 58 281 155 126 140 Sikandera Bahistabad' 2 Do. Do. 952 302 360 1,906 .,080 826 141 SiroH 3 Do. Malpura 986 183 201 1,048 544 504 142 Sucheta .. 1 Do. Lohamandi 451 9() 92 SOl 274 227 t43 Sujhgai ., 1 Do. Tajganj 586 54 63 324 170 154 144 Sunari .. 1 Do. H'ariparbat 75 1>6 505 249 256 145 Sutendi 1 Do. Malpura 440 66 72 386 194 192 146 Swami All Do. HariParbat 242 Unpopulated t47 Swami Pert 5 Do. Do. 509 72 89 436 251 185 167 Abstract-(contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non­ I-Cultiva­ II-Cultiva­ cultivating tors ofland tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri- VIII-Other mainly mainly III-Cultiva- cultural rent V-Produc­ services and owned unowned ling labour- receivers; lion other miscella- Displaced and their and their ers and their and their than cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- neous persons Literates dependants dependants depe~?ants dependants tivation merce port SOllTceS

~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F (3

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ~ 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

(RURAL)- (contd.)

9 8 11 3 2 10 8 2 17 14 22 15 74 72 2 95 74 7 6 37 28 34 39 9 11 43 30 75 378 329 17 12 70 54 84 43 22 23 47 39 20 18 76 77 55 6 154 158 21 19 53 55 166 139 66 81 13 15 72 39 78 .. 202 19 290 267 61 51 135 117 5 7 20 17 21 25 80 75 85 73 79 ., 49 2 150 138 8 5 64 61 93 78 10 11 8 3 80 55 7 52 62 43 28 63 54 1 1 43 35 81 18 313 291 28 3 196 194 I 1 41 38 13 7 13 14 67 47 82 83 4 392 374 67 52 31 22 7 4 95 84 18 16 7 1 38 46 84 41 103 107 5 5 22 11 129 127 21 29 1 3 38 26 85 17 93 102 7 8 4 2 13 9 3 2 7 12 14 16 86 79 371 435 6 5 25 20 22 21 13 10 16 17 33 39 87 88 50 186 183 10 9 34 22 3 16 13 3 2 8 5 89 59 1 2~5 243. 54 45 36 37 1 III 91 15 12 45 44 31 24 90 48 1 540 438 17 7 39 44 74 62 91 s 7 176 8 799 647 173 144 250 198 1 105 97 32 24 18 13 116 100 92 62 2 192 149 2 43 41 8 7 6 7 28 17 21 17 93 88 1 334 315 13 8 243 168 36 36 10 12 16 33 "'5 39 94 44 2 170 157 15 13 85 69 9 8 1 2 17 16 95 53 I 176 144 I 100 75 17 15 8 6 96 108 5 142 133 24 27 99 75 20 11 32 48 8 14 11 45 59 9 97 40 2 23 19 1 3 55 45 I 7 4 53 56 98 55 3 153 149 27 27 11 11 6 7 13 9 6 1 32 25 53 37 99 15 435 358 26 22 3 1 3 5 4 6 23 13 100 .. 362 56 635 549 35. 31 132 112 42 40 137 127 166 166 55 71 202 193 101 91 3 84 65 52 50 45 43 4 2 25 24 16 11 27 23 21 14 102 246 16 1,168 922 194 150 103 98 27 30 58 43 105 87 103 104 27 223 205 22 20 306 276 47 47 8 7 20 14 30 28 105 8 67 73 4 4 29 27 I 2 9 11 106 15 143 121 33 19 7 1 9 9 4 3 107 .. 582 113 666 558 187. 192 232 220 6 5 170 166 382 334 79 70 347 322 108 76 9 181 167 10 7 27 23 42 46 12 10 4 7 37 32 109 19 121 95 3 5 23 20 3 2 I 5 5 110 57 382 333 4 6 26 21 2 1 21 26 13 21 19 15 III 23 94 59 I 1 23 13 12 16 26 18 27 25 112 23 156 117 260 240 91 61 27 21 7 3 97 104 113 40 159 142 4 5 68 56 1 43 46 15 10 11 8 71 70 114 33 138 119 25 , 10 26 II 6 2 6 6 3 1 3 4 6 115 9 44 43 6 4 10 10 257 228 37 40 56 49 47 41 116 13 180 160 I 3 27 23 2 35 33 3 3 33 24 16 7 117 ,. 19 110 94 17 11 12 8 1 2 1 1 2 9 8 118 127 11 274 259 38 44 154 138 27 23 14 5 iii 63 70 56 119 237 14 510 444 69 67 94 77 2 176 173 91 88 60 42 101 82 120 42 2 157 143 42 45 5 2 12 5 121 24 I 170 142 2 3 26 18 11 12 5 3 6 12 7 3 122 89 7 392 287 12 5 5 11 11 123 .. 117 3 396 . 354 loi 88 114 96 4 1 27 20 39 26 22 15 70 56124 63 1 83 51 30 32 27 27 5 1 4 9 44 29 125 33 4 123 107 18 9 14 13 9 7 2 3 1 1 126 4 5 276 22 444 398 42 33 301 236 255 229 77 73 24 24 145 92 127 82 9 177 190 38 28 15. 13 9 4 10 15 1 I 29 19 128 .. 205 12 490 416 50 35 60 58 39 43 59 40 39 53 39 16 90 93 129 56 1 336 288 19 18 28 33 5 5 4 2 36 27 130 131 22 1 241 212 27 20 25 12 2 2 31 27 17 10 14 7 19 . 17 132 5 20 76 60 5 3 4 5 .. 133 41 3 240 172 9 14 82 80 56 53 12 17 33 23 77 68 134 io 4 146 16 46 53 3 1 123 59 101 101 18 24 7 3 112 84 135 22 106 116 8 4 5 2 5 7 136 167 4 728 636 63 77 143 152 1 118 106 62 58 4i 39 90 71 137 138 31 2 110 79 19 28 9 10 1. 3 4 2 9 7 139 2 4 445 35 113 110 34 27 148- ~121 294 205 56 55 33 11 402 297 140 94 14 276 244 73 71 51 56 50 54 32 17 10 4 52 58 141 8 5 42 38 143 97 36 44 18 20 18 13 17 15 142 4 89 75 22 25 31 31 19 16 9 7 143 61 6 164 169 5 6 22 29 44 43 3 3 2 2 9 4 144 20 155 154 4 4 7 9 3 5 18 13 7 7 145 146 28 4 171 132 22 18 14 4 s 6 16 9 23 16 147 168 Primary Census

OC'CUpied houses g No. of tho hamlets No. of Name of Villa,., in the Area ill No. of house- '8to) or TownfWard village Pargana Thana acres houses holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TEHSIL AGRA 148 Tanora Nurpur All Agra Dowki 230 Unpopulated 149 Tanora Nurpur Pert 10 Do. Do. 3,172 265 32S 150 Tapra :2 Do. Malpura 404 128 133 151 Tora 2 Do. Tajganj 299 96 103 Total Tehsil Agra ( Rural) 359 11/,860 22,107 26,773 TEHSIL AGRA Agra City Municipal Board 1 12,271 34,135 63,982 1 .,1 4,774 12,269 2 Hariparbat, 4,314 8,489 Rakabganj, 12,153 3 " 5,502 4 " ~ Agra Kotwali, 9,894 14,784 5 Tajganj, 5,983 11,219 6 Chatta, and 3,668 5,068 "J Lohamandi 2,3&4 Agra Cantonment 3,169 4,010 5,872 Civil Area .. } Agra Sadar Bazar 2,836 4~12 Military Area' , 899 11 AirFo~Area 275 549 Total Tebsll Agra (Urban) 15,110 69,851 Total Tehsil Agra 359 140,300 .~ 96,527


l_CultlVators of land II-Cultivators ofland wholly or mainly wholly or mainly un- III-Cultivating owned and their owned and their labourers and their dependants dependants dependants g Name of Village or ~ Town/Ward M F M F M F 1 2 18 J9 20 21 22 23 TEHSIL AGRA

148 Tanora Nurpur All Unpopulated 149 Tanora Nurpur Pert S71 492 148 120 80 57 150 Tapra 240 186 71 59 151 Tora 102 93 22 ii; 75 75 Total Tehsil Agra (Rural) 36,014 31,"7 3,617 3,078 9,836 8,336 TEHSIL AGRA

Agra City Municipal Board 2,184 1,695 569 504 349 314 1 205 143 143 127 37 38 2 315 158 164 155 15 13 3 63 36 11 15 17 11 4 799 S71 118 83 200 174 5 45 41 16 10 9 5 6 757 746 117 114 71 73 2,3&4 Agra Cantonment 84 73 10 11 17 15 Civil Area 83 70 10 10 17 15 Military Area 2 Air Force Area 1 1 1 Total Tehsll Agra (Urban) 2,268 1,768 579 515 366 3ii Total Tebsll Agra 38,312 33,225 4,196 3,593 10,202 8,665 169 Abstract-(contd.)

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated(inc1uding and inmates ofinsti tutions houseless Displaced and houseless persons) persons persons .Literates d "= Persons Males Females M F M F M F 8"" 9 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 (RURAL)-.(contd.) 148 1,643 889 754 29 11 134 8 149 677 376 30t 4 150 528 280 248 69 14 151

135,944 72,811 63,123 no 25 425 389 12,285 2,122 URBAN CI1:Y / 333,530 181,393 152,137 6,055 2,326 17,618 15,581 58,13! 18,303 57,093 31,145 25,948 117 87 2,998 2,778 14,097 4,821 46,007 26,665 19,342 3,278 512 1,886 1,619 7,696 2,001 57,434 30,540 26,894 1,122 1,727 3,997 3,470 13,471 5,981 82,755 44,805 37,950 1,538 4,771 4,164 11,748 2,788 63,883 34,253 29,630 3,475 3,081 8,233 2,245 26,358 13,985 12,373 491 469 2,886 467

$2,135 25,066 17,069 1,509 2 3,598 2,898 Ii ,'J57 4,997 2,3&'" 32,569 18,023 14,546 S 2,411 1,965 8,026 3,816 7,356 5,527 1,829 969 891 747 1,103 923 2,210 1,516 694 532 2 296 186 828 258 375,665 206,459 169,21J6 7,564 2,328 21,216 18,n9 68,088 23,300 __ SU.609 279,280 232,329 7,674 2,353 21,641 18,868 80,373 25,422


------~--- IV- Non-cllltivat- ing owners of land, agricultural rent receivers V-Prodllction VIII- Other services and their other than and miscellaneous dependants cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport sources g., '0 M F M F M F M F M F 0 U -----26 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1 ( RURAL)-(concld.)

141 6 18 18 8 40 44 26 15 149 10 6 2 29 24 24 25 150 9 17 11 4 5 18 9 42 30 151

645 594 8,381 7,350 3,404 3,113 1,286 2,001 8,607 7,193 URBAN CITY-(concld.) 1,171 633 50.225 42.586 45,423 39,515 12,403 9,650 69,069 57,240 140 109 7,013 5,465 11,386 9,452 2,503 1,762 9,718 8,852 530 132 6,217 5,371 3,719 3,207 1,634 1,132 14,071 9,174 168 132 8,052 6,487 11,514 10,211 1,141 990 9,564 9,012 265 215 14,421 12,470 7,770 6,890 4,270 3,428 16,962 14,119 43 24 10,396 8,986 8,359 7,373 2,255 1,819 13,130 11,372 25 21 4,116 3,807 2,675 2,J82 600 519 5,624 4,711

77 78 3,615 3,148 3,942 3,169 2,511 1,347 14,810 9.228 2,3&4 73 77_ 3,600 3,141 3,919 3,156 2,502 1,339 7,819 6,738 2 13 7 18 10 8 5 5,486 '1,805 2 1 2 5 3 1 3 1,505 685 1,248 711 53,840 45,734 49,365 42,684 ]4,914 10,997 83,879 66,$68 1,893 1,305 62,222 53,084 51:,769 45,797 17,200 12,999 92,486 73,661 170 Primary CeaS8S

Inmate. of Total no. ofpersQns insti tutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseless persons) persons g No. of the hamlets No. of -0.. N arne of Village or inthe Area in No. of house- 0 U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F ---)-- -1- 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13

TEHSIL BAH 1 Abhaipura 3 Bah Bah 1,174 95 186 692 373 319 2 Am\lhi 1 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 373 44 63 338 l1Q 168 3 Arjunpura .. 2 Do. Pinhat 360 66 80 376 207 169 4 Arnota 6 Do. Do. 2.795 194 297 1,703 892 811 5 Baghraina ., 2 Do. Do. 1.099 99 181 667 350 317 6 Bah (Ruf

., 1 Do. Do. 320 133 180 1,025 506 519 69 Husainpura 2 Do. Pinhat 997 149 149 810 429 381 70 Indaini 2 Do. Bah 361 53 62 295 162 133 71 HaiJi 4 Do. Do. 906 107 159 988 517 471 72 Jaitpur Kalan 3 Do, Jaitpur Kalan 808 156 227 1,113 620 493 22 2 73 Jaitpur Khurd 1 Do. Pinhat 313 6 9 48 23 25 171 Abstraet-tcontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non- I-Cultiva­ lI-Cultiva- cultivating tors ofland tors ofland owners of wholly or wholly or land; agrj· VIII-Other mainly mainly IU-·Cultiva- cuituralrenl V-ProdLc­ services and owned unowned 1 inglabour- receivers; tion other miscella­ Displaced and their and their ers and their and their than cul­ VI_Com- VII-Tras- neol.S 5 tivation ------persons Literates dependants dependant dependants dependants rnerce port sources o ~" M F M F M F M F' M F M F M F M F M F M F 8

~1~4_~1~5 ___1_6 ____ t7___ 18__ t9__ 20~_2_1 ____ 2~2_~2~3_~2_4 __~2_5 __26~ __27__ 28~_2~9 __ 3~0 __ 3~1~_32 33


54 5 352 305 9 6 3 1 I 3 8 4 I 22 1 139 136 7 3 5 6 4 9 11 2 2 2 1 5 5 2 13 150 113 49 42 7 7 6 I 1 3 44 2 833 772 2 1 5 2 10 15 18 11 3 21 10 4 15 338 310 3 3 I [ 8 3 5 8 104 109 1 3 I I 6 7 190 36 836 719 32 26 13 6 10 13 55 32 22 16 [1 9 31 38 8 165 6. 939 921 42 47 31 20 15 25 32 26 24 20 50 11 9 47 5 158 137 2 1 4 8 22 13 I 3 1 5 2 10 101 6 702 566 16 12 18 15 9 15 23 35 11 12 .. .. 45 44 11 220 6 1,469 1,216 20 21 31 30 30 60 21 14 27 20 J 1 78 60 12 36 329 283 25 16 .. 12 31 4 7 6 3 9 7 13 12 1 273 247 20 12 7 3 3 8 6 5 2 2 7 4 14 65 15 336 317 39 32 15 5 21 20 2 1 2 12 10 IS 46 6 280 227 16 12 12 7 17 20 80 58 5 5 2 5 7 16 4 .. 145 106 6 2 3 3 5 3 .. 1 17 68 6 608 566 2 3 1 2 2 9 14 1 10 7 18 3 250 41 778 708 135 120 69 60 2 J 168 151 81 96 6 5 234 211 19 142 6 547 474 17 16 16 15 13 13 53 51 67 46 2 21 27 20 100 16 482 397 20 8 12 12 11 28 45 47 4 8 52 43 21 5 72 48 .. 7 6 22 5 25 32 6 4 23 24 3 114 97 1 4 2 4 3 I 25 54 2 229 197 24 19 14 11 1 2 3 26 180 30 406 333 53 31 31 7 16 19 97 67 IS 11 20 14 121 97 27 3 21 6 3 4 n 129 6 756 520 7 6 8 17 12 10 5 3 12 28 29 82 4 1,892 1,579 2 8 4 4 6 56 54 15 9 44 33 30 65 1 298 256 11 17 9 7 8 4 2 I 28 39 31 19 1 233 214 4 2 11 10 2 6 3 32 5 142 126 21 10 1 1 4 I 33 4 140 113 4 4 2 I 34 39 1 223 177 6 3 4 3 3 3 2 JO 5 35 94 51 99 91 4 4 6 4 13 20 37 42 23 ..,.: 4 5 7i) 80 36 42 15 254 221 6 5 3 1 3 3 37 40 321 288 2 I 3 7 38 36 272 226 7 4 4 6 1 3 39 75 14 311 302 81 67 15 19 Hi 20 19 14 24 24 25 16 40 67 4 296 258 8 9 10 3 5 3 3 5 9 9 13 20 41 42 279 10 523 472 104 79 33 22 9. 6 56 58 53 49 10 10 68 47 43 16 89 92 2 5 7 5 I 44 34 1 115 73 1 3 5 3 33 j 45 24 1 171 145 24 16 4 3 5 2 2 2 1 46 20 4 206 182 33 21 'j 2 5 2 I 2 47 2 26 26 9 1 1 1 2 3 43 6 2 81 67 3 2 2 3 I 3 49 19 68 60 3 3 2 25 19 I 5 11 2 50 1 24 15 51 16 138 108 2 4 5 52 21 3 150 133 2 2 1 I 3 1 53 79 2 224 230 31 22 1 3 8 1 7 5 54 5 167 148 2 ,. - .. 3 2 55 56 41 1 310 242 6 1 6 3 8 6 2 8 3 57 93 8 383 403 6 5 7 9 2 4 6 2 58 30 1 849 720 49 31 20 21 2 2 23 19 1 5 3 20 15 59 46 277 224 19 12 7 21 9 9 1 37 5 60 106 9 422 381 3 4 6 13 2 8 16 61 150 19 441 353 24 13 51 32 21 15 30 26 39 29 2 29 22 62 34 435 372 4 2 2 3 35 41 3 6 63 13 101 84 3 4 I 1 2 2 4 1 61 65 4 73 84 1 .. b(J 19 5 163 159 11 5 1J 9 2 2 6 6 67 104 157 184 156 40 38 27 19 60 53 39 53 106 1J6 5J 84 68 52 4 406 358 15 17 4 2 4 4 69 20 128 112 8 4 18 11 2 4 5 2 1 70 38 1 373 352 6 9 45 41 5 1 2 2 8il 66 71 126 3 345 288 16 13 34 23 15 17 83 69 27 25 10.) 58 72 1 IS 20 6 S 2 7j 112 Primary CenfiBs

Inmates of Total no. of persons insti tutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions homeless houses and houseless persons) persons No. of the 8 hamlets No.of ~ Name of Village or inthe Area in No. of house- 8 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F 2 3 4 5 6 '7 8 9 10 II 12 13


74 Jarar 4 Bah Bah 2,332 534 610 3,414 1,820 1,594 27 75 Jeora 7 Do. Do. 2,934 127 170 1,000 564 436 22 76 Jojlipura 1 Do. Do. 147 27 27 190 100 90 77 Kachaura 2 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 2,788 249 300 1,358 713 645 78 Kachhpura 2 Do. Do. 346 20 39 174 72 102 79 Kllinjar 9 Do. Bah 977 96 129 717 384 333 80 Kalyanpura 1 Do. Pinhat 246 37 44 192 121 71 81 Kama1pura I Do. Jaitpur Kalan 230 27 27 157 84 73 82 Kamoni 1 Do. Do. 642 33 54 312 174 138 83 Kamtari 3 Do. Do. 1,385 155 203 1,118 576 542 84 -Kanera 2 Do. Bah 406 37 40 222 107 115 85 Kanaharpura 1 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 354 61 86 373 189 184 86 Kankar Khcra 3 Do. Pinha! 957 84. 116 600 320 280 87 Karanpura 2 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 294 96 130 697 383 314 88 Karanpuri .. 1 Do. DO. 237 27 40 225 121 104 89 Karakoli .. 3 Do. Pinhat 3,259 217 316 1,784 943 841 90 Kenjra 3 Do. Bah 1,642 86 115 655 341 314 91 Khair Danda 5 Do. Pinhat 1,195 135 231 1,312 696 616 92 Khajuapura 2 Do. Bah 298 35 42 142 89 53 93 Kharagpura 1 Do. po. 315 36 43 257 139 U8 94 Kharik 2 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 808 43 50 254 132 122 95 Khera Devi Das I Do. Bah 445 32 51 248 133 115 96 Khera Rathor 7 Do. Do. 2,200 170 204 1,165 658 507 97 Khetlipura .. 1 Do. Do. 133 18 21 132 67 65 98 Khichcharpura I Do. Jaitpur Kalan 523 57 66 321 169 152 99 Khilali 14 Do. Do. '-,244 319 371 2,033 1,085 948 100 Kohri 10 Do. Bah 2,526 102 264 1,498 823 675 101 Khuliapura .. 1 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 90 1 1 4 3 1 102 Kilpura 1 Do. Do. 335 40 54 304 157 147 103 Korath 4 Do. Do. 1,401 137 183 1,006 515 491 104 Kot 2 Do. Bah 588 70 79 354 195 159 105 Kuafl 1 Do. DO. 621 119 133 674 340 334 106 Kukapur 4 00. Jai tpur Kalan 2,116 223 331 1,854 938 - 916 107 Kukthari 4 Do. Pinhat 1,373 207 238 1,215 638 577 108 Kunwar Kher,\ ~ Do. Bah 2,764 82 91 548 289 259 109 Kyari 2 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 1,277 119 131 678 365 313 110 Kyori } Do. Pinhat 3,203 168 217 1,205 635 570 111 Lakhanpura Jaglr 1 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 397 49 53 236 128 108 112 Lakhanpura Khalsa I Do. Bah 520 78 101 558 291 267 113 Lalpura I Do. Pinhat 244 37 37 219 114 105 \14 Lahurapura 1 Do. DO. 263 39 51 271 163 108 115 Mahapur Mahua 1 Do. Do. 358 43 61 320 168 152 116 Mahua 4 Do. Bah 2,310 150 187 1,027 528 499 117 Mdi 4 Do. Do. 1,297 176 228 1,126 590 536 118 Maloni 12 Do. DO. 2,492 201 206 1,100 563 537 lIlJ MangadplIl' 2 Do. Do, 468 74 102 535 293 242 120 Manhgauli .. I Do. Pinhat 1,414 66 91 506 281 225 121 Manikpura I Do. Do. 1,583 200 238 1,286 696 590 2 5 122 Manona 3 Do. Do. 1,727 158 170 879 500 379 123 MansLlrpura I Do. Bah 405 36 36 232 U8 114 124 Marhyan Jai Singh 1 Do. Jaitpllr Kalan 89 28 39 181 90 91 125 Miarhepura 2 Do. Bah 925 189 197 963 512 451 126 Mao 8 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 2,154 225 301 1,648 862 786 127 Milik 2 Do. Pinhat 280 15 18 106 54 52 128 Mirhkoli 2 Do. Bah 1'15 44 52 256 140 116 129 Mitaili I Do. Pinhat 462 53 59 265 144 121 130 Modidanua Do. Jaitpur Kalan 151 Unpopulated [31 Modipura I Do. Pinhat 415 1'1 22 125 69 56 132 Mukatpura 3 Do. Jai tpur Kalan 587 59 86 436 221 215 133 Murhaipura 1 Do. Bah 339 33 41 202 104 98 134 Nadgawan 3 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 2,055 198 275 1,620 852 768 135 Naipura .. 2 Do. Do. 435 87 111 599 317 282 136 Nagaria " 1 Do. Pinha! 201 24 26 156 85 71 137 Nag1a Bachhgaiyan 2 Do. Jaitpur Kalall 159 23 27 168 85 83 138 NaglaDalel I Do. Pinhat 402 124 126 668 362 306 139 Naglalnt 1 Do. Balt. 49 22 26 144 74 70 140 Nagupura 1 no. Pinha! 176 29 36 176 101 75 141 Nahloli " 1 Do. Bah 982 106 130 699 368 331 142 Naoli 1 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 682 42 60 344 172 172 143 Narholi .. 6 Do. Bah 1,280 211 223 1,166 648 518 144 Naugawan 6 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 3,598 390 454 2,258 1,198 1,060 145 Nimdanda 2 Do. Bah 303 to 11 34 20 14 146 Nonera 2 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 1,040 65 86 501 260 241 -_ ...... 173 Abstract-( contd,)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non- I-Cultiva­ II-Cultiva- cultivating tors ofland tors ofland owners of whoUyor wholly or land; agri- VIII-{)thcT mainly mainly nr-Cultiva- cultural rent V-Prcrlllc- !ervices and owned unowned ting labour- receivers; tion other miscella­ Displaced and their and their erS and their and their than cuI- VI-Com- Vll-Tmn~- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants derendants tivaticn meree )l()rt sources.,; " M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 - 33 ~~--~------l RURAL)-(contd,)

3 490 141 1,054 880 119 108 16 13 15 26 265 241 270 241 17 2 64 83 74 46 513 420 5 I 5 2 14 8 I 26 5 75 12 3 90 80 6 7 1 3 3 76 208 40 480 438 89 75 8 7 12 io 37 32 31 28 5 6 51 49 77 16 14 51 63 2 7 6 2 4 I 4 !l 23 78 38 369 324 4 2 1 I I 5 4 2 3 1 79 5 1 106 65 10 3 I 3 1 1 2 80 12 13 73 66 10 6 1 1 --, 81 20 1 169 135 2 2 1 2 1 82 151 30 425 381 Z2 17 6 5 14 35 39 34 13 10 2 55 59 83 5 85 91 20 23 1 I 1 84 24 1 164 155 3 2 1 11 12 2 7 I 7 8 85 44 15 252 200 3 3 4 7 43 47 1 1 17 22 86 69 11 328 283 11 7 6 1 23 18 3 1 7 3 5 1 87 30 1 85 65 19 26 10 7 2 2 2 1 3 3 88 106 867 783 31 19 3 1 26 14 11 15 5 9 89 30 3 299 277 27 21 6 12 2 7 3 1 90 3 674 589 10 9 12 7 1 10 91 5 85 50 1 1 2 2 1 92 33 6 127 113 8 1 2 3 2 I 93 27 8 120 104 6 4 I I 3 1 5 1 3 2 -j 94 8 129 113 I 1 2 1 " 1 9S 109 4 353 288 149 138 1 2 16 13 44 29 15 8 2 3 78 26 96 11 58 56 4 3 2 2 3 4 97 46 10 142 123 3 7 3 4 1 15 6 1 6 io 98 125 8 895 799 118 82 18 11 !3 13 13 20 9 6 2 17 17 99 137 12 762 607 23 15 8 12 25 29 I 2 4 10100 1 3 1 .• 101 35 4 146 135 4 3 1 4 6 5 ., 102 176 21 432 425 4 7 3 2 20 17 7 3 49 37 103 45 5 136 115 27 19 1 7 8 7 6 6 2 11 9104 94 22 277 249 3 3 5 2 7 13 19 40 I 2 1 6 27 19 lOS 152 6 847 807 10 5 3 4 11 20 9 22 39 37 19 21 106 144 2 505 453 52 41 21 19 11 13 13 8 11 18 25 25 107 12 287 259 1 1 _. 108 27 292 255 40 31 2 6 7 9 10 2 3 14 7 109 108 4 576 508 20 10 3 2 3 5 5 11 2 26 34 110 4 126 104 1 1 3 1 III 59 3 276 257 6 4 2 2 2 7 2112 8 106 100 2 2 3 3 3 113 12 -143 101 6 2 1 7 2 7 2 114 27 I 136 130 18 11 3 3 11 8 liS 74 2 466 425 8 5 8 18 6 4 21 17 19 30 116 102 16 409 364 \ 25 24 20 18 12 9 64 56 22 30 9 6 29 29 117 58 10 483 470 42 37 1 13 9 16 10 8 11 118 11 -- 290 232 1 3 2 2 4 1 .• 119 65 I 278 223 -- 1 1 1 2 ., 120 83 8 504 410 45 46 2 2 14 10 30 25 32 29 6 4 63 64 121 13 1 365 273 31 24 48 30 11 10 16 9 23 23 6 10 122 43 2 99 97 I I 1 3 4 8 4 3 4 1 3 2 1 123 5 68 69 7 6 9 12 I 2 3 1 1 I I 124 95 6 337 310 98 71 8 1 14 15 13 14 15 15 9 5 18 20 125 63 3 665 621 15 16 51 ' 29 3 5 36' 46 24 10 4 2 64 57 126 8 51 50 1 1 1 I 1 .• 127 6 122 105 I 13 5 4 6 128 26 2 126 108 10 6 I I 2 4 S 129 130 1 69 56 ., 131 35 219 211 2 3 1 .• 132 7 102 94 1 I 1 3 133 141 15 619 556 33 25 48 32 10 18 57 50 47 49 2 I 36 37 134 60 2 276 245 4 3 19 17 1 2 I 1 1 7 5 8 9 135 22 68 55 6 6 4 3 I 3 4 4 2 ., 136 31 85 83 -. 137 11 3 312 255 28 30 15 20 4 1 3 " 138 13 5 47 42 -1 ' r 26 27 ., 139 15 85 61 1 1 1 5 2 9 11140 96 15 229 188 8 5 18 5 7 10 28 38 26 36 13 9 39 40 141 80 137 136 23 30 5 2 1 6 4 142 94 5 557 441 30 20 11 10 6 15 21 17 5 3 2 1 1'6 11 143 60 49 1,022 894 33 26 16 35 63 49 33 25 31 31 144 5 2 14 10 6 4 ., 145 20 233 202 4 6 i4 6 8 3 14 10 146 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occllpied inmates ofimtitutiom houselcss house' and houseless persons) persons 0 No.oflhe .. hamlets No. of ~ Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- <:) U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

TEHSIL BAH 147 Ondh Bah .. Pi~hat 446 55 62 374 208 166 14% Pabarpura no. .. Jaitpul Kalan 356 42 60 4l}2 276 216 149 Pah Rajaura Do. Pinhat 169 Unpopulated 150 Pai 2 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 1,240 76 118 546 312 234 151 Paprinagar 1 Do. Pinhat 1,018 71 90 507 279 228 152 Parhkauli .. 2 Do. Bah 547 58 68 356 181 175 153 Parna 8 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 4,731 478 606 3,088 1,668 1,420 154 ParwatiPuT 1 Do. Bah 514 146 166 825 446 379 155 Pathakpur 1 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 354 80 91 467 245 222 156 Pharera 4 Do. .. Bah 1,998 298 398 2,048 1,107 941 157 Phareri 1 Do. Do. 674 70 102 1,007 1585 422 158 Pharayapur 1 Do. Do. 135 40 40 172 100 72 159 Pinahat (Rural) 8 Do. .. Pinhat 130 137 685 383 302 160 Pinhat Do. Do. Town Area 161 Pirhaura .. 5 Do. Do. 2,417 205 286 1,527 804 723 162 Pratappura 2 Do. .. Bah 311 72 88 340 181 159 163 Pundrikpura I Do. .. Pinhat 421 6 6 26 13 13 164 Pura Bhagwan 2 Do. .. Bah 1,178 16 17 413 223 190 165 Pura Kanera I Do. Do. 101 102 130 223 103 120 166 Pyarampura 2 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 620 94 123 667 361 306 167 Raipura Bhadoria 3 Do. .. Pinha! 400 17 66 382 221 161 168 Raipura Dixit 2 Do. .. Jaitpura Kalan 314 75 87 400 211 189 169 Rajaura .. 12 Do. .. Pinhat 2,531 212 351 1,863 1,004 859 170 Rajpura .. 1 Do. .. Bah 559 94 99 467 256 211 171 Rampura Garhi 1 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 350 42 45 294 140 154 172 Rampur Chandraseni .. 9 00. .. Pinhat 1,834 132 260 1,345 747 598 173 Ranipura 2 Do. .. Bah 1,015 13 21 145 74 71 174 Ratauti I Do. Pinhat 773 77 207 1,054 560 494 175 Reha 8 00. Do. 4,704 350 444 2,676 1,460 1,216 4 19 176 Renka 1 Do. .. Bah 372 31 34 211 113 98 177 Richhapura 2 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 348 75 99 608 302 306 178 Rilhai I Do. Pinhat 574 29 35 170 91 79 179 Rudamuli 1 Do. .. Bah 1,254 206 254 1,051 511 540 180 Ruppura .. 2 Do. .. Jai tpur Kalan 366 46 52 334 183 151 181 Sabora 1 Do. .. Pinhat 1,459 119 136 792 431 361 182 Sajwaripura 2 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 181 33 35 186 104 82 183 Samar Mao I Do. .. Bah 585 77 91 440 240 200 184 Sanjeti .. 2 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 862 102 130 763 400 363 185 Sannpura .. 1 Do. .. Bah 857 124 124 668 380 288 186 Seha 2 Do. .. Pinhat 1,644 64 88 501 264 237 187 Serab 5 Do. Do. 2,434 169 174 919 511 408 188 Shahpur Brahman 1 Do. .. Jailpuf Kalan 254 70 96 436 238 198 189 Shahpur Gujar 2 no. Do. 1,063 82 141 872 451 421 190 Shahpur Khalsa I Do. .. Pinhat 966 31 31 207 115 92 191 SiarlPura .. 2 Do. Do. 346 42 54 272 146 126 192 Sidhauli .. 7 Do. .. Bah 1,302 140 162 930 516 414 193 Sihaich 3 Do. Do. 547 46 71 389 203 186 194 Sihpura .. I Do. .. Pinhat 165 19 24 ISO 83 67 195 Sikthara .. 2 Do. Po. 625 60 83 413 195 218 196 Silfoli I Do. .. Bah 294 52 69 364 172 19Z 197 Simrahi .. 2 Do. Do. 1,843 80 110 576 324 252 198 Sujanpura I Do. .. Jaitpu.r Kalan 292 33 43 222 125 97 199 Shansar I Po. .. Bah 1,202 60 66 338 190 148 200 Surekhipura 1 Do. .. Jaitpur Kal~~ 183 19 21 128 69 S9 201 Sutahri .. 3 Do. Pinhat 734 119 137 700 361 339 202 Tarason .. 1 Do. .. Bah 163 60 63 291 161 130 203 Tasord .. 3 Do. Pinhat 568 83 108 585 316 269 204 Tilupura 1 Do. Jaitpur Kalan 256 36 36 176 101 75 205. Torahpal Do. Pinhat 43 Unpopulated 206 Udaipur Kalan 1 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 995 112 152 778 423 355 207 Udaipur Khalsa .. 2 Do. Pinhat 501 61 69 448 265 183 208 Udaipur Khurd 2 Do. .. Jaitpur Kalan 830 26 26 147 80 67 209 Udhanpura I Do. Do. 482 78 106 521 272 249 210 Uganpura 1 Do. .. Bah 425 50 64 357 181 176 2H Umraitha .. 2 Do. Do. 2,546 240 313 1,809 997 811 212 Utsana 2 Do~- Do.· 1,388 59 78 366 184 182 213 Vaidpura .. 1 Do. .. Jaltpur Kalan 311 59 79 462 241 221 214 Vairi 2 Do. Bah 586 56 64 409 237 172 Total Tehsil Bah (Rural) 533 211,849 20,939 26,885 U3,398 76,746 66,652 97 32 175


AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Nan­ I-Cultiv4- II-Gultiva­ cultivatinl tors of land tors of land owners of whoUyor wholly or land; agri- VIII-Qther mainly mainly Ill--Cultiva- cultural rent V-Ploduc­ services and owned unowned ting labour- receivers; tion other misceJIa- Displaced and their and their ers and their and their than cui· VI~Com- VII-Trans- neous Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation merce port sources. penons ------.....______g

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F ui 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

( RURAL) -(cofield.) 1 182 143 18 14 4 6 3 J 1 147 8 218 182 18 5 14 6 2 11 9 5 1 10 10 148 149 80 23 218 175 23 14 7 2 8 5 29 23 4 1 23 14 150 16 I 222 188 26 17 18 14 6 2 I 3 3 4 3 151 18 175 166 1 2 1 2 4 :5 152 216 11 1,270 1,096 135 84 38 19 33 44 69 79 53 44 8 62 53 153 28 3 383 335 53 2 7 39 1 2 3 154 82 215 201 9 7 2 4 9 8 4 -. 6 2 155 77 3 958 80S 37 36 7 6 60 54 6 4 1 2 38 34 156 5 380 290 12 12 II 11 13 24 7 58 36 87 66 157 7 82 61 3 1 2 I 4 4 9 5 158 6 342 259 18 6 3 6 1 20 30 159 160 50 715 615 17 19 18 7 4 14 15 16 17 15 18 37 161 31 136 115 25 22 3 2 4 6 4 4 9 10 162 13 13 .. 163 7 194 168 27 16 4 2 2 164 29 59 87 17 18 7 2 I -' 6 3 14 9 165 85 331 283 15 15 5 4 1 I 3 Il 2 166 17 192 138 22 15 5 8 2 167 • 60 14 168 146 22 18 1 3 3 18 21 168 98 2 927 796 17 10 8 6 11 17 7 8 14 12 20 to 169 40 16 216 171 16 13 1 I 9 10 10 15 4 1 170 6 139 154 1 171 159 9 612 483 1 13 11 29 28 62 51 8 1 23 22 172 9 64 62 3 3 5 4 2 2 173 207 101 424 403 21 '15 2 16 10 22 8 15 13 60 45 174 135 2 1,290 1,070 15 13 27 57 64 43 64 32 175 33 1 92 7l 3 2 4 7 2 6 5 6 I 2 6 4 176 72 8 271 278 5 7 10 10 3 I 1 2 12 8 177 35 84 70 3 '2 2 3 1 4 1 17S 214 143 355 352 10 13 27 13 6 16 21 16 7 14 6 10 79 106 179 I 36 172 144 2 2 1 4 3 1 3 2 180 67 4 361 306 21 9 6 8 2 2 2 3 6 36 30 181 28 1 76 61 1 3 25 14 2 2 2 182 42 1 214 183 4 2 5 I 2 6 6 4 9 4 183 29 335 296 I 1 9 9 4 16 26 20 1 I 24 20 184 14 10 318 236 7 S 11 10 7 33 22 11 8 185 16 12 248 227 3 6 5 1 1 6 4 186 174 I 448 359 15 9 4 1 11 14 7 7 3 3 1 23 14 187 79 8 175 152 16 10 1 15 15 9 5 18 9 2 2 2 :5 188 27 445 411 I 3 9 2 1 189 4 101 82 10 9 4 1 _. 190 7 140 123 3 2 1 1 1 1 191 65 1 397 328 49 36 I 9 6 39 24 9 10 12 9 192 14 2 199 182 4 4 193 7 71 59 10 7 I 2 194 3 143 166 33 30 6 9 2 4 1 1 1 8 9 195 70 36 106 124 19 to 26 33 10 11 13 11 1 196 24 223 182 24 21 5 I 9 14 10 16 8 7 45 11 197 3 100 79 14 10 3 1 7 7 1 198 15 2 166 142 6 2 7 2 11 2 199 33 8 55 46 1 4 2 2 2 4 8 3 200 59 5 325 325 19 4 6 9 7 1 4 201 8 151 121 6 8 2 1 1 202 42 260 231 26 17 7 5 3 16 11 203 17 94 66 1 I 5 9 204 205 59 5 289 239 90 75 16 16 6 It 5 14 9 206 30 245 165 9 9 2 5 5 4 4 207 80 67 208 53 1 257 231 7 3 2 10 2 2 3 3 219 43 6 160 142 5 7 3 4 4 3. 10 6 13 210 152 8 893 72S 22 17 12 5 7 11 15 10 26 25 22 19 211 13 140 145 18 19 12 4 14 14 212 11 205 192 3 1 28 18 2 2 10 213 50 200 142 4 9 17 14 4 4 1 6 5 2 214

6 1 11,066 1,568 61,88851,560 J,373 2.6JO 1,490 1.080 912 1.291 1.&1; ~,599 1,730 1.513 205 1613,293 2.838 176 Primary Census

Occupied houses 0 c No. of the hamlets No. of " Name of VIllage or in the Area in No. of house- 8 Town/Ward village Parpna Thana acres houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TEHSIL BAH 7 Bah Town Area Bah Bah 79 660 993 1 286 365 2 128 335 3 246 293 160 Pinhat Town Aroa Bah Piimat 4,261- 640 767 Total TehsH Bab (Urban) 4,:UO r,300 1,76(J Total TebsH Bab 533 216,189 2,239 28,645


I-Cultiva- II-Cultiva- tors orland tors orland wholly or wholly or mainly mainly Ill-Cuitiva- owned unowned ting labour- and their and their ers and theil dependants dependants dependants =0 Name of Village or ~ Town/Ward M F M F M F 2 18 19 20 21 22 23

TEHSILBAH 7 Bah Town Area Bah Bah 655 561 15 14 5 6 1 199 l33 7 6 2 217 273 5 4 4 3 3 179 ISS 3 4 1 3 160 Pinhat Town Area B~h Bah 772 650 143 92 Total Tehsil Bah (Urban) 1,427 1,211 IS8 106 S 6 Totol Tehsil Bah 64,315 55,771 3,531 2,716 1,495 1,086 171

Abstraet-(co ntd.)

l!lmatesof 'fatal no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and inmates of institutions houseJess Displaced and houseless persons) persons persons Literates 0 '" ."," Persons Males Females M F M F M F r3

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

URBAN NON·CITY- 4,5<13/ 2,536 2,007 14 41 758 359 7 1,750 1,038 712 5 14 270 136 1,308 689 619 7 168 144 1,485 809 676 9 320 79 3,922 2,131 1,791 527 196 160 8,465 4,667 3,798 14 41 1,285 555 151,863 81,413 70,450 111 73 6 1 12,351 2,123

NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non· cultivatinB owners or land; agri· VIII-Otber cultural rent V-Produc- services and receivers; tion other miscella- and their tban cuI· VI-Com- VII-Trans· neous dependants tivation merce port sources o· tl

"0 "0 _M F M F M F M F M F U

24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

URBAN NON·CITY-(conc1d.)

46 16 622 416 655 572 95 71 443 331 7 31 22 327 175 270 226 23 10 181 140 1 85 63 232 207 6 3 79 66 14 14 210 178 153 139 66 58 183 125 42 36 431 383 378 342 45 41 320 247 160 88 72 1,053 799 1,033 914 140 III 763 578 1,010 1,363 3,898 3,398 2,763 2,427 345 273 4;056 3,416 178

Prlmar~ Censos

Jnmatesof Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of insti tutions h9useless houses and houseless persons) persons ci No.ofthe ------t:I hamlets No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- '0 "0 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females Males Females U 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


1 Agarpur 2 Etmadpur .. Khandauli ., 224 19 32 199 123 76 2 Agwar .. 1 Do. ., Etmadpur 349 74 85 479 265 214 3 Aharan .. 11 Do. ., Aharan 2,793 457 729 3,979 2,169 1,810 3 '.1 4 Alawalpur 1 D:>. .. Tllndla 260 30 37 159 97 62 5 Amanab

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV -Non- I-Cultiva­ II-Cultiva- cultivating tors of land tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land ; agri- VIlI-Other 1I13.inly mainly IU-Cultiva- cultural rent V-Produc­ services and owned unowned ting labour- receiven; lion other miscella- lJbplaced and their and their ers and their and their than cul­ Vl-Com- VII-Trans- neous p~rsons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation meree port sources


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 (RURAL) 37 4 108 61 1 2 2 1 2 4 3 4 4 6 1 71 7 129 90 23 24 12 7 35 22 16 9 1 49 62 2 478 56 1,164 962 58 41 259 200 23 31 227 180 203 174 60 47 175 175 84 3 14 50 2 7 7 3 1 3 2 4 42 158 128 3 2 77 69 33 3i 6 6 27 19 1 130 103 18 17 5 28 1 '2 6 7 5 5 3 2 6 SO 35 609 565 56 42 129 115 38 3S 175 149 59 62 26 21 134 130 7 115 25 654 547 26 18 153 104 14 22 41 71 14 19 97 92 ,35 52 8 62 17 207 171 33 41 144 107 9 IS 38 23 23 18 16 17 7 18 9 19 49 54 1 1 10 7 3 3 7 4 7 2 299 239 2 10 41 I 53 34 3 46 14 26 is 14 14 36 38 5 192 153 13 42 38 11 79 6 11 18 29 22 1 2 29 28 12 91 20 376 307 42 24 8 5 24 20 4 1 22 22 19 133 1,584 23 13 820 1,308 180 170 510 404 20 27 327 263 208 196 123 130 338 298 14 95 25 222 196 72 52 6 10 13 11 22 24 10 2 30 2 493 435 20 15 85 41 39 46 35 13 17 34 41 25 24 54 16 71 1 307 239 44 , ; 9 8 29 22 3 3 43 41 9 7 17 132 16 525 430 '4 148 125 145 115 18 9 10 5 67 60 35 415 18 131 389 96 61 12 9 73 56 40 27 57 38 79 72 19 5 293 221 14 15 3 1 5 6 15 189 163 9 20 104 22 19 3 S 32 29 3 I 53 4i ~~ 21 21 17 25 5 105 109 21 13 17 17 21 17 22 85 19 165 135 1 S4 52 2 5 25 23 11 12 2 6 22 2 225 16 23 32 157 19 ii 22 19 8 7 IS 13 6 9 15 12 24 156 tl 411 355 23 19 49 35 S 9 37 43 43 39 7 12 40 69 56 50 25 41 14 12 55 41 7 2 4 4 15 14 26 183 38 471 422 86 65 ii 24 82 66 . 37 33 28 17 73 61 27 23 2 125 126 3 9 9 6 3 4 7 636 2 1 28 64 434 29 20 133 93 30 32 40 34 28 11 15 9 62 46 29 429 38 1,066 902 63 60 260 192 22 21 340 263 174 127 11 14 98 32 560 509 14 US 30 134 12 146 141 190 172 104 95 192 135 162 131 31 74 14 286 273 69 51 12 14 12 5 32 30 32 75 15 213 181 23 i9 76 70 18 20 4 2 18 3 43 2 490 46 33 169 451 5 9 265 242 98 74 56 54 4 7 117 89 34 52.0 75 595 460 21 19 425 418 7 10 241 194 228 154 211 178 105 47 35 328 68 574 466 92 61 237 177 23 28 123 123 116 100 32 29 121 110 35 18 144 117 11 6 3 3 1 10 7 37 2 654 13 536 42 44 47 26 2 35 37 6 5 17 6 30 25 38 S4 3 738 604 15 14 91 72 S 4 100 88 23 32 32 22 14 27 39 40 2 17 19 17 6 2 1 41 289 34 2,071 1,852 141 106 102 94 16 26 133 tOO 41 .36 8 2 69 5 292 278 56 42 40 7 4 54 40 1 3 4 3 10 5 43 112 6 268 218 12 8 22 20 60 46 4i 44 10 8 16 18 44 77 3 433 413 5 8 58 34 13 14 4 1 1 28 23 45 42 127 108 23 14 47 42 2 4 79 71 21 14 14 10 46 47 48 19 1 112 114 11 4 3 49 24 3 168 158 1 26 15 1 15 22 2 3 'i ii 19 SO 25 4 76 56 17 7 7 6 3 4 13 12 5 9 51 3S 6 133 129 48 42 71 53 49 37 4 7 11 9 10 15 52 26 1 250 190 8 6 4 10 9 11 28 25 9 11 4 2 53 21 5 388 404 18 16 29 28 24 12 57 53 3 3 28 20 54 100 2 77 54 25 25 14 14 ., 9 5 13 13 3 1 7 11 55 2 81 67 22 15 5 4 1 56 17 46 S4 1 9 2 15 11 2 4 57 58 2 266 206 I 1 30 24 32 27 7 4 2 4 35 35 58 59 60 413 354 25 14 14 9 1 8 7 20 16 1 9 3 60 141 17 692 620 44 18 48 48 3 4 48 44 ze 11 2 t 44 47 61 23 179 187 8 11 26 14- 2 7 17 16 2 4 10 7 2 1 62 82 3 355 306 30 23 47 40 U 28 11 8 16 4 24 32 63 47 141 130 7 6 9 9 3 2 1 16 7 64 32 6 138 118 4 3. 1 3 2 15 20 1 5 5 4 65 58 9 210 207 25 15 (is 45 24 14 16 21 65 53 7 8 2 66 28 130 110 13 14 9 8 2 15 8 4 3 2 2 2 2 67 19 95 80 12 5 31 32 6 8 10 11 68 209 22 749 645 129 lI8 216 143 21 17 9i 83 62 42 9 6 97 99 69 21 2 123 94 17 18 10 13 40 38 11 8 12 8 5 16 70 19 3 60 SI 71 47 142 121 1 3 48 38 2 30 36 7 7 7 7 9 6 72 33 7 450 428 11 5 49 51 2 5 28 34 52 51 49 35 14 18 73 180 Primar,! Censns

Inmates of rotal no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and O;cupied inmates ofinstitutions houseless houses and hOllseless persons) persons No. of the hamlets No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses ho'ds Persons Males Females M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ~9______~IO~ __~I~I ____~12~ ___13

TEHSIL ETMADPUR 74 Jamnipur 1 Etmadpur .. Aharan 178 14 18 109 60 49 7S Jampur .. 1 Do. Do. 202 95 150 760 409 351 76 Jarkhi 1 Do. .. Etmadpur .. 625 83 203 951 508 443 77 Khanda .. 16 Do. Abaran .. 2,837 992 992 4,919 2,621 2,298 78 Khandauli 2 Do. Khandauli .. 691 296 296 1,681 903 778 79 Kharagpur 1 Do. Do. 361 10 17 94 59 35 80 Kharia 2 Do. Do. 391 93 162 782 420 362 81 Kharkana 2 Do. .. Aharan 444 51 70 386 204 182 82 Kh_erani 1 Do. Etmadpur 422 3 7 19 11 8 83 Kheri 3 Do. .. Aharan 1,319 219 273 1,508 803 705 84 Kheria Jarkhi 1 Do. .. Tundla 353 66 79 252 138 114 8S Kheria Khandoli I Do. .. Khandauli .. 314 95 95 539 285 254 86 Kotki 5 Do. .. Etmadpur .. 1,358 348 503 2,374 1,295 1,079 2 87 Kuberpur 2 Do. Do. 1,757 138 220 1,169 627 542 88 Kurgawan 1 Do. Aharan 438 143 153 789 400 389 89 Lakhna Mai 3 0:>. .. Etmadpur .. 693 68 122 675 352 323 90 Latifpur 1 Do. Tundla 386 59 65 376 193 183 91 Madanpur All Do. Khandauli .. 69 Unpopulated 92 Madanpur Pert 1 Do. Do. 852 32 45 158 85 73 93 Madawli 1 Do. .. Tundla 802 105 155 904 479 425 94 Mababatpur 1 Do. .. Abaran .. 227 13 IS 108 57 51 95 Malupur 1 Do. " Khandauli .. 538 121 154 865 497 368 96 Marsena 3 Do. .. Aharan 1,002 125 160 944 529 415 97 Mitauli 7 Do. .. EtmadpV· 2,375 329 439 2,236 1,234 1,002 98 Mohammadabad 2 Do. Tundla .. 1,212 479 487 2,351 1,277 1,074 99 Mohammadpur 1 Do. Do. 209 47 66 299 164 135 100 Mohsinabad 1 Do. .. Abaran 295 66 68 341 187 154 101 Mubarakpur 1 Do. Do. 229 20 28 125 68 57 102 Mukhwar 10 Do. Do. 2,283 316 423 2,189 1,204 985 103 Murbl Jahangirpur .. 6 Do. . . Khandauli .. 2,038 170 247 1,277 702 575 104 Murlidharpur 1 Do. Aharan 146 47 59 286 149 137 105 Murtbar Alipur 4 Do. Do. 1,540 257 302 1,582 838 744 17 106 Nadau 6 Do. Khandauli .. 1,083 162 205 1,077 602 475 107 Nagla Aru .. 3 Do. Aharan 983 72 102 568 291 277 108 Nagla Balia .. 2 Do. .. Tundla 420 49 75 380 192 188 109 Nagla Bari Amda Jaleser 2 Do. .. Aharan 655 59 179 815 446 369 110 Nagla Bar Saui 1 Do. .. Etmadpur •. 148 13 24 134 69 65 111 Nagla Bel 5 Do. .. Abaran 1,047 120 179 987 548 439 112 Nagla Boola 3 Do. Etmadpur •.. 541 43 58 297 149 148 113 Nagla Dal I Do. Do. 684 82 131 672 382 290 114 Nagla Darwesh 4 Do. Do. .• 472 45 55 254 148 106 115 Nagla Dhimar All Do. .. Khandauli •. 33 Unpopulated 116 Nagla Dhimar pert .. Do. Do. 48 Unpopulated 117 Nagla Gol Do. .. Aharan 475 64 93 456 235 221 118 Nagla Kalua Do. .. Etmadpur 283 71 86 521 267 254 119 Nagla Khokar .. Do. Aharan 231 Unpopulated 120 Nagla Kunwar Janubi 1 Do. Do. 141 14 19 110 56 54 121 Nasla Kunwar Shumali I Do. Do. 138 18 19 104 61 43 122 Nagla Lale 3 Do. Do. 332 95 125 711 376 335 123 Nagla Maha Singh 1 Do. Do. 389 87 95 518 284 234 124 Nagla Mani I Do. .. Etmadpur .. 158 56 73 399 213 186 125 Nagla Nisankh 2 Do. Do. 185 53 66 330 178 152 126 Nagla Pachori 3 Do. Aharan 384 53 82 469 260 209 127 Nagla Punu 1 Do. Etmadpur .. 374 54 86 497 256 241 128 Nagla Raiya 1 Do. Do. 301 21 30 133 65 68 129 Nagla Sirji 1 Do. Aharan 457 16 75 442 234 208 130 Nagla Suraj 1 Do. Etmadpur 520 62 97 553 316 237 131 Nagla Sarup 3 Do. Aharan 1,062 90 133 659 355 304 132 Nagla Tulsi 4 Do. .. Etmadpur " 415 54 86 475 258 217 133 Nabarra .. 8 Do. Khandauli 2,140 147 249 1,401 773 628 134 Naraich AIl Do. " Chhatta 202 Unpopulated 135 Naraich Pert 14 Do. Do. 5,136 511 784 6,473 3,461 3,012 136 Nawalpur 3 Do. Etmadpur .. 599 66 III 607 324 283 137 Naya Bans 2 Do. Do. 381 76 103 632 340 292 138 Negpur 2 Do. . . KhandanTi .• 639 96 145 856 451 405 139 Niamatpur 4 00.­ Tundla 2,206 100 131 672 362 310 140 Noor Mabal 1 Do. Etmadpur .. 400 93 130 651 363 288 ;141 Pacho Khera 9 Do. Do. 2,926 304 403 2,408 1,260 1,148 '142 Paint Khera 2 Do. Khandauli .. 925 443 446 2,292 1,237 1,055 143 Panwari .• 14 Do. Etmadpur 3,819 394 713 3,843 2,039 1,804 144 Parbatpur 1 Do. Khandauli .. 269 37 55 213 120 93 145 Parihar 2 Do. Do. 289 43 58 315 166 149 146 Partappur 1 Do. Etmadpur •. 397 38 52 304 156 148 181



RURAL)-(contd.) 1 2 10 8 74 14 1 42 32 7 7 17 24 49 39 7S 41 3S 32 29 20 22 84- 9 227 193 17 9 127 6 5 70 51} 76 2 2 32 27 S 12 132 117 163 204 6[ 95 94 395 326 299 255 61 SO 151 1115 77 86 1,365 1,209 145 1I2 19\ 144 14 17 337 129 134 414 343 81 71 63 60 78 118 10 152 127 9 1 55 42 79 8 9 59 6 51 26 84 26 17 7 25 32 80 3 140 133 23 11 112 85 87 SO 2 3 10 5 8 3 2 3 9 81 13 5 118 119 10 9 4S 32 • 82 9 7 1 1 1 83 34 15 is 61 14 :\8 22 25 29 6& 68 149 15 514 4li )0 16 46 1 10 11 5 4 84 8 3 24 25 ! l 32 24 1 15 10 57 43 29 39 1 8 22 23 20 18 85 66 184 153 14 5 9 8 116 11& 167 11 16 233 172 142 IlCl 30 22 86 204 7 511 446 40 30 212 20 41 31 87 2 ISS 154 1 28 23 24 23 n 53 3 351 293 4 tC} 2() 8 ~ IS 14 88 24 26 47 42 2 3 25 28 48 7 24& 260 9 7 7 Z 2 21 28 89 1 244 2()7 56 5S 19 13 2 3 47 32 37 5 4 17 16 7 10 90 20 114 107 18 9 91 3 92 1<4 4 1 71 66 16 t:! 1l S6 53 93 53 34 49 25 10 73 63 22 148 6 210 213 2 2 4 4 94 8 51 45 4 3.. 11 7 <48 48< 95 7 341 230 16 13 20 [5 57 52 158 70 6S 18 11 61 ·46 96 3 2SO 201 100 92 97 35 S 12 77 74 21 16 25 is 114 94 6 567 464 104 76 312 241 1~5 98 195 7 9 175 151 86 81 136 114 188 161 10 528 446 3 4 154 114 ]2 18 99 48 36 13 9 3 3 17 1 88 69 25 6 4 ·s 15 11 12 100 2 86 76 13 6 40 15 23 tOI 41 {; 2 1 3 3 1% 53 52 2 3 31 J9 93 122 102 115 110 79 15 (5 137 66 25 i4 246 14 652 545 136 11 2 I 55 54 29 ,2.0 103 4 579 470 6 5 28 13 I 3 104 27 10 7 4 2 4 :> 18 21 2 67 66 14 13 32 25 39 105 38 17 59 44 19 14 20 26 44 124 10 511 52[ 32 24 85 59 8 34 21 21 106 5 10 37 26 32 28 18 84 5 426 314 63 42 5 20 17 J07 SO 4() 1 7 56 57 4 52 2 160 151 10 14 11 16 26 8 ts lOS 113 97 7 4 23 20 2 2 9 109 41 53 58 14- 14 122 86 77 8 199 162 44 39 14 10 110 9 10 6 18 14 8 31 36 10 24 49 31 3 5 35 48 111 14 282 49 36 102 92 28 112 142 203 15 16 3 6 8 5 J5 11 19 73 74 15 19 20 11 g 1) 113 47 31 , 90 58 13 15 16 I 224 171 8 1 16 9 8 11 114 3(l 11 106 69 4 1 2 3 4 1 liS 116 55 5 4 11 10 2S 27 117 2 97 81 20 14 2S 30 52 9 11& 36 25 25 9 8 6 32 1 114 156 53 56 119 20 22 120 33 32 3 121 4 3 3 1 1 57 39 20 122 11 8 26 24 7 S 21 58 1 287 243 1 3 32 32 2 34 30 123 2 38 33 14 11 49 1 185 146 II 14 75 17 14 3 5 124 31 1 92 92 101 18 125 4 5 60 40 7 4 2J 20 7 52 51 20 22 14 12 3 9 126 14 10 9 11 3 1 18 12 220 118 24 11 9 2 ·z' ~~ 26 127 30 139 139 37 34 8 7 21 1 128 5 4 2 2 19 58 61 X 24 28 129 181 158 8 7 4 1 1 IS 13 130 19 57 44 15 10 7 5 2 3 16 161 123 1 74 51 2 19 14 131 133 99 25 29 14 7 1 58 16 160 147 3 6 7 8 13 132 113 137 22 15 23 24 4 23 16 5 :'1 22 3 '4 8 19 2) 133 11}1 42 626 498 31 36 62 41 22 134 358 312 145 122 292 266 13S 150 1,164 997 85 64 415 381 28 35 974 835 136 230 19 20 2 27 27 30 26 67 5 186 175 17 11 43 23 26 19 131 1 til 71 3 17 19 21 20 13 7S 5 181 150 4 4 '5 8 26 26 /;U 5 3 88 77 45 49 9 66 273 23g 1 1 139 34 '. 344 301 8 3 - 7 6 ) 50 4i 140 15 68 S5 29 31 58 35 ,. 83 4 137 109 21 SO 14 ii 81 67 141 78 82 110 96 5 9 126 126 69 103 14 777 106 49 31 8 7 6() 53 14Z 9 7Jl 5Sa 2} 2l 53 58 3 6 333 326 143 287 20 264 259 60 44 20 13 135 129 143 7 1,244 1,127 4S 31 268 181 3 4 3 [44 64 51 1 52 38 ,i 7 9 1 3 2 145 9 1 t05 96 18 18 is 23 14 9 11 10 11 9 146 21 92 Sl 8 33 31 4 182 Primal'Y Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates ofinstitutions houseless houses and houseless persons) persons No. of the 8 hamlets Name of Village or inthe Area in No. of No. of Town/Ward villaae Pargana Thana acres houses house- Persons Males Females M P ~ holds 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9" 10 11 12 13


147 Pesai 1 Etmadpur .. Khandauli .. 776 133 163 882 448 434 148 Poiya .. 16 Do. Do. 3,157 538 635 3,360 1,784 1,576 149 Qutubpur Jarkhi 1 Do. .. Tundla 343 31 49 282 148 134 150 Qutub Pur Sahib All Do. Do. 445 Unpopulated 151 Qutub PUf Sahib Pert 4 Do. Do. 1,291 116 133 712 391 321 152 Rahan Kalan 7 Do. .. Etmadpur .. 1,842 216 287 1,606 852 754 153 Rahan Khurd 2 Do. Do. 324 15 18 108 49 59 154 Raipur 6 Do. Do. 1,919 166 212 1,030 548 482 155 Ramnagar Jarkhi 1 Do. Do. 430 21 26 166 88 78 156 RIlmnagar Khandauli 4 Do. Khandauli :: 971 238 296 1,600 856 744 .. 157 Rampur 2 Do. .. Tundla 337 49 90 439 227 212 158 Rasulabad 12 Do. Do. 3,325 308 460 2,607 1,377 1,230 159 Rasulpur .. 2 Do. Etmadpur 638 55 77 365 203 162 160 Rudau 9 Do. Tundla 2,027 235 300 1,696 932 764 161 Rupdhanun 2 Do. Aharan 729 100 164 946 493 453 162 Saifuddinpur I Do. Do. 386 43 72 404 204 200 163 Salempur 3 Do. Do. 980 138 225 1,219 626 593 164 Sarai Dhairupa 1 Do. Khandauli .. 269 74 90 488 282 206 165 SaraiJiram I Do. Aharan 153 79 120 625 331 294 166 Satta Do. .. Etmadpur .. 408 Unpopulated 167 Sawain .. 4 Do. Do. 1,968 405 522 2,886 1,545 1,341 6 5 168 SemTa 17 Do. ~dauli .. 4,753 932 1,218 6,543 3,482 3,061 2 169 Soora 2 Do. Aharan 449 60 112 597 310 287 170 Serkha 3 Do. o. Khandauli .. 1,030 103 138 726 399 327 171 Shoo Singhpur 2 Do. Etmadpur .. 270 48 53 318 163 ISS 172 Sihorgarh 1 Do. Aharan 394 26 40 218 121 97 173 Sikrari .. 1 Do. o. Etmadpur .. 379 81 120 672 346 326 174 Siktar;l. 3 Do. Do. 674 155 161 8n 478 414 175 Sirolia o. 1 Do. Tundla 210 47 64 345 190 155 176 Silauli .. 3 Do. Etmadpur .. 732 94 104 514 274 240 177 Sonrai 3 Do. .. Khandauli .. 900 315 353 1,785 959 826 178 Sujanpur 1 Do. .. Aharan 390 40 61 462 268 194 179 Surehra .. 9 Do. .. Etmadpur :: 3,489 173 242 1,146 624 522 180 Talab Burhia 1 Do. 00. 45 11 11 46 24 22 181 Tamach Gara 3 DO. Aharan 1,291 74 156 873 433 440 182 Tehu 5 Do. Do. 2,234 328 594 3,228 1,747 1,481 183 Tikri 3 Do. Tundla 1,047 291 321 1,844 994 850 184 Tilokpur I Do. Do. 338 41 51 274 148 126 185 Tundla Kham 6 Do. Do. 402 297 322 2,128 1,136 992 186 Tundla Do. ;Do. Town Area 187 Tundli .. 3 Do. Do. 398 313 397 2,094 1,145 949 188 Ujrai 3 Do. Khandauli 951 179 203 952 509 443 189 Uncha 6 Do. .Do. 1,463 158 171 822 453 369 190 Usmanpur 1 Do. Do. 738 163 208 1,123 602 521 191 Ysufpur .. 2 .Do. Tundla 556 93 103 503 266 237 192 Tundla Railway Colony Do. Do. Town Total Tehsll EtJDadpur 597 177,278 26,109 33,833 188,158 101,145 87,013 33 31 (Rural) 183

1\bstraet-{contd,) " AGRlCULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSF.s IV-Nan- l-Cultiva- II-Cultiva- cultivatinf tors of land tors ofland owners 0 wholly or whoUyor land; api- Vlll.;;...()ther mlinly mainly lll-Cultiva,- culturalrent V-Produc- services and owned unowned tinglabourels receivers; tion other miscella- Displaced and their and their and their and their than cui- VI--Com- VII-TrlU\s- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants ---tivalion meree port sources i

M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M P ~

\4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

( RURAL)- (concld,)

35 1 389 383 3 38 36 7 4 7 4 4 7 147 380 25 970 834 32 37 151 114 63 69 249 232 71 79 72 48 176 163 148 14 2 III 96 3 2 9 9 7 8 18 19 149 ISO 329 277 32 19 3 2 12 11 2 5 13 7 151 74 7 608 543 59 43 96 87 8 1 16 15 65 64 152 9 31 42 2 2 I 1 17 12 ., 153 22 439 387 7 'j 49 37 9 14 4 6 38 32 2 3 154 10 82 74 1 5 4 155 277 27 315 261 18 14 128 96 139 lis 9S 107 59 52 99 89 156 2 160 142 19 12 34 49 4 2 10 7 157 103 22 -1,029 953 52 38 93 73 7 12 85 68 44 38 1 66 48 158 3 I 37 5 73 57 5 70 42 1 I 8 15 6 2 18 20 27 20 159 131 8 450 364 4 165 136 62 60 12 15 145 ll5 94 74 160 112 18 349 322 2 2 68 75 35 31 11 6 28 17 161 27 2 168 168 3 2 5 1 1 15 10 2 12 17 162 105 7 428 400 47 42 63 52 7 32 32 29 22 6 4 21 34163 40 5 173 137 2 3 83 53 18 7 4 4 2 2 " 164 26 30 136 125 2 76 56 31 42 46 41 16 15 24 15 165 166 4 3 198 14 714 575 61 48 321 252 18 30 189 176 49 39 51 71 142 150 167 640 41 1,935 1,672 74 68 343 249 26 37 486 421 295 261 54 59 269 294 168 67 2 151 147 . 11 6 82 70 29 26 14 12 11 11 12 15 169 70 289 237 24 19 28 11 6 10 17 12 29 29 6 94'r70 16 143 145 2 2 13 2 4 6 1 .. 171 7 1 105 80 3 4 6 3 4 8 3 2 ., 172 26 4 181 175 8 7 64 52 2 1 38 38 2 5 12 4 39 44 173 56 3 359 314 29 21 33 32 5 5 II 7 8 4 16 10 17 21 174 4 119 106 35 19 21 20 3 1 1 11 9 175 27 1 165 157 27 22 50 42 21 12 9 7 1 1 .. 176 27 5 483 396 30 14 139 112 ij 5 97 97 98 96 41 36 60 70 177 50 3 208 154 2 2 26 19 11 9 2 2 19 8 178 .. 68 15 369 326 109 87 62 41 12 10 24 19 12 3 7 14 29 22119 10 19 18 I 2 4 2 180 52 4 263 295 27 25 51 44 41 34 i:i 10 7 26 32 181 239 16 1,094 931 6 3 189 132 23 19 208 200 63 54 13 13 146 129 182 5 5 121 14 656 583 19 16 156 112 101 83 14 9 1 10 47 37 183 8 131 111 2 1 2 4 5 3 1 1 7 184 121 14 44 22 127 101 119 149 124 104 544 456 178 160 185 186 362 34 290 249 31 28 140 142 5 8 122 149 44 35 349 207 164 131 187 211 40 327 291 4 4 57 45 1 38 33 12 8 8 3 63 51! 18S IS 3 359 306 9 4 15 14 4 3 29 15 3 3 6 10 28 14 189 126 14 357 310 40 26 10 9 6 13 40 31 22 22 32 37 95 73 190 22 4 175 161 7 5 3 IS 10 4 5 3 4 62 49 191 192 35 26 15,569 1,8725773) 49,741 3,5OJ 2,842 11995 9,518 724 971 10,651 9,114 5,522 4,610 3,760 3,164 7,J58 6,743 184 Primary Census

Occul'ied houses No.oftbe 9 hamlets No. of oS Name of Village or in the Pargana Thana Area in No. of hO'lse· 0 IJ Town/Ward village acres houses holds

2 3 4 5 6 ~, 8

TEHSIL ETMADPUR 47 Etmadpur Town Area Etmadpur Etmadpur 229 884 908 I 419 423 2 238 252 3 227 233 186 Tundla Town Area Etmadpur Tundla 115 873 991 I . 211 219 2 210 229 3 234 269 4 218 274

192 Tundla Railway Colony Town Etmadpur Tundla 364 944 1,406 Total Tehsll Etmadpur (Urban) 708 2,701 3,305

Total Tehsil Etmadpur 597 177,986 28,810 37,138


I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators ofland wholly or mainly wholly or mainly III--;Cultivating owned and their uno\\ned and their laboure. s and their dependants dependants dependants g .. Name of Village or 8 Town/Ward Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 18 19 20 21 22 23 TEHSIL ETMADPUR 47 Etmadpur Town Area 438 400 33 26 17 10 1 194 178 2 190 170 16 12 14 8 3 54 52 17 14 3 2 186 Tundla Town Area 15 13 1 2 1 5 1 2 9 11 2 3 4 1 1 192 TundJa Railway Colony Town. 2 1 Total Tehsll Etmadpur (UrbaD) 455 1]4 33 26 18 11

Total Tehsll Etmadpur 58,188 50,155 3,535 2,868 12,013 9,530 185


Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and inmates of institutions houseless Displaced and houseless persons) persons persons Literates <$ c= -8 Persons Males Females Malos Females Males Females Males Females 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1

URBAN NON-CITY 6,098 3,280 2,818 33 31 749 218 47 1,220 1,160 1,060 5 3 313 117 1,964 1,105 85'1 6 4 239 48 1,914 1,015 899 22 24 197 53 5,651 3,132 2,519 669 443 1,663 786 186 1,428 806 622 86 39 53S 284 1,531 850 681 198 ISS 530 288 1,220 640 580 108 101 335 117 1,472 836 636 277 148 263 97 5,249 3,039 2,210 332 261 1,368 742 192 16,998 9,451 7,547 1,034 735 3,780 1,716

205,156 110,596 94,560 33 31 1,069 761 19,349 3,618 186 Primary Celllas

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enUllleraled (including and Occupied inmate& of institutions houselClii houses and hQu.elcss persons) persona No. ofth~ 8 hamlets No. of .g Name of Village or lutM Areaiu ~o.()f house­ t3 Town/Ward villa.ge Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M p

1 2 3 4 5 i 9 10 12 lJ


1 A.\ 4 Fa.te!lal:lad.. Fat~habad .. 1,551 t34 111 1,089 (i22 4f>7 3 IS 2 AlalllPur 1 Po. Do. 3gB 26 34 ISS 86 69 3 Araoi Palia I Do. Do. 1% 10 12 77 37 4\) 4 Bablil1'ur 4 Do. Dc... 472 40 52 348 m 158 5 Bakalpur .. 1 Po. . . Shamshabad 284 70 96 472 :no 191 6 BamrauIi.. 2. Do. Fatehabad ns 36 94 439 .l38 2(11 7 Banguri .. 3 Po. . . Shamshablld 139 131 179 903 483 420 8 Ba.ri]Jura 1 Do. . . Fatehabad .. 940 24 30 137 73 64 9 Ba.rna 1 Po. Do... 916 91 122 743 3S6 357 1 10 Barobara Kalan 2. 00. .. Shamshabad 1,541 100 172 983 521 461 1 II B:atobara Khlll'd 4 Do. Do... 951 126 225 r,295 698 597 12 Basai 4 Po. " Falehabad .. 559 93 nil (i1l1 3(1 ~ 13 Bazidpur .• 6 Do. " Dowki 1,490 202 3S1 1,944 996 948 14 Begampur 3 Do. . . Fatehabad 587 125 ISS 749 390 359 15 Behri .. 3 Do. Do. L09S 49 68 381 Z14 173 16 Bhadaura. I 00. Do. 6(15 34 44 240 148 92 17 Bhalokhara I Po. Do... 44S 93 131 6'17 376 321 18 Rltanpur 2 po. " Shamshabad 411 44 52 266 149 111 19 Bhrapur 6 Do. .. Fatehabad .. 1,218 HI 186 974 537 437 4 20 B~;khanpur 2 Po. Do. 485 67 98 496 278 218 21 Bhojpur .. 3 Do. Do. ., 359 26 4S 236 112 124 9 2Z Bicflola 4 Do. 01). 1,414 79 134 114 390 3J4 23 Bidrai 2 DCI. " bawki ., 283 53 55 320 1n 143 24 Bihari S Po. .. Fatehabad .. 1,598 lIS 150 856 411 J85 25 Dlloni .. 3 Po. Do. 1,345 5(1 1'1. 447 1.56 191 26 Bilpura .. 5 Po. Do. 804 125 150 779 433 346 27 Sisar; Gorwa 2 Do. Shamshabad 692 99 122 635 356 279 28 Ommruli 6 Po. DOo. 1,489 146 191 1,156 619 537 29 CIlL tallra 5 Do. Da. 1,765 266 384 1,990 1,118 812 30 Dlbrai " 2. Do. n". 61(1 8() 9S 600 31.2 278 31 DlUki 10 Po. .• D~wki .' 2,230 337 436 2,174 1,143 1,026 32 Dhanaula Kalan 18 D(). .. Shamlhahad 3,741 306 415 2,268 1,l38 9.iO 33 D:uuaula Khllrd 3 Do. .. Fatellabad .• 855 67 74 400 215 1115 34 Dhaurra .. 1 Do. Do. 40) 38 63 311 195 182 35 D.lim;iri 7 Do. Sbamslmbad 2.412 726 726 3,889 2,0!)11 l,7~ 'j 36 E tmadpur Ajnera 9 Do. Da... 1.666 US 169 1,038 561 477 37 Foltehabad l)3Mt 2 D(). .. Fatehabad .• 200 14 29 181 106 75 i6 12 38 Fatehabad 00. Do... Town Area 39 Ga.udauli Kahtn 2 Po. . . Irada tna.gar 412 3S 40 2J4 IJS 99 40 G.wdauli Kb.llrd 1 Do. Do. :326 S6 63 315 167 148 41 Gangaura 1 Do. jJo... 523 43 59 )(11 164 131 42 Garro Daryl'. 3 Do. .• Fatehabad •. SS3 88 102 466 255 211 43 Garhi Shripat 1 00. . . Sham.habad lSI} 36 64 265 157 108 44 Garhi Uclairaj 3 Do. . . Fdtebabad .• 638 105 lSS 604 338 266 27 4S Ghlgpura 1 D(). D:.l. 281 44 64 3604 186 173 46 OJ draun •. 1 Da. Da. 273 12 12 59 JJ 26 47 Goharpur 2 Do. .. Imdatnasar 476 70 70 328 170 158 48 Gubrari " 4 D .., Shamsluba.d 774 102 102 519 287 l4l 49 Glibruth 2 Do. .. Fatehabad •• 537 104 127 787 4U 375 1 SO Gurha " .. 3 Do. .. Dowki .. 1.421 101 123 671 3bl 309 51 Rirner Ncwada Khe,a 1 D·). .• Sh. • . Oowki •• 923 !lZ 194 1,(lIl 560 453 71 Khander 15 Po. " F.atebabad •. 3,862 317 445 :J,508 1,311 1,197 72. Khera 2 Po. Do. 288 60 74 444 2'1.7 1.17 187 Abstract-(contd.}

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non- I-Cultiva- n-Cultiva- cultivating lors of land tors of land owners of wnClUy or wholly or land; agri- VIII_Other rnlinly rnlinly Ill-Cultiva- culturalrenl V-Produc- services and owned and unowned ling labourers receivers; tion other miscelIa- Displaced their and their and their and their than cuI­ VI-Com- VII-Trans- neous ------persons Literates dependants dependanh dependants dependants tivation merce port sources


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

( RURA.L) 68 551 410 7 7 7 3 4 2 27 22 8 8 18 15 1 6 51 38 3 1 12 17 7 5 1 1 12 7 2 8 30 27 5 II 2 2 3 33 'i 185 153 4 5 1 4 31 161 114 51 33 11 '1 2 2 14 8 14 15 12 6 15 7 5 5 226 195 7 3 1 5 1 1 6 115 4 307 252 4 9 109 86 2 2 13 18 31 34 I 16 19 7 2 73 64 8 19 1 379 352 2 2 I 4 3 9 100 7 418 357 8 3 66 58 9 19 8 10 11 IS 10 80 I 653 545 1 5 4 2 15 21 6 5 4 4 14 15 11 19 1 201 162 2 2 71 53 2 1 6 6 15 12 44 30 12 54 1 700 680 28 21 94 82 70 62 38 47 12 19 54 37 13 35 2 260 251 5 6 24 18 1 I 18 23 18 15 2 4 62 41 14 9 183 142 4 5 27 26 15 11 115 72 2 3 7 4 9 4 1$ 9 16 120 i4 236 199 10 6 49 39 11 8 16 24 13 9 3 'i 38 35 17 I 1 107 77 8 8 20 20 I 5 8 9 3 18 40 1 500 398 13 17 2 13 14 I 2 3 8 3 19 25 1 173 138 3 2 75 53 1 14 12 3 4 HI S 20 3 69 75 4 9 24 23 '4 4 11 13 21 71 2 297 253 5 2 ,51 39 5 5 15 21 1 16 14 22 24 139 105 14 11 2 2 1 3 7 19 9 8 23 33 429 343 3 11 21 16 I 1 17 14 24 9 227 174 16 11 12 6 r 2S 19 349 269 4 5 29 27 24 24 5 1 22 20 26 38 184 134 99 89 1 42 29 22 23 8 4 27 29 521 439 22 19 49 53 5 9 6 7 7 5 9 5 28 137 13 687 525 19 23 212 184 4 5 76 52 42 34 8 3 70 46 29 35 257 236 38 26 2 3 12 6 13 7 30 202 11 652 565 67 57 140 122 7 10 83 78 35 29 53 45 111 120 31 19 " 1,028 794 38 31 85 66 2 33 24 17 t 1 6 6 79 48 32 I 163 142 4 5 6 7 19 19 6 2 4 1 13 9 33 17 1 172 151 4 8 4 4 4 6 2 2 9 11 34 3 4 327 10 1,125 943 5 6 324 259 i4 28 237 203 192 172 19 24 174 164 35 18 410 341 38 35 55 46 26 34 11 8 10 10 11 3 36 15 1 50 41 15 14 1 13 11 7 5 6 14 4 31 38 J34 98 39 2 155 132 1 1 I I 11 13 t3 98 80 2 2 51 47 7 5 1 6 2 ~~ 18 1 138 122 2 2 63 43 4 8 8 7 40 29 42 15 107 67 16 8 10 13 I 23 20 43 53 2 191 161 60 37 14 12 30 27 9 30 20 44 47 1 132 124 17 18 21 16 16 20 45 1 28 21 4 5 1 46 13 1 95 89 22 22 30 21 14 15 7 4 2 1 47 15 232 196 25 24 17 11 4 2 3 2 6 7 48 105 8 308 286 10 10 52 52 3 2 13 6 ,i 25 19 49 40 3 283 246 24 20 4 3 3 3 4 5 3 1 12 9 29 22 50 255 16 838 660 13 9 262 234 15 8 139 123 98 81 54 51 112 91 51 45 1 340 281 63 55 1 3 1 52 27 25 5 4 1 2 53 21 342 292 47 51 22 18 3 5 8 7 16 10 54 61 497 418 26 23 36 32 4 6 47 29 55 5 440 388 1 32 19 10 7 3 1 56 67 379 293 7 5 12 12 10 11 23 15 51 18 387 355 3 6 101 85 77 80 14 8 1 5 40 16 58 13 185 158 21 17 7 5 1 14 7 59, 48 631 508 28 25 11 11 9 8 15 4 14 8 50 50 60 14 230 163 47 25 32 22 30 22 1 1 26 18 61 32 259' 229 60 52 28 17 2 2 62 24 147 101 3 2 3 3 2 2 5 2 ., 63 31 ., 202 182 21 16 37 35 10 10 5 5 1 1 12 64 29 168 ISO 21 26- 13 5 4 12 11 6 7 65 7 23 23 2 1 1 3 6 1 6 3 66 42 471 394 75 69 228 169 35 36 30 30 13 8 50 54 67 131 961 798 48 53 101 150 17 ii 193 176 66 74 33 22 58 ;3 68 31 202 138 12 13 64 53 3 5 53 41 24 17 14 15 69 64 370 289 26 21 52 41 4 6 62 62 8 3 10 11 28 20 70 122 " 1,084 993 81 66 83 72 2 15 13 10 16 6 2 32 33 11 66 179 161 5 9 15 11 4 10 9 10 3 2 12 14 72 -_._------188 Primary Census

Tnmates of Total no. of persons institutions enuQlerated (including and Occupied inQlates of institutions hOtlseless houses and houseless persons) persons ci No. of the c:: hamlets No. of ~ Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house· U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F



73 Kirpalpur 3 Fatehabad.. Fatehabad .. 158 69 97 510 264 246 74 Kunbhpura 1 Do. .. Dowki 410 42 61 322 154 168 75 Kurra Chhattarpur 5 Do. lradatNagar 1,406 332 389 1,923 1,035 888 5 76 Lahar Patti 5 Do. . . Sham~habad 882 122 149 800 429 371 77 Lahra 4 Do. Dl). 639 57 163 943 492 451 78 Lakhanpura 1 Do. Dowki 353 24 33 153 86 67 79 Lakhurani 3 Do. Shamshabad 860 185 207 1,074 568 506 80 Luhari Fatehabad 3 DI). Fatehabad .. 1,277 66 83 407 227 180 81 Luhari Iradatnagar .. 2 DI). Shvm>nbad 975 102 129 677 363 314 82 Luhenta 4 Do. .. lradatN~gar 1,056 151 179 1,065 560 505 83 Mahara Chaudhri 2 Do. Fatehabad .. 1,113 72 85 476 261 215 84 Maharajpur 3 Dc.. DJ. 1,186 100 155 80S 447 361 85 Mahrampur 5 Do. Shamshabad 929 77 295 1,441 779 662 86 Maraina .. 2 Do. Fatehabad 1,490 88 142 755 416 339 87 Meoli Kalan 16 Do. Dowki 2,873 375 475 2,557 1,389 1,168 88 Meoli Khurd 8 Do. Do. 1,126 116 173 978 517 461 89 Mirpur .. 3 Do. Shamshabad 589 94 116 670 367 303 90 Mithpur 4 Do. .. Fatehabad 509 30 33 496 266 230 91 Mohammadpur 2 Do. Do. 446 53 60 500 273 227 92 Mobarakpur 3 Do. IradatNagar 734 111 158 835 449 386 93 Mllrawal 4 Do. .. Fatehabad .. 1,206 69 81 510 265 245 2 94 Musepur 3 Do. Do. 558 86 127 548 296 252 95 Mutawai 4 Do. Do. 1,023 74 99 559 307 252 96 Mutnai 1 Do. Dowki 392 61 79 469 256 213 97 Muzaffarpur 3 Do. Shamshabad 321 103 127 654 354 300 98 Nagar .. I Do. Fatehabad .. 819 55 72 419 227 192 99 Nagar Chand 3 D~. Da. 700 30 211 1,042 549 493 100 Nagria " 4 Do. Shlffilhabad 1,202 152 201 1,070 576 494 101 Nagla Bhikki 1 Do. Do. 303 74 86 447 238 209 102 Nagla Dhir 4 Do. Do. 860 36 40 242 126 116 103 Nagla Haj i 2 Do. .. Fatehabad 319 57 90 503 269 234 104 NaIga Lohiya 2 Do. Do. 354 29 32 179 86 93 105 Nagla Mawai 2 Do. Do. 1,060 62 72 402 219 183 106 Nagla Patan 11 Do. IradatNagar 2,441 461 462 2,363 1,298 1,065 107 Nagla Shadi I Do. Shamshabad 641 39 60 351 201 150 108 Naugawan 2 Do. Fatehabad 1.123 84 110 629 349 280 109 Nibohra .. 9 Do. Do. 3,318 357 406 2,110 1,200 910 110 Nicha Khera 6 Do. Do. 1,305 152 208 1,055 603 452 111 Nisfpatti Jarauli Do. Shamshabad 48 Unpopulated 112 Palia .. 2 Do. Fatehabad .. 534 96 126 686 372 314 • j3 Pausar .. 1 Do. Dowki 638 192 113 514 277 237 114 Paroli Sikarwar 2 Do. Fatehabad 2,044 102 165 843 458 385 115 Partapura 3 Do. Do. 461 139 164 948 507 441 116 Pathar Kot 2 Do. Do. 386 18 19 llS 64 54 117 PattiAqil Khan Do. Do. 130 Unpopulated 118 Patti Bhanpura Do. Shamshabad 202 4 5 37 19 18 119 PattiMirpur D

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES lV-Non­ I-Cultiva- II-Cultiva­ cultivating tors of land tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri- VIII-Other mainly mainly ITI-Cultiva- cultural rent V-Produe­ services and owned ' unowned ling labour- receivers; tion other miscella­ Displaced and their and their ers and their and their than cul­ VI-Corn- VII-Trans- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation meree port sources


14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

( RURAL)..... (contd.) 8 143 134 7 3 43 37 19 21 39 37 13 14 73 20 119 142 2 5 17 10 6 1 2 8 4 74 8 7 351 29 460 382 165 144 49 40 19 27 119 112 56 64 36 30 131 89 75 4 424 369 1 4 2 76 97 381 366 43 35 1 2 41 31 6 3 3 4 17 10 77 26 61 53 3 2 10 8 1 1 5 3 .5 1 78 131 250 233 50 42 104 90 7 8 80 81 37 24 4 4 36 24 79 1 215 162 11 15 1 3 80 45 214 179 21 18 93 84 4 1 13 10 6 11 6 8 6 3 81 60 388 340 6 8 96 95 15 10 1 54 52 82 54 ii 208 175 16 8 2 3 19 16 3 13 13 83 41 4 279 230 34 30 65 48 3 2 30 29 25 15 11 7 84 41 4 458 389 53 46 99 77 I 48 53 52 49 9 2 60 45 85 76 357 285 10 10 28 22 10 9 11 13 86 99 9 987 807 15 i i 231 203 11 8 53 50 26 22 24 25 42 42 87 13 454 413 6 5 12 11 19 11 3 1 14 6 9 14 88 83 5 165 140 22 14 61 53 24 26 49 36 46 34 89 214 183 2 2 27 22 17 20 6 3 90 '6 2 151 139 58 47 40 28 6 I I 17 12 91 55 210 173 76 80 87 83 28 17 15 11 33 22 92 21 239 219 13 14 2 3 8 9 3 93 24 178 131 34 44 55 52 17 16 2 1 9 8 94 13 234 200 53 36 18 16 1 1 95 25 193 157 6 1 27 27 5 6 6 7 11 6 8 9 96 107· 12 - 25 138 11 28 25 57 53 56 48 41 38 22 18 97 22 219 180 1 2 4 5 3 5 98 21 1 494 438 7 7 32 28 II 12 2 4 3 4 99 94 7 367 302 68 61 40 34 3 5 37 32 26 18 7 11 28 31 100 17 116 109 4 9 94 72 11 11 3 1 9 8 101 13 100 91 5 2 10 9 11 i4 102 14 235 209 12 5 6 6 13 i4 3 103 3 67 66 I 2 18 25 104 2 191 163 12 8 1 2 15 10 105 153 9 845 675 35 31 253 216 1.... 2 62 60 24 13 24 17 54 51 106 19 2 122 87 21 10 18 15 13 14 7 8 20 16 - 107 32 1 254 199 4 1 36 30 27 27 19 19 9 4 108 106 II 827 664 18 8 123 79 92 74 46 33 4 4 90 48 109 43 2 412 291 108 70 31 36 13 15 39 39 110 111 118 15 276 237 1 1 20 8 29 26 11 6 I 34 36 112 24 I 172 140 10 8 37 25 5 9 23 23 8 13 4 4 18 IS. 113 18 408 338 3 7 16 11 14 16 7 4 10 9 114 90 5 307 263 63 54 86 70 3 4 .5 8 43 42 115 2 56 47 4 5 4 2 116 117 19 18 118 119 34 34 19 19 16 8 8 23 18 2 9 5 120 103 87 14 10 29 29 2 2 1 121 208 7 755 694 10 6 193 199 19 21 107 108 108 98 11 10 107 88 122 43 1 374 288 I 2 40 26 21 14 2 4 27 13 123 60 1 191 157 50 45 2 4 9 12 1 2 23 20 124 10 1 121 119 17 19 2 1 6 3 9 8 125 62 6 448 360 100 93 57 45 6 8 103 92 9 11. 3 1 51 39 126 8 128 98 52 43 13 8 2 2 10 7 127 9 162 128 43 31 12 13 4 1 9 7 128 134 13 381 351 76 74 8 8 2 18 13 27 26 5 2 22 23 129 8 114 103 1 20 16 13 10 1 130 45 387 359 54 45 10 10 5 ,3 7 8 7 10 131 43 5 145 153 5 5 4 3 2 5 4 5 5 132 42 301 275 30 24 9 8 7 5 6 4 133 62 10 297 261 24 16 42 37 17 14 6 2 13 8 134 36 I 88 77 8 7 2 2 1 9 4 135 32 1 370 296 6 5 75 55 17 15 2 11 10 136 113 6 232 211 38 20 58 55 31 24 18 11 3 21 23 137 14 1 327 263 12 9 _ 6 4 5 3 4 4 138 69 1 461 354 2 3 1 2 3 4 2 1 9 '9 ,5 3 139 25 1 309 297 72 62 58 69 40 16 14 10 34 35 140 43 472 423 ii 9 I 18 fO 1 1 7 6 141 9 162 147 1 1 1 142 42 19 155 128 2S 25 9 8 11 15 4 2 15 13 16 16 143 5 48 52 17 19 17 13 52 23 1 144 145 190 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons Insti tution enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseless persons) persons 15 <=l No. of the .g hamlets No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- 8 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Male$ \ Females M F -1---- 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

TEHSIL FATEHABAD 146 Sheikhupura 6 Fatehabad Shamshabad 1,044 122 146 898 452 446 2 147 SbeolaAhir 2 Do. lradat Nagar 750 20 28 177 91 86 148 Sheela Gorwa 2 Do. Dowki 444 44 75 430 226 204 149 Sikrara " 1 Do. Fatehabad 870 89 126 691 379 312 is 150 Siktllxa 10 Do. Shamshabad 2,400 374 499 2,715 1,451 1,264 2 151 Silawali :: 2 Do. Fatehabad 1054 70 77 464 229 235 152 Singaicha 1 Do. lradat Nagar 493 52 74 352 196 156 153 Surajpura 2 Do. DD. 518 70 93 451 241 210 154 Surhrai 3 Do. Shamshabad 529 80 129 698 374 324 155 Swara 7 Do. Fatehabad I 2,410 196 260 1,389 772 617 156 Tarau Ii G~jar 2 Do. Do. 2,084 114 134 776 438 338 157 Tashptlra 2 Do. Do. 257 36 71 375 211 164 ISS Thana Shankar Dwa~i 8 Do. Iradat Nagar 2,806 341 433 2,327 1,240 1,087 IS9 Thap Kharga 4 Do. Do. 1,300 125 167 926 499 427 160 Thap Mahandwari 4 Do. Do. 792 57 69 420 222 198 161 Teri 3 Do. Shamshabad 1,010 244 277 1,497 776 721 2 162 Tiwaha :: 2 Do. Fatehabad " 796 143 169 984 538 446 1 163 Tondra " 5 Do. Iradat Nagar 1,049 233 284 1,506 829 677 164 Tor 2 DD. Fatehabad 716 63 73 374 213 161 165 Ujhaoli :: 3 Do. Do. 501 45 56 331 164 167 165 Uncha .. 2 Do. Shamshabad 1,149 108 211 1,183 663 520 167 Usra 3 Do. Iradat Nagar 1,112 83 106 6(JQ 318 282 Total Tehsil Fatehabad 551 153,623 17,957 23,776 128,639 69,586 59,053 136 114 (Rural) 191 Abstract-(contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV--Non- I-Culttva- II-Cultivators cultivatmg tors of land ofland owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri- VIII--Other mainly mainly III-Cultivating cultural rent V-Produc- services and owned unowned labourers receivers; tion other miscella- Displaced and their and then and their and their than cuI- VI-·Com- VII-Trans- neous !lI)rsons Literates dependants dependants de!ll)ndants dependants tlvation merce port sources ----- 8 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F .g U 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

(RURAL)- (concld.) 71 6 230 212 25 18 124 138 14 18 9 12 39 37 4 2 7 9 146 6 59 62 27 24 1 4 147 25 158 142 4 5 27 31 17 12 3 17 14 148 30 336 282 10 5 13 4 9 10 II 11 149 185 9 872 718 174 169 37 41 8 273 248 14 8 3 3 75 69 150 6 196 202 12 7 2 3 7 10 13 6 6 151 22 149 117 13 8 34 31 152 6 152 140 6 5 67 ' 49 6 9 5 2 2 3 3 2 153 18 191 156 68 63 41 :n 5 6 34 34 35 28 154 58 672 523 I 72 61 3 5 8 12 14 14 3 1 155 54 355 274 41 31 7 6 3 14 12 4 1 14 14 156 12 176 133 1 2 6 6 17 2 13 9 10 157 105 1 1,041 922 16 16 62 50 5 2 49 50 33 16 34 31 158 77 2 410 354 1 1 49 36 3 ,5 13 9 6 7 17 15 159 12 1 176 146 23 22 J. 4 5 14 21 5 4 160 149 4 392 352 157 142 1 70 80 55 • 62 8 9 94 1S 161 52 7 436 366 1 1 33 19 1 2 3 2 S 9 2 4 57 43 162 124 5 484 375 51 52 163 146 2 39 48 35 21 28 17 27 18 163 20 4 126 91 63 47 8 13 16 10 164 41 2 124 136 9 10 15 7 .. 3 2 7 5 6 7 165 135 2 381 318 25 18 112 71 5 7 41 31 51 44 12 6 36 2S 166 51 238 212 41 33 23 15 6 9 10 7 6 167 ---11 U ·7,751 346 49,057 41,341 2,558 2,261 7,536 6,308 274 298 3,943 3,635 2,043 1,772 728, 6253,4472,813 192 Primary Census

Occupied houses 0 No. of the = hamlets No. of ~ Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- 0 U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

TEHsn.. FATEHA8AD _, 38 Fatehabad Town Area Fatehabad .. Fatehabad 907,' VI} 812 981 1 296 340 2 151 169 3 ". 365 472 145 Shamshabad Town Area Fatehabad .. Shamshabad 419' ",':> 739 995 1 209 296 2 210 263 3 320 436 Total Tehsil Fatehabad (Urban) 1,326 1,551 1,976 Total Tehsil Fatehabad 554 154,349 19,508 25,141


I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or mainly un- III-Cuttivatin! owned and their owned and their labourers an dependants dependants g their dependants ~ Name of Village or (3 Town/Ward Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 18 19 20 21 22 --2-3

TEHSIL FATEHABAD 38 Fatehabad Town Area 480 388 43 36 28 23 1 90 68 4 2 6 6 2 47 32 4 2 3 343 288 39 34 18 15 145 Shamshabad Town Area 379 295 21 31 1 2 1 157 122 11 22 2 79 43 2 3 143 130 10 9

Total Tehsil Fatehabad (Urban) .. 859 683 64 67 29 25 Total Tehsil Fatehabnd 49,916 42,024 2,622 2,328 7,565 6,333 193 Absfract-(contd.)

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and inmates of institutions houseless Displaced and houseless persons) persons persons Literates g .g Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 8 9 to 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 URBAN NON·CITY 5,274 2,817 U57 21 25 19 986 582 38 2,084 1,117 967 21 13 14 516 384 828 431 391 8 2 102 63 2,362 1,269 1,093 4 3 368 135 5,653 2,961 2,692 18 18 871 301145 1,782 939 843 190 31 1,377 773 604 18 18 393 175 2,494 1,249 1,245 288 97 10,927 5,778 5,149 II' 39 25 19 1,857 885 139,566 75,364 64,202 454 153 36 31 9,608 1,231


IV-Non cultivating owners of land; agricnltural rent V-Production VIII-Other services receivers; and other than and miscellaneous their dependants cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport sources 0 ..1'1 Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 8"" 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 URBAN NON-CITY-(concld.) 64 5Q 429 398 889 808 104 75 780 670 38 25 21 143 134 530 473 20 13 299 25t} 13 9 93 81 96 107 19 19 159 147 26 29 193 183 263 228 6S 43 322 273 17 11 551 sJl 1,268 1,173 98 87 626 582 145 122 103 453 410 13 13 183 173 7 3 215 183 278 244 20 16 173 113 10 8 214 225 537 519 65 58 270 296 81 70 980 909 2,157 1,9'1 202 162 1,406 1,252 355 368 4,923 4,544 4,200 3,753 930 787 4,853 4,065 194 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons insti tutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseless persons) persons No. of the hamlets No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds P • 'SOil· Males Females M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TEHSIL FIROZABAD

1 Akrabad ., Firozabad Firozabad 120 Unpopulated 2 Alampllr .. 1 Do. Do. 216 27 46 248 135 113 Anandipur 3 Alampur Jarkhi 2 Do. Do. 328 47 83 497 266 231 4 Alampur Kaneta 1 Do. Do. 187 61 88 463 248 215 5 Alampur Kotla 6 Do. Narki 375 45 72 339 191 148 6 Alinagar Kenjra 2 Do. Firozabad 786 297 476 2,752 1,462 1,290 6 7 7 Allahdadpur 6 Do. Do. 1,138 125 232 1,346 758 588 8 Anandipur Karkoli 2 Do. Do. 2,222 211 281 1,590 830 760 9 Aqilabad Hasanpur .. 1 Do. Do. 1,006 161 183 963 500 463 10 Aqilpur Damodarpur I Do. Do. 327 45 74 441 244 197 11 Arazi Rund 1 Do. Do. 150 I 1 1 1 12 Asafabad 1 Do. Do. 355 122 183 867 482 385 13 Asan 1 Do. Narki 422 45 66 462 256 206 66 41 14 Asalpur .. 1 Do. Do. 394 47 70 381 204 177 15 Atipllr .. 1 Do. Do. 287 74 92 484 261 223 16 Bachh Gaon 1 Do. Do. 670 201 299 1,624 836 788 17 Badanpur 2 Do. Do. 546 28 35 213 116 97 18 Bahoranpur 1 Do. Do. 452 50 54 270 146 124 19 BaJchandpur 1 Do, Firozabad 349 28 52 291 1f.7 _ 124 4 20 Baragaon 2 Do. Narki 509 60 82 409 214 :t95 21 Baramai .. 2 Do. Firozabad 521 45 .47 317 ",169 148 22 Barkatpur 3 Do. Do. 679 141 174 933 502 431 23 Bartara .. Do. Narki 832 102 149 797 443 354 24 Basai Mohammadpur 4 Do. Firozabad 2,286 137 375 1,981 1,028 953 25 Basdeopur 1 Do. Do. 233 71 85 551 296 255 26 Bazidpur Okhra .. 1 Do. Nark! 392 20 24 197 91 106 18 55 27 Bazidpur Qutubpur .. 4 Do. Firozabad 610 97 115 624 341 283 28 Bendi.. .. 1 Do. Do. 499 60 80 377 225 152 29 Bendipur Bidarka .. I Do. Nark! 222 112 120 433 237 196 30 Bhagipur.. . . 1 Do. Do. 435 9 9 50 29 21 31 Bhikanpllr Anandipur Do. Firozabad 226 Unpopulated 32 Bhikanpur Meghpur 2 Do. Do. 565 79 123 752 397 355 25 8 33 Bhikanpur Sadasukh I Do. Do. 274 90 98 328 169 159 34 Bhitr; 1 Do. Narki 365 95 105 538 293 245 35 Bhondcla 1 Do. Firozabad 366 67 90 530 270 260 36 Bijaipur Bhikanpur .. 2 Do. Do. 373 111 125 429 213 216 37 Bijaipur Nagla Bhao 3 Do. Do. 625 168 186 1,066 566 500 Singh 38 Bilahua I Do. Do. 600 109 176 907 489 418 39 Chandwar 12 Do. Do. 4,269 569 611 3,046 1,571 1,475 40 Daragpur 2 Do. Do. 225 18 45 230 121 109 41 Datauli .. 1 Do. Do. 1,424 270 356 1,603 827 776 42 Datanii 4 Do. Do. 1,040 210 213 987 526 461 8 7 43 Dattpur .. 1 Do. Narki 145 1 3 36 22 14 10 9 44 Daulatpur 4 Do. Firozabad 487 198 215 660 351 309 45 Dhakpura 6 Do. Do. 191 34 63 371 201 170 46 Dholpura 1 Do. Do. 645 112 176 952 488 464 47 Dida Mai 6 Do. Do. 589 188 245 1,174 613 561 48 Don Keli 2 Do. Do. 646 223 253 1,374 728 646 49 Dori 1 Do. Narki 199 26 46 285 159 126 50 Dorsa Mohammadpur 7 Do. Do. 2,308 257 382 2,109 1,127 982 51 Fatehpur Anandipur 1 Do, Firozabad 337 22 33 191 101 90 52 Fatehpur Kotla 1 Do. Narki 262 60 68 384 215 169 53 Gangni .. 4 Do. Do. 1,432 229 312 1,608 939 669 54 Garhi Baran 1 Do. Do. 322 19 43 211 119 92 55 Garhi Chhatarpur .. 1 Do. Firozabad 284 15 19 101 52 49 56 Garhi Fateh 1 Do. Narki 289 43 65 333- 176 157 57 Garhi Hansram 1 Do. Do. 770 94 124 651 335 316 58 Garhi Janun 1 Do. Do. 221 14 17 102 52 50 59 Garhi Kalyan 1 Do. Do. 715 78 117 553 305 248 150 Garhi Purani 1 Do. Do. 271 53 71 359 199 160 61 Garhi Ranchhor 2 Do. Do. 548 81 125 698 387 311 62 Garhi Sidhari 1 Do. Do. 200- 50 95 535 261 274 6 5 63 Garhi Sri Ram 1 Do. Do. 215 57 68 335 185 150 64 Garhi Toria 1 Do. Do. 282 21 22 112 58 54 "i5 Ghazipur 1 Do. Firozabad 238 49 63 408 119 189 -, 66 Gonchh .. 3 Do. Do. 1,637 184 243 1,219 664 555 67 Gondai .. 1 Do. Narki 611 64 100 488 256 232 Al8 Gondau .. 10 Do. Firozabad 2,315 388 405 2,344 1,268 1,076 69 Hamirpur 2 Do. Do. 399 58 68 397 230 167 70 Hardaspur Kalla 1 Do. Narki 297 37 59 318 160 158 71 Hardaspur Nisfi I Do. Firozabad 191 15 29 142 73 69 72 Hirangau 1 Do. Do. 274 39 60 324 160 164 195 Abstract-{contd,)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLA SSES IV-Non- I-Cultiva- II-Cultiva- cultivating tors of land tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri- VIII-Other mainly mainly II~-Cultiva- cultural rent V-Produc- services and owned unowned ting [abour- receivers; tion other miscella- Displaced and their and their ers and their and their than cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependunts tivation merce port sources .------'0 c: 't:l" M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M FMF MFa

14 15 [6 [7 18 19 2U 2[ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 3U 31 32 33


1 10 92 77 5 6 4 10 8 21 21 2 36 114 93 1 11 12 1 5 100 82 2 4 32 30 5 5 3 17 I 131 112 11 8 41 28 6 14 44 4& 11 7 4 41 3 83 76 3 2 20 12 3 2 35 25 29 11 18 20 ~ 467 62 788 715 5 1 20 19 12 14 467 350 78 71 35 39 57 81 6 149 14 688 520 3 11 23 9 8 5 9 2 2 40 26 7 151 29 601 530 45 43 25 25 7 6 87 79 25 33 40 44 8 102 253 257 4 7 50 37 13 14 144 116 21 16 1 14 16 9 51 3 110 104 4 3 53 40 6 6 49 25 I 1 3 21 15 10 ] 11 23 uii 168 40 24 175 112 21 23 24 26 41 32 12 35 3 123 103 15 7 26 22 3 8 56 35 23 25 10 6 13 21 162 142 10 8 9 2 4 3 12 14 1 1 6 7 14 48 152 137 11 10 34 26 1 38 28 10 10 ]5 12 15 51 3 405 391 47 44 138 121 98 80 42 36 49 si 57 65 16 I 55 45 15 9 20 21 10 7 11 10 2 4 3 1 17 3 117 101 4 3 14 10 6 4 1 1 4 5 18 15 111 87 12 9 11 4 1 24 19 8 2 1 2 19 31 4 75 71 23 15 25 22 5 4 33 33 22 15 2 4 29 31 20 24 128 104 13 9 8 5 1 15 15 5 14 21 33 331 289 19 19 16 20 95 88 28 ii ii 4 2 22 166 21 231 192 14 9 79 52 4 3 44 26 12 9 4 4 55 59 23 131 2 568 505 22 16 109 101 4 8 212 181 18 21 21 43 74 78 24 5 261 227 21 17 14 11 25 11 55 38 2 4 8 4 20 54 2 3 4 3 26 18 201 182 I 119 81 2 2 I 17 17 27 36 3 119 90 27 18 28 12 44 27 4 4 3 1 28 42 7 88 82 20 14 37 33 73 56 3 16 11 29 7 26 17 3 4 30 31 41 3 239 230 4 4 37 25 S9 42 21 20 36 34 32 15 4 120 114 10 7 15 12 13 14 3 11 9 33 27 141 121 29 22 39 31 6 3 21 16 6 3 2 2 49 47 34 45 1 150 140 11 14 63 65 4 38 33 4 1 4 3 35 33 5 175 171 3 1 2 10 4 3 3 9 5 7 8 5 13 10 36 'i S9 344 289 13 11 62 39 4 10 96 89 10 11 19 24 18 27 37 73 2 223 195 10 5 16 13 3 2 199 158 6 3 2 2 30 40 38 158 10 980 1,011 27 20 4 1 8 10 390 321 33 23 3 7 126 82 39 14 100 88 1 2 8 6 2 10 13 40 215 24 565 S40 16 11 2 1 ,8 17 126 110 49 39 1 5 60 53 41 'i 'i 62 7 264 261 3 3 15 12 147 122 17 15 37 42 43 6 42 5 2 8 6 2 . :3 12 7 1 43 4S 15 240 220 49 36 3 40 32 6 9 13 9 44 18 190 156 1 I 1 3 7 3 4 1 4 45 110 21 210 234 5 5 57 40 154 114 10 9 20 23 32 39 46 80 5 244 232 24 13 28 24 5 9 212 197 35 33 14 6 51 47 47 138 5 302 297 20 17 47 38 4 6 271 212 13 16 18 7 53 53 48 7 1 115 96 8 4 26 15 1 3 4 2 2 5 4 49 170 19 638 567 83 57 173 138 is 19 118 101 13 23 13 9 74 68 50 18 2 69 61 9 3 6 7 9 5 4 6 4 8 51 19 1 119 96 19 11 31 19 6 7 20 19 18 17 2 52 89 8 444 327 45 36 66 40 2 4 240 171 13 9 129 82 53 14 72 55 27 21 11 6 9 10 54 7 52 45 2 2 55 40 10 40 37 12 8 25 ii 3 10 43 35 29 27 12 7 12 12 56 74 13 203 195 25 15 39 31 2 3 42 51 8 8 3 3 13 10 57 1 44 44 1 3 7 3 58 29 15 147 116 39 41 58 38 1 20 15 6 1 6 3 29 33 59 61 3 85 71 25 14 14 4 6 6 38 33 11 II 20 21 60 109 11 187 170 6 3 31 15 5 8 106 83 12 4 2 38 28 61 17 167 183 55 50 3 20 18 4 4 15 16 62 41 1 75 50 12 12 7 4 2 1 46 41 31 26 3 2 9 14 63 27 28 6 9 15 10 2 1 8 6 64 51 38 115 112 4 r 69 42 io 12 3 5 18 17 65 86 18 380 351 38 33 96 57 14 6 48 36 30 20 10 6 48 46 66 66 11 180 153 13 18 23 24 5 2 5 3 9 5 6 5 15 22 67 93 5 996 891 31 19 1 146 82 9 10 4 85 70 68 4 I 131 91 S 4 26 16 I 3 63 50 4 3 69 12 9 106 107 10 17 22 14 . i 14 14 8 6 70 6 2 64 58 4 1 2 7 2 3 71 85 21 93 95 ii; 14 3 5 22 17 3 3 23 30 72 196

~JDary Census

Inmateao! Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates ofinstitulicns houseJe~ houses and houseless persons) persons 8' No. of the hamlets No. of -g.. Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house. _ U Town/Ward v mage Pargana Thana acres houses bolds Per&ons Males Fen-.ales M F

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 '11 12 13

TEHSIL FIROZABAD 73 Humaunpur 3 Firozabad Firozabad 356 147 173 869 476 393 74 Husainpur 1 Do. Narki 370 66 99 487 245 242 15 !taura 3 Do. Firozabad 1,137 171 248 1,323 66S 658 76 Jaganpur t Do. Narki 163 4 5 22 10 12 17 Jahangirpur I Do. Firozabad 248 41 48 286 160 126 78 Jaitpur I Do. Narki 473 34 36 208 114 94 19 Jakhai 6 Do. Do. 2,051 154 297 2,358 1,282 1,076 8~ Jalalpur .. IS Do. Firozabad 2,730 276 409 2,212 1,204 1,008 81 Jalupura I Do. Do. 368 96 129 710 380 330 82 Jamalpur I Do. Do. 386 S3 104 646 33~ 307 83 Jampur 4 Do. Narki 964 140 188 1,074 579 495 84 Jarauli Kalan 4 Do. Firozabad 1,704 275 313 1,591 838 753 85 Jarauli Khurd 3 Do. Do. 443 95 108 695 371 324 86 Jasrathpur 3 Do. Do. 958 83 102 536 293 243 87 Jatau 4 Do. Narki 1,523 201 321 1,633 894 739 88 Jendamai 2 Do. Firozabad 428 46 64 3~8 225 173 89 Jondhri .• 1 Do. Narki 788 175 181 1,118 588 530 42 42 90 Kachhpura 1 Do. Do. 52 31 41 228 122 106 91 Kaitha 9 Do. Do. 3,022 457 598 3,005 1,611 1,394 37 29 92 Kakrau .. 1 Do. Firozabad 315 66 78 431 240 191 93 Katki 9 Do. Narki 2,746 157 274 1,762 962 800 94 Khalilganj Do. Firozabad 256 Unpopulated 95 Khangrai 2 Do. Do. 643 101 114 665 312 :Z~3 96 Kharsuli 1 Do. Do. 212 48 54 343 192 151 97 Khem Karanpur 2 Do. Do. 256 47 48 208 114 94 98 Khera Ganeshpur 2 Do. Do. 313 115 125 638 345 293 99 Khera Langar 2 Do. Narki 455 92 101 529 290 23~ 100 Kheria Kalan I Do. Do. 422 43 47 294 161 133 101 Kheria Khurd 1 Do. Do. 292 23 34 176 106 70 8 6 102 Khushalpur 1 Do. Do. 267 29 47 224 112 112 103 Kinnarpur 1 Do. Firozabad 70 57 70 440 24~ 1~1 104 Kolamai 2 Do. Do. 410 89 127 676 349 327 105 Kothla 1 Do. Narki 420 225 268 1,227 657 570 106 Kurrikupa 5 Do. Firozabad 2,138 267 357 2,058 1,106 ~52 107 Ladhpura 2 Do. Narki 424 23 34 220 113 107 108 Ladhupur Chakarpur 3 Do. Firozabad 426 76 77 500 273 227 109 Lalau 2 Do. Do. 632 298 320 675 352 323 11 0 Lal Garhi 1 Do. Narki 393 16 44 219 124 ~5 111 Lalpur .• 3 Do. Firozabad 217 91 98 301 157 144 112 Latifpur Kotla 1 Do. Narki 216 77 162 857 497 360 113 Laturra •• 2 Do. Firozabad 471 74 86 494 .265 229 114 Luhari .. 1 Do. Do. 313 53 53 357 194 163 115 Lukharia 1 Do. Narki 244 50 55 1~5 98 97 116 Madanpur 1 Do. Do. 350 17 43 227 113 114 117 Mahasinghpuc I Do. Do. 254 19 33 175 100 75 liS Mahipura I Do. Do. 200 20 22 115 67 48 119 Mandwa 4 Do. Firozabad 1,260 22 51 296 157 13~ 120 Matamai 1 Do. Do. 384 30 92 494 258 236 121 Matsena .. 3 Do. Do. 724 79 133 794 421 373 122 Milak Khan Jahanpur 1 Po. Do. 395 10 12 94 51 43 123 Mohanunadi 6 Do. Narki 1,545 201 393 2,150 1,128 1,022 124 Mohammadpur 4 Do. Firozabad 368 44 77 491 269. 22l Biharipur 125 Mohanunadpur 2 Do. Do. 230 68 68 41)1 212 189 Gagmalpur 126 Moinuddinpur I Do. Do. 537 115 132 665 351 314 127 Mondha 1 Do. Do. 350 61 143 755 402 353 13 9 128 Nagana •• I Do. Do. 290 17 25 143 73 70 129 Nagau .,. 3 Do. Do. 992 86 208 1,290 689 601 13 130, Nagla Dungar I Do. Narki 320 58 70 368 1~5 173 131 Nagla Mulla I Do. Firozabad 101 68 103 673 350 323 132 Nagla Radhey 1 Do. Narki 269 20 32 164 100 64 133 Nagla Sikander 2 Do. Do. 862 95 238 979 54l 437 134 Nagla Simaria I Do. Do. 163 39 39 199 106 93 135 Naipai .. 10 Do. Firozabad 2,692 221 422 2,392 1,313 1,079 15 13 136 Nanpi Pithani 3 Do. Do. 376 - 59 80 527 270 257 137 Nargapur 1 Po. Do. 534 74 102 514 303 211 138 Narkhi Dbonkal 4 Do. Narki- 2,052 322 468 2,376 1,286 1,090 139 Narkhi Tallaka 9 00;- Do. 4,255 230 481 2,414 1,323 1,091 4 7 140 Nasirpur I Po. FircmIDad 247 22 46 2SS 132 123 141 Nayabans •. I -Do. Narki 136 41 58 359 198 161 142 Nurpur Qutubpur .• 1 Do. Firozabad 238 56 65 339 195 144 143 Okhra 2 Po. Narki 802 178 235 1,481 754 727 197

Abstract-{ contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non­ I-Cultiva­ II-Cultiva­ cultivating tors of land tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri- VIII-Other mainly mainly IlJ-Cultiva- cultural renl V-Produc­ services and owned IInowned ting labour- receivers; tionother miscella- Displaced and their and their ers and their and their than cul­ VI-Com- VII-Trans- neOUf persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivJtion merce port sources ..g M F MF M FMF MFM FM FM PM FM F;j

~1C-:~--;1"'5--;1"6-'11'i7--1i18;-----;l;o9-20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1

(IilURAL).-(conldo ) 144 3 154 156 1 1 3 260 190 18 19 14 7 26 19 73 97 23 152 149 2 4 44 37 31 32 3 5 13 15 74 133 11 346 377 89 79 43 42 10 12 149 127 8 5 6 7 14 9 75 3 5 6 5 1 2 76 37 4 Iii 97 2 3 7 5 26 13 4 8 77 7 78 61 1 33 32 2 1 78 156 8 585 512 lis 98 197 141 30 30 216 169 75 72 14 is 47 36 79 233 28 776 650 57 57 84 52 3 2 135 128 66 49 22 15 61 55 80 85 16 192 166 1 12 9 8 13 130 107 7 10 5 2 25 23 81 41 162 140 8 11 16 19 3 4 130 109 9 5 1 11 18 82 58 17 293 236 69 63 107 92 46 40 20 24 18 15 26 25 8J 155 40 605 541 42 35 63 55 4 8 75 73 12 7 2 5 35 29 84 75 12 211 203 2 5 9 4 122 86 4 5 2 2 21 19 85 86 14 185 158 12 10 18 9 5 9 25 18 12 8 2 36 29 86 151 62 463 404 48 41 131 80 5 8 55 38 43 35 17 12 132 121 87 1 140 116 17 26 8 7 1 9 52 14 7 1 88 125 51 160 142 19 15 49 34 9 10 189 173 101 96 8 7 53 53 89 13 53 46 7 4 33 28 1 6 13 16 15 6 90 228 35 753 6!19 210 170 269 207 30 34 98 99 125 85 7 7 Ii.) 93 91 10 155 114 11 13 3 11 1 4 61 41 8 6 1 2 92 79 3 733 608 47 3!1 80 58 68 64 4 3 30 28 93 94 33 216 198 61 55 2 7 24 22 9 11 95 7 146 108 4 2 8 6 19 17 6 8 9 10 96 6 31 19 22 24 8 10 59 33 8 4 is 18 2 5 97 12 201 170 27 21 7 4 12 10 31 30 61 52 3 3 3 3 98 45 1 168 152 14 6 30 20 1 1 10 6 17 16 11 5 39 33 99 12 128 105 15 11 3 3 3 3 1 11 11 100 23 1 62 45 2 18 10 5 2 3 8 8 8 5 101 7 87 82 2 1 22 24 1 5 102 43 3 155 127 16 7 25 14 I I 23 24 11 9 12 7 6 2 103 123 18 143 146 40 31 10 15 12 15 122 108 20 9 2 3 104 3 3 201 90 119 116 1 6 12 7 13 20 183 144 143 120 55 34 131 123 105 35 3 777 667 3 6 192 185 26 18 3 tos 76 106 23 1 91 80 io 11 5 5 .5 5 2 4 2 107 24 234 187 4 6 9 9 15 10 11 15 108 75 21 214 216 13 7 6 99 71 5 21 23 109 4 114 89 2 2 2 1 S 4 110 40 9 137 125 8 5 12 14 111 104 8 256 182 7 9 72 52 10 8 45 31 36 27 41 30 30 2J 112 29 4 176 144 11 7 15 12 I 45 53 6 4 1 11 8 113 11 155 129 5 5 3 3 5 1 26 25 114 20 9 62 54 8 9 19 27 6 7 3 115 33 069 71 14 14 3 3 6 6 6 10 9 8 6 2 116 10 1 19 13 11 10 17 11 34 26 1 18 15 117 10 5 67 48 118 9 150 132 5 4 2 3 119 10 238 212 8 6 1 2 2 6 9 1(r 120 85 13 251 235 28 28 39 23 2 4 36 32 21 19 15 12 29 20 121

50 43 1 0 ' In 205 24 695 608 48 42 52 54 13 18 145 154 90 84 26 14 59 48 123 30 166 144 28 21 25 20 47 34 3 3 124 58 3 89 85 6 4 6 2 100 89 2 2 5 5 4 125 40 15 188 181 22 18 49 36 67 59 4 4 2 4 19 12 126 109 22 190 196 22 16 124 94 28 24 13 10 25 13 127 13 64 61 9 9 128 211 37 317 307 57 60 35 28 5 t74 105 14 15 25 29 66 52 129 18 139 135 6 4 21 18 17 9 11 7 1 130 61 H 185 188 3 2 I 124 96 6 5 4 31 27 131 11 95 60 3 1 2 3 132 1I2 21 239 176 24 25 111 ii 19 23 73 63 31 28 8 9 37 32 133 3 46 55 27 14 1 32 24 134 17 937 796 41 30 58 47 2 2 140 101 34 26 55 37 46 40 135 )~ 213 203 9 10 20 12 1 1 1 1 1 11 8 15 21 136 57 5 280 191 2 3 4- - 4 9 11 7 2 1 137 292 42 763 630 25 3D 137 115 2 4 133 113 70 52 3 2 153 144 138 189 17 842 650 62 52 142 128 7 5 168 159 58 59 6 4 38 34 139 5 84 83 11 13 29 19 8 8 140 11 1 147 115 11 6 24 18 14 19 2 3 141 32 1 144 101 8 3 19 17 6 9 7 3 4 2 2 10 4 142 235 76 357 348 54 61 140 120 12 30 68 41 46 50 4 73 77 143 198 Pn)nary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseless persons) persons No. of the hamlets No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house­ Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

TEHSIL FIROZABAD 144 Pachawan 6 Firozabad Firozabad 2,019 296 409 2,077 1,140 937 145 Paharpur.. . . 2 Do. Do. 262 80 133 709 375 334 146 Pempur Anandipur .. 2 Do. Do. 526 45 47 293 166 127 2 2 147 Pempur Raipura 3 Do. Do. 780 163 206 1,180 633 547 27 12 148 Pharaul Nagaria 3 Do. Do. 1,832 96 115 645 354 291 149 Phulaichi 1 Do. Do. 350 55 67 401 227 174 150 Pilua 1 Do. Do. 758 30 34 205 111 94 151 Piprauli ., 1 Do. Narki 461 54 104 617 350 267 152 Qutubpur 2 Do. Firozabad 749 69 98 594 309 285 Chanaura 153 Rahna .. 2 Do. Do. 502 102 137 732 406 326 154 Raipura 1 Do. Do. 548 133 171 907 497 410 155 Rajpur Kolla 1 Do. Narki 460 55 92 484 1254 230 156 Rampur Katelia 1 Do. Do. 276 40 71 336 180 156 157 Ranipura 1 Do. Firozabad 318 65 102 604 309 295 158 Rashidpur Kaneta 2 Do. Do. 716 92 112 584 319 265 159 Rasulpur Do. Do. 220 Included in Municipality 160 Ratauli 5 Do. Narki 1,285 105 227 1,128 627 501 161 Rudau Paharpur 5 Do. Do. 899 145 236 1,291 696 595 162 Rupaspur 1 Do. Firozabad 301 33 41 253 144 109 'i 163 Sailai 3 Do. Do. 467 98 227 885 522 363 164 Sakhawatpur .. 1 Do. Narki 398 61 82 439 226 213 165 Salempur Anandipur 1 Do. Firozabad 318 27 27 155 89 66 166 SaIempur Kotla .. 2 Do. Narki 311 45 50 254 139 115 167 Salempur Nagla Khar 1 Do. Firozabad 431 118 128 748 408 340 168 Saramai 1 Do. Do. 318 94 112 529 290 239 169 Sargawan 3 Do. Do. 646 73 133 768 401 367 170 Satkai .. 1 Do. Do. 191 10 16 105 61 44 171 Sengai 2 Do. Do. 645 111 186 1,041 553 488 172 Shankarpur 3 Do. Do. 3,437 207 221 1,093 633 460 173 Sheola Rampur .. 2 Do. Narki 844 122 161 736 396 340 174 Sherpur Anandipur ., 1 Do. Firozabad 315 8 10 58 28 30 175 Sherpur Bhura .. 1 Do. Narki 289 6 6 37 22 15 176 Sikanderpur Kotla .. 3 Do. Do. 900 69 91 478 256 222 177 Sikahra Hardaspur .. 3 Do. Firozabad 1,404 116 251 1,436 830 606 178 Sufipur .. .. 2 Do. Do. 746 120 127 708 383 325 179 Sukhmalpur Nizamabad 4 Do. Do. 760 287 341 1,561 880 681 180 Sunawai .. 1 Do. Narki 369 39 50 328 181 147 7 s 181 Tapa Khurd 2 Do. Firozabad 798 179 206 1,016 525 491 182 Tilokpur 1 Do. Do. 455 56 64 443 227 216 183 Ulau 5 Do. Do. 461 185 239 1,227 644 583 184 Undani 1 Do. Do. 372 103 144 791 426 365 185 Usaini 3 Do. Do. 1,365 153 221 1,118 610 508 186 Usmanpur .. 2 Do. Do. 1,422 91 91 506 321 185 187 Wazirpur Anandipur 1 Do. Do. / 138 5 5 45 27 18 3 2 188 Wazirpur Jehalpur 2 Do. Do. 481 82 ISS 814 438 376 189 Wazirpur Kotla 1 Do. Narki 258 39 61 365 192 173 190 Firozabad Do. Firozabad Municipality Total Tehsil Firozabad 411 128,663 18,061 25,179 133,773 72,050 61,713 317 261 (Rural) 1~9

Abstract-( contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non- I-Cultiva- 1l~ Cultiva- cuiti vating tors of land tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri- VIII-Other mainly mainly JII- Cult iva- cultural rent V-Produc- services and owned unowned ting Iabour- receivers; tion other miscella- Displaced and their and their elS and their and their than cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation merce port sources 8 M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F .g 8 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 1

(RURAL)-(concld.) 218 25 581 476 36 28 78 52 25 33 226 187 76 68 3 3 109 90 144 44 2 231 233 3 3 19 14 97 60 23 23 1 1 1 145 21 144 107 9 9 4 2 4 2 5 7 146 83 4 233 240 5 5 19 15 3 5 282 200 jj 28 8 5 50 49 147 13 332 264 12 12 I 1 2 2 7 12 148 21 172 133 11 9 15 9 26 16 3 7 149 24 3 69 61 15 8 3 16 14 5 7 3 4 150 77 6 260 199 34 20 12 10 1 4 22 17 21 17 151 15 204 194 4 4 25 21 2 4 56 38 13 13 5 11 152 101 7 174 154 19 11 34 25 126 97 9 6 10 4 34 29 153 74 2 194 156 14 16 25 16 4 5 167 136 52 47 41 34 154 41 10 128 123 13 8 53 43 14 21 19 16 27 19 155 25 1 113 90 5 5 30 25 14 14 9 12 9 10 156 20 2 226 207 7 8 3 2 7 10 27 29 6 12 9 2 24 25 157 1 56 6 153 139 25 15 16 5 2 74 61 3 2 4 3 44 38 158 159 104 29 268 230 81 69 95 65 4 10 84 51 35 25 4 4 56 47 160 123 13 422 371 26 16 129 100 3 6 43 36 21 16 14 11 38 39 161 41 13 70 60 2 3 7 6 46 29 6 5 12 7 162 68 5 188 158 21 i4 .., 287 172 26 19 163 59 23 91 88 20 11 14 10 7 32 20 17 22 7 5 38 50 164 12 1 58 47 3 1 10 3 1 1 11 5 1 1 5 8 165 80 55 5 3 36 27 5 6 1 1 11 24 166 78 4 273 245 7 4 19 13 5 2 81 53 7 7 2 4 14 12 167 68 2 106 92 12 3 24 13 1 1 119 106 19 15 9 9 168 89 24 248 227 41 38 29 17 31 37 34 30 1 1 17 17 169 28 23 11 8 15 11 5 1 2 1 170 99 24 411 366 26 23 7 4 1 7 57 46 9 9 42 33 171 11 534 401 63 30 2 9 25 18 9 2 172 61 13 202 186 26 26 98 71 28 18 14 ii 27 27 173 1 28 30 174 4 21 15 I 175 43 3 197 164 1 40 34 1 1 7 12 3 6 4 2 3 3 176 122 1 762 ?47 3 3 21 24 25 20 8 7 !1 5 177 15 166 135 15 16 64 45 104 103 9 9 6 6 19 11 178 46 26 186 23 221 206 1 103 64 326 231 78 63 82 64 69 53 179 7 5 96 79 25 13 17 10 4 11 24 21 9 8 6 5 180 64 2 294 287 22 31 50 34 6 6 102 86 20 23 4 1 27 23 181 30 1 136 144 7 2 17 21 4 6 32 17 6 6 25 20 182 126 8 246 259 6 4 18 16 5 16 234 145 55 63 38 34 42 46 183 77 16 183 158 25 31 74 50 6 7 30 26 9 8 1 98 85 184 171 25 243 195 67 43 59 61 2 2 150 132 39 29 19 16 31 30 185 ,.. 4 311 175 9 9 1 1 186 10 26 18 1 187 39 231 222 13 8 60 42 7 .6 70 45 8 7 10 9 39 37 188 35 129 121 13 11 21 19 2 1 12 10 1 IS 10 189 190 69 36 11,410 1,577 41,786 36,617 1,987 1,46/1 5,897 4,509 641 870 11,311 9,747 1,848 1,491 1,065 9354,515 4,076 200 Primary Censos

Occupied houses No. of the l:l hamlets No. of " Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- ~ Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

"'\ TEHSIL FIROZABAD \ 190 Firozabad Municipal Board Firozabad .. Firozabad .. 1,260 8,941 12,947 1 716 1,058 2 551 849 3 939 1,514 4 1,306 1,638 S 846 1,237 6 645 950 7 1,016 1,185 8 823 1,371 9 92S 1,251 10 1,174 1,894 Total Tehsil Firozabad (Urban) 1,260 8,91/ 12,917 Total Tehsil Firozabad .. 411 129,923 27,002 38,126


I-Cultivators ofland II-Cultivators ofland wholly or mainly wholly or mainly un- II-Cultivating owned and their owned and their labourers and their dependants dependants dependants

=05 .g Name of Village or 8 Town/Ward M F M F M P

2 18 19 20 21 22 23

TEHSIL FIROZABAD 190 Firozabad Municipal Board 791 687 103 71 19 10 1 136 76 13 6 2 66 49 11 6 1 3 3 54 S9 21 16 2 2 4 49 46 3 2 7 '2 5 22 28 3 4 6 97 92 8 7 212 215 39 34 5 2 8 52 48 9 51 51 10 52 23 5 3 4 1 Total Tehsil Firozabad (Urban) 791 687 103 71 19 10 Total Tehsil Firozabad .. 42,577 37.314 3,090 2,539 5,916 4,519 201 Abstract-(contd.)

Inmates of Total no. of persons insti tutions enumerated (including and inmates of institutions houseless Displaced and houseless (persons) persons persons Literates --_------

Persons Males Females M p M F M F

9 fo- --Tf----lZ--_-_--____l_c_3 __ ----y;r------1S--- 16 17

URBAN NON·CITY 65,438 37,145 28,]93 793 246 1,045 836 14.493 6,108 190 5,997 3,605 2,392 314 175 248 201 1,712 658 5,744 3,127 2,617 10 69 45 1,307 750 7,637 4,189 3,448 8 4 1,781 594 7,841 4,485 3,356 43 5 29 29 1,148 236 6,238 3,352 2,886 46 1 25 26 754 313 4,779 2,770 2,009 11 7 5 3 1,165 456 5,937 3,373 2,564 43 48 2,016 1,360 7,205 3,857 3,348 12 6 101 59 1,812 1,021 5,588 3,095 2,493 3 63 52 1,241 436 8,472 5,292 3,180 354 52 454 369 1,557 284

65,438 37,145 28,293 793 246 1,015 836 /1,493 6,108

199,211 109,195 90,016 1,110 507 1,114 872 25,913 7,685

----~~--~-.- ---_---- ~------. ---.--~------~~- -_-_------_"


------~- -_- -'~- _-_--- _ IV Non·cultivat· ing owners of land; agricultural rent Icceivers; V-'Production VIII-Other services and their other than and miscellaneous dependants "ultlvation V[-.Comlfler<:e VIlI- Transport sources

-_._- -_-- -- -_._-_- ---~------0 l'l 0 0 M F M F M F M F M F ""u

--i4----25- --2-6----5;7- 28 29 30 31 32 33 --~------'-~ --~-- URBAN NON·CITY-(concld.)

273 240 18,907 13,765 9,127 7,776 1,369 904 6,556 4,840 190 14 7 1,559 927 825 669 123 94 935 613 21 19 1,104 941 1,322 1,115 117 91 485 393 95 100 1,943 1,454 1,198 1,130 172 128 704 559 15 14 3,051 2,317 718 564 188 123 454 288 7 3 1,965 1,574 574 614 49 3S 732 628 22 1,186 883 869 670 81 50 507 314 42 37 1,716 1,195 90S 717 67 34 387 330 31 34 1,725 1,420 1,418 1,315 64 54 567 476 19 23 1,583 1,262 638 511 191 137 613 509 7 3 3,075 1,792 660 470 317 158 1,172 730 l73 240 18,907 13,765 9,127 7,776 1,369 904 6,556 4,840

914 l,llO 31,218 23,512 11,975 10,267 2,434 1,839 11,071 8,916 202 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons insli lulions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseJess persons) perS?DS No. of the ---~--- 8 hamlets No. of ...,u Name of Village or in the Area in No. of hOllSe- e Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

~ ~ ~1- 2 3 4 5 Ii T ---- 8- --9 --IO~-I-I-~ 12 13 ----~------~-~- TEHSIL KHERAGARH

1 Aela 9 Kheragarh Satyan 4,826 635 785 4,361 2,372 1,989 2 Ata 2 Do. Kheragarh 966 123 149 380 222 158 3 Aurangpllf 1 Do. Do. 1,023 123 149 887 480 407 4 Babarpllr 1 Do. I radat Nagar 324 7 7 34 18 16 5 Baghaur .. 2 Do. Jagner 2,011 54 79 419 237 182 6 Barnni Kalan 1 Do. Do. 1,546 85 110 596 319 277 7 Baroni Khurd 1 Do. Do. 719 16 33 222 134 88 8 Baqalpur 1 Do. Kheragarh 661 66 85 496 256 240 9 Bargaon BlIzurg 2 Do. Jagner 1,22! 87 130 656 356 300 10 Bargaon Khurd 7 Do. Do. 4,109 136 243 1,325 719 606 11 Bartara I Do. Iradat Nagar 258 44 44 301 158 143 12 Barwar 8 Do. Kheragarh 2,190 305 337 1,944 1,013 931 13 Basai Jagner 9 Do. Jagner 3,708 442 632 3,074 1,658 1,416 14 Basai Kalna 2 Do. Iradat Nagar 407 55 55 362 198 164 15 Basai Kheragurh 2 Do. Kheragarh 1,418 103 137 768 414 354 16 Basai Khurd 2 Do. lradat Nagar 360 52 54 309 163 146 17 Bazidpur 1 Do. Jagner 763 55 87 437 253 184 18 Beri Chahar 10 Do. Kheragarh 2,603 728 890 4,803 2,605 2,198 19 Bhaison .. 4 Do. Do. 1,291 83 117 633 330 303 20 Bhakar .. 2 Do. Do. 1,337 126 135 732 382 350 21 Bhara 1 Do. Jagner 1,541 94 162 731 393 338 22 Bhawanpllra I Do. Do. 886 34 47 262 146 116 23 BhiJawali 2 Do. Kheragarh 1.741 177 217 1,204 637 567 24 Bhir-aw"ji .. I Do. Iradal Nagar 758 62 71 436 238 198 25 BhojplIr 1 Do. Khcragarh 354 69 76 469 234 235 26 Bhopur Jagner 1 Do. Jagner 31i2 14 18 98 63 35 27 Bhorpur Kheragarh " 1 Do. Kheragarh 764 46 50 254 143 111 28 Bidhauli Jagner 1 Do. Jagner 1,053 45 74 351 195 156 29 Bidhauli Kheragarh " 1 Do. Kheragarh 822 80 105 633 336 297 30 Rirai 3 Do. Saiyan 1,530 213 264 1,468 800 668 31 Birehum 6 Do. Do. 2,171 344 432 2,620 1,393 1.227 32 Birthala .. 5 Do. hadal Naga r 2,397 402 407 2,050 1,089 961 33 Bisaiplir 3 Do. Kheragarh 1,770 205 267 1,574 856 718 34 Bishera 2 Do. Saiyan 1,990 214 219 1,279 680 599 35 BisrampUl' 1 Do. Kheragarh 507 48 72 395 212 183 36 Burehra I Do. Do. 1,005 27 J26 703 362 341 37 Chachond 4 Do. Jagner 511 74 90 469 275 194 38 Chandi .. 2 Do. Kheragarh 432 39 45 230 119 111 39 Chandsora 3 Do. Jagner J,328 220 259 1,317 728 589 40 Chhatapura .. 1 Do. Iradal Nagar 434 44 44 296 158 138 41 Chhitapura Motipura 2 Do. Saiyan 556 133 160 934 497 437 42 Chhitapura Nagta Birai 1 Do. Do. 428 26 33 168 88 80 43 Chit 1 Do. Kheragarh 1,348 217 276 1,556 780 776 44 Chitpur .. 1 Do. Do. 255 30 30 178 98 80 45 Dahgawan 1 Do. Jagner 2,081 109 172 829 446 383 46 Danda .. 1 Do. Kheragarh 881 109 127 551 312 239 47 Dank>a 3 Do. Saiyan 1,875 13ri 184 983 535 448 48 Darki 2 Do. Iradal Nagar 781 90 100 54S 297 248 49 Deori 1 Do. Jagncr ],003 30 42 206 109 97 50 Dhanina 2 Do. Do. 2,386 131 168 770 424 346 51 Digrauta 5 Do. Kheragarh 1,926 412 522 2,883 1,522 1,361 52 Dungarwala 2 Do. Do. 667 111 123 652 353 299 53 Garhi Ahir I Do. Iradal Nagar 317 41 51 304 160 144 54 Garhi Karimpur 1 Do. Jagner 288 13 26 125 68 57 55 Garhsan 2 Do. Saiyan 1,260 189 203 1,219 665 554 56 Ghaskata 1 Do. Jagner 782 75 107 463 257 206 57 Ghusaina 5 Do. Kheragarh 2,480 145 185 912 482 430 58 Goharra .. 1 Do. I radat Nagar 254 39 40 245 133 112 59 Gorau 2 Do. Khcragarh 815 69 85 463 251 212 60 Gugawand 3 Do. Jagner 7,935 150 307 1,492 829 663 1 61 GuJabganj 1 Do. Do. 285 6 6 155 81 74 62 Hironda .. 1 Do. Saiyan 2,147 266 324 1,579 874 705 63 Iradatnagar 1 Do. lradat Nagar 281 242 255 1,284 681 603 64 .1agner Dehat 1 Do. Jagner 300 2 2 3 3 65 Jagner Do. Do. Town Area 66 Jajau .. 8 Do. Saiyan 2,737 338 406 2,302 1,255 1,047 67 Jaia1upur .. 1 -Do. Jagner 714 35 44 223 130 93 68 Jhitpur .. Do. Do. 577 Unpopulated 69 Jonai 1 Do. Saiyan 926 202 269 1,526 800 726 70 Kangraul 3 Do. Kheragam 3,339 741 897 4,350 2,311 2,039 71 Kaitholi 2 Do-. D() 567 2& 33 223 123 100 72 Karhki 1 Do. Jagncr. 510 17 26 147 83 64 73 Kalhumari 1 Do. Do. 1,084 85 103 477 ZS7 220 74 Khankara Do. Do. 246 Unpopulated 203 Abstrad-(contd.)


-~-~----.---. ~------IV-.Non­ I- Cultiva­ 11- Cultiva­ cllllivating tors of land tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri_ mainly mainly 11[- Cultiva- cultural rent V- Produc­ VlII- Other owned unowned tlOg labour- receivers; lion other services and Displaced and their and their ers and their and their (han cuI- V[- Com- Vll-Trans- rniscella- persons Literates dependants dependants dependant" dependants tivation merce port nCOllS sources ci - -- - <:: .g M F M F M F M FM FM PM FMF M F M F 8 ---r4.. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 -~l


380 21 1,452 1,194 294 236 139 145 22 22 152 129 146 128 167 135 1 89 2 165 111 27 21 4 1 19 19 7 (, 2 8<1 2 282 243 40 29 65 58 ~ 13 39 35 5 2 9 7 32 20 3 In 16 I I 4 13 126 101 24 14 6 5 S4 48 10 2 17 12 5 40 6 211 186 82 71 2 2 6 5 5 5 10 5 6

48 36 86 52 " 7 60 6 175 158 42 42 16 15 I 9 10 6 I 2 6 6 7 8 48 2 255 205 95 79 1 I 8 3 4 1 4 9 38 I 568 508 51 43 9 2 35 17 18 10 5 38 21 10 24 1 53 52 77 67 11 9 I 3 6 6 5 4 2 5 11 104 5 717 648 50 45 54 50 2 2 74 66 38 28 1 78 91 12 255 1,113 885 178 193 25 38 206 195 91 79 13 12 32 14 !3 IR 167 143 4 I 13 9 2 2 3 3 9 6 14 60 330 293 59 45 2 5 2 4 5 :2 2 3 2 9 5 15 7 I 130 119 I 8 7 '. 8 8 2 6 5 8 7 16 17 144 99 25 24 21 9 5 6 33 28 5 3 4 5 16 10 17 609 3 1,894 1,569 130 107 80 63 2 4 238 221 92 77 4 I 165 156 18 26 265 248 44 31 4 6 8 II 16 19 27 239 243 94 70 ]0 4 2 3 5 26 17 2 8 9 20 4B 243 234 90 61 2 12 8 10 ') 21 17 15 9 21 10 106 89 17 10 5 5 18 12 22 101 7 475 432 76 69 25 20 2 I 19 14 14 7 3 3 23 21 23 24 2 181 148 14 II 34 34 5 2 4 2 I 24 48 3 123 J27 74 71 5 5 to 16 22 15 25 61 35 2 26 9 115 87 23 20 1 1 2 4 1 27

32 6 119 81 64 62 1 I 3 F 5 3 6 6 28 53 7 253 22g 30 17 16 15 7 8 3 30 26 29 127 13 648 552 90 70 12 to 4 4 10 7 5 9 4 16 30 219 'I 839 729 167 165 ~5 62 5 3 99 92 113 87 4 ~ 85 31 127 3 696 624 67 61 127 131 6 3 103 79 35 30 55 33 32 183 13 556 466 70 51 38 42 4 3 74 65 14 16 53 40 47 35 33 44 467 411 1 50 40 7 5 42 35 16 16 28 28 70 63 34 76 8 152 125 4 3 II 9 33 28 I 7 11 11 35 10 266 255 38 28 23 19 15 16 4 6 16 17 36 30 213 146 12 5 7 2 1 26 29 I 16 11 37 15 1 64 56 16 13 :!2 17 2 7 12 16 2 1 2 38 67 1 612 504 26 16 .. 3 7 38 26 22 13 27 23 39 4 119 104 24 20 11 S 4 6 40 9R 2 362 324 45 31 13 12 22 26 17 14 37 27 41 7 2 61 53 22 19 I 4 8 42 140 12 576 564 59 61 39 36 60 79 25 21 19 15 43 19 42 32 5 2 37 36 2 1 I II 9 44 75 3 343 280 57 53 8 9 2 5 14 15 6 10 16 11 45 29 267 209 8 5 5 I 13 7 3 2 16 15 46 31 467 384 45 45 6 3 3 6 6 3 3 3 5 4 47 5M 194 154 41 29 31 32 5 7 18 12 5 8 3 6 48 12 3 59 55 26 27 14 6 1 1 2 6 7 49 70 6 306 231 67 67 13 II 7 7 15 15 6 5 10 10 50 259 5 1,008 896 12 6 138 103 116 127 117 109 131 120 51 46 I 233 204 27 25 11 7 I I 2 78 63 52 30 102 101 14 10 20 12 19 18 5 2 53 4 45 39 12 12 2 5 4 4 1 1 54 104 504 417 20 19 70 62 21 12 30 20 3 20 21 55 11 161 118 34 31 3 35 26 6 7 9 7 12 14 56 95 II 366 335 76 62 9 4 6 6 6 5 3 3 16 15 57 12 t06 88 2 I 5 8 2 (, 6 3 3 2 4 58 21 225 187 10 12 1 2" 4 2 3 1 10 6 59 s 1I1l 3 721 567 13 S 4 3 7 35 41 19 6 34 34 60 1 54 36 26 35 2 1 1 61 148 Jl 592 449 106 87 48 54 36 34 28 33 29 29 35 19 62 147 II 167 162 30 21 56 48 15 16 108 93 180 152 34 26 91 85 63 3 3 .. 64 65 175 11 854 714 92 75 122 101 8 6 57 46 41 39 3 7 78 59 66 8 70 56 28 _19 16 II I 13 4 I 3 I 67 68 249 5 489 428 4 I 110 116 76 78 4'1 39 6 I 66 63 69 s 3 823 83 675 633 140 102 3D. 286 7 7 288 247 507 427 9S 73 287 264 70 17 109 88 4 3 4 2 6 7 71 2 28 20 55 44 72 16 169 138 18 17 35 26 27 27 8 12 73 74 204 Primary Census

Inmates of inStitutions and Occupied houseless hOllses persons No. of the hamlets No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres hOllses holds Persons Males Fem~les M F

z 8 10 11 12 13


75 Khanpn[" 3 Khcragal'h Khelagar11 " 280 76 78 422 2J5 207 76 Kheragarh 1 Do. Do. 813 347 361 1,863 1,010 853 77 Khcria .. 7 Do. lradat Nagar 2,534 284 400 2,316 1,266 J,05O 78 Khohara Do. Jagner 193 Unpopulated 79. Kondri 2 Do. Do. 868 19 30 129 77 52 80 Kukandai I Do. Kheragarh '. 824 69 74 351 198 153 81 Kukawar 2 Do. Salyan 957 Wi 186 1,059 604 455 82 Kulhara 1 Do. " Kheragarh 1.045 68 71 331 168 163 83 Ladu Khera 7 Do. Salyan 2.372 546 • 573 3,260 1,746 1,514 84 Lahchora 2 Do. Do. 503 105 127 691 374 317 85 Lakhanpura 2 Do. Kheragarh 647 42 51 260 146 114 86 Lalpur .. 1 Do. Do. 406 'is 99 500 276 224 87 Mahav 3 Do. Iradat Nagar I,G87 251 286 1,671 879 792 88 Mahadeva I Do. Do. 883 107 128 652- 359 293 89 Mahav Khera I Do. " Kheragarh 455 83 103 557 305 252 90 Mai 1 Do. '. Saiyan " 511 69 70 402 227 175 91 Mangalpllr I Do. Tradal Nagar 163 47 47 335 182 153 92 Mewla .. I Do. Jagner 489 16 26 113 72 41 93 Mewl; I Do. Do... ],191 65 133 665 353 312 94 Mihawan 3 Do. Tradat Nagar 1,373 205 256 1,351 727 624 95 Mohanpur I Do. '. Saiyan '. 501 46 56 327 178 149 96 Motipura I Do. tradal Nagar 410 40 55 3n 203 114 97 Mukhra: 4 Do. " Saiyan 7~6 90 106 659 367 292 98 Murakia 6 Do. Do. 1.541 3~7 521 1,825 969 856 99 Nad;m 3 Do. Do. 1,160 302 362 1.962 1,028 934 7 100 Nag\a Blr Bhan 2 Do. Jagnel' 1,777 130 170 876 486 390 101 Nagia Duleh Khan I> Do. Khcragarh 1,845 164 258 J,265 661 604 102 Nagta Inami 2 Do. Saiyan 440 55 64 406 215 191 103 NagJa Kishna I Do. Jagner 439 I 1 5 4 1 104 Nail.!). Mahre I Do. .. Saiyall 47& 48 %7 50S 268 2,w 105 NagJii Qaslmpur 5 Do. Jagner .. 1,515 170 189 960 532 428 106 Nagla Satha! Do. . . Kheragarh .. 279 Unpopulated 107 Nagla Udaiya Do. Do. 50S 118 154 849 428 421 108 Nasaua 2 Do. Jagner " 1,168 44 58 168 'J7 71 109 Nauharka ] Do. . . !radat Na.,'ar 239 35 44 247 139 108 110 Naya Gaon ] 00. Jagner .. 1,066 76 161 749 420 329 III Nimeo, 4 Do. Kheragarh .. 1,498 108 143 645 360 285 112 Noni 5 00. " Jagner 3,974 348 479 2,363 1,278 1,085 10 113 Pachman 4 Do. " Jradal Nagar 366 105 109 644 332 312 114 Pahari Kalan 3 Do. Kheragarh 1,227 80 95 483 264 219 11 5 Pahar i Khurd Do. Do. 192 Unpopulated 116 Pahgusana 2 Do. Dp. 405 29 42 200 Jll 89 117 Pahrat ia .. 1 Do. Do. " 62 11 17 105 61 44 118 Panola 1 Do. Jradat Na.gar 225 36 44 270 150 120 119 Patparganj 1 Do. Khcragarh 33 \ 16 18 136 76 60 120 Patti Earwala I Do. Do. 17R 34 40 193 99 94 121 Pipretha .. 3 Do. Jagner 1.122 90 96 467 276 191 122 puseta .. 6 Do. Iradal Nagar 2,020 282 320 1,801 1,010 791 123 Raghupura 2 Do. Do. 1,277 151 178 1,080 560 520 124 Rajpura I 00. " Saiyan 451 97 123 679 363 316 125 Rasulpur 2 Do. Kheragarh 1,808 305 318 1,543 851 692 126 Rehlai 6 Do. Iradal Nagar 1,917 368 374 2,054 1,175 879 127 Richhoha 7 Do. " Jagner 4.858 264 438 2,101 1,162 939 128 Rithori ., 4 Do. Saiyan 1.258 427 469 2,525 1,354 1,171 129 Ruduau ., 1 Do. Kheragarh 818 29 42 203 115 88 no saduj)ura I Do. Iradat Nagar 495 45 45 226 142 84 J31 Saiyan ., 10 Do. Saiyan 3,446 576 611 3,639 2,006 1,573 132 Salebnagar 4 00. Khemgarh 452 157 186 923 501 422 133 Salphari Do. Jagner " 1,026 Unpopulated 134 Silokht.ra 1 Do. Tradal. Nagar 326 4& 60 390 204 186 135 sarai Ahmed I Do. Jagner .. 305 3 8 36 19 17 I 36 Sarenda ., 15 Do. Kheragarh .. 5,244 552 711 3,658 1,950 1,708 13 7 Sarendhi 6 00. Jagner 4,481 733 804 3,601 1,967 1,634 138 Sbahganj 1 Do. Do. 629~ 33 39 215 124 91 139 Sbahpur Jagner I Do. Do. 355 31 36 164 98 66 140 Sbahpur Nadin . 1 Do. Saiyan. .. 1,038 75 90 482 248 234 141 Sbahpur Ramkoh 1 D.p. . . Kheragarh .. 447 10 12 76 49 27 142 Sheikhpur Nagla 1 Do. . . Tradat Nagar 717 40 43 233 125 108 11 143 Sberpur .. 1 Do. Do. 682 58 S8 336 191 145 144 Siar Mau 4 Do. Do. 1,565 72 89 466 257 209 145 Sikanderpur 6 Do. Saiyan 1,211 176 184 1,040 541 499 146 Singaich .. 6 Do. '. Jagner 2,784 184 246 1,306 729 577 6 5 147 Singrauli I Do. Do. 962 62 108 465 262 203 148 Sitauli 4 Do. .. Kheragarh 1,437 107 H3 760 427 333 ~05 Abstract-( contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRlCUL1 URAL CLASSES IV-Non- J-CUltlV.,­ H-Cultiva- cultivalmg tors of land tors of land ownerS of wholly or wholly Of land; agrj- Vlll-Other mainly en lilliy ll[~-Cllltrv,,- cllllurairent V~Produc­ SCrv;.es and owned unowned ling 1,lbourer, rCC~lvel~; tJOn (llhel ml,cclla- Displaced ~nd t hell' and th"lr and their and therl thall clll- VI-Com- VII_118m· Ill( 1" persoll> Llterales dependant' .dependants depcnddllts dependanls tlvatJOJ1 melee POI t sources ~-- ~----~ ------_---


14 15 16 17 1~ 19 20 21--22- ..:.23_...... c2_4_...... 25 26 27 28 29 3D 31 32 33 ------~------( RURAL)-(contd.)

15 181 178 13 10 7 3 3 2 4 6 3 2 4 6 75 8 6 417 82 198 170 57 42 6 2 20 16 [74 143 210 208 74 62 271 210 76 113 4 90S 774 194 156 36 34 17 20 22 11 42 31 3 44 24 77 78 4 66 3Y 3 4 1 4 8 3 1 79 26 114 89 27 20 15 11 2 2 13 13 2 1 24 17 80 52 408 331 32 23 50 30 1 1 45 33 36 19 32 18 81 11 137 139 10 7 14 14 2 1 5 2 82 287 27 1,120 989 129 99 113 115 5 5 131 104 ti9 95 32 29 97 78 83 61 6 202 162 11 4 20 14 3 7 16 21 15 17 27 22 80 • 70 84 4 126 99 5 4 5 5 2 1 8 5 85 14 201 169 68 50 2 2 1 4 3 86 258 50 506 496 89 60 72 S~ 29 29 51 48 51 36 26 17 55 47 87 72 3 241 204 62 37 28 22 2 9 12 5 6 3 4 9 8 88 42 198 Hi3 82 64 6 3 6 3 1 10 5 6 10 89 27 160 120 6 3 28 28 19 14 3 3 II 7 90 13 1 112 92 27 15 21 20 12 11 9 14 91 27 I 67 38 5 3 92 84 10 273 250 39 29 12 4 15 15 1 14 13 93 111 6 547 444 5 5 118 104 37 47 4 I 16 23 94 12 138 122 19 16 4 2 4 2 13 7 95 3 134 114 10 11 35 34 13 10 5 1 6 4 96 59 4 246 206 44 33 33 24 1 1 12 7 8 6 23 15 97 336 25 712 637 27 21 69 58 1 56 53 IS 10 17 19 72 58 98 163 6 726 643 84 78 95 87 8 6 57 49 18 19 1 1 39 51 99 58 421 326 32 26 22 2S 4 4 3 1 4 8 100 68 6 533 501 93 67 6 2 5 8 6 6 1 20 101 12 207 18~ 2 1 I I'5 4 102 4 I 103 36 5 206 178 15 19 11 7 15 18 5 5 15 13 104 98 13 377 307 74 66 29 21 14 8 21 13 17 12 105 106 60 13 261 256 23 28 76 68 26 28 20 24 7 2 15 15 107 68 6 69 51 20 13 15 • ,. (; 5 5 3 2 108 15 103 82 1 17 14 3 3 109 23 267 197 95 66 2 7 2 1 40 46 10 5 1 I 3 6 110 15 238 182 80 71 18 10 3 2 6 10 15 10 111 246 31 659 503 112 79 38 24 36 34 264 278 78 70 20 15 71 82 112 49 231 237 23 24 25 11 26 17 21 20 6 3 113 12 190 169 38 25 20 10 8 4 8 11 114 115 14 100 81 1 1 7 6 I 116 1 1 48 37 10 4 2 2 1 117 18 129 101 3 2 10 10 (i 4 2 3 118 7 76 60 119 15 6 47 51 18 15 20 13 6 4 2 3 6 8 120 17 I 193 138 45 28 13 II 8 6 10 5 7 3 121 10 2 256 64 685 520 104 81 54 47 121 106 10 5 36 32 122 10 6 446 411 19 12 42 33 I 2 35 32 1 3 5 2 11 .25 123 45 2 205 174 56 62 25 15 1 3 20 22 34 22 7 5 15 13 124 97 10 635 516 91 57 34 24 2 3 37 39 21 20 31 33 125 117 1 771 59l 121 98 4 4 108 77 50 39 121 70 126 63 1 907 742 202 151 7 1 . 2 3 21 14 5 11 2 3 16 14 127 192 4 862 700 12 11 40 45 17 16 195 202 117 89 20 17 91"' 91 128 14 108 84 7 4 129 '14 60 26 11 7 3 2 1 9 6 4 3 130 4 413 40 1,037 811 130 107 260 190 7 8 164 146 174 113 93 59 201 139 131 112 IS 270 255 49 27 62 40 19 26 29 18 29 22 13 8 30 26 132 133 41 128 109 12 12 24 21 6 15 23 16 16 134 2 15 16 4 I 135 .i 40[ 44 1,088 1,007 463 402 163 (28 1 1 102 70 59 51 74 49 136 395 1,273 1,083 274 216 82 63 10 12 141 ti2 J(J() 74 87 74 137 3 118 86 1 I 2 2 2 3 138 15 75 47 14 11 5 7 4 1 139 23 181 164 28 33 6 5 3 10 i3 2 21 Iii 140 19 38 23 11 3 1 141 10 107 99 12 6 2 6 1 142 11 162 119 17 12 5 5 7 9 143 38 185 154 .37 27 17 11 6 8 12 9 144 15 376 342 90 88 3 30 30 17 11 4 3 24 22 145 109 5 562 449 88 70 16 5 II 13 9 7 6 4 37 29 146 47 158 119 26 16 36 34 3 23 20 12 3 7 8 147 46 357 279 46 37 1 1 1 2 6 16 14 148 206 Primary Ceos\lS

Occupied houses No. of the g hamlets No. of '0" Name of Villli.ge or in the Area in No. of house- 0 acres houses U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana holds

1-~~2------3-- 4 5 6 7 8 ~ ---~ - ~------_------~--~- -- -- _------_-- --- ~---~ ----


149 Son 3 Khl"lagalh Kheragarh 1,633 249 336 150 Soni Khera 1 Do. Jagner 2,723 53 85 151 Sonra 2 Do. Saiyan 1,421 254 273 152 Taharpur 1 Do. Do. 341 103 117 153 Tantpur 3 Do. Jagner 1,215 77 150 154 Tarhat ., 1 Do. Do. 446 33 43 155 Tehra 9 Do. Saiyan 2,277 445 528 156 Thansera 1 Do. Jagner 206 8 8 157 Tha~nda 1 Do. lradat Nagar 477 40 57 158 Waina 3 Do. Jagner 1,829 99 130 159 Untgir ., 2 Do. Kheragarh 969 118 156 160 Usarra ., 1 Do. Jagner 464 27 31 Total Tehsil Kherugaflt (Rural) 393 194,041 21,617 26,716


65 Jagner Town Area Klteragarh Jagner 3,223 552 751 Total Tehsil Khcragarlt (Urban) 3,223 552 751 Total Tebsil Kheragarlt 393 197,264 22,169 27,467



l-Cllltiva- lI-Cultiva- t or~ d'f land tors of land wholly or wholly or malllly mainly II1-Cultiva- owned unowned ting labourers and thelT and theIr and their dependants dependants g dependants .g Name of Village or 0 U Town/Ward M F M F M F

2 18 19 20 21 22 23

TEHSIL KHERAGARH 149 Son 555 566 47 43 65 46 150 Soni Khera 218 135 6 11 151 Sonr,! 473 403 79 75 56 83 152 Taltarpllf 211 197 42 33 31 24 153 Tantpur 53 38 7 16 8 154 Tarhat 87 70 3 2 2 6 155 Tehra 1,021 937 132 121 56 51 156 Thansera 24 16 1 157 Thapencta 117 108 7 '4 36 33 158 lJdaina 350 296 19 4 I 159 Ungtir 291 237 45 34 37 32 160 Usarra 66 46 7 12 2 Total Tehsil Kheragarh (Rural) 50,402 42,773 7,282 5,902 4,521 3,823

TEHSlL KHERAGARH (is Jagner Town Area 678 472 ,\115 114 36 43 Total Tehsil Kheragarh (Urban) .. 678

---~~-- -~- ----_ -~~ ------207

Abstract -(contd.)

Inmates of Total no. of persons in~tltutions enumerated (Including and inmates ofmstitutions houseless Displaced and houseles. persons) persons persons Literates

---~------~----.-- ci ..,c: "" Persons Males Femalc~ Males Females Male~ Female, Males Females 8

--9------~-- .------_ --ro ---11 12 13 14 15 16 17

(RURAL) -(conld.) 1,484 757 727 118 149 388 234 154 11 150 1,399 726 673 116 151 622 334 288 59 6 152 740 409 331 86 153 176 95 81 21 154 3,013 1,599 1,414 324 9 1'5 41 25 16 " 156 306 161 145 3 157 680 375 305 32 158 843 451 392 68 159 140 83 . 57 6 160 110,776 76,173 64,603 28 14 .U 16 11,340 807


3,901 2,119 1,781 18 748 96 65 3,901 1,119 1,782 18 748 96 144,677 78,292 66,385 28 32 33 16 13,088 903


CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non- cultivating owners of land; agri- VIII-Other cultural rent V-Production services and receivers; other than misceIla- and their cultivation VI-Commerce VI-Trampart neous dependants sources o· Q

0" M F M P M F M F M F U"" 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

(RURAL)-(c,wcld.) 2 30 18 18 16 8 11 32 27 149 1 5 3 5 4 150 1 62 58 20 15 35 38 151 1 8 II 15 6 1 25 17 152 1 193 177 44 20 28 23 67 65 153 2 3 1 154 6 3 129 95 73 54 30 22 152 131 155 156 157 4 5 158 19 33 17 15 42 41 159 ! 2 2 2 160 497 538 5,063 4,580 3,313 2,661- 745 609 4,350 3,717

URBAN NON-CITY-{concld.)

40 40 395 338 358 340 70 63 427 372 65 40 .f0 395 338 358 340 70 63 427 372 537 578 5,458 4,918 3,671 3,001 815 672 4,777 4,089 208

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions hous'less houses and houseless persons) persons 0 No. of the -----~------~ -_ ---- t::I Q hamlets No. of Name of VllIage or in the Area in "'0. of house- 8 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females .M F -1'----2- -- --4"" --- -5------6 -7 -- - l{- Y 9 10 II 12-- -IT ------~~--- ~---~ ------_,- - --~------TEHSIL KIRAOLI I Abhcdonpura 2 Kiraoli Achnera 1,586 305 362 2,011 1,063 948 2 Abhuapura I Do. Do. 756 293 442 2,193 1,154 1,039 2 3 Achnera Do. Do. Town Area 4 Akbara 3 Do. Hariparbat 2,475 147 166 948 516 432 5 Akhwai 3 Do. Malpllra 1,117 126 127 782 413 369 6 Anganpura Do. Achnera 387 48 53 253 146 107 7 Ardaya Do. Do. 1,310 20S 300 1,588 841 747 3 3 Arehra ., Do. Fatehpur- 1,56(, 120 135 792 415 377 Sikri \I Arsena 1 Do. Achnera 1,448 148 169 855 445 410 10 Arua Khas 4 Do, Do. 1,464 224 227 1,199 613 586 5 11 Aloos 1 Do. Do. 1,03! 307 318 1,644 882 762 12 Aulcnda 7 Do. Falehpur- 4,327 347 350 ),612 886 726 28 4 Sikri 13 Babraud 2 Do. Achnera 8!4 64 78 428 232 196 14 Badanpur Barnawai 2 Do. FatehpUf- 93J 57 57 327 149 178 SIkri 15 Bagh Kalan 1 Do. _, Achnera 99 16 16 100 57 43 16 Baha 3 Do. ,. Kheragarh 1,281 336 459 ],819 987 832 17 Baharaw~ti Kha~ 1 Do. Achnera 373 50 70 311 173 138 26 18 Bakanda Khas 2 Do. _, Fatehpur- 1,525 43 53 305 ]65 ]40 Sikri 19 BamanpLlra 4 Do. Do. 514 lOT 135 679 407 272 20 Bandrauli 1 Do. Do. 509 18 36 2110 101 99 21 Banpllr 3 Do. Do. 730 87 103 518 274 244 22 Brauda Sadar 1 Do. .. Malpura 707 91 DO 599 306 293 23 Barauli 2 Do. Achnera 778 96 J18 636 349 287 24 Basiva Bobla 6 Do. ,. Malpura 566 307 357 1,987 1,085 902 25 Basiya Jot raj 3 Do. Do. 357 98 II! 603 337 266 26 Basiya Malkana 1 Do. Achnera 779 32 56 334 188 146 27 Basiva Raimal 3 Do. .. Malpura 456 133 157 866 449 417 28 Basehri Chahar 3 Do. FalehpuT- 1,025 168 270 1,619 889 730 Sikri 29 Basehr i Qazi 1 Do. Do. 540 48 60 330 172 158 30 Basehri Sikander 1 Do. Do. 460 12 16 118 59 59 31 Bastai 2 Do. Acbnera 581 90 106 521 286 235 32 Bazidpur Do. Fatehpur- 674 Unpopulated Sikd 33 Beman " 2 Do. Do. 1,347 214 280 1,459 787 672 34 Bhanderi 1 Do. ,. Aclmera 534 58 72 357 199 158 35 Bharkol .. 3 Do. Fatehpur- 1,033 104 149 748 412 336 29 Sikri 36 Bhilauli 2 Do. Achnera 754 11 S 121 541 280 261 37 Bhopm 1 Do. FatehpUf- _, 924 114 114 537 301 236 Sikri 38 Biara 1 Do., Achnera 938 267 284 1,422 761 661 39 BidY

------~ ~---- 209 Abstract-(contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGR[CULTURAL CLASSES IV-.Non­ I -Cliitiva­ II- Cultiva­ culli vating tors orland tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri- VUI-Other mliniy m tinly III -Cultiva­ cultural rent V -Produc- services and owned unowned ling labour­ receivers: tion other miscella- Displaced and their and their ers and their and thelr than cul- VI-Com­ VII~Trans- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation merce port sources -----_------~------" M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F8

14 15- 16 17 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


293 38 481 407 2 2 48 46 364 346 96 84 15 6 57 57 1 42 689 607 141 168 139 117 29 25 15 8 141 114 2 3 140 15 325 272 52 49 31 18 3 5 5 2 42 43 58 43 4 60 356 321 13 12 8 11 10 4 12 8 5 3 9 10 5 6 122 84 5 7 11 13 2 6 3 6 99 '2 541 479 76 79 48 39 53 40 15 12 5 3 103 95 7 7'}. 3 286 243 31 36 18 33 51 37 7 8 4 4 18 16 8 102 3 292 284 28 22 29 22 t 40 28 5 7 2S 15 25 32 9 113 8 328 315 97 92 66 65 16 23 20 24 49 38 3 9 34 20 10 201 8 574 487 34 26_ 4 4 26 26 61 42 79 78 104 99 11 p5 5 648 539 100 76 39 21 4 8 27 28 5 2 2 61 52 12 44 159 131 9 3 21 16 16 17 21 15 6 13 13 6 138 168 2 3 6 4 3 3 14 12 2 15 16 4 3 17 21 21 3 15 155 2 697 598 116 99 43 38 51 47 18 18 62 32 16 38 2 50 36 5 4 21 16 78 71 3 16 11 17 153 129 4 2 3 1 2 1 3 7 18 70 273 185 10 4 55 36 7 5 29 20 18 9 15 13 19 14 1 88 9 5 9 6 20 35 3 I~~ 154 34 29 17 11 1 30 26 19 12 1 3 10 8 21 49 4 166 162 9 8 43 32 21 20 56 62 11 9 22 19 237 206 1 2 48 38 1 30 21 6 3 3 3 24 13 23 95 5 684 561 47 39 74 50 7 I3 149 134 33 32 18 16 73 57 24 21 230 170 29 18 4 21 20 1 3 19 19 37 32 25 8 124 98 41 35 2 3 11 6 5 2 5 2 26 116 's 272 285 46 28 32 31 71 53 10 9 18 11 }.7 124 1 662 531 40 39 101 68 5 s 37 37 4 23 2 34 22 28 18 133 124 28 24 1 1 4 3 6 6 29 10 6 39 44 18 14 2 I 30 59 169 152 35 32 25 12 9 18 36 7 12 14 31 32 92 636 510 20 65 34 19 41 44 26 15 18 30 1 33 19 142 111 I3 10 13 10 I 8 7 20 18 2 2 34 65 7 249 211 83 59 9 8 2 2 46 35 1 5 2 2 20 14 35 53 230 213 11 17 19 21 5 5 4 11 5 36 54 232 184 36 29 5 2 15 9 4 3 9 9 37 212 18 466 433 43 30 95 74 8 14 52 33 26 15 71 62 38 65 7 209 178 1 7 5 16 7 27 20 39 1 23 15 1 40 50 212 194 1 8 7 20 i6 7 5 '5 4 41 23 258 231 7 3 13 19 1 13 17 5 8 42 43 .5 482 452 10 5 7 2 21 18 7 11 5 6 47 20 43 115 1 195 163 26 30 6 1 12 6 3 1 6 8 19 I? 44 129 315 247 85, 74 17 16 46 59 14 12 91 82 45 9 71 53 1 1 46 159 753 643 42 22 72 50 87 74 50 51 48 53 95 81 47 109 129 120 163 137 55 50 33 31 22 15 22 15 48 44 5 235 193 37 28 24 22 2 24 16 8 11 2 24 18 49 33 342 337 9 IO 2 1 6 7 16 9 SO 88 391 350 41 24 4 2 IS 14 10 6 26 23 51 3 165 141 • 1 31 24 3 5 40 29 4 4 9 7 52 90 3 391 308 107 93 16 5 39 27 28 40 53 33 209 183 15 16 22 15 21 19 6 3 15 8 S4 428 14 754 664 61 40 117- 181 3 5 156 141 159 109 101 82 55 15 283 209 17 10 43 29 7 9 8 10 21 15 3 1 14 11 56 198 12 532 498 81 66 54 35 30 33 1 2 36 31 57 120 1 530 422 2 3 7 5 37 39 15 12 57 43 46 32 58 78 14 230 193 63 40 20 II 10 5 11 10 22 31 59 68 8 311 262 33 29 24 12 11 10 15 14 8 7 27 27 60 11 46 31 I 1 61 210 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of insti tut1on& houseless houses and houseless persons) persons No. of the 8 hamlets No. of .g Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- 8 TOv.l1/Ward village Pargl1lla Thl1lla acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 TEHSIL KIRAOLI

62 Ghorauli I Kiraoli ., Fatebpur-Sikri 570 20 21 83 54 29 4 63 Gobra .. 1 Do. .. Achnera 597 100 121 623 343 28& 64 Gopau .. 3 Do. Do. 1,805 233 34~ 1,411) 729 681 65 Gothra .. I Do • .. FMChpUI- 841 58 60 394 210 184 Sikri 66 Gujarpura 1 Do. Do. 731 59 81 369 201 168 67 Gurha .. 3 Do. Achnera 564 41 47 219 1Z1 98 68 GurkiMandi 1 Do . . , Fatelrpur- 947 150 175 sn 434 389 Si1cri Hansela .. 3 Do. .. Achnera 1,889 261 261 1,660 929 7M 7 69 1 70 -Hanspura 1 00. .. Fatehpur- 402 55 55 270 151 119 Sikri 71 Ikr=agar 2 Do. Khcragarh .. 751 126 126 724 391 333 72 Imlauda 1 Do. Fatehpur- 732 59 59 344 177 167 ' Si1cri 73 Jahanpur 1 Do. Do. 520 88 90 44S 223 222 Jaingara 2 Do. Do. 1,897 235 264 1,516 823 693 16 74 861) 6 75 Jajau 1 00. Do. 2,054 302 333 1,835 975 76 Jajauli .. 3 00• 00. 997 89 143 711 379 332 77 Jakha 1 Do. .. Achnera 176 20 23 106 59 47 78 Janutha " 1 Do. Do. 832 113 160 924 481 443 79 Jautana 1 Do. Fatehpur- 1,974 140 191 927 474 453 2 Sikri 80 Jbarau!i t Do. Acbnera 730 53 79 388 217 171 81 Jitaura 1 00. .. Malpura .. 544 73 74 376 -216 160 82 Jugsena " t 00. Achnera 973 27 27 133 74 59 83 Kachaura 3 00. Do. 2,579 18 28 2,065 1,105 960 10 84 Karahra 4 Do• .. Malpura 1,974 240 277 1,964 9118 976 9 85 Karahai 2 00. ,. Fatehpur- 899 57 71 369 192 177 Sikri 86 Kasauti ,. Do • .. Acbnera 502 49 56 Z68 147 121 87 Kathwari 00. Do. 805 126 146 1,217 652 565 88 Khandwai Do. Do. 901 116 116 587 335 252 89 Khanpur Nithari Do• . , Fatehpur- 577 15 22 99 52 47 Sikri 90 Khera Bakanda 2 Do. Do. 746 59 73 3SS 199 156 91 KheraJat 1 00. Do. 777 61 99 423 224 199 92 Khera Sandhan 1 Do. Aclmera 1,068 51 82 441 241 200 Kheragarh " '. 1,213 230 1,153 619 534 93 Kheria 5 Do. " 135 94 Kitham " 2 Do• . , Aclmera 1,691 198 213 1,020 563 457 2,571 118 244 1,407 763 644 58 95 Konrai " 7 Do. .. Fatehpur· Sikri 96 Kukthala 2 Do• .. Achnera 1,240 94 225 1,215 631 S84 97 Lohkarera 1 00. Do. 675 105 223 1,094 609 485 98 Mai 1 Do. Do. 1,071 110 132 733 385 348 99 MaiBuzurg 4 Do. ,. Fatehpur- 988 123 222 397 22S 172 Sikri 100 Mahdau ,. 3 Do. Do. 1,438 55 183 835 424 411 101 Mahuar " 2 Do• . , Aclmera 1,025 93 241 1,263 6SS 6&8 102 Malikpura 1 Do. .. Fatebpur- 551 54 73 422 230 192 Sikri 103 Mandauli 3 Do. Do. 1,019 75 89 438 267 171 104 Mandi Mirza Khan 1 Do. Do. 303 146 200 1,023 S35 488 105 Mangoli Kalan 1 Do. Da. 478 52 64 316 171 145 106 Mangoli Khurd 1 Do. Do. 449 17 19 107 55 52 107 Mangraul Gujar 3 00. .. Achnera 1,744 20 43 983 526 457 Hl8 Mangraul Jat 2 Do. Do. 1,475 155 275 1,295 705 S90 109 Mangura 4 Do. Do. 1,112 182 192 1,013 522 491 llO Manian " 1 Do. .. Mlllpura 579 52 112 327 175 152 570 58 85 316 171 145 111 Mohammadpur 1 Do. " Fatehpur- Sikri 112 Mori 1 00. .. Achnera 487 23 30 159 81 78 113 Mumarizpur 1 Do. Do. 295 54 69 533 290 Z43 114 Murenda,. 1 00. Do. 460 121 125 529 291 238 115 Nagar .. 2 Do. Do. 670 200 252 1,433 77{J 663 116 NaglaArrua 1 Do. D ... 1,391 123 126 572 300 272 117 Nagla Baharawati 3 -_Do. Do. 600 124 134 679 344 33S 118 Nagla MangoIi 1 Do. ,. Fatehpur- 495 49 54 227 126 101 Sikri 119 NaglaSarai 3 Do. DO. 783 104- 134 634 356 278 791 139 143 740 392 348 120 N~Sikarwar 3 Do. " Malpura .. 121 N bani 1 00. Do, 877 161 168 671 348 323 122 Ninau .. 1 Do • .. Acbnera .• 344 4() 56 289 152 137 123 Naraul .. 1 Do• Kheragarh •. 1,013 59 63 -339 182 151 211 Abstract-( contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non- I - Cultiva­ II- Cultiva- cultivating tors of land tors of land owners of wholly or wholly or land; agri- VIII- Other mainly mainly IlI- Cultiva- cultural rent V- Produc- services and owned unowned ting labour- receivers; tion other miscella- Displaced and their and their ers and their and their than cui- VI- Com- VU-Trans- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation merce port sources g


==~14:==~15~==~1~6==~1:7==-_-=1~8~_-_-_-~~19====20====2=1===2~2===2~3===~~==~2~5__ ~26~ __27~~2~8 __~2~9 __~3~0 __ ~3~1 ___ 3~2 __ ~33

(RURAL)- (contd.) 6 13 4 31 19 1 8 6 1 62 23 224 183 6 4 64 49 2 3 27 23 5 5 'j 14 10 63 91 3 625 572 16 9 46 55 15 18 8 13 8 6 11 8 64 32 1 208 181 1 I 3 65 12 183 160 5 2 4 8 4 66 10 104 77 8 11 5 3 2 3 2 4 67 92 13 203 185 32 27 S 11 6 7 8& 69 27 28 17 12 53 50 68 166 3 558 425 8 9 99 70 89 166 154 47 21 14 69 35 2 126 98 11 997 5 5 70

~ 357 304 1 1 17 20 724 3 5 3 71 37 5 141 145 21 17 4 11 5 72 26 3 159 168 4 2 5 5 48 37 2 4 5 6 73 151 16 474 437 19 6 91 66 m 95 79 59 2 1 34 29 74 2 223 22 701 643 18 18 ,146 106 52 41 25 19 33 33 75 50 1 319 277 23 29 3 3 18 14 6 4 10 5 76 5 53 43 4 3 1 1 1 77 81 7 391 353 9 5 24 29 22 21 20 icj 1 1 1 13 is 78 155 4 340 302 27 29 13 10 67 85 2 2 6 25 19 79. 33 129 102 51 38 24 14 7 6 1 5 11 80 47 2 164 117 8 6 1 1 11 12 6 7 1 25 17 81 4 1 66 50 3 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 82 20 26 730 640 105 70 89 76 1 6 66 64 36 35 38 27 40 42 83 115 13 539 542 85 111 116 100 9 5 105 84 53 57 26 20 55 57 84 16 167 164 1 21 12 3 1 gS 20 113 96 6 7 17 11 5 4 2 1 1 3 2 86 16 259 234 89 72 84 70 3 12 77 74 54 33 18 12 68 58 87 45 2 268 198 26 20 9 5 2 1 12 14 5 4 2 4 11 6 88 1 46 42 3 1 3 4 89

9 154 117 24 ~ 9 4 4 5 2 3 5 90 43 150 130 46 46 4 3 13 9 2 2 9 9 91 16 119 97 36 32 38 29 22 12 7 3 3 9 16 18 92 79 1 420 360 41 41 13 8 73 47 8 11 42 43 22 24 93 39 5 290 227 111 98 36 29 25 18 10 15 47 32 44 38 94 92 3 504 422 128 113 10 5 28 28 10 10 13 5 70 61 95 37 132 497 463 3 92 83 24 20 2 1 13 17 96 195 70 476 364 9 1 38 45 51 46 5 8 11 6 19 15 97 50 265 254 6 8 90 70 11 9 13 7 98 122 2 188 140 20 15 10 13 7 4 99 33 255 257 59 55 52 41 21 22 4 2 14 14 18 20 100 96 479 436 13 17 54 51 10 13 55 40 6 12 38 39 101 18 82 29 127 158 6 2 2 3 1 1 9 2 102 16 238 150 1 542 14 8 10 6 103 152 9 442 416 32 28 10 13 8 13 22 13 2 19 5 104 18 121 101 15 17 8 8 2 3 12 8 13 8 105 4 50 49 4 3 1 .i 106 . i 18 17 373 314 42 43 58 49 11 9 16 17 , i 25 25 107 4 3 44 .6 379 318 42 40 139 109 74 62 11 5 1 59 55 108 88 5 306 265 96 91 26 ~ 1 42 46 9 13 7 6 35 46 109 40 136 119 4 341 11 7 1 20 21 110 45 6 116 100 30 28 8 5 11 7 2 4 4 1 111 3 71 68 1 3 2 2 7 4 1 112 23 3 233 195 17 12 25 16 6 10 9 10 113 .. 51 1 158 119 46 38 25 18 1 5 21 22 4 6 7 7 29 23 114 233 1 517 434 32 20 2 2 9 7 63 65 49 33 2 4 96 98 lI5 50 187 186 33 33- 21 13 17 7 7 5 7 8 9 11 19 9 116 82 2 154 172 55 51 21 22 75 63 14 6 25 21 117 10 94 82 1 5 5 4 7 2 1 7 5 It 3 118 44 233 180 98 77 10 6 11 9 2 2 2 4 119 9 284 254 24 16 33 26 30 29 5 2 16 21 120 69 214 212 14 7 47 40 2 30 36 19 13 22 14 121 14 118 102 16 9 4 5 8 6 3 1 1 2 14 122 19 148 135 14 444 1 5 7 5 4 5 3 123 212 'Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseless persons) persons No. of the ---- hamlets No. of Code N arne of Village or in the Area in No. of house- no. Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F,

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 TEHSIL KIRAOU

124 Nayabans 1 Kiraoli Achnera 996 64 74 295 152 143 125 Nazirpura I Do. Fatehpur 382 13 14 68 41 27 Sikri 126 Ninwaya 3 Do. ., Achnera 615 89 119 562 297 265 127 Nurpur 1 Do. Fatehpur 539 62 81 411 207 204 Sikri 128 Pali Kiraoli Do. Do. 906 121 132 612 320 292 6 129 Pali Sadar Do. Achnera 443 35 43 207 109 98 130 Panchakki Do. Fatehpur 331 15 21 81 47 34 Sikri 131 Panwari Do. Achnera 1,371 356 394 1,794 923 871 132 Patsal ., Do. Fatehpur 2,039 134 152 647 356 291 Sikri 133- Purarnana 5 Do. Achnera 1,077 545 792 3,270 1,800 1,470 128 134 Raibha 7 Do. Do. 4,040 621 787 4,302 2,298 2,004 135 Raipur Ahir 1 Do. Do. 12S 77 99 552 291 261 136 Rampur 1 Do. Do. 338 33 38 186 109 77 137 Ra.<;ulpur Kiraoli 1 Do. Fatehpur 529 35 54 302 156 146 Sikri 138 Rasulpur Sadar 1 Do. Achnera 426 20 23 111 63 48 1:'.9 Rithaura 1 Do. Malllura 674 16 24 144 75 69 '140 Rujholi .. 1 Do. Fatehpur 650 187 209 1,260 681 579 Sikri 141 Runkata 3 Do. Achnera 4,044 427 536 2,854 1,552 1,302 70 142 Sahanpur 2 Do. Fatehpur 1,522 37 56 260 150 110 Sikri 143 Sahi 1 Do. Achnera 743 180 205 1,028 554 474 4 144 Sakatpur' . 1 Do. po. 379 131 139 792 419 373 145 Salernabad 2 Do. Fatehpur 724 139 176 857 484 373 Sikri 146 Sandhan 3 Do. Achnera 2,435 418 543 2,756 1,534 1,222- 16 147 Samra 3 Do. Fatchpur 2,641 263 299 1,493 770 723 Sikri 148 Santha 2 Do. Achnera 960 106 120 609 357 252 2 149 Sarsa 1 Do. Fatehpur 1,177 201 204 1,238 651 587 Sikri 150 Sehta Do. Achnera 657 62 70 312 163 149 1St Sugnapur Do. .. Malpura 664 33 40 222- 114 108 152 Sikrauda Do. Fatehpur 1,900 230 253 1,290 694 596 Sikri 153 Sikri Hissa IV 1 Do. Do. 1,886 160 362 1,837 985 852 154 Sikri Hissa II 2 Do. Do. 1,052 33 34 158 80 78 155 Singarpur 3 Do. Achnera 499 20 44 261 141 120 33 156 Singna 4 Do. 00. 1,992 172 172 849 452 397 157 Sipahra 1 Do. Fatehpur 260 16 29 159 83 76 Sikri 158 Sirauli 1 Do. Do. 471 65 79 305 172 133 159 Sonothi 1 Do. Do. 630 83 93 477 246 231 575 38 40 279 151 128 160 ~unehra 1 Do. Do. 4 161 Surauthi .. 1 Do. Achnera 743 51 56 303 153 150 4 162 Tajpur 4 Do. Do. 757 101 105 533 291 242 163 Tehra Rawat 2 Do. Fatehpur 985 81 97 523 264 259 Sikri 164 Thapi 1 Po. Achnera 288 22 27 116 61 55 165 Tikri 2 Do. Fatehpur 811 141 157 889 468 421 Sikri 166 Tirpuri I Do. .. Achnera 341 15 16 125 58 67 167 Turkia 1 Do. Do. 538 62 62 331 178 153 168 UjFai 1 Do. Malpura 589 158 161 869 487 382 169 Undera 1 Do. Fatehepur 2,246 230 304 1,612 849 763 Sikri 170 Uttu Do. Do. 632 20 25 116 61 55 171 Fatehpur Sikri Do. Do. Municipality Total Tebsil KiraoH (Rural) 305 170,199 20,313 25,390 132,841 71,321 61,520 370 161 213 Abstrad-(rontd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV- Non­ cultivating 11- Cultivators owners of 1- Cultivators of ofland wholly land; agri- VIII~Other land wholly or or mainly III- Cultivat· cultural rent V-Produc- services and mainly owned unowned ing labourers receivers; tion other miscella­ Displaced and their and their and their and their than cul- VI- Com- VII-Trans- neous persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation merce port sources ------"-----


14 IS 16 17 18 19 20 21 32 33

(RURAL)-·(l"oncld.) 42 111 102 8 15 12 9 2 19 17 124 4 41 27 125 SO 164 137 48 41 11 5 8 9 35 34 11 16 2 19 21 126 25 147 135 28 34 14 10 2 11 10 5 10 2 3 127 76 1 268 255 25 18 11 13 3 1 2 1 3 3 8 I 128 29 4 80 62 6 13 10 6 3 3 1 1. 1 9 11 129 7 32 22 15 12 130 144 13 380 353 13 9 156 127 9 25 116 115 65 64 96 92 88 86 131 27 283 236 14 16 24 16 6 1 2 3 13 9 14 10 132 3 300 52 590 450 7 10 5 7 343 276 406 359 46 41 403 327 133 135 14 1,636 1,436 15 15 106 76 1 149 127 132 109 88 68 172 172 134 45 7 196 179 17 23 55 42 4 2 4 6 12 8 3 1 135 46 2 96 70 3 1 10 6 136 23 137 130 10 10 5 3 1 3 3 137 8 57 47 3 2 138 13 70 61 4 4 4 1 139 132 15 447 370 51 56 74 60 33 23 34 31 42 39 140 242 68 631 577 166 141 63 44 24 23 126 119 333 255 66 48 143 95 141 15 2 130 98 8 8 1 4 2 7 2 142 136 10 315 290 37 26 38 30 71 57 14 14 22 12 57 45 143 101 14 309 268 28 31 15 20 23 14 5 7 4 5 35 28 144 107 6 370 283 7 6 70 55 2 2 14 7 4 2 17 18 145 87 7 1,079 832 89 86 102 88 4 7 74 56 70 45 10 10 106 98 146 80 472 452 158 133 52 46 38 38 22 20 7 8 21 26 147 92 8 153 119 115 71 2 42 22 11 11 6 3 30 24 148 62 2 521 486 82 70 22 10 9 7 11 6 6 8 149 46 6 92 93 11 16 7 2 29 19 6 4 18 15 ISO 5 102 99 6 2 2 4 2 2 2 1 151 109 398 367 107 82 31 24 75 53 17 19 5 61 51 152 226 6 656 582 24 14 51 36 2 107 91 30 26 3 114 100 153 1 72 73 3 3 5 2 154 8 1 72 67 18 18 12 16 36 11 3 8 155 105 20 333 297 10 3 24 12 32 35 15 24 11 3 27 23 156 1 68 71 9 3 2 4 2 157 22 107 78 37 31 8 6 14 15 6 3 158 61 2 174 177 59 49 1 1 1 3 8 4 159 27 102 93 6 9 10 8 3 13 9 9 2 8 6 160 14 135 132 2 1 6 2 2 2 11 10 161 20 2 194 167 72 57 1 4 6 13 7 8 4 162 35 4 123 120 4 8 1 114 110 2 3 1 19 18 163 4 35 34 9 6 9 9 4 1 2 3 2 2 164 88 3 330 299 91 84 9 4 19 16 3 1 16 17 165 4 55 66 3 1 166 52 92 85 32 33 i4 16 16 8 4 5 10 6 167 148 1 338 261 23 21 47 42 26 15 13 20 9 6 31 17 168 173 6 643 566 68 64 25 20 40 41 24 23 4 49 45 169 8 36 34 ;U 19 2 2 2 170 111 10 9 11,109 921 47,093 40,8725,2164,5# M36 3,754 303 351 5,411 4,737 3,(H5 2,191 1,030 890 4,564 3,878 214 Primary Census

Ocrupied houses

No.oftlle hamlets No. of Code Name Jf Village or in the Area in No. of house- no. Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

, mHSIL KIRAOU 3 Achnera Town Area Kiraoh Achnera 2,476 1,427 1,571 1 415 416 2 326 404 3 494 549 4 -_ 192 _~2 171 Fatehpur Sikri Municipal Board Kiraoli Fatehpur Sikri f 2,oj2 1,273 - 1,5 7~ I 295 349 2 212 262 3 244 273 4 190 242 5 193 244 6 139 197 Total Tebsil Kiraoli (Urban) MOB 2,700 3,138 Total Tehsn Kiraoli 30S 174,707 23,043 28,528


I_,Cultivators of land wholly or 11-Cultivators of land mainly owned wholly or mainly un- III-Cultivating and their owned and their labourers and their dependants dependants dependants

Cod. Name of Village or no. TownjWard M F M F M F

2 18 19 20 21 22 23


3 Achnera Town Area 713 611 44 34 281 222 1 147 140 14 10 237 IS8 2 330 275 18 12 18 9 3 235 195 12 11 26 25 4 1 1 1 171 Fatehpur Sikri Municipal Board 539 544 184 166 13 13 1 159 150 19 18 2 73 110 17 22 .i 3 170 157 48 29 5 7 4 86 69 6 5 5 5 4 99 97 t 6 46 54 1 Total Tehsi1 Kiraoli (Urban) 1,252 1,155 128 200 294 235 Total TehslI Kiraoli 48,34S 42,027 5,444 4,744 4,930 3,989 215 Abstract-(concld.)

Inmate3 of Total no. of pel'SOns institutions enumerated (including and inmates ofinstitutions houseless Displaced and houseless persons) persons persons Literates d 1:1 -8 Persons Males Females M F M F M F 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

URBAN NON·ClTY 7,509 4,053 3,456 19 14 104 76 1,287 362 3 2,119 1,131 988 13 12 4 3 223 46 2,008 1,103 905 2 2 32 22 453 132 2,733 1,425 1,308 41 37 556 129 649 394 25S 4 27 14 55 55 8,959 4,775 -1,184 1 12 28 20 847 214 171 2,066 1,111 955 17 13 304 86 1,167 592 575 1,973 1,107 866 80 2 ),209 636 573 242 61 1,553 813 740 1 12 11 7 197 39 991 516 475 24 26 16,468 8,828 7,640 20 26 132 96 2,134 576 149,309 80,149 69,160 390 ]87 142 105 ]3,243 1,498


IV-Non-cultiva· ting owners oCland; agricultural rent receivers ; V~Production VlII-Other services and their other than Vll-Trans. and miscellaneous dependants cultil'lltion VI-Commerce port sources ci c -8 M F M F M F M F M F 8 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 URBAN NON-CITY-(concld.)

23 16 770 669 655 578 670 546 897 780 3 189 154 100 107 206 205 238 184 17 11 219 194 227 176 58 48 216 180 4 2 302 272 318 294 158 146 370 363 2 3 60 49 10 1 248 147 73 53 30 26 2,107 1,730 811 782 209 171 882 752 171 19 10 450 393 185 180 52 33 226 171 4 6 327 287 41 47 24 25 106 77 3 493 335 100 92 32 30 256 216 4 2 • 306 255 162 169 16 22 56 51 5 315 297 178 150 55 34 160 153 3 216 163 145 144 30 27 78 84 53 42 2,877 2,399 1,466 1,360 879 717 1,779 1,532 356 393 8,311 7,136 4,511 3,854 1,909 ],607 6,343 5,410 216 Parlana and Thana-wise Population


Population No. of Serial Villages and No. of no. Name of Pargana Towns houses Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 TEHSIL AGRA

1 Agra 138 60,252 511,609 279,280 232,329 TEHSIL BAH

1 Bah 207 22,239 151,863 81,413 70,450 TEHSIL ETMADPUR

Etmadpur 182 28,810 205,156 110,596 94,560 TEHSIL FATEHABAD

Fatehabad 164 19,508 139,566 75,364 _ 64,202 TEHSIL FlROZABAD

1 Firozabad 186 27,002 199,211 109,195 90,016 TEHSIL KHERAGARH

1 Kheragarh 154 22,169 144,671 78,292 66,385 TEllSIL KIRAOLI

1 Kiraoli " 170 23,043 149,309 80,149 69,160

(ii) 'IlHANAS

Population No. of Serial Village and No. of no. Name of Thana Towns houses Persons Males Females

2 4 5 6 7


MaJpura 46 9,535 56,284 30,041 26,243 2 Tajganj (Rural) 35 4,432 28,529 15,304 13,225 3 Loharnandi (Rural) 10 1,204 6,821 3,596 3,225 4 Hmparbat (Rural) 18 3,321 20,685 11,050 9,635 5 I>owki .. 22 3,153 20,280 11,029 9,251 6 Sadar Bazar (Rural) 4 385 3,037 1,642 1,395 7 Chhatta (Rural) 77 308 159 149 8 Rakabganj (CitY) ,,') 9 Kotwali (City) Tajganj (City) .. Lohamandi (City) "t 2 38,145 375,665 206,459 169,206 Hariparbat (City) .. \ Sadar Bazar (City) Chhatta (City) .."J

NOTE- The break-up of ci ty population among the thanas is given below. The figures of population have been derived from tho National Register of Citizens and so the ci ty totals do not tally exactly with the fillures in the above table, which are based on the Primary Census Abstract. Rakabganj 63,553 34,103 29,450 Kotwali .• 61,085 32,765 28,320 Tajganj ., 12,lSS 11,827 10,428 Lobamandi 76,307 41,384 34,923 Hariparbat 46,738 26,449 20,289

• Sadar Bazar 55,083 32,743 22,340 Chhatta •• 48,803 26,654 22,149 217 Pargana and Thana-wise Population


Population No. of Serial Village and No. of no. Name of Thana Towns houses Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 TEHSILBAH Bah 87 8,846 58,851 31,596 27,255 2 Pinhat 61 7,599 53.290 28,782 24,508 3 Gailpur Kalan .• 59 5,794 39,722 21,035 18,687 TEHSIL ETMADPUR Khandoli 35 6,802 39,522 21,265 18,257 2 Chhatta 815 6,473 3,461 3,012 3 Etmadpur 60 7,422 59,785 32,126 27,659

4 Tundla 35 6,840 47,385 25,833 21,552 5 Aharan 51 6,931 51,991 27,911 24,080 TEflSIL FATEHABAD Iradat Nagar 18 2,316 14,566 7,865 6,701

2 Fatehabad 84 7,636 56,751 30,732 26,019

3 Shamshabad 47 7,043 50,838 27,517 23,321 4 Dowki 15 2,513 17,411 9,250 8,161 TEHSIL FIROZABAD Firoza6ad 113 20,912 150,561 82,927 67,634 2 Narki 73 6,090 48,650 26,268 22,382 'l'EHSIL KHERAGARH Kheragarh 48 7,057 45,523 24,312 21,211

2 Saiyan 29 6,573 42,937 23,166 19,771 3 Iradat ~agar .. 29 3,292 20,921 11,355 9,566 4 Jagoer 48 5,247 35,296 19,459 15,837 TEHSIL KIRAOLI

Kheragarh 7 1,179 7,590 4,094 3,496

2 Hariparbat 2 1,420 9,907 5,291 4,616

3 Fatehpur Sikri 72 7,438 47,803 25,645 22,158

4 Malpura 14 1,948 12,271 6,532 5,739

S Achhnera 75 11,058 71,738 38,587 33,151


1941 1942 Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 6 7 A-.Births­ Live Births Total 50,938 33,167 17,771 43,117 26,327 16,790 Males 27,044 17,937 9,107 22,928 14,306 8,622 Females 23,894 15,230 8,664 20,189 12,021 8,168 Still Births " Total 363 364 Males 196 204 Females 167 160 Birth Rate " Total 39'2 32'6 (per 1,000) Males 20'8 17'3 Females 18'4 15'3 B~ Deaths hy age groups- Total 27,994 16,446 11,548 30,090 17,885 12,205 Males 14,872 9,168 5,704 15,823 9,818 6,005 Females 13,122 7,278 5,844 14,267 8,067 6,200 Under 1 year Males 3,801 1,995 1,806 3,800 1,951 1,849 Females 3,164 1,545 1,619 3,249 1,542 1,707 1-5 " Males 4,265 2,755 1,510 3,941 2,470 1,471 Females 3,468 1,923 1,545 3,525 1,961 1,564

5~10 Males 608 378 230 827 529 298 Females 529 291 238 708 423 285 10-15 Males 325 218 107 483 343 140 Females 349 174 175 456 244 212 15-20 Males 323 217 106 365 239 126 Females 509 226 283 558 277 281 20-30 Males 766 477 289 780 496 284 Females 1,241 626 615 1,269 657 612 30-40 Males 692 457 235 764 475 289 Females 780 489 291 850 528 322 40-50 Males 88Z 595 287 946 630 316 Females 662 445 217 724 489 235

50-60 Males 958 673 285 1,182 879 303 Females 656 469 187 724 540 184 60 and over Males 2,252 1,403 849 2,735 1,806 929 Females 1,764 1,090 674 2,204 1,406 798 C-Deaths from selected causes­ Cholera 310 272 38 115 60 .5S Small-pox 15 12 3 61 26 35 Plague Fevers 15,593 14,338 1,255 17,830 16,213 1,617 Dysentery or Diarrhoea 1,810 78 1,732 1,810 33 1,777 Respiratory diseases 4,763 118 4,645 4,520 125 4,395- Injuries 353 213 140 321 183 , 138 Other causes 5,150 1,415 3,735 5,433 1,245 4,188 Death rate from all causes (per 1,(00)­ Total 21'6 17'9 22'8 19'2 Males 21'2 22'1 Females 22'0 23'S 221 Statistics

1943 1944 1945 Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ------..15~------·1r-6

36,716 26,938 15,778 41,019 24,421 16,598 48,964 28,437 20,527

19,691 11,463 8,228 1.2,103 13,437 8,666 26,276 15,547 10,723

17,625 9,475 7,550 18,916 10,984 7,932 22,694 12,890 9,804 332 207 388 197 114 205 135 93 183

27-3 22-0 29'9 25-3 35'1 29'0 14-6 16'1 18'8 12-7 13-8 16-3

30,998 19,689 11,309 29,489 17,860 11,629 28,337 16,892 ll,44!, 16,339 10,808 5,531 15,807 10,093 5,714 15,233 9,584 5,649

14,659 8,881 5,778 13,682 7,767 5,915 13,104 7,308 5,796 3,096 1,500 1,596 2,894 1,290 1,604 3,526 1,768 1,758

2,563 1,124 1,439 2,474 956 1,518 2,870 1,284 1,586

3,936 2,617 1,319 3,667 2,159 1,508 3,195 1,959 1,236

3,552 2,115 1,437 3,109 1,496 1,613 2,702 1,396 1,306

1,096 831 265 992 681 311 946 623 323 845 566 279 810 505 305 806 445 361 608 457 151 568 417 151 506 348 - 158 529 349 180 444 280 164 457 279 178

441 299 142 469 353 116 484 360 124

573 303 270 451 264 IS7 542 299 243

935 635 300 987 688 299 930 647 283

1,284 704 580 1,290 707 583 1,269 677 592

792 531 261 953 685 268 880 623 257

940 604 336 1,051 698 353 1,027 640 387 1,054 776 278 1,188 871 317 1,097 783 314

854 632 222 896 672 224 866 649 217 1,362 1,006 356 1,394 1,049 345 1,161 846 315 1,026 757 269 997 766 231 776 575 201

3,019 2,156 863 2,695 1,900 795 2.508 1,627 881 2,493 1,727 766 2,160 1,423 737 1,789 1,064 725

115 101 14 323 243 80 375 192 183 41 31 10 127 28 99 690 420 270

19,883 18,383 1,500 18,064 16,737 1,327 16,214 15,042 1,172 1,712 8 1,704 1,568 3 1,565 1,151 31 1,120

4,394 75 4,319 4,2C!4 7 4,257 4,658 77 4,581

304 161 143 180 , 37 143 329 174 155 4,549 930 3,619 4,963 805 4,158 4,920 956 3,964

23-0 1.0-7 21-5 18-5 20-3 17-2

22-5 21·4 20-3 23-7 il-7 20-4 222 Vital

194.6 194'[

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban ______~ ______~1~7 ______~18~ ______~1~9 ______~2~O~ ______~2~1 ____ ~ A_Bfrtbs-. Live Births Total 47,410 28,195 19,215 46,716 26,017 20,699 Males 25,354 15,355 9,999 25,229 14,506 10,723 Females 22,056 12,840 9,216 21,487 11,511 9,976 Still Births Total 293 205 Males 158 120 Females 135 85 Birth Rate ,. Total 33'4 28'3 32'4 (per 1,000) Males 17'9 17'5 Females 15'5 14'9 a -Deaths by age group_ Total 23,708 13,970 9,738 23,890 12,938 10,952 Males 12,737 7,929 4,808 12,769 7,362 5,407 Females 10,971 6,041 4,930 11,121 5,576 5,545 Males 2,979 1,468 1,511 3,043 1,297 1,746 Females 2,417 1,002 1,415 2,514 916 1,598 1-5 ,. Males 2,722 1,574 1,148 2,825 1,468 1,357 Females 2,360 1,078 1,282 2,547 1,041 1,506 5-10 ,. Males 516 341 175 502 322 180 Females 455 266 189 406 233 173 10-1S •. Males 457 335 122 383 290 93 Females 314 193 121 336 203 133 15-20 " Males 353 260 93 340 241 99 Females 394 233 161 487 263 224 20-30 " Males 826 547 279 702 433 269 Females 1,052 548 504 978 479 499 Males 771 548 223 679 434 245 Females 878 576 302 798 478 320 40-50 ., Males 918 662 256 855 572 283 Females 760 566 194 639 452 187

50-60 .' Males 1,068 777 291 1,028 721 307 Females 738 543 195 627 466 161 60 and over ,. Males 2,127 1,417 710 2,412 1,584 828 Females 1,603 1,036 567 1,789 1,045 744 C-Deaths froJll selected causes.- Cholera. 214 166 48 129 121 8 Small-pox 97 90 7 47 IS 32 Plague 2 39 12 27 Fevers 13,949 12,989 960 13,590 12,473 1,117 DysenterY or Diarrhoea 726 4 722 754 14 740 Respiratory diseases 4,048 24 4,024 4,605 7 4,598 Injuries 421 238 183 270 139 131 Other causes 4,251 458 3,793 4,456 157 4,299 Geatbrate fromaU eauses iD (1,000)­ Total 16'7 14'0 16'6 12'8 Males 16'7 16'4 Females 16'8 16'7 NOTl!-The data has been collCfted from the Annual Report of the Director of 223 Statistics-(concld,)

1948 1949 1950

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

40,752 21,062 19,690 42,264 21,600 20,664 43,560 22,233 21,327 21,910 ' 11,592 10,318 22,942 11,955 10,987 23,357 12,274 11,083 18,842 9,470 9,372 19,322 9,645 9,677 20,203 9,959 10,244 280 237 244

137 137 132

143 100 112 27'8 20'S 28'4 28'7 14'9 15'4 15'4

12'8 13'0 13'3

21,503 10,655 10,848 20,468 10,275 10,193 22,854 12,449 10.40S.

11,763 6,257 5,506 10,954 5,843 5,111 12,266 7,091 5,175 9,740 4,398 5,342 9,514 4,432 5,082 10,588 5,358 5,230

2,689 1,106 1,583 2,428 972 1,456 2,263 846 1,417

2,160 724 1,436 2,050 717 1,333 1,916 610 1,306

3,033 1,512 1,521 2,792 1,423 1,369 3,106 1,801 1,305

2,495 931 1,564 2,459 934 1,525 2,756 1,251 1,505 604 381 223 576 328 248 761 50S 256 455 242 213 485 230 255 607 341 266 • 398 271 127 335 228 107 489 349 140 310 179 131 291 171 120 413 257 156 334 237 97 336 226 110 437 338 99 443 232 211 415 212 203 473 252 221 628 360 268 565 336 229 681 420 261

922 396 526 911 403 508 939 478 461 613 383 230 56S 352 213 766 524 242 578 308 270 584 340 244 677 423 254 731 466 265 697 430 267 896 599 297 498 334 164 515 352 163 660 449 2tl 856 520 336 809 518 291 1,006 667 339 517 346 171 502 329 173 721 527 194 1,877 1,021 856 1,851 1,030 821 1,861 1,042 819

1,362 706 656 1,302 744 558 1.4M 770 656

467 394 73 17 57 20 10 8 2 92 9 83 2Z1 77 144 278 155 123 1

11,532 10,155 1,317 11,323 9,905 1,418 13,609 12,176 1,433 891 2 889 704 22 682 644 18 626 4,372 9 4,363 4,080 14 4,066 4,826 8 4,818 193 41 152 351 74 277 323 50 273 3,955 45 3,910 3,712 126 3,586 3,164 34 3,130

14'7 lIN 13"7 10'3 15'1 12'3

14'9 13'7 15'1

14'4 13'8 IS'l VeQical and Health Services. Uttar Pradesh, 224 AaricuJtural Statistics


From April I to From September I to From November I to August 31 October 31 Mlrch 31 Total

Number Number Number Number During of rainy During of rainy During of rainy During of rainy Year Normal the year days Normal the year days Normal the year days Normal the year days

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Inches Inches rnches Inches Inches Inches Inches IncheS 1901-02 1902·03 . 1903-04 1904·05

1905-06 20'10 7'19 13 4'92 2'87 5 1- 30 1-93 6 26'32 11-99 24 Total for 1901---06 Quinquennial average-1901 .....1l6

1906-07 20'10 15'18 23 4'92 9'14 10 1'30 2'25 6 26-32 26-57 39 1907-08 20'10 17'86 23 4'92 1-30 1-09 2 26-32 18-95 25 1908-09 20'10 29'01 35 4'92 1'14 3 1-30 0'60 2 26-32 30-75 40 1909-10 20'10 20'19 32 4'92 3'55 7 1-30 1'50 6 26-32 25'24 45 1910-11, 20 '10 12'99 22 4'92 14-34 11 1-30 1-81 5 26'32 21)-14 38 Total for 1906-·11 .. 100 '50 95 '23 135 24'60 28-17 31 6-50 7-25 21 131- 60 130-65 187 Qllinquennialaverage-.1906..... 11 20'10 19'05 27'0 4-92 5-63 6-2 1-30 1-45

1911-12 20 '10 6'68 II 4-92 10-14 15 1'30 3'93 6 26-32 20'75 32 1912-13 20 -10 16-44 25 4-92 9-58 6 1-30 I-59 5 26-32 27-61 36 1913-14 20'10 8':n 14 4-92 0'61 2 1'30 0-16 26'32 9-14 17 1914-15 20-10 18'26 28 4-92 7,53 8 1-30 6-89 10 26-32 32'68 46 1915-16 19'39 13'24 21 4'74 2'13 5 1'34 0-44 25-47 15-81 27 Total for 1911~16 99 '79 62'99 99 24-42 29'99 36 6-54 13-01 23 130-75 105'99 158 Quinquennial average--1911 .... 16 19 '96 12 '60 19:8 4-88 .6-00 7'2 1'31 2-60 4-6 26-15 21-20 31-1;

1916-17 19-39 27'10 29 4-74 5-61 91-341-08 3 25-47 33-79 41 1917-18 19-39 27-59 43 4-74 12-72 15 I-52 0-82 2 25-65 41-13 60 1918-19 18 -54 7-86 13 4-91 1-ll 2 I-55 1-32 3 25-00 10-29 18 1919-20 18'54 28-14 33 4-91 2-62 4 1'55 1-06 3 25-00 31-82 40 1920-21 IS-54 16-01 25 4-91 1-06 2 I-55 1-66 25-00 18-73 28

Total for 1916 ..... 21 94-40106-70 143 24-21 23-12 32 7-51 5-94 12 126-12 135-76 187 Q.tinqllennial average ..... 1916-21 18 -88 21-34 28-6 4-84 4-62 6-4 I-50 1-19 2-4 25-22 27-15 37'4

1921-22 18-54 14-37 21 4-91 11-92 10 I-55 0-25 25-00 26-54 32 1922-23 18-54 18-85 23 4-91 5'15 8 1'55 1-46 4 25-00 25'46 3S 1923-24 18-54 17-85 24 4-91 6-34 5 I-50 2-S1 7 24-95 27'00 36 1924-25 IS-88 16-14 2'1 4'74 11'38 13 1'46 0'89 2 25-08 28'41 42 1925-26 IS-88 24-62 32 4-74 I-59 3 1-46 3-37 6 25-08 29-58 41 Totalfor 1921-26..... 93-38 91:83 127 24-21 36-38 39 7'52 8'78 20 125-11 136'99 189 Quinquennialaverage-I921-2618-68 18-36 25-4 4-84 7-28 7-8 I-50 1-76 225 Agricultural Statistics--(contd_)


From April 1 to From September 1 to From November 1 to August 31 October 31 March 31 Total

Number Number Number Number During of rainy During of rainy During of rainy During of rainy year Normal the year days Normal the year days Normal the year days Normal the year days

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1I 12 13

Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 1926·27 18-88 22'18 31 4'74 6'42 10 1-46 0'78 2 25'08 29'38 43 1927·28 18'88 19'46 23 4'74 4' 35 7 1'46 3'71 7 25'08 27'52 37 1928·29 18'88 6'83 15 4'74 4'80 5 1'46 1-13 3 25'08 12'76 23 1929-30 18'88 13'96 23 4'74 1'30 2 1'46 1'41 4 25'08 16'67 29 1930·31 18'88 22'97 30 4'74 3'15 6 1'46 0'14 25'08 26'26 36 Total for 1926--31 94'40 85'40 122 23'70 20'02 30 7'30 7-17 16 125'40 112'59 168 Quinquennial average-1926-31 18'88 17'08 24'4 4'74 4'01 6'0 1'46 1'43 3'2 25'08 22'52 33,6

1931,32 18-88 11'79 24 4-74 14'70 13 1'46 0'75 25'08 27'24 38 1932·33 18'88 12'24 18 4'74 7'13 8 1-46 0'52 25'08 19'89 27 1933·34 18-89 27-29 34 4-74 10'15 11 1'46 2'07 5 25'09 39'51 50 1934·35 18'89 23-87 31 4'74 4'58 5 1'46 2'14 8 25'09 30-59 44 1935·36 18'89 22'37 24 4'74 4-59 6 1'46 1'53 5 25'09 28-49 35 Tala I for 1931-36 94'43 97'56 131 23-70 41'15 43 7'30 7-01 20 125'43 145'72 194 Quinquennial average-1931_36 18'89 19'51 26'2 4'74 8'23 8'6 1'46 1'40 4'0 25'09 29'14 38,8

1936·37 18'89 30'93 31 4'74 5'96 8 1-46 2,10 5 25'09 38'99 44 193738 18'89 11'04 21 4'74 3'28 5 1'46 1'76 25'09 16'08 29 193839 18'89 19'78 25 4'74 1-89 3 1'46 0'65 2 25'09 22'32 30 193940 18'89 16'30 20 4'74 15'89 9 1'46 2,13 6 25'09 34'32 35 1940-41 18'89 17-27 22 4-74 1'61 4 1'46 0'79 2 25'09 19-67 28 Total for 1936 .... 41 94'45 95'32 119 23'70 28-63 29 7'30 7'43 18 125'45 131'38 166 Quinquennial average-1936.... 41 18'89 19'06 23'8 4'74 5'73 5'8 1'46 1'49 3'6 25'09 26'28 33'2

1941·42 18'89 9'05 16 4'74 2'20 4 1'46 2'27 5 25'09 13'52 25 194243 18-89 23'31 31 4'74 11'51 8 1'46 0'80 2 25'09 35'62 41 1943-44 18'89 22'06 27 4'74 5-32 7 1'46 3-44 9 25'09 30'82 43

194445 18'89 15'48 25 4'74 3'65 4 1'43 0'78 3 25-06 19'~1 32 194546 18'73 19'25 26 5 '23 10'19 8 1'51 0'15 25'47 29'59 35 Totalfor 1941-46 94'29 89'15 125 24-19 32'87 31 7'32 7'44 20 125'80 129'46 176 Quinquennial average-1941-46 18'86 17'83 25'0 4'84 6'57 6'2 1'46 1'49 4-0 25'16 25'89 35'2

194647 18'73 21'11 30 S'23 2'25 3 1'50 1'37 5 25'46 24'73 38 194748 18-73 18'22 23 5'23 11'68 14 1'50 2'72 7 25'46 32'62 44 1948-49 18'73 23'04 29 5'23 6-93 10 1'50 0'63 3 25'46 30'60 42 1949·50 18'73 29'78 26 5'23 10'12 9 1'50 0'66 2 25'46 40'56 37 1950·51 18'73 21'56 25 5-23 5'05 8 I-50 3-04 3 25'46 29'65 36 Total for 1946-51 93'65 113-71 133 26'15 36'03 44 7-50 8'42 20 127'30 158'16 197 Quinquennial avemgc-1946-51 18'73 22-74 26'6 5'23 7'21 8'8 I-50 1,68 4'0 25'46 31'63 39'4 226 Agricultural II -Area as classified with

Other uncultivated Not available for land excluding Year Total area Forest culti vat ion current fallows

2 3 4 5

Acres Acres Acres Acres 1901-02 1,181,092 215,745 135,224 1902·03 1,181,092 215,717 133,221

1903-04 1,181,092 215,796 131,352 1904·05 1,186,023 220,167 130,194 1905·06 1,186,143 219,962 132,576

Total for 1901--06 5,915,442 1,08~387 662,567 Quinquennial average-1901--06 1,183,088 217,477 132,514

1906-07 1,186,197 219,648 131,192 1907-08 1,186,011 219,399 130,892 1908-09 1,186,086 219,414 129,513 1909-10 1,186,011 219,117 127,383 1910·11 1,185,585 219,476 128,324

Totalfor 1906-11 5,929,890 1,097,054 6"7,30<1 Quinquennial average-1906-11 1,185,978 219,411 129,461

1911-12 1,185,781 219,899 130,503

1912-13 1,185,779 220,509 133,461 1913-14 1,185,758 220,602 140,282

1914-15 1,185,643 220,219 137,956 1915·16 1,185,806 220,171 137,452 Total for 1911-16 5,928,767 1,101,400 679,654 Quinquennial average-1911-16 .. 1,185,753 220,280 135,931

1916·17 1,185,825 220,134 132,110 1917·18 1,185,775 220,240 128,8[8 191&,.19 1,186,069 220,658 131,085 1919·20 1,185,731 220,206 129,683

1920·21 1,185,738 219,857 132,933 Total for 1916-21 5,929,138 1,101,095 654,629 Quinquennial average-1916-2I .. 1,185,828 220,219 130,926

1921·22 1,185,631 220,034 141,070 1922·23 1,185,613 2,942 217,905 138,963 1923·24 1,185,387 4,732 221,835 138,736 1924-25 1,185,282 2,432 225,516 138,828

1925·26 1,185,784 2,432 225,891 141,754 Total for 1921-26 5,927,697 12,538 1,111,181 69)),351

Quinquennial average-1921-26 1,18S,539 2,508 222.236 139,870 227 Statistics-(contd.) details of area under cultivation

Details of area not available for cultivation Net area sown during Percentage of differ- the year, i.e. cul- Normal cul- enee between Covered with Si tes, roads and Current fallows ti vated area tivated area columns 7 and 8 water buildings, etc. Barren lands

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 25,994 804,129 20,812 811,342 19,908 814,036 23,267 812,395 94,395 739,210 806,000 - 8-3 184,376 3,981,112 36,875 796,222

19,549 815.808 806,000 +1-2 104,705 731,015 806,000 -9-3 40,639 796,520 806,000 -1'2 31,838 807,673 806,000 +0-2 39,173 798,612 806,000 -1'0 235,904 3,949,628 4,030,000 -2-0 47,181 789,925 806,000 -2-0

50,432 784,947 806,000 -2-6 30,632 ' 801,177 806,000 -0-6 232,731 592,143 806,000 -26-5 19,684 807,784 806,000 +0-2 78,062 750,121 806,000 -6'9 411,541 3,736,172 4,030,000 -7-3 82,308 747,234 806,000 -7'3

14,599 818,982 806,000 +1'6 21,531 815,186 806,000 +1-1 290,741 543,585 810,000 -32'9 47,995 787,847 810,000 -2'7 174,907 658,041 810,000 -18'8 549,773 3,623,641 4,042,000 -10'4 109,955 724,728 808,400 --10'4

45,093 779,434 810,000 -3'8 41,153 784,650 810,000 -3'1 38,600 781,484 810,000 - 3'S 39,274 779,232 810,000 -3-8 70,926 744,781 810,000 -8,1 235,046 3,869,581 4,050,000 -4-5 47,009 773,916 810,000 -4-5 228 Agricultural [I-Area as classified with

Other uncultivated Not available for land excluding Year Total area Forest cultivation current fa llows

2 3 4 -5-

Acres Acres Acres Acres 1926-27 1,185,769 2,432 227,296 142,935 1927-28 1,185,704 2,432 227,044 145,581 1928-29 1,185,720 2,432 227,310 149,019 1929-30 1,185,732 2,432 226,523 152,003

1930-31 1,185,739 2,432 225,730 150,659 Total for 1926-31 5,928,664 12,160 1,133,903 "0,197 Quinquennful average-1926-31 1,185,733 2,432 226,781 148,039

1931-32 1,185,683 2,432 225,567 145,465 1932-33 1,185,737 3,150 225,670 W,056 1933-34 1,185,681 2,737 225,570 138,297 1934-35 1,185,681 2,737 225,787 137,631 1935-36 1,185,670 2,737 226,156 136,276 Totalfor 1931-36 5,928,452 13,793 1,128,750 700,725 Quinquennial average-1931-36 1,185,691 2,759 225,750 HO,I45

1936-37 1,185,667 2,736 225,998 135,533 1937-38 1,185,674 2,736 225,488 138,700 1938-39 1,185,674 2,736 224,921 137,883 1939-40 1,185,674 3,046 224,066 131,188

1940-41 1,185,674 3,046 222,831 1 ~3,002 Total for 1936-41 5,928,363 14,300 1,123,304 656,306 Quinquennial average-1936-41 1,185,673 2,860 224,661 133,261

1941-42 1,185,674 2,953 222,029 121,691 1942-43 1,185,674 2,953 220,964 114,716 1941-44 1,185,674 2,813 221,057 1 (0,505 1944-45 1,185,674 2,814 214,890 114,473 1945-46 1,185,674 2,703 211,823 112,401 Total for 1941-46 5,928,370 14,236 1,090,763 573,786 Quinquennial average--1941-46 1,185,674 2,847 218,153 114,757

1946-47 1,185,674 2,703 210,655 110,326 1947-48 1,185,674 2,703 209,051 108,692 1948-49 1,190,424 7,181 206,782 102,453 1949-50 1,190,226 12,155 201,072 95,278 1950-51 1,190,226 12,452 196,836 89,721 Total for 1946-51 5,942,224 37,194 1,024,396 506,470 Quinquennial average-1946-51 .. 1,188,445 7,439 204,879 101,294 229

Statistics-(contd.) details of area under eultintiCMI-(concld.)

Delails of arca nol avmlable for cultivation Net area sown dunnl' Percentage of diffcr- the year, i.e.cul- Normal cul- eRee between Covered with Sites. roads and Current fallows tivated area It vated area columns 7 and 8 water buildings, etc. Barren lands

6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 46,706 766,400 810,000 -5'4 51,578 759,069 810,000 -6'3

44,853 762,106 810,000 -5'9 30,544 37,611 159,155 85,855 718,919 810,000 -11'2 29,626 37,698 159,199 34,515 772,403 810,000 -4'6 29,772 37,507 158,451 263,507 3,778,897 4,050,000 -6'7

52,70~ 755,779 810,000 -6'7

27,039 785,180 796,000 -1'4 29,856 37,754 157,957 35,917 777,944 796,000 -2'3 30,060 37,789 157,821

22,043 797,034 765,000 +4-2 30,53& 37,&19 157,213 60,183 759,343 765,000 -0-7 30,570 37,907 157,310 41,969 778,532 765,000 +1-8 30,515 37,901 157,740 187,151 3,898,033 3,887,000 +0'3 151,539 189,170 788,041 37,430 779,607 777,400 +0-3 30,308 37,834 157,608 •

35,914 785,486 765,000 +2-7 30,430 38,034 157,534 65,129 753,621 765,000 - 1-5 30,111 38,084 157,293 51,473 768,661 765,000 +0-5 30,087 38,149 156,685 16,378 810,996 765,000 +6'0 29,646 38,170 156,250

19,584 817,211 765,000 +6'8 29,486 38,164 155,18~ 188,478 3,935,975 3,825,000 +2'9 149,760 190,601 782,943 37,696 787,195 765,000 +2'9 29,952 38,120 156,5119

93,943 74.5,058 765,000 -2'6 29,245 37,842 154,942

22,777 824,264 765,000 +7'" 29,166 38,134 153,664 30,960 820,339 765,000 +7'2 29,235 38,923 152,899 30,814 822,683 765,000 +7'5 29,329 38,49S 147,063 25,477 833,270 765,000 +8'9 28,949 38,561 144,313 203,971 4,045,614 3,825,000 +5-8 145,924 191,958 752,881 40,794 809,123 765,000 +S'8 29,185 38,392 150,576

35,047 826,943 765,000 +8'1 28,926 38,094 143,635 28,377 836,851 765,000 +9'4 29,034 38,149 141,868

28,207 845,801 798,000 +6'0 28,865 38,079 139,838

26,947 854,774 798,000 +7'1 28,545 38,325 134,202 28,084 863,133 798,000 +8'2 28,432 38,341 130,063 146,662 4,227,502 3,924,000 +7'7 J43,802 190,988 689,606 29,332 845,5IH 784,800 +7'7 28,760 38,198 137,921 230 Agricultura] ill-Cropped

Rice Wheat

Early Late Total

Year Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1901·02 233 101,608 1902-03 150 98,747 1903-04 81 112,378 1904-05 174 108,414 1905·06 61 80 141 77,867

Total for 1901-(}6 779 499,014

Quinquennial average -1901-06 156 99,803

1906-07 56 8 80 27 136 35 99,010 1907-08 86 40 82 26 168 66 63,289 1908-09 63 8 67 11 130 19 73,998 1909-10 55 9 51 11 106 20 95,713

1910-11 7 2 15 4 22 ~ 112,433 Total for 1906-11 267 67 295 79 562 146 444,443 Quinquennial average--

1911-12 6 5 2 11 3 100,916 1912-13 15 30 6 45 6 107,718 1913-14 10 3 18 17 28 20 70,221 1914-15 12 2 HI 8 30 10 95,273 1915-16 23 6 54 26 77 32 71,849 Total for 1911-16 66 12 125 59 191 71 445,977 Quinquennial average-1911-16 13 2 25 12 38 14 89,196

1916-17 51 3 100 16 151 19 84,064 1917-18 42 60 5 102 6 98,602 1918·19 28 20 14 7 42 27 43,048

1919-20 36 9 23 10 59 19 83,351 1920-21 36 11 22 11 58 22 73,276 Total for 1916-21 193 44 219 49 412 93 382,341 Quinquennial average-1916-21 39 9 44 10 83 19 76,468

1921-22 29 10 5 2 34 12 80,519 1922·23 144 5 9 153 6 93,924 1923-24 137 10 147 102,584 1924-25 - 7 8 15 102,924 1925-26 15 3 24 6 39 9 102,849

Total for 1921-26 332 18 56 11 388 29 482,800

Quinquennial average-1921-26 67 4 11 2 78 6 96,560 231 Statistics-{contd.}


Barley Juar Bajra Mandua Kodon Sawan Maize

Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Total Total Total Total Total Irrigated

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 77,725 108,010 170,591 205 2,407 9,250 88,301 114,092 181,802 181 2,636 8,599 123,156 114,440 ISO,98S 135 392 2,554 102,210 86,838 155,836 64 4,970 6,493 82,446 95,002 166,787 297 6,487 473,844 518,382 856,001 882 33,383 94,769 103,676 171,200 176 6,677

89,246 78,250 50,350 118,603 190,657 378 227 8,403 1,299 61,189 103,583 101,085 84,809 173,493 144 428 7,816 4,118 60,850 91,819 66,113 78,644 190,214 219 8 1,087 9,151 677 85,854 95,511 61,718 96,671 179,480 66 2 466 9,013 4,909 94,765 107,548 45,091 88,538 167,255 19 146 4,466 1,160 391,904 476,711 324,357 467,265 901,099 826 10 2,354 38,489 12,163 78,381 95,342 64,871 93,453 180,220 165 2 471 7,770 2,433

82,682 152,363 40,976 56,605 142,075 14 4 1,179 979

93,044 98,982 48,937 94,842 182,460 22 246 6,661 537 68,999 94,206 93,549 77,178 136,391 to 69 6,006_ 3,536 81,597 100,676 55,839 81,874 210,108 147 1,173 7,439 3,406 67,462 110,515 85,631 79,200 218,008 195 4 1,513 9,864 4,083 393,784 556,742 324,932 389,699 889,042 388 6 • 3,OOS 31,149 12,541 78,757 111,348 64,986 77,940 177,808 78 1 601 6,230 2,508

71,175 118,094 61,108 88,686 20<),200 77 624 11,819 2,381 78,798 142,699 63,407 78,844 177,097 40 11 8,285 1,518 42,208 69,261 68,549 62,511 206,397 7 19 2,291 1,746 70,113 73,955 45,403 88,264 205,280 113 2 264 8,875 2,351 70,340 68,441 65,454 81,261 178,671 26 19 7,206 2,811 332,634 472,450 304,521 399,566 976,645 263 3 937 38,476 10,807 66,527 94,490 60,904 71>,913 195,329 53 1 188 7,695 2,161

70,460 83,248 44,778 79,805 229,903 74 118 6,676 1,460 83,229 81,246 " 41,027 94,932 191,758 13 61 3,969 1,021 86,947 97,416 34,030 91,779 177,838 14 21 3,426 659 75,409 100,347 22,631 97,742 85,706 2 11 3,521 183 93,688 81,710 44,802 77,498 128,302 2 10 4,631 384

409,733 443,967 181,268 441,756 813,507 lOS 221 22,223 3,701 81,947 88,793 37,454 8'1,351 162,701 21 44 4,445 741 23l Agricultural III-Cropped

Rice Wheat

Early Late Total

Year Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total ------2 4 5 ----c6------~7.------8- Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

1926-27 33 31 11 64 12 97,386 1927·28 28 3 30 16 58 19 103,455 1928·29 42 24 15 6 57 30 115,543

1929·30 22 _ 7 12 6 34 13 81,377

1930·31 ,R 22 2'1 11 61 33 90,669

Total for 1926-31 163 57 ll1 50 274 107 488,430

Quinquennial average-1926-31 33 11 22 10 55 21 97,686

1931·32 22 I) 22 6 44 12 96,346

1932·33 20 3 20 2 40 5 92,634 1933·34 15 10 25 2 105,130 1934·35 28 4 32 6 60 10 85,091

1935·36 3R 5 24 2 62 7 86,777

Total for 1931-36 123 19 108 17 231 36 465,978 Quinquennial average-·1931-36 24 4 22 3 46 7 93,196

1936-37 25 14 39 97,526 1937-38 31 3 7 2 38 5 115,554 1938·39 36 10 3 46 4 113,982 1939-40 24 9 23 3 47 12 121,360

1940-41 19 12 2 31 2 121,026

Total for 1936-41 .13S 14 66 10 201 24 569,448

Quinquennial average-1936-41 27 3 13 2 40 5 113,890

1941-42 8 2 13 2 21 4 93,132 1942-43 14 4 12 2 26 6 103,599 1943-44 37 9 7 44 12 107,288

1944-45 26 5 14 40 10 102,459

1945-46 30 II 14 2 44 13 113,592 Total for 1941-46 115 31 60 14 175 45 520,070

Quinquennial ayerage~1941-46 23 6 12 3 35 9 104,014

1946-47 59 15 19 6 7R 21 115,065

1947-48 96 34 17 6 Il3 40 107,546

1948-49 127 15 27 3 154 18 115,243

1949·50 122 J2 29 5 151 37 130,140 1950-51 445 65 99 tI 544 76 134,592 Total for 1946-51 849 161 191 31 1,040 192 602,586 Quinquennial average-19-t6-51 170 32 38 6 208 38 120,517 233

Statistics-{ contd.) Area-{contd.)

Barley Juar Bajra Mandua Kodon , Sawan Maize

--_ -~~------

Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Total Total Total Total Total Irrigated

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

, 83,132 75,628 38,160 87,898 162,364 15 6 3,678 479 94,994 83,201 43,928 90,357 162,383 12 11 3,481 733 103,231 124,229 46,535 84,790 166,488 8 7 4,081 2,288 78,256 77,315 60,532 87,987 221,235 156 81 9,207 3,930 82,779 86,972 47,397 81,677 212,760 158 2 95 14,064 6,279

442,392 447,345 236,552 432,709 931,230 349 3 206 34,511 13,709

88,478 89,469 47,310 86,542 186,246 70 41 6,902 2,742

83,285 96,340 30,989 96,292 202,482 Hi 29 7,012 2,255

85,270 79,067 34,604 92,806 178,158 10 19 5.196 1,704

89,343 99,411 33,789 104,862 186,625 6 5 28 5,190 1,059

76,904 65,056 34,716 68,235 203,939 20 6 33 8,626 512 71,421 84,267 35,087 55,136 224,406 20 5 42 5,893 1,299 406,223 424,141 169,185 417,331 995,610 72 18 151 31,977 6,829

81,245 84,828 33,837 83,466 199,122 14 4 30 6,396 1,366

86,659 91,336 37,636 72,715 201,198 1 6 5 4,179 523 109,636 86,736 47,927 70,665 197,879 12 9 4,209 . 1,558

107,803 77,138 45,766 69,922 220,754 6 3 36 4,476 1,143

111,793 96,598 48,545 63,133 251,253 15 2 15 4,488 1,832

112,339 78,278 43,829 52,928 254,222 6 17 2,804 1,167

528,230 430,086 223,703 329,363 - 1,125,306 43 17 82 20,156 6,223 105,646 86,017 44,741 65,873 225,061 9 3 16 4,031 1,145

89,779 69,161 59,903 54,175 263,348 2 1,026 800

87,446 80,102 45,769 66,759 302,380 86 4 81 7,496 2,113 92,458 74,202 38,653 53,983 267,479 30 8 30 12,279 2,068

90,734 68,107 38,577 44,513 269,577 4 6 29 6,600 2,8112 100,229 85,280 46,318 57,616 275,750 3 4 17 8,052 2,022

460,646 376,852 229,220 277,046 1,378,534 123 24 158 35,453 9,885

92,129 75,370 45,844 55.409 275,707 25 5 32 7,090 1,977

102,307 88,003 41,969 57,634 259,851 12 44 6,398 1,590

89,156 105,147 32,947 61,459 253,555 4 10 4,717 897

94,151 100,448 39,673 50,915 252,546 14 7 3,519 646

107,978 110,752 38,878 49,524 249,000 6 3 1,162 436

114,845 91,219 36,663 59,417 250,826 2 15 7 2,569 562

SO',437 495,569 190,130 278,949 1,265,778 3 51 71 18,365 4,131 101,687 99,114 38,026 55,7911' 253,156 10 14 3,673 826 Agricultural


Gram Fruits and vegetables including root crops Other food crops

Fruits and veaetables other Potatoes than potato

Year Total Irriaated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

20 22 23 24 25 --26 ______-----r----~---:1~9------zr------'--- Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1901-02 127,067 7,268 108,163 1902.03 117,301 7,506 107,933 1903-04 150,794 6,598 106,532 1904-05 138,567 8,728 107,452 1905-06 128,913 14,020 99.495 44,120 529,575 TotaL, for 1901-06 662,642 Quinquennial averalle-1901-06 132,528 8,824 105,915

1906-07 134,696 27,597 7,650 6,124 114,923 8,206 1907-08 55,501 23,755 11,240 10,041 112,434 16,959 1908.09 172,090 33,207 6,755 5,126 100,556 5,874 1909.10 130,339 25,822 6,435 5,145 111,839 7,096 1910-11 173,506 20,593 6,685 5,658 100,185 5,660 Total for 1906-11 666,132 130,974 38,765 32,094 539,937 43,795 Quinquennial averalle-I906-11 133,227 26,195 7,753 6,419 107,987 8,759

1911-12 283,295 18,191 11,445 10,318 77,102 10,185 1912-13 170,328 32,888 7.015 5,468 101,638 6,554 1913-14 31,702 24,(}34 10,872 9,936 84,066 15,550 1914.15 178,095 41,754 8,425 6,907 100,739 9,885 1915.16 117,431 37,870 8,940 7,244 97,574 8,722 Total for 1911-16 780,851 154,737 <46,697 39,873 461,119 50,896 Quinquennial average-1911-16 156,170 30,947 9,339 7,975 92,224 10,179

1916-17 185,512 36,185 7,879 5,616 101,728 7,934 1917-18 221,191 31,111 464 463 6,993 S,lln \{}7,522 9,627 1918-19 22,816 13,655 154 154 9,610 8,744 94,137 12,676 1919-20 159,318 28,053 338 338 5,917 4,315 101,057 10,010 1920-21 67,354 19,263 849 849 6,298 5,160 97,118 9,848 Total for 1916-21 657,291 128,267 36,697 28,942 501,562 50,095 Quinquennial average-1916-21 131,458 25,653 7,339 5,788 100,312 10,019

1921.22 204,961 28,400 308 308 5,905 4,329 100,466 4,821 1922-23 203,365 22,781 897 893 5,747 4,167 99,202 5,439 1923.24 211,791 16,364 904 898 5,611 4,331 89,349 5,475 1924.25 220,064 13,713 1,294 1,288 5,482 3,761 154,366 5,433 1925.26 240,472 25,002 679 679 6,794 4,824 81,651 4,669 Total for 1921-26 1,080,653 106,UO 4,082 4,066 29,539 21,412 525,034 25,837 Quinquennial average-1921-26 216,131 21,252 816 813 5,908 4,282 105,007 5,167

~------~---- 235 Statistics-(contd.)


Other Total food crops Linseed Til Rapeseed Groundnut oil seeds

Total frrigated· Total Total Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total

----2-7------30--~-31 28 29 32 33 _._--- --_. 34 35 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 712,527 3 5,621 142 5.,274 727,254 8 4,136 161 8,106 798,045 32 5,751 186 13,357 719,746 25 2,524 297 23,440 671,455 2 2,183 221 9,115

3,629,027 70 20,215 1,007 59,292 725,805 14 4,043 202 11,858

752,933 184,849 8 1,460 114 7 8,946 612,905 234,209 4 1,103 226 31 7,611 724,671 172,697 ·1 920 211 23 7,484 725.641 192,884 11 2,418 190 18 14,921 760,803 176,019 32 1,126 212 14 9,213 3,576,953 960,658 56 7,027 '53 93 48,175 715,391 192,132 11 1,405 191 19 9,635

825,009 182,862 66 99 630 9 18,884 769,957 188,682 85 1,342 402 26 5,631

510,750 235,463 1,036 714 80 60 783,980 204,089 44 1,303 5,961 62 2,441 715,170 219,229 8 586 5,883 74 2,829 3,604,866 1,030,325 203 4,366 13,590 251 29,845 720,973 206,065 41 873 2,718 50 5,969

807,835 186,596 7 937 4,852 53 2,194 842,950 191,500 14 989 6,282 27 2,501

510,293 167,243 264 3,603 108 617 726,793 163,634 389 6,319 32 2,522 580,577 180,653 609 9,676 65 1,4114 3,468,448 889,626 23 3,188 30,732 285 9,318 693,690 177,925 5 638 6,146 57 1,864

792,017 156,023 990 6,686 44 2,63S 775,267 160,505 5 1,903 3,817 30 3,448 780,880 150,437 9 1,832 3,274 28 8,057 771,474 122,884 50 2,273 1,630 16 5,211 724,637 174,929 9 2,005 1,439 58 9,759 3,844,275 764,778 76 9,003 16,846 176 29,110 768,855 152,956 15 1,801 3,369 35 5,m

·The total irrigated foed crops area shown in column no. 28 will not correspond with t~ total of irrigated areas shown for individual fllad cropS owinB to the omission of the irrij!&ted are£S of certain crops. Agricultural III-Cropped

Gram Fruit~ and vegetables Includmg root crops Other food crops

Fruits and vegetables other Potatoes than potato

Year Total Irngated Total Irngated Total Irrigated Total Irngated

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1926-27 217,697 35,190 407 407 8,749 5,724 85,793 6,782 1927.28 203,561 31,934 792 786 7,753 5,714 84,784 6,831 1928-29 280,325 27,706 838 837 9,940 8,572 83,288 14,635 1929-30 77,629 28,216 1,200 1,200 11,470 9,956 95,660 14,167 1930-31 173,960 30,931 1,469 1,465 9,318 7,646 92,461 15,585 Total for J926-31 953,172 153,977 4,706 4,695 47,230 37,612 441,986 58,000 Quinquennial averalle-1926-3J 190,634 30,795 941 939 9,446 7,522 88,397 11,600

1931·32 184,322 17,159 1,024 1,023 8,808 5,636 91,787 10,646 1932-33 176,401 34,093 1,719 1716 10,002 6,895 94,843 8,070 1933.34 194,477 19,582 1,538 1,528 7,374 4,900 92,230 9,300 1934.35 ill7,494 38,870 1,335 1,334 8,749 5,871 87,809 8,194 1935·36 226,512 44,396 835 833 10,466 7,324 liU,357 7,767 Total for 1931-36 969,206 154,100 6,451 6,434 45,399 30,626 447,026 43,977 Quinquennial averaae-i931-36 193,841 30,820 1,290 1,287 9,0lI0 6,125 89,405 8,795

1936-37 202,792 38,183 894 887 9,236 6,031 89,111 8,343 1937-38 159,088 58,862 469 469 10,493 8,483 79,268 9,933 1938.39 137,371 49,989 686 684 9,802 7,249 84,293 9,590 1939-40 177,776 47,803 964 962 10,372 7,874 88,719 10,632 1940-41 ill2,696 56,485 1,008 1,007 8,771 6,834 90,345 11,604 Total for 193&-41 859.723 251,322 4,021 4,009 48,674 36,471 431,736 50,102 Quinquennial average-1936-41 171,945 50,264 804 802 9,735 7,294 86,347 10,020

1941-42 125,119 52,127 667 \ 667 11,478 10,385 86,215 14,366 1942...43 175,572 52,775 603 603 10,644 7,353 97,620 11,723 1943·44 184,973 46,807 1,416 1,415 8,940 6,763 96,457 10,224 1944·45 189,986 52,915 1,895 1,891 8,211 5,978 100,479 11,029 1945·46 199,103 56,340 1,899 1,893 8,732 6.334 98,863 11,919 Total for 1941-46 874,753 260,964 6,480 6,469 48,005 36,813 479,634 59,261 Quinquennial aYerage-1941-46 174,951 52,193 1,296 1,294 9,601 7,363 95,927 11,,852

1946-47 195,971 48,843 1,796 1,788 7,169 5,254 90,795 9,026 1947.48 210,361 32,556 2,484 2,439 8,609 6,160 91,959 9,515 1948·49 252,369 56,286 1,603 1,597 9,260 5,848 95,111 9,002 1949-50 229,182 40,263 2,141 2,120 8,842 6,401 92,561 8,922 1950·51 200,899 45,325 2,666 2,658 9,934 6,301 99,286 9,321 Total for 194&-51 1,088,982 223,273 10,690 10,602 43,814 29,964 469,712 45,786 Quinquennial averdgc-1946-51 217,7% 44,655 2,138 2,120 8,763 5,993 93.942 9,157 237 Statistics-(contd.) Area-(contd.)

Rapeseed Other Total food crops Linseed Til Groundnut oil seeds ------

Total Irrigated" Total Total Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total

27 _2-'-8 ____. 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 739,685 171,707 17 1,942 615 19 6,592 739,848 187,075 25 2,266 3,S(),) 32 4,192 869,595 229,731 75 2,370 2,698 56 21,834 669,357 213,890 3,257 3,239 150 12,984 763,666 200,909 20 1,506 5,823 180 21,890 3,782,151 1,003,312 138 11,341 15,884 437 67,492 756,430 200,662 28 2,268 3,177 87 13,499

784,563 155,620 17 1,771 2,331 70 13,244 730,896 176,891 25 4,800 2,841 165 13,459 796,901 162,811 43 3,743 2,345 32 11,381 716,453 167,162 11 2,555 4,102 87 15,947 774,778 170,769 55 1,191 1,985 190 13,989 3,803,591 833,253 151 14,060 13,604 544 68,020 760,718 166,651 30 2,812 2,721 109 13,604

769,044 181,561 40 2,535 2,545 222 12,959 724,420 251,484 59 3,900 3,277 214 15,554 718,515 228,162 36 2,492 2,752 253 11,830 814,742 236,453 52 2,264 2,792 331 44 3 11,691 792,135 237,025 76 1,142 2,650 308 35 3 12,653 3,818,856 1,134,685 263 12,333 14,016 1,328 64,687 763,771 226,937 53 2,467 2,803 266 12,937

704,345 250,423 16 1,110 2,843 338 14 2 15,158 844,972 215,088 8 938 3,940 249 22 7 14,414 807,129 200,558 20 677 2,324 17l 23 5 12,248 791,906 211,641 8 2,493 3,202 366 45 4 13,315 848,955 229,737 15 1,653 2,848 212 150 2 12,364 3,997,307 1,107,447 67 6,871 15,157 1,336 254 20 67,499 799,462 221,489 13 1,374 3,031 267 51 4 13,500

822,817 214,442 22 1,986 3,112 232 59 5 13,387 845,964 176,319 67 2,155 5,424 215 65 2 15,373 881,189 208,863 66 -2,400 4,807 323 142 10,153 873,664 207,237 66 2,354 6,436 335 89 2 11,142 851,976 218,292 128 4,150 16,695 1,195 131 3 11,047 4,275,610 1,025,153 349 13,045 36,474 2,300 486 13 61,102 855,122 205,031 70 2,609 7,295 460 97 3 12,220

*The total irrigated food crops area shown in column no. 28 will not correspond with the total of irrigated areas shown for individual rood crops owing to the omission of the irrigated areas of certain crops. - 238 Agricultural . ·m-cropped

Sugarcane Cotton Hemp Jute

Y~ar Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Total Irrigated

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1901-02 3,872 103,897 1,191 1902-03 1,193 108,077 1,220 1903-04 850 75,274 1,099 1904-05 1,211 118,591 1,526 1905-06 896 107,215 759 Total for 1901-06 8,022 513,054 5,795 Quinquennial average-1901-06 1,604 102,611 1,159

1906-07 1,211 1,211 117,442 17,201 1,146 1907-08 3,690 3,687 128,789 36,748 1,360 1908-09 3,658 3,656 111,277 15,809 1,431 1909-10 3,966 3,958 98,721 20,139 1,214 1910-11 2,965 2,940 90,896 14,167 585 Tatal for 1906---11 15,490 15,452 547,125 104,064 5,736 Quinquennial average--l906-11 3,098 3,090 109,425 20,813 1,147

1911-12 3,431 3,347 36,564 25,142 250 1912-13 5,532 5,506 84,737 17,005 1,169 1913-14 3,939 3,907 101,400 46,295 859 1914-15 525 522 107,845 35,300 970 1915-16 2,375 2,363 62,317 17,721 991 Total for 1911-16 15,8112 15,645 392,863 141,463 4,239 Quinquennial average-1911-16 3,160 3,129 78,573 28,293 848

1916·17 2,327 2,322 108,201 26,032 1,179 1917-18 5,358 5,315 96,205 31,512 1,057 1918-19 6,447 6,192 35,170 20,615 275 1919-20 3,503 3,500 80,566 29,868 671 1920-21 3,047 3,038 68,617 26,204 882 Total for 1916-21 20,682 20,367 388,759 134,231 4,064 Quinquennial average -1916-21 4,136 4,073 77,752 26,846 813

1921·22 2,4J4 2,413 37,349 10,590 873 1922·23 1,854 1,845 31,348 14,936 723 1923·24 2,350 2,335 28,495 13,801 575 1924-25 2;700- 2,692 48,963 18,481 649 1925·26 1,646 1,632 41,044 13,197 598 Total {or 1921-26 10,964 10,917 187,199 71,005 3,418 Quinquennial avera~1921-26 2,193 2,183 37,440 14,201 683 239 Statistics-(contd.)


Indigo Opium Tobacco Fodder crops Other non-food crops

Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1,832 1,595 22,696 7,400

568 1,814 23,275 8,755 821 1,139 26,915 5,774 622 2,524 22,099 9,589 274 3,054 21,854 4,658 4,117 10,126 116,839 36,176 824 2,025 23,368 7,235

141 140 3,175 3,150 24.784 4,138 7,565 5,593. 60S 523 1,338 1,337 24.451 4,258 8,825 6,445 63 54 2,192 2,180 19,886 2,684 7,286 4,267 65 42 3,319 3,297 23,710 3,066 9,517 8,026 25 19 2,980 2,944 25,433 3,077 10,604 6,676 905 718 13,004 12,908 118,264 17,223 43,797 31,007 181 156 2.601 2,582 23,653 3,445 8,759 6,201

28 25 4,083 3,981 28,592 11,093 16,507 6,194- 10 2,805 2,761 21,224 3,047 9,006 5,919 9 9 1,073 1,069 24,326 7,467 6,025 5,584 4,562 4,521 27,156 7,996 5,675 4,244 148 134 2,756 2,748 24,633 3,219 8,686 7,464 195 168 15,279 15,080 125,931 32,822 45,899 29,405 39 34 3,056 3,016 25,186 6,564 9,180 5,881

2,356 2,306 3,008 2,974 23,992 4,239 10,060 7,096 3,007 2,919 2,189 2,135 27,475 4,199 7,552 5,391 320 306 2,853 2,850 26,6:'.6 8,956 6,562 6,349 639 631 3,392 3,379 26,143 7,605 8,681 7,420

246 239 2.184 2,17~ 25,839 2,613 6,790 6,506 6,568 6,401 13,626 13,511 130,085 27,612 39,645 32,762 1,313 1,280 2,725 2,703 26,017 5,5:U 7,929 6,551.

375 363 3,423 3,394 24,429 3,431 4,616 3,'148 166 164 3,168 3,131 30,879 3,148 6,232 5,053 132 130 2,740 2,687 29,298 3,205 11,291 10,004 -5 4 1,877 1,846 29,803 2,427 11,066 8,774 ,2S 25 2,920 2,916 33,781 2,083 9,009 8,406 703 686 14,128 13,974 . 148,190 14,294 42,214 35,985 141 137 2,825 2,795 29,638 2,859 8,443 7,197 240 ,!gricultural


Sugarcane Cotton Hemp Jute

Year Total Irrigated Total Irngated Total Total Irrigated

36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1926-27 1,540 1,532 42,849 21,253 831 1927-28 2,095 2,087 32,609 18,488 573 1928-29 2,348 2,346 28,646 22,075 510 1929-30 810 809 45,900 31,014 564 1930-31 1,927 1,927 46,785 36,124 723 Total for 1926-31 8,720 8,701 196,789 128,954 3,201

Quinquennial average-I926-31 1,744 1,740 39,358 25,791 640

1931·32 3,287 3,282 43,699 31,293 743 1932-33 5,743 5,734 21,766 15,482 692 1933·34 4,402 4,397 45,517 32,364 496 1934-35 5,873 5,859 32,954 17,716 700 1935-36 11,004 10,923 20,738 17,071 669 Total for 1931-36 30,309 30,195 164,674 113,926 3,300 Quinquennial average-1931-36 6,062 6,039 32,935 22,785 660

1936-37 11,172 11,124 25,719 18,715 1,012 1937·38 11,108 11,071 23,431 20,539 756 1938-39 4,404 4,399 29,939 24,793 726 1939-40 3,582 3,578 24,894 23,252 1,205 1940-41 6,897 6,891 20,134 19,376 1,375 Total for 1936-41 37,163 37,063 124,117 106,675 5,074 Quinquennial average-1936--41 7,432 7,413 24,823 21,335 1,015

1941-42 5,063 5,031 19,466 18,918 556 1942-43 4,576 4,576 17,377 16,000 1,094 1943-44 8,615 8,581 18,869 15,491 814 1944·45 11,047 10,864 8,118 7,581 565 19 2 1945-46 7,962 7,946 5,104 4,667 768 20 3 Total for 1941-46 37,263 36,998 68,934 62,657 3,797 Quinquennial average-1941-46 7,453 7,400 13,787 12,531 759

1946-47 9,694 9,638 3,710 3,339 959 18 1947-48 12,817 12,701 3,309 2,940 992 13 1948-49 16,933 16,845 2,662 2,466 1,483 33

1949-50 12~3(} 12,893 3,768 3,631 905 47 1950·51 15,630 15,431 2,154 2,023 1,625 55 12 Total for 1946-51 68,004 67,508 15,603 14,399 5,964 166 14 Quinquennial average-1946-51 13,601 13,502 3,121 2,880 1,193 33 3 241 Stansties-( contd. )

Area-(contd. )

Indigo Opium Tobacco Fodder crop'~ Other non-food crops ------

Total Irrigated Total lrrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigat~d

43 '44~- 45 '--~----47 .. - --~ ----"---;w---So-----"Sr}----...S2 ------__ - ---- Acres Acres A£res Acres Acres Acres Acres Acre! Acre~ 14 13 3.337 3,326 38,637 4,945 5,934 4,869 21 20 2,523 2,508 38,198 4,147 6,622 5,853 20 20 1,871 1,856 36,439 7,138 7,651 6,637 3,808 3,802 34,883 6,980 .12,526 11,985 1,717 1,709 33,483 5,771 7,368 6,733

56 54 13,256 13,201 181,640 28,981 40,101 36,077 11 11 2,651 2,640 36,328 5,796 8,020 7,215

40 1,605 1,596 32,500 5,236 7,576 6,100 2,873 2,856 42,276 4,758 9,497 8,385

9- 9 2,OI~ 1,988 39,703 6,885 5,508 4,267 3,542 3,531 39,146 2.200 13,981 13,135 2,713 2,689 45,999 7,071 10,464 9,604 SO 10 12,751 12,660 199,624. 26,150 47,026 41,491 10 2 2,550 2,532 39,925 5,230 9.405 8,298

1,943 1,932 47,304 8,293 4,917 3,733 3,315 3,312 46,145 9,713 6.492 5,986 2 3,114 3,106 51,556 11,766 7,460 6,484 3,864 3,816 50,601 12,796 9,469 8,338 5 1,846 I,S)I 52,493 13,849 7,797 , 7,075

8 14,082 13,997 248,099 56,417 36,135 31,616 2 2,816 2,799 49,620 11,283 7-,227 6,323

3,371 3,365 51,321 24,200 9,316 9,118 3 3 2,417 2,400 47,286 21,873 10,225 8,531 1,208- 1,207 36,748 6,364 7,Og7 6,338 2,000 1,998 52,424 14,386 5,004 4,354 3 3 603 603 58,054 19,992 5,232 4,354

7 7 9,599 9,573 245,833 86,815 36,864 32,695 1 1,920 1,915 49,167 17,363 7,373 6,539

3 3 1,421 1,420 60,740 16,557 6,480 5,853 4 922 907 58,860 13,688 6,833 5,503 699 696 52,486 11,842 3,655 2,722 1,209 1,209 50,816 15,905 3,865 3,178

742 739 56,209 16,748 6,736 3,650 7 3 4,993 4,971 279,111 74,740 27,569 20,906 1 1 999 994 55,821 14,948 5,!l14 4,181 242' Agricultural


Total non-food crops Kharif Rabi

Year Total Irrigated· Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

53 54 55 56 57 58

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

1901-02 153,523 540,589 322,649 1902-03 157,313 557,767 323,017

1903-04 131,198 517,344 409,159

1904-05 182,448 506,523 387,028 1905-06 150,231 494,998 316,344 Total for 1901-06 774,713 2,617,221 1,758,197

Quinquennial average-190l-06 154,943 523,444 351,640

1906-07 165,998 31,625 579,164 32,226 333,677 178,529

1907-08 178,002 53,414 536,594 79,973 248,705 202,631

1908-09 154,409 28,919 517,925 29,034 356,732 168,534 1909-10 158,052 38,778 529,226 41,802 350,648 186,287 1910-11 144,071 29,986 483,015 30,138 417,917 172,057

Total for 1906-11 800,532 182,722 2,645,924 213,173 1,707,679 908,038

Quinquennial average-1906-11 160,106 36,544 529,185 42,634 341,536 181,608

1911·12 109,134 50,000 345,604 71,111 584,511 158,024

1912·13 131,943 34,511 501,035 33,995 396,442 185,162

1913-14 139,441 64,867 437,138 97,876 209,664 199,401 1914·15 156,482 53,085 540,437 62,260 392,198 187,587

1915-16 111,212 34,081 499,775 45,032 321&.50 203,702 Total for 1911-16 648,212 236,544 2,323,989 310,274 ],904,465 933,876

Quinquennial average-19ll-16 129,643 47,309 464,798 62,055 380,893 186,77~

1916-17 159,113 45,397 555,065 48,173 407,184 179,612

1917·18 152,629 51,792 505,545 56,423 487,271 184,356

1918·19 82,748 45,565 433,594 68,542 153,999 139,140 1919·20 132,826 52,666 517,209 57,210 338,595 155,589

1920-21 119,374 41,032 464,456 51,991 230,809 165,511

Total for 1916-21 646,690 236,452 2,475,869 282,339 1,617,858 824,208 Quinquennial average-1916-21 129,338 47,290 495,174 $6,468 323,572 164,842

1921-22 83,793 24,143 484,654 24,863 387,430 151,908

1922·23 83,543 28,458 459,101 29,571 396,670 156,638 1923·24 88,053 32,396 426,586 28,894 439,297 151,143

1924·25 104,227 34,372 428,449 31,432 444,119 122,962

1925·26 102,235 28,444 373,991 24,720 449,096 175,197

Total for 1921-26 461,851 147,813 2,172,781 139,480 2,116,612 757,848

Quinquenmal !verage-1921-26 92,370 29,563 434,556 27,896 423,322 151,570

• fne total Irrigated non-food crops area shown In column no. S4 will not corresp;)(\d with the lotallrng.l.ted Meas shaw'1 for individual Don-fOod crops owing to the omission of irrigated area~ of certain crops. , 243

Statiltt__ (contd.)


Net area cropped during Area cropped more than Zaid Total the year once

Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Totar Irrigated Total Irrigated

59 ______60____ _ 6_1 _____62 63 64 65 66

Acres Acre.' Acres Acres Acres Acres Acr~~ Acres

2,812 866,050 269,807 804,129 269,807 61,921

3,783 884,567 222,575 811,342 222,575 73,225

2,740 929,243 235,684 814,036 235,684 115,207

8,643 902,194 191,805 R12,395 191,805 89,799

10,344 821,686 259,777 739,210 259,777 82,476 28,322 4,403,740 1,179,648 3,981,112 1,179,648 422,628

5,664 880,748 235,930 796,222 235,930 84,526

6,090 5,719 918,931 216,474 815,808 202,105 103,123 14,369

5,608 5,019 790,907 287,623 731,015 260,806 59,892 26,817

4,423 4,048 879,080 201,616 796,520 189,125 82,560 12,491

3,819 3,573 883,693 231,662 807,673 -215,048 76,020 16,614

3,942 3,810 904,874 206,005 798,612 192,452 106,262 13,553

23,8112 n,169 4,377,485 1,143,380 3,949,628 1,059,536 427,857 83,844

4,776 4,4.H 875,497 22'J,676 789,926 21t,907 85,571 16,769 , 4,028 3,727 934,143 232,862 784,947 214,924 149,196 17,938

4,423 4,036 901,900 223,193 801,177 214,485 100,723 8,708

3,389 3,053 650,l91 300,330 592,143 272,470 58,048 27,860

7,827 7,327 940,462 257,174 807,784 239,158 132,678 18,016 4,957 4,576 826,382 253,310 750,121 237,848 76,261 15,462

24,624 22,719 4,253,078 1,266,869 3,736,172 1,178,885 516,906 87,984

4,925 4,544 850,616 253,374 747,235 235,777 103,381 17,597

4,699 4,208 966,948 231,993 818,982 218,086 147,966 13,907 2,763. 2,513 995,579 243,292 815,186 227,171 180,393 16,121

5,448 5,126 593,041 212,808 543,585 191,881 49,456 20,927 3,815 3,501 859,619 216,300 787,847 202,240 71,772 14,060

4,686 4,133 599,951 221,685 658,041 209,746 41,910 11,939 21,411 19,531 4,115,138 1,126,078 3,623,641 1,049,124 491,497 76,954

4,282 3,906 823,028 225,216 724,728 209,825 98,300 15,391

3,726 3,395 875,810 180,166 779,434 173,201 96,376 6,965

3,039 2,754 858,810 188,963 784,650 183,280 74,160 5,683

3,050 2,796 868,93-3 182,833 781,484 176,851 87,449 5,982 3,133 2,862 875,701 157,256 779,232 152,124 96,469 5,132

3,785 3,456 826,872 203,373 744,781 196,301 82,091 7,072

16,733 15',263 4,306,126 912,591 3,869,581 8tU,757 436,545 30,834

3,347 3,052 861,l25 182,518 773,916 176,351 . 87,309 6,167

------_ ---~--.----- 244 Agricultural


Total Ilon-food crops Kharif Rabi

Year Total Irrigated- Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

53 54 55 56 57 58

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1926-27 102,308 36,192 429,043 37,994 407,717 165,059 1927-28 92,633 33,293 419,326 35,465 408,927 181,052 1928-29 104,462 40,412 408,889 74,900 561,396 191,899 1929-30 117,972 55,016 505,751 73,461 273,801 188,152 1930-31 121,243 52,761 4S2,429 71,448 399,203 179,343 Total for 1926-31 538,618 217,674 2,245,438 293,268 2,051,044 !lOS,505 Quinquennial average-1926-31 107,724 43,535 449,088 58,653 410,209 181,101

1931-32 106,813 47,831 481.939 57,308 405,897 143,055 1932-33 103,972 37,485 449,4.40 40,704 380,647 ]69,362 1933-34 115,165 50,037 483,607 56,950 425,099 152,853 1934-35 118,812 42,607 450,743 33,938 379,027 170,722 1935-36 108,807 47,688 445,906 45,112 433,301 169,443 Total for 1931-36 553,569 225,648 2,311,635 234,012 2,023,971 805,435 Quinquennial averagc-1931-36 110,714 45,130 462,327 46,802 404,794 161,087

1936-37 110,147 44,181 455,469 48,291 419,484 173,629 1937-38 114,037 50,997 438,488 66,997 394,851 230,794 1938-39 ll4,311 50,966 471,822 58,181 356,039 216,429 1939-40 llO,458 52,405 491,708 58,731 428,076 225,162 1940-41 107,103 49,702 479,952 52,786 415,895 230,886 Total for 19]6--41 556,056 248,251 2,337,439 284,986 2,014,345 1,076,900 Quinquennial averaac-1936-41 111,211 49,650 467,488 56,997 402,869 215,380

1941-42 108,234 61,344 479,592 82,642 327,017 223,515 1942-43 102,300 53,972 542,940 58,485 399,624 206,329 I 1943-44 88,633 38,264 495,895 43,182 396,338 192,551

1944-45 98,241 39,704 492,909 49,930 393,715 198,384 1945-46 94,776 37,981 508,294 44,517 431,877 220,247 Total for 1941-46 492,184 231,265 2,519,636 278,756 1,948,571 1,041,026 Quinquennial avcrage-1941-46 98,437 46,253 503,926 55,751 389,714 208,2OS

1946-47 101,591 37,255 488,028 39,549 433,462 209,747 1947-48 106,834 36,111 486,157 37,670 462,754 171,335

194849 95,519 34,96& 473,704 36,546 499,461 204,294 1949-50 93,627 - 37,i47 457,038 39,054 506,372 202,186

1950-51 115,302 39,970 488,151 40,936 475,270 214,139 Total for 1946-51 512,373 185,551 2,393,078 193,755 2,377,319 1,001,701 Quinquennial average-l '146-51 102,575 37,110 478,616 38,751 475,464 200,340

-~~~ ~------"The tota I irrigated non-food crop-; area shown in columns no. 54 will not correspond with tho total of irrigatod areas shown for individual non-food crops owins to the omission of the irrigafed !lrea! of certain crops. 245 Statlstics-(contd.) ",." ~ ~ t\relt-(concld.)

Net area cropped during Area cropped morethan Zaill Total the year once

Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

59 6U 61 ----62--~ 63 64 66 --~------~-- --~------Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 5,233 4,846 841,993 207,899 766,400 197,277 75,593 10,622 4,228 3,851 832,481 220,368 759,069 210,625 73,412 9,743 3,772 3,344 974,057 270,143 762,106 247,888 211,951 22,255 7,777 7,293 787,329 268,906 718,919 241,058 68,410 27,84& 3,277 2,879 884,909 253,670 772,403 228,510 112,506 25,160 24,287 22,213 4,320,769 1,220,986 3,778,897 1,125,358 541,872 95,628 4,857 4,443 864,154 244,197 755,779 225,072 108,375 19,125

3,540 3,088 891,376 203,451 785,180 193,299 106,196 10,152 4,781 4,310 834,868 214,376 777,944 203,413 56,924 10,963 3,360 3,045 912,066 212,848 797,034 201,878 115,032 10,970 5,495 5,109 835,265 209,769 759,343 197,148 75,922 12,621 4,378 3,902 883,585 218,457 778,532 201,753 105,053 16,704 21,554 19,454 4,357,160 1,058,901 3,898,033 997,491 459,127 61,410 4,311 3,891 871,432 211,780 779,607 199,498 91,825 12,282

4,238 3,822 879,191 225,742 785,486 208,735 93,705 17,007 5,118 4,690 838,457 302,481 753,621 268,789 84,836 33,692 4,965 4,518 832,826 279,128 768,661 253,13l 64,165 25,997 5,416 4,965 925,200 288,858 810,996 259,031 114,204 29,827 3,391 3,055 899,238 286,727 817,211 260,887 82,027 25,840 23,128 21,050 4,374,912 1,382,936 3,935,975 1,250,573 438,937 132,363 4,625 4,210 874,982 276,587 787,195 250,115 87,787 26,472

5,970 5,610 812,579 311,767 745,058 274,238 67,521 37,529 4,708 4,246 947,272 269,060 824,264 237,832 123,008 31,228 3,529 3,089 895,762 238,822 820,339 221,269 75,423 17,553 3,523 3,031 890,147 251,345 822,683 228,244 67,464 23,101 3,560 2,954 943,731 267,718 833,270 242,482 110,461 25,236 .U,290 18,930 4,489,491 1,338,712 4,045,614 1,204,065 443,877 134,647 4,258 3,786 897,898 267,742 809,123 240,813 88,775 26,929

2,918 2,401 924,408 251,697 826,943 232,381 97,465 19,316 3,887 3,425 952,798 212,430 836,851 198,567 115,947 13,863 3,543 2,991 976,708 243,831 845,801 229,088 130,907 14,743 I 3,881 3,244 967,291 244,484 854,774 229,971 112,517 14,513 3,857 3,187 967,278 258,262 863,133 242,354 104,145 15,908 18,086 15,248 4,788,483 1,210,704 -4,2;27,502 1,132,361 560,981 78,343 3,617 3,050 957,697 242,141 845,501 226,47;2 112,1911 15,669 2~6





Wells Government Private Year canals canals Reservoirs Tube Other Total

2 3 4 5 6 7

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

1901-02 44,472 419 224,164

1902-0~ 36,970 182 184,722

1903-04 4~,525 312 191,443

1904-05 35,244 256 155,306 1905-06 56,810 384 201,527

Total for 1901-06 .. 217,021 1,553 957,162

Quinquennial average--1901-06 43,404 311 191,433

1906-07 42.337 158,924

1907-08 68,014 191,416 1908-09 54,187 134,105

1909-10 55,814 158,464

1910-11 46,166 145,198

Total for 1906-11 .. 266,518 788,167

Quinquonnial average--1906-11 53,304 157,633

1911-12 73,311 44 140,447

1912-13 77,777 146 135,888

1913-14 94,312 2 176,746 1914-15 101,732 186 136,090 1915-16 84,773 151,909

Total for 1911-16 .. 431,905 378 741,080 Quinquennial averaj!e-.1911-16 86,381 76 148,216

1916-17 90.201 I 56 121,045

1917-18 97,267 44 127,504

1918-19 81,193 109.508

1919-20 ,95,451 22 105.916 1920-21 72,491 136,293 Total for 1916-21 .. 436,603 122 606,266 f),uinqucnniat averajle-1916-21 87,321 24 121,253

1921-22 63,197 23 109,378

1922-23 66,498 17 116,142 1923-24 62,343 .'. 27 113.973 1924-25 54,589 75 96,897 1925-26 68,923 215 126,341

Total for 1921-26 .. 315,550 357 562,731

Quinquennial averaj!e-1921-26 63,110 71 112,546 247

Stat¥.tiies-(cont d,)

Area area Number ofwelb by- Masonry Non-masonry New masonry wells bUilt dunngthe Number Other year Included of sources Total Av,lliable AvaIlable m column 11 reservoirs

____8'-- _____9______1_0 ____1_1 ______1_2 ___~. _13'---_____1_4 ______15_

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 752 269,807 11,857 61,778 93 102 701 222,575 11,875 62,090 107 85 404 235,684 11,841 62,706 88· 95 999 191,805 10,499 61,772 112* 874 1,056 259,777 10,469 63,556. 62* 887 3,9tZ 1,179,648 56,541 311,902 512 2,043

'182 235,930 11,308 62,380 104 409

844 202,105 6,684 10,496 40,664 63,158 100 1,316 260,806 7,027 10,505 48,593 66,531 68 833 189,125 6,463 10,749 35,252 60,182 298 770 215,048 7,073 11,006 38,880 59,444 312 2 1,088 192,452 6,976 11,135 37,479 60,238 165 2

4,851 1,059,536 34,223 53,891 200,868 309,553 - 943 7

970 211,907 6,845 10,778 40,174 61,911 189

1,122 214,924 7,015 11,214 36,489 58,508 122 11 674 214,485 6,786 11,261 33,046 56,919 98 11 1,410 272,470 7,618 11,353 43,638 61,570 116 11 1,150 239,158 7,031 11,456 34,928 59,068 130 11 1,166 237,848 7,362 11,577 39,566 61,466 148 11

5,522 1,178,885 35,812 56,861 187,667 297,531 614 55

1,104 235,771 7,162 11,372 37,533 59,506 123 11

784 218,086 6,885 11,677 32,362 57,762 124 11 2,356 227,171 6,669 11,740 30,699 55,627 101 11 1,180 191,881 6,582 11,811 28,138 54,770 91 11 851 202,240 6,554 11,887 25,473 51,562 99 11 962 209,746 7,421 11,964 31,161 53,761 108 11

6,133 1,049,124 34,111 59,079 147,833 273,482 523 55

1,227 209,825 6,822 11,816 29,567 54,696 105 11

603 173,201 6,699 12,022 26,397 51,824 98 11 623 183,280 6,839 12,066 27,792 49,894 86 4 508 176,851 7,262 12,175 27,052 44,924 304 4

563 152,124 6,390 12,110 23,165 43,059 101 4 822 196,301 7,122 12,171 27,084 45,059 85 5

3,119 881,757 34,312 60,544 131,490 234,760 674 28

624 176,351 6,862 12,109 26,298 46,952 135 6

*The figure 'I included lil column 10 mstead of column 11. 248 Agricultural




Wells Government PrIvate Year canals canals Re,el VOll$ Tube Other Total

2 4 5 6 7

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1926-27 79,890 109 116,535 1927-28 84,965 2 125,065 1928-29 95,677 3 151,227 I 929-3G 111,612 128,508 1930-31 119,701 36 108,007 Total for 1926-31 .. 491,845 150 629,342 Quinquennial averaiC-I926-31 98,369 30 125,869

1931-32 100,288 127 92,344 1932-33 97,550 41 105.290

1933-34 103,2~4 41 97,699 1934-35 99,683 213 96,610 1935-36 .• 102,655 51 98,148 Total for 1931-36 503,400 473 490,091

Quinquemlial average-1931-36 10~,680 9S 98,018

1936-37 111,396 9 96.326 1937-38 149,471 118,292 1938-39 138,643 64 1l3.731 1939-40 131,206 27 2 126,789 126,791 1940-41 136,382 166 1 123,488 123,490 Total for 1936--41 667,098 267 578,630 Quinqllonni41 averajle-1936-41 133,420 53 115,726

1941-42 150,577 123,011 123,011 1942-43 139,697 76 97.262 97,263

1943·44 126,739 34 93,604 93,604 1944-45 128,334 17 99,227 99,227 1945-46 138,677 43 102,169 102,169 Total for 1941-46 684,024 170 1 515,273 515,274 QuinquenDlaJ averajlo-1941-46 136,805 34 103,055 103,055

1946·47 135,689 94,743 94,743

1947-4~ 118,279 75,525 75,535

1948-49 139,301. 83,529 83,529 1949-50 133,882 91,213 91,213 95,746 1950-51 144,709 94,746 439,756 Total for 1946-51 ., 671,861 439,756 87,951 Quinquennial average-1946-51 134,372 87,951

.. ~.~--- 249



Number of wells

Masonry Non-masonry

New masonry wells built during the Number Other Actually Actually year included of sources Total used Available used Available in column 11 reservoirs

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Acres Acres 743 197,277 7,027 12,214 27,287 44,607 106 6 593 210,625 7,281 12,159 27,988 45,022 131 981 247,888 7,700 12,228 33,671 47,624 171 938 241,058 7,526 12,253 32,046 49,124 94 766 228,510 6,771 12,386 27,099 48,281 137 4

4,021 1,125,358 36,305 61,240 148,091 234,658 639 It

804 225,072 7,261 12,248 29,618 46,932 128 Z

540 193,299 6,436 12,492 23,556 47,342 128 6 532 203,413 6,558 12,561 26,453 48,212 118 6 914 201,878 6,333 12,578 24,797 47,235 66 6 642 197,148 6,531 12,635 24,968 47,621 118 6 899 201,753 6,560 12,696 25,082 46,368 114 7

3,527 997,491 32,418 62,962 124,866 236,778 S44 31

70S 199,498 6,484 12,592 24,973 47,356 109 6

1,004 208,735 6,542 12,767 23,672 45,433 137 7

1,025 268,789 7,175 12,821 28,293 46,767 137 7 693 253,131 6,961 12,932 27,974 46,591 166 7 1,007 259,031 7,469 13,103 30,339 47,244 269 7 849 260,887 7,094 13,220 29,240 47,349 181 7

4,578 1,250,573 35,241 64,843 139,518 233,384 890 35 916 250,115 7,048 12,969 27,904 46,677 178 7

650 274,238 7,171 13,452 31,750 48,652 279 796 237,832 6,851 13,522 25,422 46,003 100

892 221,269 6,527 13,592 24,371 44,660 138 666 228,244 6,572 13,625 24,812 44,515 101 1,593 242,482 6,832 13,694 24,303 43,767 137 4,597 1,204,065 33,953 67,885 130,658 227,597 7S5 4

919 240,813 6,791 13,577 26,132 45,519 151

1,948 232,381 6,958 13,817 23,722 43,345 191 4,763 198,567 6,557 13,944 21,339 42,437 193 6,257 229,088 6,257 14,054 19,932 40,517 191

4,876 229,971 6,943 14,226 19,294 37,970 288 2,899 242,354 7,666 14.665 20.0lO 37,297 51

20,743 1,132,361 34,381 70,706 104,297 201,566 914 2

4.149 126,472 6,876 14,141 20,859 40,313 183 250 Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-51

Number enumerated in

1951 1944 1935 1930 1925 lno

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total ------1-- 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

I-CATTLE Total 260,225 250,860 9,365 238,534 230,163 8,371 284,405 254,921 308,419 244,138 Males 156,736 153,122 3,614 150,764 148,136 2,628 160,787 Females 103,489 97,738 5,751 87,770 82,027 5,743 123,618 (A) Males (over 3 years) .. 121,885 119,625 2,260 119,159 117,644 1,515 118,815 118,082 131,102 111,956 U) Breeding bulls, i.e., 157 128 29 113 104 9 317 entire males over 3 years kept or used for breeding purposes only. (ii) Working bullocks, 120,458 118,390 2,068 116,678 116,206 472 116,159 i.e., bullocks and uncas- trated males over 3 years kept for work only. (iii) Bulls and bullocks 1,270 1,107 163 2,368 1,334 1,034 2,139 - over 3 years not in use for breeding or work (other bulls). (B) Females (over 3 years) ., 70,625 66,578 .f.,On 57,828 54,042 3,786 74,976 71,453 81,295 66,131 (i) Breeding cows .. i.e., 70,299 66,308 3,991 57,641 53,863 3.778 71,515 _ cows over 3 years kept for breeding or milk produc- tion. (a) In milk 34,366 31,944 2,422 33,659 30,369 3,290 (b) Dry 29,771 28,358 1,413 18,861 18,435 426 (c) Not calved 6,162 6,006 156 5,121 5,059 62 (iI) Cows over 3 years 37 5 32 18 18 used for work only. -(iii) Other cows over 3 2119 265 24 169 161 8 1,431 years not in use for work or breeding purposes. (C) Young stock (3 years and under)-

Total 67,715 M,657 3,058 61,547 58,1.77 1,070 90,611 65,186 90,022 65,851 Males 1/.,851 33,497 1,354 11,605 30,492 1,113 11,972 Females 12,864 31,160 1,704 29,942 27,985 1,957 48,612

(i) Under 1 year Total 35,864 33,581 2,283 35,257 33,038 2,219 35,231 Males 19,041 18,012 1,029 111,125 17,260 865 17,352 Females 16,823 15,569 1,254 17,112 15,778 1,354 17,879

(ii) 1 to 3 years Total 31,851 31,076 775 26,290 25,439 851 55,181 Males 15,810 15,485 325 13,411fY 13,232 248 21,620

Females 16,041 _ 15,591 ~50 12,810 12,207 603 30,763 II..... BUFFALOES Total 266,802 %59,917 6,885 239,964 234,118 5,846 324,680 203,047 237,760 157,345 Males' 56,653 55,376 1,277 51,157 50,274 883 69,511 Females 210,149 204,541 5,608 188,807 183,844 4,963 255,169 251 Live·Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-51-(contd.)

Number enumerated in

1951 1944 1935 1930 1925 1920

Part iculars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(A) Males (over 3 years) 28,373 27,810 563 23,552 23,334 218 27,708 19,283 26,944 23,181 (i) Breeding bulls, i.e., 230 206 24 112 97 15 1,353 entire males over 3 years kept or used for breeding purposes only. (II) Working bullocks, 27,732 27,275 457 12,947 22,896 51 25,388 i.e., bullocks and uncastra- ted males over 3 years kept for work only. (iii) Bulls and bullocks 411 329 82 493 341 152 967 over 3 years not in use for breeding or work (other bulls). (B) Females (over 3 years) 143,164 138,837 4,327 126,351 122,581 3,770 123,644 97,291 100,557 73,218 (i) Breeding cows, i.,e" 136,606 132,442 4,164 122,276 118,511 3,765 116,791 cows over 3 years kep t for breeding or milk pro- duction. (a) In milk .• 59,714 57,365 2,349 70,107 66,843 3,264 (b) Dry 65,639 63,956 1,683 39,315 38,843 472 (c) Not calved 11,253 11,121 132 12,854 12,825 29 (ii) Cows over 3 years 6,134 5,975 159 3,527 3,526 used for work only. (iii) Other cows over 3 421 420 4 548 544 4 6,853 years not in use for work or breeding purposes. (C) Young stock (3 years and under)- Total 95,265 93,270 1,995 90,061 88,203 1,858 173,328 86,473 110,259 60,946 Males 28,280 27,566 714 27,605 26,940 665 41,803 Females 66,985 65,704 1,281 62,456 61,263 1,193 131,525 (0 Under 1 year Total 47,568 46,166 1,402 50,971 49,530 1,444 109,213 Males 17,915 17,337 578 20,447 19,910 537 27,750 Females 29,653 28,829 824 30,527 29,620 907 81,463 (ii) 1 to 3 years

Total 47,697 47,104 593 39,087 38,673 414 64,115 Males 10,365 10,229 136 7,158 7,030 128 14,053 Females 37,332 36,875 457 31,929 31,643 286 50,062 II-SHEEP 26,831 26,281 550 59,595 59,150 445 63,776 54,731 48,363 53,452 (i) Up to 1 year 3,806 3,757 49 11,609 lI,567 42 (ii) 1 to 3 years

Total 6,852 6,661 191 47,583 403 Males 1,231 1,183 48 2,867 2,763 104 5,621 5,478 143 f"'~45,119 Females 44,820 299 (iii) Over 3 years

Total 16,173 15,863 310 Males 1,464 1,420 44 Females 14,709 14,443 266 1 252 Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and ImpleJDents, 1920-51--'-(contd.)

Number enumerated in

1951 1944 1935 1~30 1925 1920

Part kula!"s Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total

______~2~ __~3~ ____ ~4_____ 5 6 ____..:_7 _____:8"-- ___..o9 ___ --=1.::.0 ____~11;.....

IV-GOATS 70,577 65,389 5,188 160,792 155,863 4,929 193,220 135,217 165,128 89,731

(i) Up to 1 year 11,791 10,869 922 46,490 45,015 1,475 (ii) 1 to 3 years

Total 18,719 17,051 1,668 114,302 110.848 3,454 Males 3,149 2,817 432 6,578 5,975 603 Females 15,470 14,234 1,236 107,724 104,873 2,851 (iii) Over 3 years

Total 40,067 37,469 2,598

Males 3,3n 3,095 247 Females 36,725 34,374 2,351 l

V~HORSES AND PONIES 14,814 13,966 848 13,124 11,960 1,164 18,202 16,614 18,970 14,858 (i) Up to 1 year 1,140 1,201 39 1,304 1,29.'1 11 (ii) 1 to 3 years

Total 2,632 2,510 122 1,062 1,051 11 Males 1,055 967 88 <148 440 8

Females 1,577 1,543 34 614 61l 3 (iii) Over 3 years

Total 10,942 10,255 687 10,758 9,616 1,1<12

Males 3,794 3,271 523 4,<104 .'1,561 843 Females 7,148 6,984 164 6,354 6,055 299 VI-DONKEYS 12,319 10,897 1,422 12,234 11,123 1,111 15,315 13,815 17,821 15,545 (i) Up to 1 year 1,185 1,142 43 (ii) 1 to 3 years Total 2,287 1,917 370 Males 1,117 871 246 Females 1,170 1,046 124 (iii) Over 3 years

Total 8,847 7,838 1,009

Ma,es 3,638 3,050 588 Females 5,209 4,788 421 VII- ()'I1HER ANIMALS 17,939 15,157 2,782 17,823 15,840 1,983 5,373 3,681 3,659 2,184 (i) Mules .. 2,781 2,580 201 2,016 1,748 268 1,627 996 718 404

(ii) Camels 3,281 3,194 87 3,931 3,928 3 3,746 1,685 2,941 1,780 (iii) Pigs .. 11,877 9,383 2,494 11,876 W,164 1,712

VIII-POULTRY 19,401 13,706 5,695 22,763 16,171 6,592

(i) Fowls .• 18,908- 13,479 5,429 21,963 15,923 6,040 (a) Hens 7,982 5,603 2,379 8,860 6,041 2,819

(b) co*cks 3,342 2,569 773 4,033 2,993 1,040

(c) Chickens 7,584 5,307 2,277 9,070 6,889 2,181 253 Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920--51--(concld.)

Number enumerated in

1951 1944 1935 1930 1925 1920 ---.---

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

(Ii) Ducks 493 227 266 800 248 552 (0) Ducks .. 201 114 87 404 98 306

(b) Drakes .. 120 67 53 211 58 153

(c) Ducklings 172 46 126 185 92 93

IX-·PLOUGHS 97,196 96,001 1,195 78,300 78,214 76 74,153 71,006 73,795 66,493 (i) Dasi (Wooden) 96,117 94,938 1,179 77,619 77,555 64 73,537 . (ii) [mprQved (Iron) .. 1,079 1,063 16 681 669 12 616

X-CARTS .. 10,635 10,355 280 9,988 9,719 269 8,432 9,032 8,845 6,188 XI-.SUGARCANE 1,201 1,134 67 619 619 938 CRUSHERS (i) Worked by power 82 79 3 3 3 4 (ii) Worked by bullocks 1,119 1,055 64 6/6 616 934 XII -OIL ENGINES 14 19 5 6 6 10 Xill-ELECTRlC PUMPS 10 10 6 XIV-TRACTORS 36 26 10 32 XV.... GHANIS 1,510 1,453 57 1,708 1,646 62 1,751

(;) More than 5 seers 747 702 45

(II) Less than 5 seers 763 751 12 ~54 List of Primary Schools

Number of Number of pupils on pupils on Serial January 1, Serial January I, no. Name ofthe School 1951 no. Name of the School 1951

2 3 2 3

TEHSIL AGRA 42 Muhamadpur 79 District BoMd Schools 43 Khera Bhagor 77 Bamroli Katara 160 44 Balhera 92 2 Bichpuri 127 45 Gailana 29 3 Aguthi 55 46 Jaganpur 85 4 Sikandara .. 160 47 Mahua Khera' 48 5 Bmoli Ahir t03 48 Kakrari 70 6 Nainana Jat 108 49 Bhandai 75 7 Dehtora 74 50 Mau 60 8 Lakawali 54 51 Salemabad 57 9 Bamroli Ahir 81 52 Naripura 38 10 Shyamo 109 53 Tanora 52 11 SohaIla 71 54 Midhakur 271 12 Kakuba 77 55 Kahrai 61 13 Bad 109 56 Gummat 46 14 Dahnoli 106 57 Midhakur 37 15 Jarua Kalara 15! 58 Nagla Mewati 28

16 Malpura 184 59 Lalau 75 17 Rohla 139 Municipal Board SchoOls 18 Sahara 81 60 Gokulpura ' , 262

19 Arloni 70 61 Kansgate 151 20 Garhoani 70 62 Pul Chhinga Modi 175 21 Diwari 74 63 Loha Mandi 158 22 Degner 86 64 Nau Basta 185 23 Gutila 69 65 Nagla Ajita 140 24 Kundol 86 66 !agdishpura 194 25 NagJa Shawala 71 67 Balka Basti 163 26 Kabulpur 68 68 Alam Ganj 181 27 lhandhopura 741 69 Billochpura 122 28 Akota 154 70 Shahganj No.2 116 29 Man Kenda 101 71 Nagta Chhaua 155 30 Patholi 135 72 Rukrnini Sindhi School 162 31 Barara 154 73 Nagla Faqir Chand 211 32 Itora 67 74 Bhogipura " 304 33 Bhorka Bag 66 75 Shahganj No.1 133 34 Ganraua 80 76 Rui ki Mandi 215 35 Pachgai Khera 72 77 Puniya Pada 141 36 SiroH 70 78 Deputy Gaya Prasad 140 37 Ram Nagar .. 85 79 Baldevganj 115 38 KhaIlua 70 80 Shyam Mandir 86 39 Sadar Ban 56 81 Bodla 139 40 Bahenta 81 82 Chawli 76

41 Sunari 96 83 Beharipura ~3 255 List of Primary Schools-(contd.)

Number of Number of pupils on pupils on Serial January I, Serial January I, no. Name of the School 19.51 no. Name of the School 1951

3 2 3 TEIISIL AGRA-(cQntd.) 125 Taj Ganj Prachin 334 Agra Municipal Board Schools- (contd,) 126 Rasai Kalan 140 84 Sarai Khoja No.1 40 127 M. P. Pura 116 85 Sarai Khoja No.2 42 128 Ukharra 109 86 Kacheri Ghat 165 129 HariBhawan 96 87 Nagla Dhaoi 221 130 Navin Belanganj 201 88 &lan Ganj .. 214 131 Mandi Said Khan 220 89 Anathalaya .. 150 132 Bagh Muzaffar Khan 172 90 Gita Ismarak 154 133 Training Bazirpura 262

91 Johns Mill~ 90 134 Ratanpura ,. 124 92 Gali Hakiman 66 135 ChhiliInt 81 93 Jiwini Mandi 115 136 Nagla Padi 109 94 Subhash Park 208 137 Khatik Pada 109 95 Chhipi Tola 298 138 Nil Kanth 79 96 Dhakran 230 139 Nannoo Mal Digambar Jain (Aided) 137 97 NaikiMandi 152 140 Ratan Muni Jain (Aided) 160 98 Rawli 124 141 Muslim Loha Mandi (Aided) 78 99 Katra Gadtiyan 120 142 Jatab Vir Jagdishpura (Ai

111 Maithan 344 154 D. Jain Nai ki Mandi (Aided) 90 112 Moti Katra 322 155 G. D. Jain (Aided) 47 113 Seth Gali 110 156 Ahamdiya Hanfiya (Aided) 198 114 Lohar Gall 106 157' Maktab Mohammadiya (Aided) 298 115 Nai Basti 141 158 Maktab Munal Islam (Aided) 99 116 Tila MunnaIal 119 159 Maktab Katra Neel (Aided) 68 117 Pai Chowki 125 160 H. S. Sir Agha Khan (Aided) 39 US S. N. Sapar 124 161. Gooia (Ai

119 Fatak Moti Katra 64 162 Kadariya Muhammadi (Aided) 66 120 Hira La! Gandhi 121 163 Jain Vidyalaya IlhuJiya Gaqj (Aided) 105 121 Singho Ka Nagla 164 164 B. V. Jain Shwetambar (Aided) 228 122 Taj Basai 77 165 Goli Deyi (Aided) 115 123 Navin Taj Ganj 224 166 Maheshwari (Aided) 121 124 Bah IWpur 124 167 National Model (Aided) 193 256 List of Primary Schools-(contd. )

Number of Number of pupils on pupils on Serial January 1, Serial January I, no. Name of the School 1951 no. Name of the School 1951

2 3 2 3

TEHSIL AGRA--(concld.) 23 Pora Jhurrian 43 Municipal Board School_(concld.) 24 Pura Mansukh 47

16'8 Sindhi School Panni Gali (Aided) 268 25 Karkoli 62 169 M. D. Jain Moti Katra (Aided) .. 194 26 Manikpura .. 99 170 Sanatan Jain (Aided) .. 81 27 Arnota 120 171 Kapoor (Aided) 81 28 Chandarpura 97 172 Vidya Dharam Vardhni (Aided) .. 223 29 Bah 270 173 Shanti Bhawani Laxmi Jain (Aided) 145 30 Jarar 162 174 Public Basic (Aided) .. 110 31 Jatipur Kalan 127 175 Gwara Vaish (Aided) •. 103 32 Shahpur 128 176 Tikam. Chand Chheda Lal (Aided) 116 33 Naugawan 81 ,.177 Talimul Quran (Aided) 129 34 Soorjan Nagar 147 178 Ahchut Mandi Said Khan (Aided) 35 35 Garhwar 71 179 G. M. S. Kandhari (Aided) 107 36 Garhi Partappura 127 180 Azad Maktab (Aided) 125 37 Kachora Ghat 81 181 P3.l\ia Shahi (Aided) .. 107 38 Kamtari 73 182 Sindhi School (Aided) 184 39 Korath 70 183 Dera Siras (Recognized) 102 40 Karanpura 60 184 Rasoolpura (Recognized) 82 41 Nandgawan .• 126 TEHSIL BAH 42 Parna 153 District Board Schools 43 Kukapur 62 Bateshwar 120 44 Richapura 77 2 Holipura 93 4S Chauranga Har 66 3 Mai 47 46 Nonera 72 4 Balai 74 47 Fatehpura 66 5 Gopalpura 86 48 Mau 77 6 Pura Baghraj 97 49 Rudamuli .. 107 7 Rampur Chandseni 112 50 Madhopura .. 70 8 Kwari 41 51 Khera Rathor 61 9 Tora 68 52 Sajenti 82 (0 Pura Haral .. 42 53 RaiPWa Dexit 107 11 Bichkoli 43 54 Basnoi 45 12 Puraguman .• 72 55 Rajpura 67 13 Ferara 54 56 Dhaipura 57 14 Mahua 60 57 Sidhawali .. 72 IS Pura Kanhera 47 58 ChangOli SS 16 Bhadroli 52 59 Pura Narholi 74 17 Kukthari 41 60 Chausingi .. 84 18 !JaKnanpura 65 61 Abhaipura 97

19 Palokhera 107 62 Bhasai Bhadoria 84

20 Pinahat 120 63 Khelawali .. 73 21 Umretha 93 64 Udaipur Kalan 60 12 Kionri 38 65 Bara Gaon .. 46 257 List of Primary Schools-(contd.)

Number of Number of Pupils on pupils on Serial January 1, Serial January 1, no. Name of the School 1951 no. Name or the School 1951 2---- 2 ----3- 3 TEHSIL BAH-(concld.) 31 NaglaBari .. 126 District board SchOOJs.-(COlllcld.) 32 Naglalmli .. 122 66 Bikrampur 75 33 Nagla Singi lOt 67 Nonera 47 34 Nanhai 114 68 Baprawali 55 35 Panwari 115 69 Sabora 46 36 Sanwai 135 10 NaglaBhari 34 37 Murthar 107

11 Hus~aintlura 40 38 Tehu 228 72 Silpoli 40 39 Tundla 156 73 Bijoli - 50 40 Chirholi 112 74 Pirohara 68 41 Barhan 264 TEHSIL ETMADPUR 42 Nandlalpur " 88 District Board Schools 43 Tikri 141 Anwal Khera. 163 44 Madali 138 2 Bahrampur 56 45 Jarkhi 142 3 Hasanpur 92 46 NoorMahal 75 4 Khandoli 193 47 Himmatpur tiS Paint Khera 90 48 Muhmodi 88 6 Rupdhaqu .. 102 49 Marsena 102 7 Sohrai 8t 50 Sujanpuf 77 8 Ujrai 137 51 Niyamatpur 45 9 Basona 65 52 Anwara 37 10 Basimohansai 69 53 Bhagupur 85 11 Gijoli 32 54 Shadara 100 12 Chaukra 71 55 Khera Hajipur 66 B Dhorau 46 56 Kheri 103 14 Agwar 190 57 Benai 121 15 Aharan 152 58 PachoKhera 112 16 Burj Atiwal 99 59 NaglaDal ., 91 17 Chawli 135 60 Salempur 121 18 Chulahwali .• 174 61 Usmanpur 101 19 Dea KhC!a 80 62 Barnan 64 20 Dhirpura 92 63 Maloopur 94 21 Garhi BhllogWant 96 64 Nagla Swat'OOp 77 22 Etrnadl'ut' .. 258 65 Mud Jahangirpur 61 23 Garhi Jagannath 75 66 Kanrau 7S 24 GarhiRami 109 67 Nagla-Darwesh 90 25 Kotki 104 68 AHai 59

26 Jamal Na~ar Bhens 124 69 Siktara 62 27 Mn4arnEllJabad 78 70 TeriBEIgia 65 28 Khanda 228 71 Mosnabad ItO 29 Mukhwar 134 72 Pura Gobardhan 43 " SO MitawalJ 135 13 AbJdgarh 79 258 List of Primary Schools-(contd.)

Number of Number of pupils on pupils on Serial January 1. Serial January 1. no. Name of the School 1951 no. Name of the School 1951

2 3 2 3

TEHSIL ETMADPUR-.(conC/d) 17 Pokharia 37 District Board Schools--«concld.) 18 Nayabans 63 74 Nagla Bel .. 100 19 Salempur Muria 42 75 Lakhna Mai 68 20 Tula Shampur 65 76 Chitrai 62 21 Barohara Kala lOS 77 Basai 73 22 Bhalo Khera 84 78 Bankata 65 23 Gubroth 143 79 Beloth 52 24 Ruppur Rajpur 60 sa Pesai 48 2S Taroli 83 81 Sher Khan ., 24 26 Palia 122 82 Naya Bans .. 67 27 Kllandar Tikatpura 46 83 Kheriya 50 28 Majllara 75 84 Kheriya 55 29 Garhi Khanderao 131 8-5 Nagla Devi Ram 43 30 Sankuri Khurd 84 86 Surhcra 57 31 Mahra Chowdhari 83 87 Garhi Suhjan 74 32 Rehawali 52 88 Semra 224 33 Jaroli 64

89 Bas Risa! 130 34 Donki 143 90 Bamani 56 3S Banguri 60 91 Etmadpur 82 36 Jagrajpur 83 92 Phorra 84 37 Siktara 83 93 Nagla Ratia 91 38 Vazidpur 62 94 Etmadpur 37 39 Chrtora 80 95 Khandoli .. 31 40 Hirner 22 96 Tundla 40 41 Phoolpur 38 TEHSIL FATEHABAD 42 Kurra Chitarpur 152 District Board Schools 43 Sltamshahad 33 Bhikanpur .. 66 TEHSIL FIROZABAD 2 Phamena 73 District Board Schools 3 Garhi Jahan Singh 69 Nagla Sikandar 107 4 Jainagar 14! 2 Alinagar 139 5 Dehmseiri _172 3 Asan 72 6 Fatehabad .. 319 4 Bachgaon 1SS 7 Kolara 104 5 Bmara 116

8 PatniKcra IO~ 6 Basal Multama

11 Therai 62 9 Deokeli 139 12 Lema 59 10 Gogoi 79 13 Niboraha 61 11 Gonch 91 J4 ChamroIi 35 12 Hirango 107 IS Uncha 68 13 HlI8alnpur 6Z 16 NaaIa Patam 126 14 Jataa 64 259 List of Primary SchooIs--(contd. )

Number of Number of puplis on pupils on .3 "rial January I, Serial N~me of the School January 1. no. Nam~ of the School 1951 no. 1951

2 3 2 3

TEHSIL FIROZABAD-.(concld.) 56 Dholpura 62

District Board Scbools-(colIC[d.) 57 Sarganwa 64 15 Jaroli Kalan 68 58 Chakkarpur 45 16 Jalalpur 102 59 Akilabad 76 17 Jondhari 111 60 Fatehpura 53 18 Kaulam'li 129 61 Tapa 7Z 19 Kaitha 71 62 Itora 7)

ZO Okhra 22 63 Kotia 260 :U Narkhi 110 64 Nolgla Mirza 54 22 Raipura 71 65 M!tamai 56 23 Rupaspur .. 174 66 Nolgla Mulla 42 24 Sangar 117 67 Choban 286 25 Salempur 75 68 Su

33 Dorsa 150 76 Hundawala .. 193 34 Nagla Chura 75 77 Harijan 42 35 Gudanu 96 78 Ragia 202 36 Kurri Kupa 106 79 Shishgaran .• 186 37 Gajipur 81 80 Teela 82 38 Alahadadpur 92 81 KOlla 197 39 Gondai 100 82 Pannalal Digambar 129

40 Garhi Hansram 65 83 Tilak 8:1 41 Karkoli 60 84 Vedic 112 42 Alampur 76 85 Dayanand 96 43 Khoralanagar 63 86 Jain 30 44 Sakhavatpur 60 87 Islamia 194 45 Rudhau 7S 88 Kureshian (Maktab) 44 46 Jakhai 7S 89 Dinyat(Maktab) 78 47 Sewala Rampur 85 90 Mewafaroshian (Maktr.b) 101 48 Nep'li 97 91 Memaran {Maktab) 64 49 Bhondela 6S 92 Ha,iipura (Maktab) 15 $0 Denholi 70 TEHSIL KHERAGARH 51 Katki 7S District Board Schools 52 JaIopura 37 Irdatnagar 145 53 Nizamabad •• 58 2 Birthala 77 54 Nagau 70 3 Mab&o 12S S5 Shankarpur 28 4 Pusenla 102 ~------~------260 List of Primary Schools--( contd.)

Number of Number of pupils or pupils on Serial January I, Serial January I, no. Name of the School 1951 no. Na.me of the School 1951

2 3 2 -~-~------TEHSIL KHERAGARH-.(concld.} 46 Kheriya 60 District Bo!trd ScbOOIs-(concld.} 47 Bamnai Kalan 63 5 Garhsan 62 48 Sikandarpur' 74 6 Mabdewa 71 49 Richoha 48 7 Telya 106 50 Pati 68 8 Rablai 98 51 Mewali 99 9 Nadim 75 52 Bhilawali 78 10 Mihawa 85 53 Untigir 57 n Aila 122 54 Lakhanpura 58 12 Basai Jagncr 54 55 Bisalpur 73

13 Beri Chabar t 74 56 Ghusiana 66 14 Birham 100 57 Danda 46 15 Biscra Kalan 50 58 SingrawaIi .. 66 16 Chit 100 59 Dhanina 57 17 Digrota 139 60 Nagla Bir Bhan 76 18 Faziatpura 48 61 Hironda 63 19 Jagncr 226 62 Sonra 61 20 Noni 79 63 Swara 52

21 Khcragarh " 171 64 Kagarol 230 22 Ladu Khera 181 65 Garhmukha 57 23 Murkia 80 TE;HSIL KIRAOLI 24 Rithori 111 District Board Schools 2S Saniya 143 Gahrra Kalan 83 26 Salahnagar 113 2 Olenda 45 "7 Kurri Jodhpura 61 3 Baha 145 28 Sarcnda lOS 4 Dabar 92 29 Sarhcndi 99 5 Sanwara 51 30 Rasoolpur 44 6 Sikroda 108 31 Tantpur 45 7 Beman 58 32 Basai Kheragar~ 75 8 Dulahara 57 33 Sone 59 9 Sunothi 60 34 Bidholi 55 10 Achnera 304 3S Singaich 95 11 Arrua Khas 70 36 Bhara 41 12 Biyara 91 37 1laJupura 97 13 Churiyari 67 38 Barpova Buzurg lOS 14 Fatehpur Sikri lS9 39 lonai S5 15 Dawali 73 40 Murkiya 95 16 Hansela 51 41 Garhmukkba 90 17 Jenpra 99 42 Mahuakhcra 46 18 Jajau 80 43 Bakkaipur 73 19 Kukthara 63 44 Lalpur 53 20 Jotana 106 4' Birat 103 21 Kiraoli 214 261 List of Primary Schools-(concld.)

Number of Number of pupils on pupils on Serial January 1, Serial January I, no. Name orthe School 1951 no. Name of the School 1951

2 3 2 3

TEHSIL KIRAOLI-(concld.) 52 Jitora 101 District Board Schools-(concld.) 53 Bharkol 54

22 Karahara ",l ~4 Dithwar 4'

23 Pachora 73 ~5 Baranwara 54 24 Mangora 69 56 Babrod 72

25 Nagar 81 57 Chehpoker 92 26 Raibha 163 58 Arhera 7.'J 27 Runkuta 94 59 Gobra 61 28 Sandhan 101 60 Akbara 61 29 Santha 58 61 Panwari 92

30 Sital Khurd 138 62 Mandi GUT 90 31 Ujrai 80 63 Imlawada 84 32 Undera 75 64 Ninwaha 52 33 Nayabans 65 65 Chomah Shahpur 75 34 Kathwari 71 66 Chenkora 90 35 Garhi Sindhpura 69- 67 Mandi Mirza S4

36 Kithan 67 68 Ardaya 53 37 Mahura 67 69 Pura Mana 62 38 Konrai 57 70 Gaharra Khurd 62 39 Maggral 56 71 Sarsa 38 40 Atoos 88 72 Nagla Baharwali 54 41 Khandwai 50 73 Garhim'l 62 42 Bhilawat 52 74 Lokher ara 75 43 Turkiya 90 7S Nagar 69 44 RajhoJi .. 97 76 Gopau 45 45 Mangrol Gujar 85 77 Arsena 69 46 Akhwai 93 78 Doora 170 47 Deoretha 108 79 Achnera (Depressed) 80 48 Mahdau 49 80 Jaupura 21 49 Deonari 53 81 Achnera (lslamia) 45 50 Sakatpur 56 82 Kiraoli (Islamial 28 51 Tikri 79 83 Mubarikpur 90

PSUP-AP 2 Census-1955-200.

District Census Handbook, 8-Agra, Uttar Pradesh (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Views: 6603

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Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.